For the old skool imsoccers... 
01:06pm 14/08/2004
music: Pixies - Is She Weird (honestly!)
I bumped into Reb at Truck. She emailed me the other day, I said I'd pass it on...

>...While I'm here, I owe everyone who was in imsoc at the same time as me an apology for being crap and disappearing. Sorry, I realise now that
it was really rude, but it was a weird time for me and I wasn't managing to think sensibly about anything. I realise that's no excuse
for being so flakey and generally rubbish but it's the closest I've got. Sorry about that.

Anyway, cheers, take care,

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09:24pm 04/08/2004
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12:02pm 10/10/2003
music: Wildhearts - Caffeine Bomb
Did we get lots of Freshers then?

Mmmm, freshers. The fresher the better.
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Must do better 
02:54pm 18/08/2003
  Only 50% of us at Stay Beautiful, despite the mammoth turnout. Sort it out!  
07:34pm 07/07/2003
music: Bart Davenport - Beg Steal Borrow
So, we have some interests on the info page. Am I missing anything major? (apart from 'glitter')
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Hi Seb 
01:58pm 07/07/2003