Some of my entries are friends only now. So you have to log in to see them...and be on my friends list. Just so ya know. :)

on the way down i saw you and you saved me from myself. on the way down i almost fell right through, but i held on to you...


I've never been so lonely, but I've never felt so good...I can't be the only one misunderstood. I'm feeling like I'm chasing, like I'm facing myself alone. Am I hiding behind my doubts...are they hiding behind me? Closer to finding out it doesn't mean anything.

Locked inside the only place where you feel sheltered where you feel safe. You lost yourself in your search to find something else to hide behind. ‘Cause the fearful always preyed upon your confidence. Did they see the consequence when they pushed you around? The arrogant build kingdoms of the different ones. Breaking them until they’ve become just another crown.
If shame had a face I think it'd kinda look like mine. If it had a home it would be my eyes..

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[Tue, Nov 30, 2004 @ 04:45pm]
I love oprah!!!
7 dreams . dream little darling

[Sat, Nov 27, 2004 @ 03:51am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Tyler Hilton - When It Comes ]

marty )

I'm back in Arlington. Watching TV 24/7 and arguing with your parents isn't fun.

3 dreams . dream little darling

[Fri, Nov 19, 2004 @ 09:43pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Pete Schmidt - I'll Be Fine ]

Look! I'm here on a Friday night. Shocking! :)

Sooo...I'm all registered for next semester. I only have one class on Tues/Thurs because that's the day that I have my SW class...and the SW buildings are far away from everything else, so I didn't want to put anything around it. And on MWF I just have classes from 10-2 with a break for it all worked out alright. I'm taking "Elements of Music" or something for my fine arts credit. Maybe 7 years of band will make it easy. :) And Spanish..which would probably be least the first..level..thing.. So yeah. I'm taking 13 hours. I don't know where the other hour is coming from...and my fees are like 30 bucks more than this semester..

Someone called my room phone at 3:30 this morning. It woke me up and I answered it...heard breathing or soemthing in the background but no one said anything. Right as I hung up it rang again..answered..same thing...then I just disconnected the phone cord thingy. It kind of freaked me out...I had a dream that I found out who did it and woke up at 4:15. It was weird. I was worried it was the police again saying that my car got messed up again. But I drove Kathryn to the stadium today (because i'm a nice roommate that buys toilet paper) and it worked...i'm rambling..

Um..I'm leaving here on Wednesday after my History class..and I'll probably come back here late Saturday night. Sooo...if anyone wants to do anything...hint hint..i'll be in Sherman..overnight for once. :)

I'm staying put. Even if it kills me. Because I know what I want. Unless....


6 dreams . dream little darling

[Wed, Nov 17, 2004 @ 11:52pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Boston - More Than A Feeling ]

I think it's funny that my monitor is bigger than the TV I have here. :)


18 dreams . dream little darling

a proud non-band waggoner [Tue, Oct 19, 2004 @ 11:18pm]
[ mood | still nervous ]
[ music | tv <3 ]

Curt Schilling is my hero. I thought I was gonna have a nervous breakdown. Can't wait for tomorrow!:D:D:D

dream little darling

[Mon, Oct 11, 2004 @ 08:39pm]
Uh oh. Kathryn has strep throat.

I hope I don't get it.
4 dreams . dream little darling

[Mon, Oct 04, 2004 @ 02:04pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising ]

Since when does CCR stand for cross canadian whatever. Some people have no respect for the classics. Go Creedence!

3 dreams . dream little darling

Where isth me?
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