March 8th, 2005
01:33 pm - update Ok so this'll be a quicky since my lunch (half)hour is almost up. Last night rocked apart from the transport fuck ups and my incredible exploding stomach(kinda my fault). Jill Sobule is a fabulous women and the guy on before her had the darlingest voice-I could have a relationship with that voice, he could just have sat in the corner and sung and that would have been fine. I didn't get home til nearly 3 am due to combined train-related fuckwittage so I feel like death and the doctors was no help and I nearly cried which seems to be a running theme at the moment-but I am seriously sleep deprived and still not quite well.
Anyhoo shall update and post pics later, buuut we are interviewing potential housemates this week so seriously what question have you or do you wish you'd asked previous housemates before letting them move into your abode?
March 6th, 2005
03:32 pm - Jeans??? Ok-so what do we think of the jeans? I've covered most ankles and two shoe heights-am I too 80s or what? ( Internet what do you think??? )
March 5th, 2005
10:20 pm - my hair hmmmmmmm, I think its shite so I'm going to go back when i have some spare time and get it fixed but I have ginger spice/recently menopausal/divorced orange streaks in my hair-not the toning coppery shade as discussed.
( hair horrors ) You can see my duvet on the sofa in the background.
FYI I still feel like shite-it feels like a week long hangover-my head ways too much and is hurty and nausea is but a too sudden movement away, and my limbs feel as if they were buried in slurry. When I find another way to relieve the boredom I shall stop posting about how icky I feel, in the meantime I apologise.
Tomorrow the jeans that self-pity bought-do they look good or horribly eighties???
( I shall leave you with a cute pic of the H1 and la Diva Photographer from t'other week. )
March 4th, 2005
09:29 pm - aaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggggggg Ok so Housemate1 came in this evening and told me that Housemate2 is moving in with her boyfriend-I'd suspected this but now its happening! Checked my work webmail and thereit is she's moving out, she has agreed to cover rent until someone new is in and we never saw her but I do not want to deal with this right now. We're going to have to interview new housemates and stuff eek. Anyone know someone in York who needs a room and who is lovely and non-hygienically challenged?
Still feel like shit, my body is pulp, I'm trying not to throw up and I still have the fucking headache. Am going to go and submerge myself in a dead sea salt bath and pray I'm able for the hairdressers and the landladies tomorrow morning. I have 3 loads of dry laundry that need to be put away but to do that I'd need to be able to walk into my room and see floor space.
Someone wave a wand and make me feel better please. I've been poorly since tuesday, its getting old and I resent feeling like a nauseous 150 year old!
02:59 pm - FYI- I am becoming my mother Except I'm a tad less/more spendthrift(whichever means I spend-I blame illness).
I just went to the supermarket and picked up a dvd player, some food and some painkillers-I know I'm ill but the thought of eating anything but the sole potato in my cupboard made me want to barf and hello i haven't eaten since I threw up last night which was nice.
I'm totally eating everything not allowed on my diet but "fuckk you dietician biatch" the only things i can imagine keeping down are foods i am not allowed and well faintness is not something I want to encourage. So we have microwave curry, tortilla chips, ginger beer and this winter warmer fruit juice which is apple, plum and cinammon and you warm it a bit, oh and lemon thins. I want warming, or cool citrussy things and dammmnit i'm gonna have them.
Oh the mother bit...ummm I bought coasters! I KNOW "COASTERS" buut someone left a ring on our ex tv stand now new coffee table and from my prone position on the sofa it was really getting on my nerves. So ummm yea thats my excuse, and at least I bought heat and now not 'Homes & Gardens' or 'Country Living' or 'BBC Homes & Antiques' therefore I am not my mother. Hurrah.
March 3rd, 2005
01:28 pm - Sold to the lady with the money So I just sold my bike and I feel kind of sad-it went for £40 all in, in the end and I forgot to take a picture of it. Taking a picture would have been a sad and pathetic thing to do but I feel like I should have. My parents bought it for me in my teens and even though all I've ever done is bitch about the pain the seat causes me and how unfit it makes me feel, and how I actually get into town faster walking rather than riding. Still it makes me sad :( tis gone an annoying pastel coloured bit of my youth. Still going down £10 on it isn't too bad when its 8 years old although in peak condition (cos it was never used!) and my dad paid for the £20 D-lock when I moved here. ach well tis cold hard cash :)
I can hear some 80s rapper saying "cash moneeee" in my head now *sniggers*
Am not deaded by work although a duvet, a hot water bottle and some primo dvd watching are what I'd prefer to be doing.
March 1st, 2005
01:56 pm I've come home sick, I kept overheating and then I was sick-the queen gave me a lift home. yay and woah-yay because I get an afternoon off work, woah because that's a whole days pay lost now!
February 27th, 2005
11:04 am - The Evil is Seeping Out of My Pores Dear jinxremoving, sinsense and yiskah, twas lovely to mett you all, I apologise for the falling asleep and the slinking out, but it felt like eeeevil was seeping out of my pores which is not a good thing so I slunk so as not to contaminate the safe space that is biascut's abode.
I shall now try and drown the eeeevil in litres of nice cold water and give myself bed rest to recover from the eevil.
The weather is lovely, all crisp and sunny and fresh and stuff. It did actually hurt my eyes but meh!
PS never wear petrol blue eyeliner and forget to remove it before walking home, i got some funny looks on the way home, also my eyelashes have splayed into a forked shape-i look very freaky right now. I suspect there shall be no driving today, since I don't know when I stopped drinking I don't know when it will wear off!
February 25th, 2005
08:35 am - Ten things I've done you probably haven't 1. Been caught peeing in the sink because you couldn't get into the bathroom this morning by your housemate-well i bet none of you did this morning, but oh the shame. 2. Played in the Festival and Albert halls with the string Orchestra I was in-and won the junior section of the national music festival for youth or something. 3. Been told to go out with someone because "he doesn't mind that you're a virgin" when I was 14. 4. Tied a rope round my middle so my mate could lower me through a trap door, but tied a slipknot and nearly passed out before falling 10ft or so onto stone cobbles below because she got rope burn and let go and escaped without a scratch after landing on one knee. 5.Been beaten with my own hair at ballet class. 6. Had my hair cut live in front of a ravening audience of hair dressers in Blackpool while on a come down. 7. Been chatted up by a guy who smoked his cigarette between his index finger and the tiny extra finger that branched off it.(like a cactus) 8. Had an orgasm on a Magic Bus. 9.Invented a fallacious my first time story. 10. Edited a newspaper and totally forgotten to credit myself anywhere.
February 23rd, 2005
11:18 pm - hello again not updated for a wee while, glad to see the people of lj land are still here. super-tired and oddly emotional at the mo, cried "in the cinema" tonight!am utterly ashamed, not sure i really liked the film but it got me out of the house and havemade muffins in my super new muffin tin, complete with muffin cups which actually sounds pretty rude :) apple/rasberry although there's cinammon and i'm not sure cinammon goes with rasberry but they smell pretty damn good.
spent this morning freezing my ass off in a training session where i actually got to help, feeling oddly virtuous but oh so bored with the no blogging at work thing. very tired and off to bed hopefully via the bath if Housemate1 and the girlf aren't occupying the bathroom.
other than that the weekend at home was relatively painless, i did mess up the drive but i'll relate that hilarity another day. got guardian jobs today and am going to start going through it tomorrow night - did want to see garden state at the student cinema buut don't think anyone else is going and should sort out my stuff from the weekend as there doesn't seem to have been time, although in my heart i know there has.
so its with an oddly empty stomach and the scent of muffins in my nose and clinging to my skin that i head off.
hope everyone's well and hope to see the lahndon ladies soon if the IHS idea is still on, i can probably stay with the LTL if that's an issue as she'll be chez moi the week after the original proposed date.
more hospital time-sucking coming up next week, details will be forthcoming but sounds uber weird from what the nurse said on the phone yesterday. no prodding but hooking me up to machines all morning-yay!
February 21st, 2005
01:23 pm - Back to work mmmk this should be my only post while at work since have banned myself from lj-ing.
It keeps snowing here and is very cold-I am wearing a vest, a long-sleeved top, a poloneck, lined tweed trousers, sparkly pink knee highs, socks and boots! I also have my leather gloves, my knitted fleecy leg-warmers-for-hands that the H1 loves, my new knitted beret/tam o'shanter which was a bargain and an extra hat and scarf in my bag.
That may seem excessive but I walk to work and had to do so very slowly!
Weekend update later perhaps.
In other news I had a "Just Say No" love heart earlier-the anti-drugs message is everywhere. or is it an anti-sweets/pro-diet message?
February 18th, 2005
12:04 am - Feeling better Drinks with la biascut, the H1 and le Diva photographer have enabled me to feel much better. The most delish cosmopolitans like eva-or in York at least- helped muchly as did numerous compliments and my super sophis coordination, oh teh glamour plus nice tunes. Good to get out snd surprised at how much I fitted in before going out. It also helped that the random play I'd left Windows meeja on was playing Jolene as I walked in!
Catch y'all on the flip side. am emailable over the weekend but access at home is hit and miss.
I'm feeling the love in a nice warm way so, for anyone that wants any I'm sending a little love your wayxxx
February 16th, 2005
02:13 pm Off home this weekend, which should be interesting, it'll give me a chance to do another longish drive compared to the little trips around York. Feeling a lot more confident re my road skills now-just knowing the car is mine and driving more often has made such a difference. I can dodge parked cars and deal with arsey drivers much better so go me.
On the pooh side last night was freaky deaky sleep wise. Occasionally when I'm really tired I have the weirdest dreams when I'm half between waking and sleeping. I'm falling asleep and my body isn't conscious anymore but my mind is and my eyes are still open. This started happening last night, I could feel myself slipping into it and its nigh on impossible to fight. I was so exhausted yesterday but I had to fight it because when this happens I get the most terrifying dreams where I wake up but my body won't respond. In these dreams I'm normally being attacked/suffocated, I can't breathe and I can't wake my body up to fight the attacker off, in these dreams I feel the sensations. I feel the weight of the body pressing down on my throat, I can feel my limbs trying to move themselves but I can't do anything.
Its really awful and they seem to be happening more often, I remember having one and then going a couple of years between that and the next but that's 3 at least over the last 12 months, 2 in the last 6 and they really shake me up and make me wary of losing control and sleeping which only makes them more likely to happen.
The worst one had to be when I'd moved into a new place in Manchester with strangers, and on my first night there I had one where I thought it was one of the guys in the house trying to strangle me. I didn't sleep for two nights after that.
Just a vent, hopefully that will allow me to sleep tonight!
February 15th, 2005
03:01 pm - Knackered I am so tired I can hardly see straight and my visions a little foggy. Help me make it through the day folks. I really should ride today out til 5.30 if I can.
February 13th, 2005
08:07 pm - The weekend should be much longer Been pretty domesticated today-made apple mini muffins which I hope taste ok, and a beef, olive and carrot casserole which is smelling nice. I haven't made any bread or done the intended sewing yet again! On the upside I have cleaned the rancid smell out of the bin, done my handwashing, testdriven the new casserole pot, spoken to the bf re next weekend, watched a great film and done all the washing up.
I love this film and its the only thing I have to thank his hairiness for from that whole year of housesharing-if it weren't for sky+ I wouldn't have known it existed.
Mmmm food smelss yumsome.
11:15 am - Happy Birthday Have a great birthday smella.
02:12 am - A slightly drunk update So not posted for a wee while, so why not post when tipsy-please excuse any typos, although knowing me there will be less than when sober!
( unsober ramblings )
February 7th, 2005
03:11 pm - sooo, hmmm See the restraint no post since oooh friday! Pints with the H1 and biascut on friday night after being stuck talking to a tramp at the bus stop when i was already late due to a mum delay-he was called Steven King apparently and took half my tobacco but that was much easier than talking to him! I gave him a fake name which is the first time I've ever done that, I used biascut's name because I'd just been talking to her an I'm not sure how bad that was of me.
There's other thinsg I could go into, I'm feeling the need for a thoughtful post but now isn't the time.
I didn't sleep til gone 5 this morning so I ended up not going into work, it feels like all I did was watch bright young things and drink tea, although I discovered on thursday that there were black mould spores on the window and the bamboo blind in the bathroom so I've just finished soaking the blind in a bathful of bleach and scrubbing the window clean. I've coated everything in Tea Tree Oil-opened the window to help dry it and rehung the blind, I'm hoping this prevents a recurrence sice mould spores over a drafty sash window do not strike me as very safe.
February 4th, 2005
09:46 am I am all weak and floppy this morning, my lef eye won't stop watering which is most odd and I appear to be getting a cold again since my nose is making alarming noises and my body feels wrong without a duvet wrapped round it. Tonight will be beer night however as the snow must go on! That said almost everyone is visiting exotic parts-Brighton/the lake district etc
One day I will do something other than whinge, but you probably won't know about it because I'll be too happy and fulfilled to blog. I'll have my own website of smugness about my perfect life, but I won't maintain it-it will show out of date smug photos and dated fonts and have a list of my favouritest things in a puke making colour scheme. Sorry, last night I was surfing around and came upon those aren't we a lovely about to be married, child first used its potty unit of smugness. A quality I like to refer to as smuggity, usage is "So and so's all smuggity again" it combines smug and git and y and well I think it works..........................