Gimpeh ([info]gimpeh) wrote in [info]21stbc,
@ 2003-12-12 13:14:00
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Current mood: awake
Current music:I keed

I thought I'd post this for fakie..him and his obsession with cats.

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2003-12-16 21:19 (link)
That's awesome.

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2003-12-18 22:41 (link)
damn foo, thats one tight pussy

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2003-12-19 13:12 (link)
What a talented feline.

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2004-02-26 12:08 (link)
that is so darn cute

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sniper cat
2004-04-01 06:33 (link)
funny shit

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2004-09-11 21:12 (link)
Hey my name is Courtney. I was wondering how do you get pictures on you live journal? write me back thanks

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