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Bleaux 42
Perfect Blue Buildings
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If you were a Pirate! by TheHalveric
Yer Pirate Name!
Name yer ship!
Why be ye a Pirate?
Yer First Mate!trais_whitewolf
Yer Cabin-boy! (or girl)darkershadeblue
Ye're chief rival be the Dread Piratewildheart
Ye'll be pursued by Admiralcinema365
Cut to ribbon in a freak cannon accident...daymaril
Yer pirate captive to use fer yer wicked pleasuresdroogie87
Number o'ships ye'll sink and MEN ye'll plunder!696
Chance ye'll be hanged... or worse.: 80%
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You are spicy, dark and mercurial. you naturally attract attention. People either love you or hate you.

What herb are you?
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Update/goals/singing/Autumn/weekend plans
All my goals are have been pretty much achieved this year. There is just one more and I'm really working hard on it. Now that I'm chilling at home for a while (thanks to Droogie getting hired on), I can devote my time to working out. 70 minutes of pilates and weight lifting hurts like hell but sure does the body good. I changed my diet this week. It' say the least. But my sinus problems have gone so I must have had an allergy to something. The exercise has really healed my back.

Once I got the goal of singing in front of people (all by myself) out of the way, I feel positively giddy. And getting great feedback was just icing on the cake. I don't sing with a microphone yet.

I'm feeling all cozy now that it's Autumn, my favorite season of the entire year. I think we're going to pack a picnic and go for a ride this weekend to look at the Fall colors. It's become a family tradition.

Well, I'm on my way to work out. I have over an hour of that and then I make cookies for Hubby to take to work tomorrow to thank everyone that had a hand in getting him hired. I'm craving Potato Soup...yum. I'll make that this weekend. I might make an extra batch for one of Hubby's buddies. He and his wife are in the hospital right now having their third little one. They will have three in diapers all at once. Crazy!

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Black Crows - She Talks To Angels

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Taken from [info]never1eighty

01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink.
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula.
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said 'I love you' and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Done a striptease

11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise

15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19. Touched an iceberg

Read more... )
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Good news/bad news child stalker, singing, job
So, last week, I took Little One off the bus because I was worried about the bus driver. Well, the ass showed up today, on my door step.

He knocks on the door, I answer it. He says,

"Um. Do you have another daughter besides Christian? One with curly hair?"


"Well, she left this (calculator) on the bus today."


"Um. Is Christian going to be riding the bus anymore."


I shut the door in his face.

Now come on! I'm freaking out. I've prayed about it. I'll do so again but I found out he lives about a block away. So, I'm scared. This man can't even be normal!

Good news )
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You can take the girl out of the south...
...But you can't take the south out of the girl. I adore this song and always have. And it's not just the song, it's the way Tom Petty sings it.

Southern Accents )
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Shinedown/Sick/Self-Portrait/Silly Dog/Sad Songs/
Adam introduced me to Shinedown. Damn. What an awesome sound. I could listen to "Simple Man" over and over again (in fact, I do). I loved Lynyrd Skynyrd's version and never, ever thought anyone could top that.

So, this morning the cold has moved into my chest. It's so tight that I can't stand to drink anything unless it's hot. Everything else just makes my chest feel more constricted. My voice is terrible. I can barely speak and the kids are definitely taking advantage of that fact. :) AND thank goodness for tissues with lotion.

My medicine, however, is really screwing with me. It's working but it's making me feel jittery. I'm afraid it'll make me have a panic attack...and just by worrying about that, I can make myself have one. Ugh.

I'm in the middle of sketching the self-portrait. I may paint it tonight if I have enough time, but I don't think I will. There is a lot more detail than I thought there would be.

Luna has been acting up lately. She was completely house trained and then last week, she wasn't. She won't ask to go out even. And she'd rather eat something out of the garbage than her dog food. We've resorted to crating her again and starting from square one. Harley acts very strange when we do this. She either hides under our bed or sits beside the crate with Luna.

Doggies in need of therapy.

I feel sad today for no apparent reason. Usually, when it's this bad, there's a memory hiding around the corner. But it could just be the fact that I'm sick AND doing some art therapy (and listening to my favorite music never helps considering it's all dark and moody). This song in particular makes me extremely sad. If I think about the reason it makes me sad for too long, then I just get pissed. When she says, "I love you, daddy", I want to destroy things.

Oh dear Lord...the medicine is freaking me the fuck out. I don't want to call hubby at work because his boss is looking for any excuse to can him. It's only been an hour. I have three more hours before the damn stuff wears off. I HATE this! What is wrong with my body that it doesn't want to take medicine anymore?

Current Music: Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne - Changes

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mural, back improving, hopeful for hubby
Okay, so I showed Maria my painting and she asked permission to take it to the head office. I said, "Of course". They still want me to do the mural and they have decided they want 'faeries'. So, I'm going to sketch out some ideas and when my back gets better, I'll do it.

My back is finally improving. I'm not sure if it's the exercises, the herbal supplement or the muscle manipulation that's working so I'll just keep up with all of them.

Hubby called the guy at work that is supposed to either hire or fire him. The guy says that his application was on his desk and that he was going to make a decision next Tuesday but that he'll decide tomorrow. So here goes....he'll either be let go or he'll be hired. With the way this guy has treated him in the past and the fact that this guy has hired like 10 people in the last week, it doesn't look so good for us.

Please, prayers, prayers, prayers.

Hurricane Frances is gunning for Florida...

On a geeky note, I'm now playing a Dragonkin. :) I can't wait to draw that.
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Are we having fun yet?
Still having that bad back week. Went to physical therapy and they had to do that muscle manipulation thing again. It wasn't so bad. But I still walk like I was doing the hooker strut and my hip got stuck in the extreme right position.

Little One had an earache last night. We took her to the doctor this morning and found out she has an ear infection. This one "snuck" (yeah, that's a word!) up on me. She hasn't had one in a very long time and usually she shows signs before it gets this bad. She had to get an antibiotic shot, oral antibiotics and ear drops.

We got her home where she promptly threw up. Fun, fun. She's okay now; resting on the couch.

I have now had tv (more technically, cable) for 24 hours and well, I haven't been missing a thing.
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