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Sunshine's' journal

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Tuesday, August 21st, 2001
10:18 pm
I hate work It sucked today bad!!!

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Monday, August 20th, 2001
8:56 pm
This weekend was interesting,friday I went out and got a tattoo... sat morning brian hit my garage and broke the garage door then sunday my mom was in the emergency room all night sunday!
Sorry i havn't updated in a while I work a full time job now it sux....

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Friday, July 13th, 2001
4:38 pm - Boaring
Last night Brian and I rented the wedding planner, It was so cute and I think the guy in the movie is hott....
Babysat all day yesterday and the day befor and the day befor that, and I got stuck with it again..
I start my new job on monday I have orientation, God only knows how that will go!!
Chris comes home monday too!! Can't wait...
Chris I have a Present for you....
You'll like it!
Oh yesterday we went by the poeple's house that picked up Brian and I when we got in an accident... They were so nice, we dropped off a Thank you Card for them....
Nothing more to say***

current mood: tired

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
11:58 pm
I hate my life...............
I don't understand it, I keep thinking about amanda and how she died, I just can't figure out why, all day I think about it and it drives me up the wall, It is going to take so much to get use to and I need to quit thinking about it....
Other than thinking and worrying about amanda's family I haven't done anything else interesting lately.....
God Bless All!!
Stay safe!!!!

current mood: depressed
current music: One sweet day: boys to men and moriah carey- For Amanda!!

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Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
5:51 pm
Well I didn't go to the funeral today, I couldn't me at a funeral just don't go together... I guess you could say that I handle things differently!
I saw Jana today and I was so happy to see her I haven't seen her in a while, I just gave her a big hug... When I saw her I was so depressed about my grandmawho died 8 years ago on 3rd of July then Amanda dies on the 7th, then yesterday I went by the tree where Amanda wrecked to drop off flowers and Brian and I got in an accident..... so needless to say I had alot on my mind and she seemed to know the right thing to say!
Well I need to go pick up brian now since he has no car!!

current mood: scared

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Monday, July 9th, 2001
7:19 pm
I got my stitches out today and I actually feel much better....:)
Tomorrow my best friend Sarah is coming to visit me from Norwood and stay for a while I'm so excited...
For Amanda I couldn't go today and I'm sorry"God rest her soul"

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12:29 am - P.P.S........... LOL
Oh by the way It's PSS, And I tried calling 1-800-DONTCALLME.. But there were too many numbers, could you send us that number again???
Hey how many people wrote that letter anyway..
And Joey doesn't thrive for attentiuon if anything he hates getting attention from anyone, I use to think you guys were really cool but now I realize I'm talking about Freshman here and YOu need to quit acting so imature all you wanted was to date a Junior hoping that you could get more friends and useing"MY BEST FRIEND FOR PROM" and quit blaming it on Joey that you lost all your friends, you did it your self because you treated him like shit!! Your begining to sound pretty damn selfish.. And for one do you want me to call you a slut because he never did anything to make you look like a slut!
If you were so damn miserable with him why the fuck did you date him so long and in the first place even start dating him, you led him on and played with his emotions. I really expected more out of you, You need to do the growing up..
And I want to point out that it was not mutual because you even told me yourself that befor prom even started you were thinking about breaking up with Joey. It's a damn shame you told me that after prom, because I would have told Joey so he wouldn't have wasted the money on you, you were the one that wanted to go so damn bad, well you got your wish....
(for now)

current mood: pissed off
current music: Break stuff: Limp Bizkit

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12:06 am - The life sucks
I'm so sad about Amanda and it's really hard to believe she is gone I wish I could go to her visitation tomorrow but again I have to go to the hospital, I finally get my last set of stitches out...
Last night I went to go see the fast and the ferious. It was an awsome movie and when we left everyone was burning out of the parking lot!!!
Tonight I went with joey jared tyler, and joey's cousin to go see evolution.... Is was great!!
I'm finally getting a car and I'm so excited about it............ Yeah...
Oh and I hate imature little "GIRLS" who are nothing but back stabbing little coniving BITCHES!!!

current mood: aggravated

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Saturday, June 30th, 2001
2:53 pm
I'm at the mall and I'm getting ready to go to K-Mart. All I want tosay is Julie what ever is wrong I hope it gets better I don't like you being upset.....
Hey guess what I can Kinda talk now!!
Love you all!!

current mood: annoyed

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Friday, June 29th, 2001
5:44 pm - Day two!!!
Still can't talk, still hurts, but it is better than I thought. MY DOCTOR TOOK MY WISDOM FROM ME!! I NEEDED THAT! anyways~ the day goes by so slow and I do nothing but sleep, I miss talking to everyone and I can't wait to talk again!
Oh and tomarrow if I'm feeling better Brian is taking me out to see DR2! yay!!
Joey I hope your doing okay with your new car, but I guess you are considering your never home now. Please be careful...
Hi Jared hope your haveing a blast with Joey!
I miss you Chris!!
Bye everyone and God bless!

current mood: blah

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Thursday, June 28th, 2001
9:10 pm - Ouch!!!
Well it wasn't as bad as I thought and Jared you were right as soon as I got that shot, not even 2 seconds later I was out. I woke up with a gob of shith in my mouth and couldn't feel my face. Hey guess what my face didn't swell one bit. The bad part is I can't talk for the next 2 days...
Well I'm druged so I'm going back to bed now and thanx for your prayers last night, And chris from what julie said "quit being negative" I some what agree with her you need to look more positive if you tell everyone to do so! Well I love you all and god bless!!

current mood: numb

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12:40 am
Ps. Zach JOey is mine!!!!!!!!

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12:30 am - bye!
This will be the last time I up date this for a while and talk to anyone on here or IM.
Tomarrow I get my wisdom teeth pulled and I hate the thought of it, I can't stand ppl messing wiht my teeth. Oh well!!
Jared I love talking to you on the internet and I hope you don't miss me too bad. Stay out of the sun, and away from frischs. Chris I miss you and I hope you have the best of time at the cabin and I will be looking forward to you coming home;). Call me some time if you can. Joey I can't pester you at home n e more I hope you miss me, your my fav, brother in the world. Barnhills, enjoy your summer and don''t have too much fun.And Jesse find something to do with Callie so you will quit talking to yourself.And no more hugs for zach!!!
Ilove all you!!

current mood: bitchy
current music: joseph songs........again

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Monday, June 25th, 2001
10:33 pm
Going back into surgery thur. yeah Im so dredding it! I got my stitches out today from my last surgery and it hurt like a bitch!!!
summer sucks and I miss chris, got nothen else to say.
god bless*

current mood: aggravated

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Sunday, June 24th, 2001
11:06 am - Sorry!!
Chris I'm sorry i didn't get to talk to you lastnight I got home at four in the morning. I hope your not to mad I will be on tonight.

Last night was so fun! My parents and me took Joey and Brian and some more of my friends to Dave N Busters we had a blast...
after wards we went to go fishing and I didn't get home till 4 in the morning.. yesterday was the most fun I have had in along time, thanx guys...
now I'm going to my grandpas to do that family thing and I have church so everyone have fun!!
Love Always-

current mood: energetic
current music: You make me sick: Pink

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Friday, June 22nd, 2001
10:52 pm - Looong Day
Went to go see the psychic and it was cool.
My day was long and boaring and so will tomarrow so I have nothing too say.
The next 3 weeks are gonna go bye so slow!!!!!
Certaint people know what I'm talking about!!

current mood: sad
current music: But I do Love You: Leann Rimes

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1:44 pm - tired
guess what tonight im going out with my mother and we are going to go see a sychic.... cool huh
maybe she will tell me im going to die soon.
well nothing else to sayexcept chris is gone and i'm going to miss him!!

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Thursday, June 21st, 2001
10:17 pm - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay well what a summer so far. Graduating was awsome it feels great to get out from under that wing. Sad yes but glad its over.
Sunday on fathers day I was admitted into the hospital and had surgery again sme reason as last year.
Next thur. I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Yeah, not really....

Well I updated and I don't khave much to say so Hi: Julie, Robin, Jesse, sarah, Joey, Chris (call me) And everyone else I missed Oh, Amanda!!!

current mood: relieved

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1:47 pm - Wow!!
I can't believe its been a month since I updated this..............................

current mood: surprised

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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2001
9:03 pm - Long time no see...
The play of Joseph is finally over and i finally have my life back. The play went great and i'm kinda glad its over but kinda not. I will miss it and for all you losers that didn't come see it U Suck!!!! It was awesome!!!
Got my cap and gown today
4 days of school left

Current mood: Tired

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