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Sin City [09 Apr 2005|07:08pm]
Anyone want to and see Sin City with me tonight? I saw it last night and I'm dying to watch it again.
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Ebay auction [09 Apr 2005|11:20am]
Hey cool, I just won a heater motor for my car on ebay.;=7965939983&ssPageName;=ADME:B:EOAB:US:6

Hope it fits. This model of BMW was manufactured with two kinds of motors, the Bosch and the Sofica and nobody kept track of which car got which motor, and no, they are not interchangable.


This part retails for almost twice new what I'm paying for it here which is still blind highway robbery at $70 for a fucking fan motor. I love BMW, and I hate BMW.
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basement flooding [09 Apr 2005|10:40am]
Lovely - went downstairs to kitchen to hear running water, no idea where - yadda yadda yadda - water hose to washer has sprung a leak and has been spraying for who knows how long - the basements flooded.

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Productive night [09 Apr 2005|02:16am]
Got Apache supporting ASP (though not at my bloody request believe you me)
Got Group Office configured and installed on Bigiron

This weekend (in this order)
ClamAV Fprot Antivirus scan for qmail
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Amanda's ibook [08 Apr 2005|04:58pm]
Well, its almost four years old and the HDD is going out on it. Last winter we had the motherboard replaced at the tail end of the applecare warranty cycle that she purchased it with. Now things are taking longer and longer, and the truth is she's always running out of space on the thing. Its a good machine I feel, its a 12 inch G3 600 with 320MB of ram, a 4x burner, and a 20 GB HDD. Yesterday, the thing keels over and dies.

Roommate Austin has the tools to take ibook apart so am puchasing a 5400 RPM 80GB Hitachi HDD with liquid bearings to replace her 20GB 4200 RPM drive and ordered a stick of PC133 - 512MB Memory maxing her little machine out at 640MB of RAM.

Will hit up ebay for ibook screen and keyboard and call it reconditioned.
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Auto makers to create car-to-car WLAN by 2006 [08 Apr 2005|11:23am]
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[08 Apr 2005|10:48am]
and by the way, Sin City was absolutely fucking excellent.
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yeah I'm sure there aren't any military applications for this on the table... [08 Apr 2005|10:44am]
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car junk [05 Apr 2005|01:30am]

Same year, same model. Not even the I series of this model. This is a 1983 528e. The guts have been turned inside out no doubt, but externally, thats her. Too rice? If so, just baaaarely. I dunno. I think its pretty hot.

more junk )
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ungh [04 Apr 2005|05:32am]
[ mood | not well ]

got my doodie hat on today.


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[02 Apr 2005|11:53pm]
Man, Hero is one of my all time favorite movies, no kidding. Its totally... Powerful. Makes me wish I had a big screen something with real speakers to watch it on. On the silverscreen, this was in its true element.
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nevermind, i got it [02 Apr 2005|12:41pm]
German Auto Clinic
(206) 782-1918
4616 14th Ave NW, Seattle 98107
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[27 Mar 2005|05:45pm];=6025&item;=4536755827&rd;=1
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bmw - goal [26 Mar 2005|12:44am]

The one on the left is almost exactly like my car - same model, same make - 1983 E28 5 Series. The one on the right is also an 83 E28 5 series - and the end goal is THAT automobile. Period. And yes, if I've the means I'm doing the I-series conversion at some point. That means that at some point I'll ditch the "crappy" 2.7 litre 121hp ETA motor (which I've actually been rather impressed with) for the 3.2 litre 181hp model, the i-series suspension upgrade and anti-lock brakes.

At first opportunity I'm also ripping these big fucking compression bumpers off this bitch in favor of the smaller tighter ones.

Not like I've any money for this shit, but you know... I'm kinda dreamin here. Feels good to have a good car under me again.
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um [20 Mar 2005|04:00pm]
Not Right
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Car [19 Mar 2005|05:05pm]
So late last week I bought a car.

its a 1983 BMW 528e. My friend chrisbynum wrote up a good description of it for me that I'm reproducing here, slightly edited.

"The 528e is powered by a 2.7-liter "Eta" model inline 6-cylinder motor, the torquey, lower-revving efficiency version of the original engine found in the 528i. Despite a substantial drop in peak horsepower from 180 down to 125, the Eta matched the original engine in maximum torque and delivered it sooner and lower in the RPM range for very crisp acceleration. The Eta models outsold the "i" two to one in the US during the E28's production run, and are thus more common to find here these days. Four-corner disc brakes stop 14-inch wheels."

Thank you Chris.

Its a hot little car, I like it. Bought it from a farmer in sedro wooley. He asked for $825 and I gave him $750 though I didn't really want to give him more than $700 for it. All the power locks, windows and mirrors work well, fully funcitonal power sunroof (doesn't leak), all the lights work. Its fun having a car this small with such a big engine. This is its second engine. We don't know how many miles this new engine has on it but if I had to guess I'd say less than 50K. The muffler has a hole in it and needs to be replaced with all due haste as its rather loud while driving it. The speedometer doesn't work - its electronic and the muffler melted the wires I'm told. Guess we'll see. When it died it showed 318,000 miles on it. ahem. yes, i know. shutup. all the shocks and breaks are new-er and in good shape, theres no rust or corrosion on the frame at all, the tires hadn't been rotated in forever but are serviceable and the wheels are from an early 90's BMW of some sort. They handle great. Came with a decent CD player (Premier) but the speakers suck - tho in all fairness they all work. The trunk and wheelwell were in mint condition, there was even a matching spare tire/wheel in there and the stock little toolkit that BMW included was in the trunk lid, untouched for 20 years, covered in an even coating of rust. The paint on the hood and the roof has gotten burned/splotchy - I'd guess this car sat for a bit at one point in its life. It drives like its on rails and is fun to ramp out. Never drove a car like this before really - its alot of fun. Its kinda pedestrian looking but is a hard performer under the hood - I kinda dig that sleeper thing about it. Feels like money put into this will be well invested. Theres a bit of *mild* hesitation that can be addressed with a tuneup, and it idles a *little* low making it a little easy to stall on takeoff if you don't remain aware of it. Also addressable with a tuneup I'd imagine. The inside heater fan needs to be replaced. It works but is hella loud - fuckedup bearings it sounds like - but the heater coil works and works well so if you're a little patient, it still warms up just fine inside. The drivers seat is worn down to the springs so you sit on a pad - though the back seat is fine. Will need to replace the seats in the not too distant future. The last big thing that has to be addressed is the the tranny linkage is REALLY loose and needs to be replaced as ASAP. Want to put a quick shift kit into her I think. :)

I dunno, I like it alot. Will like it the more I get to know her I think. We'll see I guess.
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Thanks Ben for the hosting [14 Mar 2005|11:02pm]
Pics of my new desktop!!!
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todo [08 Mar 2005|01:47am]
Hurdles still to jump

Virtual HTTPS hosting (multiple SSL sites)
Need to get Argus up ( so I can start benching alot of this work instead of tiptoe-ing around Bigiron and Machina.

My new machine ships approx Wed... Hopefully will have it by Friday or Saturday. I have several names on the chopping block but seeing as my other machines are named Machina and Argus will probably go with Orion or something similar in an effort to at least keep them in the same category of names - but we'll see. These things have a way of naming themselves. My new video card came today. I'm very very excited. Was like a taste of things to come... or something. Was at a client's today and they have a slightly smaller 1600 and you know, it was kinda loud. Not high pitch loud but low freq humming loud. And it shoved out some heat, lemme tell ya. So... I guess we'll see.

Amanda and I are working through some personal issues... which feels good to do - for both of us. We're very very happy together and its good to finally address some of these things. We're also selling the hoopty and looking for another car. Probably a subaru or something cheap and efficient like that for now, but maybe a Jetta as I've always had positive experiences with them. Figure our budget is in the $1000 range. Would be easier if we could sell the hoopty first but really we can't be without a vehicle - or I cant - or I can't work.

The trees and bushes between our house and the neighbors house are in complete bloom and its breathtaking. Its just beautiful. We've nearly got the basement gutted (finally). Two more dump runs and we should be done. Need to paint the floor and put some cheap fluorescent lighting down there, straighten up my server space a bit. Would be sweet if i could get ahold of some teleco racking. Maybe I'll post on craigslist for some - see if anyones getting rid of some used racking for free.

End of line.
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[04 Mar 2005|02:37pm]
i try to limit my two fisted drinking to one drink at a time.
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[03 Mar 2005|01:21am]
i don't know why vpn has to be so fucking akward and difficult. Why can't you just establish a vpn tunnel with a ssh connection?

stupid stupid

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Speakeasy and DSL [28 Feb 2005|04:20am]
Am looking to drop Speakeasy FOR BEING RETARDED and am looking at other DSL providers - anyone had experience with Drizzle DSL? I know they're merely reselling qwest but they appear to be using linux - which is a star in my book, if only because I don't want to be told "i'm sorry, we don't support linux, please consider installing windows if you'd like help..."

And besides, they're using squirrelmail to do their webmail, just like me which I think is pretty cool...
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10 things I've done and you haven't winner [27 Feb 2005|05:55pm]
I'm not doing this stupid fucking meme - but in the event you wondered who the winner of this little rockathon may be,

I give you Bill Campana who hands down, smokes us all.

well done Bill.
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Amanda Nation dot Com!!! [26 Feb 2005|01:39pm]
check it out - my new favorite site to date

if you would like to send Amanda a slightly belated happy birthday, her email is


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intensely creeped out [24 Feb 2005|03:06pm]
s0nicdeathmonky7: um
s0nicdeathmonky7: i'm severely creeped out
virtualmyles: mmm.... you should eat those microwave burritos NOW.
virtualmyles: ;)
s0nicdeathmonky7: hahaha
s0nicdeathmonky7: motherfucker
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Fear and Loathing and suicide [21 Feb 2005|12:07am]
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I WANT [25 Jan 2005|06:30pm]
T-42 Thinkpad
G5 Powerbook

That is all
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[24 Jan 2005|06:44pm]
Well i finally got the mail sorted out and the box up - kinda. Theres a ton of little glitches that I keep running into - all due to permissions in obscure places.

the debate... do I gut or just work through? Gah. I already know the answer but I don't like it. My decision is thus. The HP gets here this week and once built out, I'll migrate accounts from here to there so email will stay up - and once blackcannon is up and racked, will gut and rebuild machina and bring whitecannon online. First priority upon getting whitecannon up is to also get redcannon up and get get backuppc hot and start implementing full blown image restores. This is bullshit. I can't afford to keep sinking time into this shit. Better to invest some extra time in a real backup solution then continue to get hung out to dry when anything goes wrong. Guess I can start doing that now. Redcannon that is.

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[24 Jan 2005|08:13am]
fucking hell

i was so proud of myself for all the good work I'd done on the server this last week and - of course - just as I was tying up the last loose end, i totally fuck it up with that permissions thing. GAH!!!!! I thought I'd fixed it last night but alas, mysql continues to give me shit and I don't know why. So I yanked it and am recompiling it now. *fingers crossed* I hope this is the easy fix I desperately need it to be.

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[24 Jan 2005|12:52am]
holy fuck did i screw that up.

chown -R hammer:hammer /.*

stab stab stab

edit-- two and a half hours later and its fixed... probably. will keep an eye on it for the next few days.

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Server upgrades [23 Jan 2005|12:59am]
Since last Friday

NEWLY UP: (upgrades or new implementations)
* Kernel 2.6.7r7 Hardened-Dev-Sources -----> 2.6.10r3 Hardened-Dev-Sources.
* PHP/Mod_PHP 4.3 -----> 5.0.3.
* MySQL 3.3 -----> 4.0
* SSL Apache (https)(new)
* SSL POP3 (pop3s)(new)
* SSL IMAP (imaps)(new)
* Qmail -----> ground up rebuild.
* Vpopmail -----> virtual mail hosting (new)
* Qmailadmin -----> web administration interface for Qmail/Vpopmail (new)
* Webcalendar -----> group collaboration calendar app. (new)
* BincIMAP -----> CourierIMAP (tho the first second I can get Binc to work I'm bailing, fuck Courier and all those flamy little bitches "supporting" it.)
* Configured an asswad of new plugins for Squirrelmail.
* Designed new permissioning schema to be deployed in secure server.
* Documented working security policy.
* Redeployed Gallery.
* Worked part way through the Mysql tutorial.

There are a dozen other tiny little things, but those are the big ones.

Last things...
* Configure secure dedicated chat Jabber server
* Get AV and spamassassin up
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