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Kelly Weaver
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Update livejournal, Petrie!
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So, in the spirit of being lazy today, I've been watching TechTV a good portion of the day while playing around on Lapwarmer. Lo and behold, who do I see hosting Call for Help today? Wil Wheaton! So, right now, Austin and Petrie are going "Oooooooo", while everyone else is going "Who?"

For those of you who care, check out the new GeForce 6800. Skip all the technically mumbo jumbo and just get to the benchmarks, then let your jaw drop. Over the past year, ATI has dominated the video card market for the past year, but with this new release by nVidia, all the video card reviewers are jumping the ATI ship. Of course, jumping ship is something they do often as is.
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This very second, John John Petrie is yelling at me for not updating livejournal. So, here I am. Updating. Yay!
This means two things:
  • I'm back in the states
  • I'm sitting in the living room on Lapwarmer. He's wireless!
I'm also hanging out with Sarah, which is always fun. We've been doing lots of that since I got home. We're inseparable. And I'm not complaining one bit. I love it when she's around.
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Making Sarah a Geek
Sub-subject: Mixing Computers and Law

Sometimes, I find articles about the GPL and the legalese behind it - such as this one discussing the difference between licenses and contracts - and wonder if I should forward such material to Sarah.
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True or False:

"Someone only has as much control over you as you allow them"
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It's late
I'll begin by saying that I wish my writing skills were of such an awesome multitude that when people read my almost meaningless posts they would develop a deep tingling sensation within themselves. And it is also my hope that this tingling would prove to not be malignant or evil in any way, as the way that cancer is evil. I guess you could say that I hope my writing doesn't give you cancer.

But enough of my woes on how I wish I could write better. It has been my experience, as a person who likes to draw, that my worst critic is none other than myself. I can draw a picture that would make any regular person want to proudly display it on the refrigerator along side the multitude of scribbles done by their own third grader, while I can name off no less then twelve billion things I don't like about the picture I just scratched out. I imagine such personal criticism carries over to such things as scribing and even hacking.

So what causes me to berate my own posts? When I start this entry over three times before I'm happy with the result.

If I haven't lost your interest yet, please continue... )
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Entries in helpful list form!
  • Today is my roommate's - Petrie's - birthday.  Happy birthday Petrie.  We all hate you :)
  • Also, there's this long series of posts by my wonderful girlfriend and said roommate here.  It made me feel all special.
  • And because you haven't had a geek post in awhile, I recently found out there's a port of GTK+ to Windows.  I'm gonna install it and enjoy myself with nifty programming fun.
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Man, my girlfriend is so hot:

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To everyone:
I would be greatly happy if someone could present to me a picture of our dear fat friend, Austin Cope, preferably of the JPG or GIF formats. I seem to remember Bobby having such a picture on his computer, but I highly doubt he reads lj. Could someone get him to email said picture to me between one of his many sleep marathons? Thanks in advance.

To Petrie:
I remember you talking about GNU earlier. If you would like more info on things such as open source, I'm told I should recomend The Cathedral and the Bazaar. I've yet to actually sit down an read it myself though.

To Sarah:
I love you. :)
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Uh.... so who exactly is "The Good Roommate"? Last check I had, none of you guys were good.
Kelly Weaver
User: [info]mitdebo
Name: Kelly Weaver
Website: kelweaver.com
Back July 2004