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This Journal is Now Friends Only and has been for some time now. Please leave a comment here if you think you and I should be friends.

My Company Xmas party is the 17th. They've decided to do a murder-mystery type thingy. One of my coworkers just asked me if Lauren could come instead of David... now that was weird. She just wants to see a pretty girl ;-)

Dear cable modem gods.... please give me back my cable modem. I can't function with this modem thingy.

David made a cake. It's yummy... not very pretty but yummy.

Good david! Good!

The olive tree

!YAY! Thanks to [info]ministerjoe for adding me back as a friend!

I'm pruning and growing the old olive tree here. I'm not really removing anybody from my friends list but 1 or 2 people who no longer have an interest in me and I no longer have an interest in them.

I'd like to say that although I realize that your journal is your journal, posting 5000 quiz results isn't really a good journal. Esp. when the quizzes are statistically trash.

in other news

We still don't have cable/cable modem back. I'm actually on dialup. I'm kinda freaked by that.

I just woke up from a 3 hour nap today. I feel excellent.


Smoke, Dinner, David, Snuggle

those are the things on my mind right now.

People I miss:

Josh R.
Ruth Ann Montgomery
David Hunt
Mrs. Carol Hunt
My Grandma
Lynn from Wilmington

Current Mood: Reflective
Current Music: Cornflake Girl -Tori Amos-Remix by JohnB
The Weekend and the Holiday.

Thursday: Got up early saw david off to his mom's. Roused Ryan and left about 11:00 for my Aunt's house. Arrived there about 11:40. Saw the family and said hey. Had turkey. Gave out some Herbalife catalogs to family. I saw my Cousin Angie's new son Nicholas and my favorite second cousin William. William is so like me it's freaky. Came home and stayed with david. All in all a good turkey day.

Friday: We went and got a Christmas tree from the Silk Plant Forest. It's a tall slim Christmas Tree. David bought white and red silk roses and it looks really really pretty. I'm very happy with the way the tree looks and it fits great in our corner. Later that night we met up with Willis and went to Oasis. We got invited to the VIP room where I got WAY too drunk. I proceeded to vomit all over the bathroom. David says I had my ass hanging out with my pants around my ankles. I then vomited again on the way home several times. David was pissed because the next morning I woke up with full memory, no hangover and I wasn't drunk or dehydrated. God bless good genes.

Saturday: Mom, Dad and Kathy showed up bright and early to work on the room. Kathy made some progress as we took mom around to several stores to get some shopping done. We got the comforter for the bed. It's very nice. Thanks to gene for his awesome Target discount. We also went to Compusa to get Christy, my mom's slightly mentally handicapped charge, some stuff for christmas. We got her a new printer and a digital camera as well as accessories. I'll be setting that up for her. We took mom to bear rock cafe. She was pretty impressed. We didn't really do anything Saturday night because we were both bushed.

Sunday: Dad and Kathy show back up. Kathy puts on the final coat of paint and finishes up. Dad sits around with us. We went to the subaru dealership to see the new Baja. Dad wants one. Maybe we'll be able to squirrel a new car for david out of this deal. We went to Houllighan's for lunch with dad and kathy. I tripped david out when I whispered "I am the clitoris" just below dad's audible hearing level at the table. After they left we went over to Willis' and watched a movie that was really strange. It's called The Deep End. I'd suggest it if you want to see the lengths a mother will go to protect her son with a little gay drama twist involved. Another Netflix recommendation. After that we left Willis' to go to Chili's with Gene. David was PMS'ing bad. He was screaming and yelling at me. At Chili's david stuck his straw up my nose and it got stuck there. That snapped him out of his PMS. Thank Goodness! We came home and gave Ryan his messages and stuff. He ended up in Atlanta but I think he realized he might have had a better time with us ;-)

In other news David and I have figured out a lot of things that we are going to do with the house and the get our living situation in order. We have a big month coming up... this coming winter/spring will be a big time for us.

Till tomorrow.


Current Mood: Tired
Current Music: Something about tigers on tv.

My neck hurts so bad I can't even think....

i can't move.

I want to scream. I want to cry. I want valium and muscle relaxers. now damnit.

Kahlil Gibran

"Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need."

IS it right?

Who's your inner gay man?

brought to you by Quizilla

David's photoshoot is tonight.

Lookout world. It's Lauren Hayes.

I invited Zeth and Matt over for Dinner. I like cooking for people.

Current Music: Diana's Wig-Shirley Q Liquor-Totally Ignunt

On my way to work this morning I saw a Ford Aspire with a TRAILER HITCH

ok... no only was this car such an economy piece of shit that it can barely transport a human... I can't fathom someone trying to tow with it...


So, after much soul searching, I've switched back from iCal to Palm Desktop 4...

We went by David's moms today to get his FASFA paperwork done. After some screaming we got his mom to sign it. After some more screaming we got his dad to sign it.

On the way there we got some smokes at JR. I got 6 Special Jamaican Maduro #6's. :-) I will enjoy those.

I just saw on the captioning "URINATING HEAVILY" on the captioning on my TV... how in the hell does one Urinate HEAVILY?

There was something in the air that night the stars were bright Fernando...

somebody just asserted that I make CD's read from the outside in... not the inside out...

Sure let me call up Philips and tell them they've had it wrong all alone. Then I'll call every computer owner in the world and tell them to upgrade the firmware (which I'll have to write)

I can't believe this.


Current Music: Always on my mind/In My House-Pet Shop Boys-Introspective

Just like a White Wing Dove...

It's yet another Stevie Nicks kind of day


I'm staring at Solaris Init Scripts on a boat load of servers trying to sort them out...

but I've got a system.

I ssh to box, run commands, copy> paste into BBEdit save as file, import to Excel spreadsheet, run Excel Add-In written in VBscript to determine inconsistencies in Sheet Sets...

it's working so far.

still needs human eyes.

in other news children

Mom has decided to redo the house for David and my Christmas present

Right now the plan is to redo the bathroom, bedroom, living room (again) and kitchen.

Things are hectic. But at least mom is listening to me. She'll do what she wants to do but she's letting me have some input. i'm deferring most of the decisions to david as I've told him this is his decision. I want him to feel the house is just as much his as mine. I love him so much.

We'll also be getting dave's Wake Tech application and FASFA forms filled out.

Current Music: Edge of Seventeen-Stevie Nicks

The life of the internet... This reminds me that these are the bottom feeders that I service everday:

Dear Sir:

I have been trying to install Internet Call Waiting the other day when I tied it would not work.  I realized I had undone the disable Call Waiting.  Tonight I had time to go back and insert the check at the AOL Set Up in Set Up Expert Setup.  I do know I have a hacker who keep changing almost everything try to do.  Can you please hjelp me to get my Internet Call waiting properly installed Ihave been paying for rthe service every noth for over a year and it is still not properly installed. I do have the Icon showing yp when I press start.  When I double click that Icon it gives me a message that Internet Call Wainting is already running.  

I have my AOL sign on set with the check to disable call waiting., and have installed  *95 before each dial up number s instructed the othert night when I spoke to a Bell South technician> Can you please help.  Please E-mail me with the instructions as to what I must do to overcome your error message  Thank you.  Sorry I cannot control the spacing.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Below this line is the error message I received at your site.

Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)
TCX][MyODBC]Lost connection to MySQL server during query
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (4:9) to (8:27).

Date/Time: Tue Nov 19 22:33:45 2002
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; AIRF)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer: http://xxxxxxxxxx/
Query String: uID=51

Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the administrator).

Current Mood: Laughing my ass off

In your arms tonight
Hold me close and tight

I'm not strong enough to fight anymore

I miss my pookie bear.

Current Music: In Your Arms Tonight-Hedwig
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