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01 Dec 2004
Just got back from sushi. Mt. Fuji was super good. Had a rainbow roll too, and some hot tea.

Then bought soap. Almost bought a plant. Was almost swiddled by an ad for 44 rolls of toilet paper for 12 bucks. But then.. then I saw.. 1 ply. Pass.

I miss you. Eating alone kind of sucks. I'm just saying.

(Yes I am keeping in mind the advise of the penguin comic strip writer who I like a lot)

mood:  content
music:  The History Channel

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01 Dec 2004
Sing Fish! Sing![Public]
Site of the day:


Singingfish is the premier audio/video search engine, and Singingfish.com is the place for consumers to find, explore, and experience the universe of free media. Unlike traditional search engines, Singingfish only indexes multimedia formats, including Windows Media, Real, QuickTime, and mp3s. Millions of people use the Singingfish service daily to search through categories spanning music, news, movies, sports, TV and radio, and finance. Audio/video search technology is fast becoming a must for today's digital lifestyle as more consumers gain access to high-speed Internet connections and consume more audio/video content that ever before.

mood:  geeky
music:  Climate Control Systems

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01 Dec 2004
Uh oh.. meme time..[Public]
1. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?
2. If you were a t-shirt, what would you say?
3. If your house caught on fire and was burning to the ground...what is the one thing you'd save and why?
4. If you were a book...would you read yourself?
5. Peanut and Jelly.. with or without crust?

1. http://tinyurl.com/556br
2. http://wigu.com/shop/eagle.html
3. Laptop. Everything is on it. Journal, pictures, video, music, my iLife :)
4. Probably not. There's some exciting points, but not enough romance :)
5. Without.

mood:  creative
music:  Office Chatter

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01 Dec 2004
Fridays. Friends (Hash, Tamara, Brian, Rory, Natan, Devon). Driving. Radiohead.


Especially you. Thanks for understanding.


J: 2am. I'm super tired. I read. I loved. I'll talk to you tomorrow. You're appreciated and amazing. Not that I had any doubts.

mood:  exhausted
music:  Radiohead - Life in a Glass House

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30 Nov 2004
It's been awhile since I posted anything significant. I mean, four years or so of having this and lately it's been links or images or old love letters or.. something. I guess I'm afraid of people seeing that I'm.. I'm afraid of people really getting into my head.

I don't have anything to hide really, and I'm pretty happy with how my life is going. Yes of course I've rambled on about how things are good (job, money, home, car, the band) and how (boo hoo) it would be wonderful to share it with someone.

And yes, I'd trade in the material stuff for someone to really love me the way I used to be loved. I miss leaving little notes for someone. I miss supporting someone. Providing. I miss brushing hair and giving baths. I miss getting butterfly kisses and holding hands and entwined legs.

I wish it was simple as: I miss physical contact with a woman on a regular basis. Thats NOT it. I mean, with good friends why should I miss the nuzzling, the warm phone calls and stuff from a female. Why does it have to be that. I don't know.

I guess it's the butterflies. The warm fuzzies. Wow that sounded odd for me to say, being a man. Um.. The swirling and warmth from hearing, "I love you Matt."

Geez, this has to be annoying to you, reading this. Waa waa I want I want, waa waa. Trust me. I want to GIVE. I want to give these feelings back. Maybe more so then I want to RECEIVE them.


I won't talk about this for awhile. I think it paints me in a pathetic light. I'd rather discuss journalism or music or art or movies and not bore you with this stuff.

No, my apology for rambling on this topic is not an attempt for 'oh it's ok Matt don't apologize' comments.


mood:  cold
music:  RoMak & the Space Pirates - The Depature

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29 Nov 2004
Part of my family history, if you're interested..


mood:  cold
music:  Some random movie on Oxygen (tv for females)

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29 Nov 2004
From/For [info]primitivepaint:

(too lazy to bold and punctuate)

Name four bad habits you have:
1. Talking about money.
2. Spending money.
3. Slight procrastination.
4. Sometimes I give so much, it hurts my own situation.

Name four things that you wish you had:
1. That love you share with someone special.
2. More time.
3. More self-esteem.
4. The Long Walk shipment.

Name four scents you love:
1. Apricot vanilla thing Gianna used to wear.
2. Drakkar Noir
3. Old Spice
4. Girl.

Name four things you are thinking about right now:
1. How happy I am with the audio master that is the final version of the songs from the EP.
2. Dating.
3. Trying to get out more to potentially meet someone.
4. Vision. A susceptible horse. I killed it. (Skewed RoMak lyrics, nevermind)

Name four things that you have done today:
1. Slept in.
2. Woke up in a motel.
3. Watched all 3 Back to the Future movies. (sort of, drifted in and out of napping)
4. Talked with Tam, Hash, Brian and Rory over drinks.

Name the last four things you have bought:
1. A sandwich for Rory instead of paying gas money.
2. Drinks.
3. Cheesecake.
4. Rootbeer.

Name four people you would like to spend more time with:
1. You.
2. You.
3. You.
4. You.

Name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
1. Sarah Brightman
2. Jay-Z
3. Soft Cell
4. Violent Femmes

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. Iced Tea
2. Coffee
3. Tea
4. Bottled water

Name four random facts about yourself:
1. I can't eat bananas.
2. I have over a mile underneath the Earth.
3. I haven't worn a t-shirt since the early 90's.
4. I have never owned a pair of jeans.

mood:  tired
music:  RoMak & the Space Pirates - Catch-22 (Secret Version)

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27 Nov 2004
More of the same.[Public]
I lay here, thinking of you, and how you make my heart beat and how I am in love. I could never have thought that I would feel this way. I just want to love you and you to love me. I'll love you forever and never leave you.

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27 Nov 2004
James Bond. Sleeping in. Listening to rain.

Maybe the night will get more exciting, but I'm content.

I saw a bumper sticker today on my way back from getting lunch. Friends don't let friends ride Chinese skateboards.

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25 Nov 2004
1. I'm obsessed with Colonial House on PBS.
2. I like Alan Alda but I don't think he makes a very good host for Future Cars.
3. Something not PBS related, Happy Thanksgiving.

mood:  hungry
music:  Colonial House on PBS

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