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Sunday, June 23rd, 2002 | 12:18 pm |
so... first week of summer has been spent well...i started my job as a camp counselor for the all sports camp at uci...and it was fun spending the days with kids half my age... sometimes, it just gets boring hanging out with people my age, no offense, but the talks are all the same sometimes...but when i get a chance to spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with kids who are 6 or 13 years old, things get more interesting...you know that kids at that age are just honest...they tell you things you don't want to hear, and they ask you for advice because you are bigger and they think you have all the answers, and for the most part, most of them listen to what you have to say. so it's kind of nice to feel wanted sometimes...although i wish i had more time to sleep, because 5 hour sleep everyday is just not enough... so for the week of july 1-7 i won't have any work...this should be nice, i want to go somewhere and go do something....anyone want to come with me? but for now, i must start packing because 24 promenade will soon be 183 esplanade...BOO! i'm going to miss my apt... Current Mood: lazyCurrent Music: elliot smith | Thursday, May 30th, 2002 | 11:52 am |
WOWZERS...... WOW....WEENIE ROAST THIS YEAR IS GOING TO ROCK! HAVE YOU SEEN THE LINE UP? INCUBUS AND JACK JOHNSON AT THE SAME TIME... i'm having an orgasm... oh and yeah...dl eminem's SING FOR THE MOMENT...it's a great song...he sampled S. Tyler's song...GENIUS. Current Mood: giddyCurrent Music: eminem's sing for the moment.... | Tuesday, May 7th, 2002 | 11:11 pm |
ahh... there's just something about listening to dashboard that makes you want to sing along to every words. such a sweet sweet song. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Dashboard Confessional ~screaming infidelities~ | Monday, May 6th, 2002 | 4:51 pm |
i have 5 minutes.... to haul ass to the CORE meeting. i hate CORE meetings, it's pointless and dull. and the fact that it's all the way up in SSL... i mean the same 10 people show up every week, what's the point of having it in a bigger room? what have i gotten myself into? ....i have to study HARDCORE tonight.... j150 midterm on wednesday and i've only read 1/3 of the book. seems like i spend more and more time at commons now. ...you know what would be good right now? a bottle of jones soda. preferably the green aple kind. sweet yes? ...i think so too. Current Mood: restlessCurrent Music: @ commons (it's quiet here) | Wednesday, May 1st, 2002 | 10:43 pm |
i've been thinking, don't you wish that sometimes, you could have a do-over, i mean like actually go back in time and do things differently if you could... i'm the sort of person who doesn't have regrets because that's what i've been taught, to live my life the way i want it to be at the time and not look back, but sometimes, when i think about the things i've done, or the choices i've made, i really wish that i would've done it different... does that mean that i have regrets? because truthfully, even if i wish that i could go back and do it all over, i don't really think i'd be the same person that i am now. i don't really think that it would've made a difference. i guess i just like to think about what would've happened and not really experience it. have i confused you? Current Mood: nerdyCurrent Music: final fantasy soundtrack | Saturday, April 27th, 2002 | 11:26 pm |
poor taylor Well she just wonders around uneffected by the winter winds, yeah and she'll pretend that well she's somewhere else so far and clear about 10,000 miles from here. Current Mood: lonelyCurrent Music: jack johnson | Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002 | 1:55 am |
it's that time again... so i'm at commons right now....it's been almost 4 hours. i finished reading for bio and on to studying for se10...it's a little bit nerve wrecking to have 2 midterms tomorrow and feel this unready (is that a word?) yet i am here taking a 30 minute break, surfing the net and doing anything but reading. lately, rox and i are such commons whore. last week, we were here EVERY SINGLE DAY...honest to god, and now it's monday, and where am i? back at commons...damn, i spend more time here than i do at my own apt now. it's sad that it took me this long to realize how much studying i need to be doing in college. it's not just the measly 2-3 hours a day, but i'm supposed to be studying like 6 hours a day! (okay, okay, i'm a bit over exaggerating) but seriously, i dont' know how i got by before, not studying half as much as i am now... well...break's over for me...back to my cubicle...back to studying for a class i really really hate...it's one of those classes, that you just want to shoot your self every time you sit in lecture listening to the damn professor talking nonsense.... laaaates. Current Mood: awakeCurrent Music: music? have you forgotten where i'm at? | Friday, April 12th, 2002 | 4:17 pm |
so this morning i took diah to the airport and on the way back, i got lost... i tried to be slick and followed the sign for 73 North thinking that it'll take me back. What i should've done was to just take 405 South and get back faster, but i didn't. So while i was driving around, i actually ended up in newport. Crazy huh?..then me...being the fatass that i am, actually thought about skipping work and going to alejandro's to get the carne asada burrito...yes i know.... bean's in my room right now, and she's molesting my miffy and tigger....yes that would be THE CHRISTIAN HELEN...doing dirty dirty things to my dolls...my life is never going to be the same. oh and now she just showed me a stain that she left on my blanket...my down blanket too...damn her and her korean products... Current Mood: mischievousCurrent Music: bean's chatters | Thursday, April 11th, 2002 | 12:50 am |
sigh...double sigh... things are scary for me right now... i am crossing my fingers that tomorrow's meeting will go according to plan... if it doesn't, ...i just don't know what the future has in store for me. not having control of your own life scares me...it really does. Current Mood: worriedCurrent Music: saints and sailors....DC | Friday, March 15th, 2002 | 11:26 am |
OUT OF CONTROL is the best way to describe last night's screw finals up the ass fest...and now i gotta recover. | Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 | 3:59 pm |
THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD WEEK i swear...this is going to be a good week for me...no more stupid nonsense stuff...no more waiting for people to call me...no more broken plans...no more slacking off in homework...no more bitching and complaning about things that don't really matter...i'm just going to have to do things differently...i'm going to call people and ask them to hang out with me so that i'm not just sitting around by myself feeling sorry, i'm going to actually go running every morning before class, i'm going to do my readings everyday because finals are in two weeks, and i'm going to enjoy my single life. i realize that it's not so bad being single...i should really just enjoy the fact that i can go out and do things that i wouldnt' be able to do if i had a bf...i should just stop looking. so my weekend turned out okay...after talking to mike tonight, i felt better...i got to vent a little and whine a little...i think i just need that sometimes...in fact, if i could take up hockey, it'd be great...whenever i feel like crap, i could just take it out during hockey...checking people and beating the crap out of someone without getting a penalty might make me feel a little better...i'm such a violent person. so i've been having a lot of dreams lately...random dreams every night last week... most of them are too embarassing to share but last night i dreamt that i was living at the dorms again but this time, our dorm was this whore house and i was a whore... RA mike was our pimp and he got us all the customers...he was a nice pimp too...didn't take any of the money...the weird thing was that in my dream i was okay with being a whore and doing whore-like stuff for money...heck i was making a load...but eventually the school found out about ciudad..aka whore house and they moved us out and we all moved out and built another house...this time we didnt' have our own rooms anymore...we had to bunk because there wasn't enough space, well...i was waking up and i got up too fast and hit my head on the bunk on top of mine and then i woke up. so i guess i've had a lot on my mind lately, and i just want someone i can talk to about everything...and maybe that's why i wanted a bf lately...it's hard when ALL of your roomates have bf's and you dont...sometimes i guess i just get frustrated. but if nothing bothers me then i'd be stupid and lame... ...i need to work more this week...i owe andy boba and i still owe the other andy LAWRY'S...man....i'll show you LAWRY'S!!!... i shouldn't have made that bet with them! Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: diah's playing her dave matthew's playlist | Sunday, February 17th, 2002 | 2:15 am |
sigh... i just came back from watching a beautiful mind...sigh...such a good movie...everyone go watch it... ...so sad that all of jack's concerts are sold out...what's this world coming to... it used to be so easy...but then i think...if i have it easy all the time...do i truly enjoy the things i have now...do they mean the same...is it still precious...do i still love them...such agony. Current Mood: lazyCurrent Music: jack's rocky raccoon | Thursday, February 14th, 2002 | 1:27 am |
SO WHAT IF I'M A BIG PUSSY? so last night we all watched THE RING together as a group so that it wouldn't be so scary on everyone...but probably because i'm the biggest pussy in the world. Afterwards, people tried to think of ways to scare me and it sucked. people may not know it but i really get scared easily...almost too easy. my biggest fear is that i'm really afraid of the dark...even to this day, i still have to turn on all the lights when i go to another room, just to be able to make it there safely. i was scared today when i took a shower because all these images from the movie was just in my head all the time and i'd get paranoid, so i'm not watching scary movies anymore...can't do it...i'll loose my sanity...seriously. so the guy's basketball game was good today...THE FANCY PANSY team is what i'm gonna call them now...all of them, not just andy fang, are playing all fancy, doing fancy moves, and fancy shots, and fancy lay ups...(keith and his finger rolls) but it's always fun to go and watch them play. it's really sad that i only go to the arc to watch basketball games and not for exercising reasons...how lazy i've become now that i'm in college...i remember having 2 hour practices 6 days a week all throughout high school, and never being weight conscious at all, but now, it's like oh man....flabby here, flabby there, having to watch what i eat....just not fun anymore...i gotta get in the routine of exercising again...gotta get in shape. school is getting better now, maybe because i'm going to all my classes and doing the readings....i don't know how i got thru it last year...being at the dorms, never going to any of my classes...only studying when it's midterm week or finals week...man was i stupid... it was chinese new years yesterday...i completely forgot until it was like 11 at night...i didn't get to go home and see my parents, i haven't been able to go home lately...with calpirg and work my schedule is really hectic...i don't get to have naps anymore, or just lounge around and not do anything...but for the most part i like it...being busy and not having time to think about the things that used to bug me...the more i keep my self busy, the less i'll think about how i don't have a boyfriend, yes...i was bound to talk about it, because it's valentine's day, and i swear i think halmark made this holiday to make more cash, but it's okay...i've gotten thru it before, so it's not different this year...it's just that when you see all your roomates and their bf's...canoodleing and what not...it gets to you...it's depressing sometimes...makes me want to get a bf myself...even if it's not the right guy. ah well...that was too much complaining out of me...but hey, i'm allowed to do it once in a while....keeps me sane. Current Mood: enviousCurrent Music: jack's rodeo clown | Friday, February 8th, 2002 | 1:45 am |
I need you to hear I need you to see that I have had all I can take and exploding seems like a definite possibility to me. So pardon me while I burst into flames. I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games. So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame. Pardon me, I'll never be the same. Current Mood: crushedCurrent Music: pedro the lion | Sunday, January 27th, 2002 | 9:37 pm |
i feel stupid.... i just realized that i can actually keep my journal entries private...HAHAHAHHAHAA....oh my....it's all coming out now! Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: diah just asked me, "wanna take a shot with me di?" | Sunday, January 20th, 2002 | 2:03 am |
sigh... i really don't know what's wrong... lately, it seems like things aren't going that great for me. me and rox went to ucla today for a workshop seminar for calpirg and we had THE WORST day...not because of the workshop, but because in this world, there are people who are sooo inconsiderate it's kind of sad...so both of us were basically soo annoyed that we went home moody, soo moody that if some fucker tried to fuck with us...they'd be asking for some major ass kicking...we were ready to lay the smack down!!! then i had work at 9....i was scheduled from 9pm till 2am...excellent...all because our basketball team had a game (which they lost by one point to fucking csun) double boo...but at least i'm home now...it's really warm in our apt...warm like i have to take off my sweater warm...someone set the heater really high...and they didn't even put it on auto...they just left it on....damn smarties... sigh...i don't know what's wrong, but lately, _______ isn't talking to me...we usually talk all the time, but this past week has been really bad...it's like there's something wrong, like i've done something to make things weird...i just want everything to go back to the way they were... when my dad came to visit the other day, me and him were talking for a long time, i think it's the longest conversation i've ever had with him...and he was telling me that i should live my life with no regrets...and so that's what i'm doing...no regrets... i've finally come to appreciate what i have, instead of dwelling on the things that i don't have. at the moment, i like where my life is going...i'm liking the classes that i have for this quarter...and most of all, my relationship with my parents and my friends are getting better every day. The friends i have now are friends that i hope to keep for a long time because they're great to me...plus they make me laugh every day... and for that, i'm thankful. Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: elliot smith "angeles" | Sunday, January 13th, 2002 | 8:11 pm |
it's times like today that i wish i had a boyfriend to bring me food when i'm hungry and have nothing to eat, watch endless movies with me on the weekends, gently rub my back or stroke my hair so i can feel better, sit and talk with me for just a little bit, to have someone to sleep in with on the weekends, someone to miss me and call me just because. sigh... Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: linkin park is blairing from rox's room | Monday, January 7th, 2002 | 11:06 am |
it's 11am so i had a 9 o'clock lecture this morning with keith, in this extremely small lecture room for bio 36...drugs and the brain...great fun...at least the prof. isn't boring so it's a plus! but now i have this two hour break until my next class at 12:30...and what? another bio class? you must be pulling my prosthetic arm! no, it's true....looks like i'm taking two bio classes this quarter and it's not even my major....very excellent...i just went to zot n go a couple minutes ago and got some v8 juice...and i picked up the new school newspaper and it had that guy's picture...the one that raped this girl, yeah....very sad.....what kind of disturbing asian guy carves a swastika on a girl's face?....and he's in Beta Theta Pi fraternity...hahaha....so sad for that one....no more new pledges for them this quarter...oh and what the hell is oral copulation?...seriously...what the hell is happening to uci...a professor found dead on campus... but it feels good this quarter....i feel good in the mornings even though my day starts at 9 now...yes, my days feels brighter...as gay as that sounds... now if only they had a napping lounge on campus...that would be the shit...and i know everyone can agree with me on that...and if not...well then you can just sleep on the dirty floors of uci. Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: random chatterings in csl | Friday, January 4th, 2002 | 2:14 pm |
friday... i seriously just laid in my bed for 3 hours straight...hoping to fall asleep but no. there's this itch in my throat...and i feel the need to cough it out but just more flem... my mom got me sick...i can't believe this...the day i leave home i get sick...booo....double boo... though i am amazed that halls throat drops lasts an hour. i think i am in a rut. Current Mood: coldCurrent Music: al green |
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