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She's a drag,a well known drag.We turn the sound down on her and say rude things
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i so want to go home. today was so annoying. i am in the bathroom to get away.forty more minutes left.
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Next week Extreme Makeover Home Edition is working with a family who's son has OI and who were falsly accused of child abuse. Watch it.

Current Mood: sleepy

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Wow )
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Current Mood: sad

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Does ANYONE want a Gmail account??????? I have 6 invites.
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ok, yesterday for some reason I had hives over most of my body. Taking antihistimine didnt help. Today I still have them but now my face is swolen to hell. WTF is up with this?

Current Mood: Swolen

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hells yeah!!!

You Know You're From Upstate New York When...

You refer to downtown Albany as "The City."

"Vacation" means going to Lake Ontario or Niagra for the weekend.

There is a mini-mall every 1/4 mile, if not, you are in Vermont.

There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the Hannaford at any given time.

You know to avoid tractor trailers (or cars for that matter!) on the Northway with Canadian plates.

You don't consider what Domino's or Pizza Hut sell as pizza.

You know that "First Night" isn't a Sean Connery movie.

There is no such thing as waiting for the left turn arrow at an intersection.

Your career ambition is to work for NY State.

Even with the slightest threat of snow, you know that Ichobob Crane schools are closed.

You think everyone from down-state has an accent.

Down-State starts just south of the Thruway.

You're in line to get the first custard cone when summer comes.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Upstate NY.

its not Ichobob Crane its Ichabod Crane, like the guy in the Headless Horseman. If there is a flake of snow, their district closes. They're bitches just like their name-sake. I still remember hearing on the radio, "Ichabod Central Schools are closed."
I still avoid Canadian drivers like the plague, espically if their plates say Onterio.
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If you are planning to fly in the near future.....
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quite result
Quiet Girl

What kind of little girl were YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
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This is one of my favorate web sites.  I have a story about Kenny Rogers.
For some reason I loved him when I was little (I dont have a clue why). There is this guy who lives in my town that looks like him (he is actually a janator at the high school). My dad knew him because the "Kenny" guy used to work at General Electric with my dad.  One day my parents and I were at the grocery store (I was about three). "Kenny" happened to be there too. I saw "Kenny" shopping. I ran to my parents freaking out that Kenny Rogers was grocery shopping in our store!! My dad got to him and told him to pretend he was Kenny Rogers. He came up to me and asked questions and was really nice to me. He then asked if I wanted a cookie. He brought me to the bakery and got me a free cookie. I was so happy. Kenny Rogers gave me a cookie.

Current Mood: nostalgic

User: [info]nikarico
Name: Nikki
Back December 2004