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heeeeyyyy ya. [21 Nov 2003|12:51pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | outkast - hey ya ]

Oh man, did you know that I love Outkast?

Uh, anyway--I came here to say that both of my ears (particuarly my left one at the moment) hurt like mothers. Double ear infections. How lovely.

I only babysat Monday, which means I get a whopping 6 bucks. Hoop-ya.

Today I'm going to Chris' 14th birthday party. Yeah, he's a youngin' but he's frickin' AWESOME, man. This kid is hilarious. I wish he was my brother. Anyway....what the heck do you get a 14 year old boy for his birthday? O_o

2 lies % truth

love is like a role that we play. [13 Nov 2003|04:35pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | dashboard - ghost of a good thing ]

Where is everyone when you need them?

Nowhere. Bastards.

..I'm bored, someone IM me.



Oops. [31 Dec 2002|01:22am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Deftones - 7 Words ]


Yeah, so you've entered the journal of one paranoid mind. If you add me, I'll add you (you may want to comment about it because I don't always look at who's been adding me and whatnot).

Have a lovely day.


38 lies % truth

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