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[28 Nov 2004|04:28pm]
Hey Senor Wunderbar,

Isn't *this* starring your boy from The Returner?
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pain pt2 [26 Nov 2004|04:24pm]
In response to the questions about what kind of pain I am experiencing, it's a blinding sharp pain right where my left leg meets my torso at the groin. And for the past couple of weeks it has also included my testicles (for you guys: the kind of pain you have when you get kicked really hard there). For the first couple of months it just made it hard to sleep and gave me a nice limp in addition to the pain, now I am getting huge attacks that double me over and set me fighting back tears.

Thankfully I have insurance but it's cheapo insurance and I have to wait a few more weeks before I can get the CT and ultrasound my Russian doctor wants me to get. They gave me a some Tylenol 3's which didn't do much of anything except make me sleepy. Since those didn't work I got a prescription for Vicodin. Considering I work with dangerous machinery (the caution label has a picture of a hand with the fingers flying off and blood squirting everywhere. it rocks) I don't think I can take this stuff at work and I was hoping to figure something out to manage the pain while working until the doctor figures out what is wrong with me.
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[26 Nov 2004|12:18pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

Do any of you, my friends, live with near constant chronic pain? If so, how do you manage? It's been three months for me and I am nearing insanity at my infirmity and sleep deprivation.

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I <3 Stranger [25 Nov 2004|01:32am]
Message # 421.Date: 05/28/94. Time: 13:32:39. Read 63 Times.
From : Stranger
To : all
Subj : On the subject of nothing
Some posts are too short. Some posts are too long. Some posts are tootrue. Some posts are too false. Some posts are too meaningless. Some postsare too blah. Some posts aren't blah enough. Some posts are not slackenough at all. On me, some posts leave a pall. Some posts have no rhythmmeter or rhyme, while others make repetitive use of these all the time. Infact, some posts make me sick with ingenuous use of many a trick; othersleave me baldly gnowing nothing else matters, while their brethren next subare nothing but patter. Some posts really really really misuse rhyme, not tomention being redundant. Some posts are redundant. I would love to see aday when all posts are free, free to roam the information superglubway. Butmaybe not, there could be postal rebellion, and a disgruntled post is nothing to laugh at, unless it's funny. Some posts are funny. Some posts are meantto be funny, but in actuality, aren't at all. Some posts have way too manycommas while others don't have quite enough. Some posts are unevenlymargined, and others are evenly so. Some posts are boring. Some posts boreyou even while you type them. Some posts threaten to kill your family andrape your dog. Some dogs threaten to kill your posts and rape your family.Some families post your dog and rape your threats. But that doesn't matter.Some posts seem to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on butthey eventually stop. And some posts seem to go on and on and on and on andon and on and on and on and don't stop, much like this one would if I couldremember how to go into Infinite Mode, or even if I wasnt too slack to lookit up in the drawer that's right next to me, or if say GOD were to suddenlygive it infinity but that's not going to happen so why blather about it?Some posts are actually just long irritating questions. Some posts are longirritating answers. Some posts are merely long and irritating. Some of thebest things in the world are long and irritating, like giant carrots coveredwith red fire ants. But most posts aren't like that. Some posts are toostrange. Some posts aren't strange enough. Some posts belong in the BOg,but not this one, because I'm going to permify it. Unless I am already tooslack to even do that. Uh oh, I'm not sure I can even stop posting this I'm outta control man ahh please hel


Comments : HUH?=1
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*found* [25 Nov 2004|01:31am]
Message # 404.Date: 04/24/94. Time: 06:10:51. Read 73 Times.
From : Stranger
To : Acdha Rmiss
Subj : Greetings


There is no Obfuscation anywhere. Obfuscation has been renamed "qquam'tempor" (Aldebaranese for "True Wisdom, disguised by a thin but sometimes sightly amusing stupidity.") (The dominant species of Aldebaran is well-gnown for its early espousal of the Dogma of Complex Meaning... The dominant species of Terra, of course is Insect, but they don't give a rat's ass about Complex Meaning, only Obvious Truth, so the Grand Master's Survey Team picked the early hominids to bump & coax into a simulation of intelligence. (The only qualifications were a tremendous need for representative foods from the four food groups and overbearing inane stubbornness. (The Survey Team gnew how hard it was to control those who don't care one way or another, and rightly chose us as the Species that cared about everything.)

(Unfortunately, they didn't realize until too late that primates will always destroy the things about which they care in a subconscious attempt to make sure that nothing will deprive the creature of the things about which he cares! Everyone makes mistakes; all end in fire. (Walk with Me?))

MOVED FROM "Ye Olde Obfuscatoreum" BY HACK MAN ON 04/29/94 AT 20:53:59
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music and stuff [17 Oct 2004|10:32pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Cibo Matto - King of Silence (Dan The Automator Remix) ]

Bought a small mp3 player at Fry's a few weeks ago to make work less tedious in the afternoon. It's only a 128mb model but it is Phillips so I feel comfortable quality-wise. Anyway, it turns out that 128mb doesn't hold as much music as I had thought it did and now I am forced to be very selective in my days musical choices. The slower tempo'd songs that made up about a third of the original mix had to be nixxed right away because they slowed my productivity and generally lowered my mood as well. A couple got to stay but only for the fact that I loved them so much that the spirit lift counteracted the slowing of my hands.

Here's the problem: I am running out of mp3's that I want to listen to while working (I package coffee for a company called Java City). Most of the CDs I want to rip are in storage in a far away land called Arcata and it takes far too long to find stuff either through kazaa or using bittorrent. I need help. It would be awesome of some of you could find it in your heart to look through your mp3s and send me a few of them you think might help me get through the long slow afternoons packaging many many hundreds of pounds of flavored coffee. I've got my current list behind the cut and if you want to drop me a song or two(and I would be eternally greatful if you did): is the place to send your sunshine.

An unapologetically odd mix of songs )

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sheesh. these people are crazy. [23 Sep 2004|08:40pm]
Ok I am officially scared now. Not only do they feel it was ok to change the pledge once (since it was a change that added "God") but now they feel they can trump the judiciary and pass a law that says no court can change or alter the pledge INCLUDING THE SUPREME COURT! Holy shit they have balls. If it wasn't for the fact that this law is blatantly unconstitutional I might actually be worried.

Hey Neo-Con groups, please stop throwing mud at the judiciary, the people whose sole job is to interpret the law by calling them "activist" judges. They are doing what they have always done. Sometimes we agree with them sometimes we disagree but they are there to interpret the law. You can't make a law that bypasses them )
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[14 Sep 2004|06:16pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Further Seems Forever - Bye Bye Bye ]

Today is Opposite Day. )

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Updates [08 Aug 2004|02:44pm]
Work - Some hours I want to quit but wanting to quit makes me feel like a louse. Some hours I feel tired but content that I have a tough physical job and haven't quit yet. I suppose I just want a job that requires the use of my brain and perhaps some skill; not just a job that is demanding on my muscles and joints. when you're broke, money is money though, so here I am and will stay for awhile. 10 hour days are great on the wallet, not so great on body (especially the wrist I think I badly sprained). the other day I came home with a cut above my eye and dried blood caked in my eyebrow and had no idea how it happened. I am such a tough guy. Check it out )

Home - Not much time for anything to go on here except food, showers, and sleeping. Our house stays more dirty than any of us would like but we're all so tired nowadays that deep cleanings never happen. It takes the threat of visitors to get us scrubbing. By the time I get home and get some grub and a shower it is usually 7pm or so and my desire to log on to EQ is so small that I just don't and now my guild is pissed cause pretty much half the guild is doing the same thing. Part of me wants to quit but mostly I would just prefer to take a vacation from the game. I just don't want to see my guild go up in flames because no one is logging on. If only this desire for a break from EQ had happened while the guild was kicking ass; then I could have slipped away unnoticed. oh well.

I think I am getting skinnier but I don't have a way of knowing for sure. My weight is probably the same or even higher but that would be due to all the new muscles (and revitalized old ones) in my arms shoulders and back that work has brought on. The wife has to eat lower fat foods due to her recently removed gall bladder and I've taken to eating what she makes for herself rather than what she makes for the rest of us

Son - he crawls at mach 3. he pulls himself to a standing position. he loves Vince Guaraldi. he is 6 1/2 months old.
enjoying his Vince )
What I see most mornings as I go to work )
We cut his hair so now he looks younger than he did before but we've no pics to document the change. I'll see what I can do to change that in the next few days.
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[05 Aug 2004|01:23am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Foo Fighters - Baker Street ]

Cut for baby haters =P )

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maybe i need medication [05 Aug 2004|12:30am]
[ music | Beulah - If we can land a man on the moon... ]

How can the first half of a day be a craptastic shitbird and late afternoon (particularly the two hours of overtime) be invigorating and motivated? The only common thread was the painfully sore right wrist, but even that dulled down enough for me to get a lot of work done. My moods normally play in the sandbox not on the swings.

paying attention to little things like how you brew your coffee in the morning does sometimes pay dividends. On one of his several trips to the flavor room to help me fix my machine, Johnny the mechanic-type MacGuvyer-ish boss struck up a conversation about different grinds and their uses. Johnny's the kinda guy who wont just fix something without explaining everything involved. He'd probably make a good high school teacher. So Johnny starts talking about coffee and seemed impressed with what I knew. "You must be tired of the flavor room already,” he said.

Four hours later, after everyone else had left, my boss hinted to me that I might be moving to better things once we settle in the new factory. I have to think these incidents are linked. It would nice to get promoted and not have to kiss any ass to get there. Hell, I haven't even brought cookies to work yet.

It still feels weird to have been so pissed off this morning; pissed to the point you were ready to walk out and not come back and then have that turn around and become total upbeat hard work mode. I wasn't even tired when I got home.

my wrist hurt(s) though.

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why is RC the best cola? [30 Jul 2004|11:56pm]
Suddenly my life requires some sort of robot plushie.
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wee [11 Jun 2004|03:46pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I passed the pee test. werd.

Can the day get any better? Oh yeah it can. I received a call this morning before I went out to pee on (I mean in hehe) a jar that another human being was going to handle. That call was to let me know that before I even started a day of work I was getting a dollar an hour raise.

See, some people feel the correct amount of fear and respect when they encounter the "beard." It's a good thing I am attached to it and get to reap some of the benefits.

Oh and because I haven't in a week or so and because I am feeling so giddy, a couple more pics of the cutest guy ever )

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I say thee WERD [10 Jun 2004|03:58pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]

Apparently, the force was with me today. The interview went really well and it wasn't three hours after I got home that the phone rang and I was informed I would be starting monday at 7am.

The Provider is back baby!

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trying to contain... [09 Jun 2004|06:30pm]
Another interiew tomorrow. I hope i get the job as it sounds like it might be fun. I would be working in a warehouse of the local Sacramento coffee magnate Java City. Not quite sure what my job would be but I know it would entail working in the "Flavor" department.

I probably wouldn't even need to drink my morning joe. The vapors would probably be enough to get me all buzz buzz buzz.

Oh well, 10am tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
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Where for art thou Doncabfan [05 Jun 2004|01:52pm]
[ mood | caffeinated ]

Last year I was often entertained by the Jack Handy on crack ramblings of a madman named Doncabfan. For some odd reason about this time last year he disappeared and hasn't updated his journal since. Well here are a couple of his "nuggets" of joy because I miss him.

Friday, November 3rd, 2000
10:06 pm
I usually don't eat this particular shade of fungus
Have you ever thought it was strange that some babies are born with claws instead of toes? I don't know about you, but I think that is mighty strange. Also it is strange when you poop and instead of poop an elf comes out. It still tastes like poop though.

Current Mood: poopified
Current Music: dianogah-They Have Monkeys Like We Have Squirrels

Tuesday, October 31st, 2000
8:34 pm
Halloween is fun
Tonight I played an elaborate trick on some young rapscallions in the spirit of Halloween. Now I knew that the Murphy kids down the block would be dressing up as mummies and that they would come to our house, so I made some special preparations. When the Murphy kids finally showed up I surprised the hell out of them, for I had taken the liberty of killing their mother, removing her face, and sewing it onto my face! Boy, were they shocked. I think I might have fooled them if I still had long hair, but I'm pretty sure they knew it was me right away.

Current Mood: fribillated
Current Music: The Fucking Champs-These Glyphs Are Dusty

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Peace and quiet, sort of. [03 Jun 2004|02:07pm]
After a nice (but long) week of having a large portion of my wife's family staying at our house for a visit the house seems almost too quiet. All I can hear besides my own typing is the droll of the air conditioner and the ubiquitous sounds of Law and Order coming from the TV on the other side of the house. My wife has a thing both for Mr. Big and Lenny Brisco. She's weird like that.

Quiet is where it's at I suppose but it just serves to remind me how crappy I have been sleeping lately. Normally I adore sleep; lately, not so much. My odd unexplainable leg pains are back and anytime I move while asleep, which is often, I wake up in pain. wee. Advil, Alleve, and Vicodin have been my aquaintances of late but I try to take them only an hour or so before I go to sleep as to not kill my stomach or become dependant or whatever.

Sometimes being a paraplegic doesn't sound too bad. Wait. that didn't come out exactly right. nevermind.

Anyway, a couple father son pics from the past week behind the cut. )
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Jackson update [29 May 2004|01:13am]
[ mood | amused ]

My boy had his four month checkup a few days ago. Our short old metrosexual doctor thinks he is doing superb and says he has never in his whole career seen a baby this young with so much hair. My son is destined to be a hippy or a werewolf. I still can't figure which would be preferable.

At four months, Jackson is 15lbs 2oz (totally midrange percentile) but 27" long (97th percentile). He feels really long and doesn't have the chub I would expect most babies to have. Coupled with his shock of hair he mostly looks like a miniature little boy as opposed to a baby. We're kinda hoping he porks up a little soon or maybe slows down on the height thing. His 11 month old cousin is here visiting right now and they have the exact same size feet. She introduced herself to him by sticking her hand in his mouth. Is that how babies do it? Their equivalent to the dog butt sniff?

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Is this legit? [27 May 2004|12:23pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

New Draft / Universal Service

This is the first I have heard of it and I am not familiar with the site so I have no idea how reliable a source they are. I think universal service works in a smaller sized country (like Israel or Germany) but would be nightmarish in bureaucratic red tape and costs in the United States.

I think a draft is wrong in all but dire circumstances. Are we really coming to that point?

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teeter totter day [05 May 2004|01:21am]
[ mood | drained ]

teeter - had a job interview. It went well but who knows.

totter - mother in law decided to talk politics again and pretty much told me I hate America because I am voting for Kerry and because I am liberal and because I do not think the war in Iraq was a wise move.

teeter - wife made great dinner and smiled at me a lot. Jackson sang to me in baby language.

totter - baby cried more tonight than any other day he's been alive. wife scowled at me a lot because I was on the computer.

teeter - wife smiled at me a lot after I got off the computer and went and cuddled with her (well as much cuddling as you can do with a 15 week old sleeping baby between you.

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