Community Info
Community Information
Below is information about the "The Karl" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | karl_rock (653443) |
Name: | The Karl |
Website: | |
E-mail: | |
About: | Here's a delightful little haven for those who deeply and devotely worship Weezer's quirky and lovable webmaster, Karl Koch. He needed his own community, damnit. Join us and have a jolly ol' time with fellow Karlites. |
Interests: | 32: =w=, amorphous records, brian bell, cameras, computers, concerts, fun, karl koch, karl's hair, karl's sweater, karlophone, matt sharp, mikey welsh, music, pat finn, pat wilson, photography, quirkiness, rivers cuomo, roadies, rock, scott shriner, the kickovers, the new weezer dvd, the rentals, the space twins, the special goodness, vinyl, websites, weezer,, your mother. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 20: bijanlingerson, chickymadoodle, eighttrack, elbandgeeko, girlwho, htom, limeyrazz, madhatterhaze, modtang, obeseduck, randomositys, recorderjonny, rottenlittlegrl, screth18, smashing_vinyl, surfrawkme, warrior_kibble, weezerboardies, xwepeelx, zxskitchxz |
Watched by: | 8: bijanlingerson, eighttrack, htom, limeyrazz, recorderjonny, smashing_vinyl, warrior_kibble, xwepeelx |
Account type: | Free Account |
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