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[19 Apr 2003|08:37pm]

[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Tweaker : : Linoleum ]

Superman isn't a hero because Superman can't die.
--from the movie Angus

the current war is a battle, one that has taken many lives and left many people with nothing but memories of their loved ones. but in any battle there is a kind of pageantry to it all; a deep competition that isn't voiced by the prominent media circuits and one that many people are simply not cognizant of. it is the battle for heroism. a competition to supply a veridical image and thus a push to establish some kind of amenable position in relation to other members of the world community. war is a struggle for the conferral of perfect ethics. no other forum dictates this drive more bluntly than the american cartoon industry.

there's no tension or indecisiveness to a superhero's pursuit and, more importantly, there is no tension or indecisiveness to the villains actions. neither of them is a being for that would imply subjectivity in action. no, they have transferred all their beings into pieces of clothing: clark kent is a being, superman is not; bruce wayne is a being, batman is not; tony stark is a being, iron man is not. by donning these fanciful garments they are in effect advertising to the world that they are not human. they are superhuman, above the realm of choice (thrust there usually by a choice which wasn't theirs) and into a plane of obligation. they fight because they "must," as if it's a transparent consequent. and what do children learn from these fantastic exhibits of moral imperatives? "do what is right?" no, more like, "do what is objectively right." enemies are never human, they are sub-human. they exist in a realm where the world is to become their slave for no other reason than some programming we will never know of. joker, two-face, penguin, doomsday, and poison ivy are all just psychoanalytic drives. they have no history except that of constant violence. they cannot change because change implies subjectivity. villains are forever to walk the earth as the hero's Other.

america is to be the hero, terrorists are drives. we are always right, they are always trying to destroy our correctness. the idea behind american cartoons is exposed in political rhetoric and fashion. it's why the flag is so important: it's the way we can safely allay all questions of validity about anything we do. whether it be bombs, tax cuts, executions, or campaign finance reform, it all adopts a religious zeal and efficacy when a flag is wielded. american cartoons are more than just fantasy.

they are the dreams of men who want to be gods.

(hype or gripe)

[21 Mar 2003|07:11am]

If you're ever in need of old lyrics, here is the site

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Six Feet Under... [09 Mar 2003|08:24pm]

Before the next show starts, I've gotta say....I think Nate is in a coma...this gives the writers a lot of lee way, and gives them a 'many possibilited' season.

If you don't watch this show, I recommend you start...it's strange, and wonderful

(1 thought | hype or gripe)

[07 Mar 2003|09:45pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Cat Power : : Evolution ]

being depressed and angst-ridden really is a meticulously designed craft. i find it especially amazing that it requires very little to draw its inspiration since the topics are usually so pathetically abstracted that any interpretation can be attached without the penalty of obstructing the artist's direction since, well, such direction seeks to place a poor taxonomy on every branch of an emotion. by doing this, the artist is absolved of making any alienating commitments when writing a song and thus everyone's invited, so to speak. the appeal is in the direct assault, the immediate fling of of emotions to send the listener into a fantastic stupor. to be instantaneously angry or sad is indeed attractive. who wouldn't mind listening to a song that made them into a stone with all of its intricate details, scars, and bruises already established?

and isn't this the pop culture of rock and roll? whereas it used to be a harbinger of freedom and rebellion, a part of the flag to disassemble the monolith of conservative musical and social ideology...it has now self-destructively turned inward. popularity breeds industry and for rock and roll it bred an affirmation of homogeneity. musicians who wanted to breach new fields of reality like psychology and philosophy (Tool), sexuality (Placebo), and politics (MC5) were only lauded for their sonic throes. it's the reason bands like linkin park--a 5-man band that includes a dj, 3 guitarists, and 2 singers--can have absolutely nothing to say and still be given uncritical accolade from fans. it's the reason why good charlotte really only talk of the alienated of the popular. it's the reason why system of a down's political bent is thoroughly ignored. if linkin park represents rock and roll then rock and roll has no meaning anymore.

(4 thoughts | hype or gripe)

Six Feet Under... [03 Mar 2003|05:21pm]

Is there anyone here that watches this show? If so, what did you think of the season opener last night?

(2 thoughts | hype or gripe)

MJ under the scope. [07 Feb 2003|10:44am]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Leave me alone" Micheal Jackson ]

My opinion on the Michael Jackson Interview, it was never intended for him to be viewed in a positive way. People were looking for negativity and that’s what they got. The reporter, NOT only did he focused on the negative side of everything; not to mention he decided to play psychiatrist and state his personal opinion as well. MJ should have known not to trust the media to give him a fair trial on how to be a human being. I’m not saying that nothing is wrong with MJ, but for people to judge him like they’re so perfect is pathetic. I’m sure out of the eight months of filming, there were more positive stuff that could have been shown.

what do you think of the interview? Fair or Not?

(1 thought | hype or gripe)

Houston vs. Houston ... Mariah replies to rumors [26 Oct 2002|03:51pm]

Whitney Houston sued by father's management company

NEW YORK (AP) -- Whitney Houston finds herself facing a $100 million lawsuit brought by her father's company, John Houston Entertainment. The company filed a breach of contract lawsuit back in August, accusing the singer of not paying for services rendered including helping her with her drug bust in January 2000 and helping land her big record deal with Arista.

A company official quotes John Houston as saying he feels ripped off by Whitney's people and wants to be paid, adding that he's 100 percent behind the lawsuit against his daughter.

Meanwhile, Whitney's spokeswoman, Nancy Seltzer, says she spoke to the singer's dad recently, and he called the whole thing ridiculous. Seltzer told MTV News the case is a situation where "two people who seem to be dragged into this, which is neither of their own doing."

in other news...

Mariah Carey Replies to Rumors
Oct 25, 10:29 AM EST

NEW YORK (AP) — Mariah Carey insists she sips her soda just like the rest of us, according to a published report.

The singer told the New York Post she takes exception to rumors that one of the members of her entourage has the job of tasting her food and wipes down her cans of soda with disinfectant before they're opened up.

A stern "Please," was Carey's reaction to the rumor. She said although she is careful among germs to protect her voice, she doesn't "care that much." Carey said she opens her own soda and drinks it with a straw.

Meanwhile, the singer hints she's looking for love.

At a listening party for her new album "Charmbracelet," Carey mentioned to reporters that while she's solo these days, she is definitely looking for a man.

But that man probably won't be rapper Eminem. One of the songs on the new album seems to be directed at the rapper. In June, Eminem told Rolling Stone magazine that he and Carey had dated briefly and that he didn't care for the experience. "Don't believe the hype," he told the magazine. He also added that Carey "doesn't really have it all together."

But Carey gets back at Eminem in the song "Clown." The lyrics read in part: "You should have never intimated we were lovers. I gotta break it to you delicately -- who's gonna love you when it's over? Who's gonna care?"

Carey doesn't acknowledge she wrote the song as a response to Eminem. she only says she "wrote all the songs except for one or two."

(3 thoughts | hype or gripe)

woooo. another community. [24 Oct 2002|09:38pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | this is the way we ball......lil flip ]

Hey ya'll. let's get this started.

Favorite Artist(s)? AHHHHHHHH! Mariah Carey! I don't care wtf she does ya'll know that girl can siiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaang! Ummmm I like No Doubt, Outkast, Ludacris, Missy Eliot and uhhhhh *droools* i miss Boyz || Men! O yeah and i blast tha Temptations allll tha time. *tear* o and i like Vivaldi shiet.

Favorite song(s)? too many to name. seriously. i would have to categorize em.

Favorite Concert(s)? can you believe i've never been to a real concert??? like i mean big name headlining performer concert?

Favorite Cd or album(s)? Mmmmmmm all tha Mariahs. heh. Tragic Kingdom, Da Real World. ummmmm can't think!

Favorite Movie(s)? Oooh! Okay I looooove me some Disney cartoon movies, and theeeen i like Blues Brothers 2000 (can't wait til that comes on TV again), Coming to America and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. Can't watch that movie wihtout food though.

Favorite Actor(s)? *shrugs*

Favorite Actress(es)? *shrugs*

Favorite Movie Character(s)? dayum. i am NOT a movie critic. i'm basically deprived of seeing movies.

Favorite soundtrack(s)? o!The Sound of Music! And the Little Mermaid! And Mulan! And Grease! duuuh

Favorite Comedian(s)? Mr. Murphy and Mr. Williams

Favorite Television Show(s)? SPoNGEBOB!!!!!!!!! and i like the History Channel and Boston Public

Favorite Television Character(s)? Patrick Star (from spongebob) Susie from rugrats

Favorite Athlete(s)? Flo-Jo and AI (just cuz he looks good)

Favorite book(s)? AHHH! Tuck Everlasting! I heard tha movie ruined it though! And Ella Enchanted and Maniac Magee annnnnd The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told! Omgosh that's a gooood/funnnnnneee book. It had me LOLing literally!

Favorite sport(s) Football (STEEEEEEEELERS!!!!!! dayum they ain't doin too weel this year my 2nd pick is tha Buccaneers) and SLAMBALL! and bas-ket-baaaaalll

(1 thought | hype or gripe)

music video's relevance. [05 Oct 2002|12:21pm]

[ mood | pretty fucking useless (la la la) ]
[ music | Subject To Change- Beauty Is Made ]

The latest Prodigy video has been banned from major media outlets.


But its being shown here.

Why bother shooting something like this. What is the significance? It's not like they're this indie band trying to make it, they're on Madonna's label through WARNERS, for God's sake.

IMO, the song's old hat. Not very good. But then again, that's my opinion of MOST of what's out.

I watch videos maybe once a month, and every month I see exactly what I saw the previous month, with a couple of new faces.

And so my question is this:

Why music video?

Who really cares?

(4 thoughts | hype or gripe)

WEEEEEEEEEE! my first post. [03 Oct 2002|10:06pm]


name the most compelling music video in history.

mine? REM's Everybody Hurts

(3 thoughts | hype or gripe)

This is not a Quiz, I repeat, this is NOT a Quiz! [03 Oct 2002|10:25pm]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | "The System" on Court TV ]

These are just my preferences on music, movies, tv, etc.

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(hype or gripe)

Is today’s (hiphop) Rap music ‘the minstrel show’ of the 21-century? Is it really art imitating life [03 Oct 2002|07:02pm]

This image of hip-hop was largely the B-boy and Fly Girl images of urban Black youth. These images were perpetuated in the burgeoning music video industry. Getting paid, drinking forties, rolling, stupid sex, beepers, fly gear, a dope sound system in the helluva ride —all were part of the impulse and imitation that continued to move Black youth that flocked to hip-hop in drovesRead more... )

(1 thought | hype or gripe)

Will Mariah make a comeback? [30 Sep 2002|11:01pm]

[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | "Reflection (care enough)" Mariah Carey ]

The video, directed by David Meyers, is for her new song, "Through the Rain," in which she bares her soul about her past problems and her hopes for the future.

Appearing confident and carefree, Mariah seemed like her old self as she happily waved to fans who stopped to watch.

It's been a tough haul for the perky hitmaker who delivered eight chart-topping albums and 25 singles in just 10 years - and then had a nervous breakdown in July 2001.

In the weeks leading up to that collapse, fans had listened in sadness as Mariah left a series of rambling and unfocused phone messages on her official Web site.

Not helping her situation was disastrous starring role in the movie "Glitter" and a bad breakup with Latin pop sensation Luis Miguel.

Mariah was also dumped by her label, Virgin, who paid off her long-term contract to get rid of her.

But she's been determined to bounce back, and now with a new label, Island/Def Jam, and new album on the way, she may be able to do just that.

"Through the Rain," released to radio stations last Thursday, has already gotten good reviews from fans and deejays. ...updated: 10/02/2002

Recently she was spotted along New York City's Park Avenue. She's just released her New single and video, " Through the Rain". The single was released to radios last week. So far she is receiving positive reviews from fans and critics. Can She make a comeback after an awful year that included a flopped album and film, both titled 'Glitter,' a very public nervous breakdown and being bought out by her record company?

(3 thoughts | hype or gripe)

Proof in the puddin' [28 Sep 2002|08:00pm]

[ mood | devious ]
[ music | "Girl you know its true" Milli Vanilli ]

When I see Ashanti I can't help but think about the duo, Milli Vanilli, lol.

She has talent, but she's just another could be artist wrapped in a pretty package. She's certainly evidence of an "over-night success". Ok, she can um sing, but she has yet to master the on stage finesse. I think Milli and his boy Vanilli done a better stage performance than she has so far. "Girl you know its true"!

Milli Vanilli. The mere mention of the name still calls up the same derision it did when the dance-pop duo's career came to a sudden and ignominious end: Fakers. Frauds. A blatant marketing scam. Their story has been retold countless times: after selling millions of records.

De ja vu?

I know I'm wrong, LMAO! "Blame it on the rain", I'm bored. For all you die-hard fans, you better start asking questions, do some research, lol.

(hype or gripe)

Rhyming Aparatus??? [27 Sep 2002|01:30pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | "I love Music" The Ojays ]


The average rapper wouldn't be able to grace the pages of Rap Pages, VIBE, Rolling Stone, Spin, The Source, URB and Stress and go on a national tour months before their major-label debut album is released. Then again, Eminem isn't an average rapper. He's phenomenal.

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