March 2004
Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 06:28 am
Softball Fun

Well, my daughter had her first softball practice yesterday and that means I coached my first softball practice.

She played last year in a coach pitch baseball league with the boys. She has great batting form - the throwing and catching last year were not so good. I was just an assistant coach last year.

This year her throwing seems much improved - the catching is better but I will let her new 'larger' glove get broken in a bit before I can tell if there is improvement.

A lot of the girls have names that begin with the letter J - it is always hard to remember names as it is but when you have 6 J names to keep track of.... plus I have a Kylie, Carly, and a Karena. Wee Fun!

I need to learn how to pitch using a windmill style so I can teach the team how too do so.

I am of the philosophy that everyone needs to learn how to pitch, play catcher, firstbase, second basee... and so on. Everyone should know a little about everything. The girls are mostly 9 but I have a couple who are 11 and 12. Way too early to tell a girl that they can't pitch because they are not as good as another. Actually, I don't think there is ever an age to tell anyone that about anything.

Ahhh... softball(insert baseball if you like) a microcosm of life.

You work on the basics and then learn how to function with others.

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Monday, March 8th, 2004 08:07 am

Cleaned friend's list a bit....

I do not think I removed anyone who has me as a friend - if I did it was a big mistake so let me know and I will add back.

Trying to simplify the life in LJ world and in Real Life.

I need to write.

Did the tax thing yesterday - major surprise getting big bucks back - need to adjust the ol' W-4s.

Looks like we are heading to Houston for my daughter's spring break in April. It will be good to visit - my wife has to travel that week for business anyhow so I thought we should go back with her. Her birthday is that week and it would have been the third in a row where she was traveling.

Hope to visit all the friends/family and maybe catch one of the season opening games at Minute Maid Park - Go Astros!

Prolly be back in Houston within the next 2 years. Shell already asked to see if my wife was available for an assignment - her plant manager didn't want to let her go after only 2 years here - the posting usually lasts 3-4 years.

Overseas is still a possibility but ultimately Houston is our final destination.

We are also looking at hitting Disneyland this summer. I want to go over the 4th of July - need to sell it to the misses.

We have a Cornell friend's wedding in mid October in Minneapolis. We usually gather with our Cornell friends every other year at a lodge in Minnesota but the schedules of the 4 families are not meshing this year....saddness - we have resolved to focus on next year already.

Well, I did not set out to discuss travel plans for the year but thank goodness that is what journaling is all about....well mostly :^)

My wife's grandmother is not doing well. She is in her 80s and has heart problems and has also decided no more surgeries to clear arteries. She will take medicines but other than that has said NO. I love the lady - she is a dynamic witness for the Lord and has inspired my wife (and many others) in many ways over the years.

Odds are we will be making a trip to Kentucky sometime this year.

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Music from my son's JumpStart Toddlers Computer Game

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Friday, December 19th, 2003 08:29 am
Holiday Quickie

While I have not posted in a while I don't want to miss the rest of 12 Babes of Xmas by robont. And since he is maxed out his friends he is culling the list by those who haven't posted or are inactive so hence a quickie post.

I will post more soon. Really.....

Current Mood: Caffeinated
Current Music: Blues Clues Music from the Family Room

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 12:25 pm
Arrgh - I Hate these things but.....

SimilarMinds Compatibility Results
circlek ||||||||| 94% ||||||||| 91%
poonariffic ||||||||| 92% ||||||||| 88%
magicwoman ||||||||| 87% |||||||| 77%
9jack9 |||||||| 77% ||||||| 74%
similarity complementarity  
How compatible are you and your friends?

Current Mood: cynical
Current Music: Noise from the laundry room

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Sunday, November 2nd, 2003 07:03 pm
Maps Are Good...

Thanks for the idea and link - we're practically neighbors now.

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Sounds of my kids

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Saturday, September 13th, 2003 08:47 am
She's Back

She got in on-time - her trip over to Athens was one delay after another.

It was good to her next to me in bed - even though she was in a coma like sleep.

Abby was at a birthday party stayover last night so it was kind of nice quiet evening with mom, dad, and Jackson. I know he liked having all the attention.

Jackson is finally eating something other than hot dogs. That it is chicken nuggets from McDonald's probably isn't the greatest thing to celebrate over but his diet of a turkey frank for lunch and an all-beef frank for supper for pretty much the entire last year was making me ill.

He turns 3 late next month but his milk allergy is still with him - this of course limits his diet somewhat but there are some things he just won't even try - breads of all kinds, vegetables (except baby food), and fruits (except baby food). We keep trying...

Well, the Iowa vs Iowa State game is supposed to be on the local Fox Sports channel in a half an hour - why is it showing in NW Washington, who knows? But I get to watch it - Yeah and go HAWKS!

We are heading to Iowa next month for Cornell's homecoming - we actually fly into Cedar Rapids - it is cheaper than flying to Chicago, Minneapolis, or St. Louis (which is odd, because some of the flight choices had us flying thru these locales on our way to CR). Instead, we will layover in Denver for about an hour.

All right need to shave and shower before the game so I need to get going.


Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: The theme song from the Tweenies (from the family room)

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Thursday, September 11th, 2003 09:08 am
So far...

So far... I have gotten two kiddos up and off to school both with a shower and breakfast. Jackson had an eye appointnment - his left eye is a little lazy when he is not wearing his glasses - we patch his strong eye for about 4 hours a day. He's such a cutie with his glasses on... I ran across a photo the other day before he was wearing his glasses and it was just odd.

Gretchen is having a great time in Athens... She says she is so not use to everyone smoking everywhere... things in the U.S.A. sure have changed over the last 20 years. I remember working for a large company back in 1986-87 when my supervisor smoked like a chimney and sat behind me in an open office cubical and I would smell like smoke everyday when I got home from work. That is almost unheard of these days.

She also confirmed the reports of the unbelievable number of stray dogs running around - early olympic coverage has mentioned it besides the security concerns.

She is back tomorrow and has about 18 hours of travelling time to get back here. She leaves Athens early Friday morning and lands in Sea-Tac early Friday afternoon - freaky. (10 hour time difference, btw)

It will just be nice to cuddle with someone in bed tomorrow night even if I know she will be lights out for the night and just plain out of it this weekend.

I miss her. I'm happy to say that after 15+ years of marriage.

Have a great one!

Current Mood: relaxed
Current Music: still nothing - I'm getting Steve Burns CD soon

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Wednesday, September 10th, 2003 10:13 am
Quick Check In

Hey all, I am alive... seems like I say that about every 2 months.

I've been playing Star Wars Galaxies - my first MORPG. I enjoy it but I know I need to interact with the other players more than some trading here and there. I joined a guild but it is rather lame - we have only 11 members and don't help each other like I expected - I'm going to take a more active role to see if I can salvage it or I'm looking for another group.

My wife is in Athens, Greece this week for a business conference - we've been holding down the fort rather well. My son hasn't asked where's mommy and that bothers me a little - she works long hours and travels a bit.

Abby started 3rd grade last week and loves her teacher (she always does). She takes to school so well, much like her mother and I both did. She also loves to play with her friends, both in the neighborhood and play dates with friends from school. We start up AWANAs next week and she'll throw herself into that too.

Jackson is starting the potty training and is taking to it much better than his sister did... I guess I was expecting the worse after what we went through with Abby (and I should reserve my comments until we are through the process...you never know...)

I feel like that I still need to get my life on track - I haven't even started looking for a job or rather start consulting/doing contract work. I know I feel a need to work but something always comes up around the house or with the kids - Yes, I am a stay at home dad without the responibility of even watching my own son (he goes to daycare - I am not trained (or even slightly bent towards) rasing a toddler.

My sister visited a couple of weeks ago and suggested that I look into substitute teaching - math, computer science, and/or business classes (I do have an MBA) are possibities. I guess I need to explore that...

Have a great day all!!

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: nada - I need to get some going

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Monday, July 28th, 2003 08:59 am

Thanks for the memories...

Current Mood: melancholy
Current Music: nada

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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003 03:33 pm
Using the LJ Client

Trying out the latest LJ client. Tried it about a year ago on a couple of systems and could not get it to work - The fact that I am typing is an indication of being farther along than I have ever gone. Abby is going the school week without TV, Computer Game/Internet surfing, and playing on the Game system. Hasn't been too hard so far - mornings are easy enough although I am sure she would still like to get her morning fix of Rocket Power while she gets ready for school and eat breakfast. Monday night she had a baseball game and only had about an hour to kill before bedtime. Last night we had AWANAs and got ready for bed when we got back home. Tonight however no planned activities. Jackson will want to watch Veggie Tales or play Mickey Mouse Toddler on the computer. I will try to keep him occupied with the computer and read to him. Need to decide what we are going to do for supper....

Current Mood: melancholy

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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003 09:44 pm
I Am Alive

Hey, I have such a great need to start posting again.
Check in posts at the least ---- like now!

Wife's on another business trip, becoming routine but still extra stress and we have other issues...

Abby is such a fragile child and I want so desperately want her to have confidence - baseball is good for her since it is a challenge to her athletic ability. I need to spend more time with her in practice.

Jackson is coming into his own and I am not ready. I just wish he would eat something else besides hotdogs and get off the baby food.

I need to make time for me.

I need to start working out regularly - this on again off again has to stop - - I am not progressing and somedays do not even want to look in a mirror - I was never like that, must be the big 4 0 coming in November...

The vasectomy may not have taken... I know it happens, see brother for details... We are still using protection but other issues are clouding - does not seem to be an issue with her but it is making me nuts daily and increasingly so....

Must force her to plan time off for this summer - her grandmother is not in the best of health and we really need to get over to visit, it would be just horrible if ... I do not even want to say it.

More soon... I really promise - need to work on getting web page updated and pictures posted.

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Monday, December 9th, 2002 02:16 pm

Yes, after living in the state of Washington since June I have finally re-visited here to build a new license plate icon.

I was watching "Blue's Clue" with my 2 year old last week when Steve and Blue 'skadood' into silly world or something like that. There was a kangaroo hammering a nail using a banana - it didn't phase me since I've seen a banana used to hammer a nail. When I was in high school chemistry and the Richard Dreyfus look-a-like teacher, Mr. Halsey, dipped a banana into some liquid nitrogen and froze the banana solid and then proceeded to hammer a nail into a board with it. Odd thought during.. well, .. ahem, quality TV watching time with Jackson.

17 left and about 70 days before I can bring in a sample - I'll have to discuss a problem with providing a sample at a later post.

Added a website on my journal - it is pretty basic so far but I plan to make it a bigger project over the next few days, weeks, months...

I've been hunting down some more friends to read - I just start hunting around and find some people who write well and seem interesting - just like my current friends.

I got most of our christmas lights on the house/yard - I will need to provide a picture as soon as I take one.

Is it just my and my wife? - we think outlining houses with red lights makes the house seem posessed. I'll take a picture of our neighbor's house to show you what I mean...

More stuff later I guess.

Current Mood: relieved
Current Music: The sound of Cherry 2000 playing in the other room

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002 01:11 pm
A tardy post

Well, its been 2 weeks since I got my snip snip.

Things went fine. I had a bit of swelling but nothing out of the ordinary so I'm to understand.
18 left before we check to see if everything worked out the way it is supposed to...

I just want to say to all the men out there that when the time comes for a decision between your wife getting her tubes tied and you getting the snip snip treatment - there is no real choice - you get the snip snip.

It took about 20 minutes total and besides an ice bag and some Tylenol - and a little extra caution of that general area it was as easy and painless as flossing your teeth.

My biggest fear was that I would get an erection during the process. And I was put to the test, the nurse (propably 15-20 years older than me but by no means unattractive) had to rub that yellow disenfectant stuff all over the general area before the prodcedure. Obviously she had her technique down - she kept up a banter the whole time to keep me at ease.

The only odd thing was a nursing assistant kept popping in every 5 miuntes to see if there was anything the doctor or nurse needed. I just wanted to say 'Hey, I'm getting a vasectomy here! Can you please let the doctor concentrate a little?'

On to other topics - had a good thanksgiving. We crossed over Puget Sound to the Olympic Pennisula to visit my wife's cousin - we took a ferry that saved a couple of hours driving. He has this house on a remote piece of land (about 20 acres) over looking the Sound over into Canada. We went up into a National park on Friday for a little hiking - we didn't see any of the Salmon running but we did see some incredible views, including a waterfall.

I will try to post some the pictures - I cannot remember the last time I posted pictures on LJ. I'll get to work on it right away - okay right after I start hanging our Christmas lights on the house/yard. We have some Clark Griswall wanna-bes in the nieghborhood - I do not plan to match them.

Current Mood: recumbent
Current Music: silence - well except for the hum of the computer

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Tuesday, November 19th, 2002 03:01 pm
A special day indeed...

Well, in just a couple of hours I should be on my way home from my vasectomy.

I had the extreme pleasure of trimming hair from around my testes earlier in the day. (Sorry no photos)

I do not plan to document the procedure and throw it up on the web - although I did appreciate those that have - just go to google and do a search on vasectomy, you'll find the site in which I refer to.

I have a few nervous twinges but overall quite comfortable with everything.

My brother made the mistake of not checking that his took and I now have a new nephew.

I will be more diligent - they tell me that I will have to wait at least 90 days with 20 ejaculations minimum. I've been married 14 years, do they know how long it will take for me to get to 20 - well, maybe my wife will want to get them out of the way - I guess I need a way to keep track. I will have to think about that.

They say I should only expect some brusing and slight swelling - I'll get back to you on that.

Wish me luck - soon I will no longer need to use condoms and my wife will never have to go back on the pill (she hasn't been on the pill for almost eight years) - condoms have worked well enough while we were in between having children, but we're comfortable that we don't want anymore - if that changes, we'll adopt. No reverse vasectomy - that is a little more involved than I care to consider.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: nada

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Friday, November 8th, 2002 12:46 pm
Still Kicking


Just been away for a bit.

I think starting my own business is the way to go - I need to get to work on the apps.

Problem is that I have no one to push me - life is too good, I'm not hungry enough.

The only pressure I feel is my age - turning 39 tomorrow.

I know I need to break things down into smaller tasks.

I need to post some pics and start using my new computer for useful tasks.

Step one is login - I'll provide more info as it progresses.

Current Mood: hyper
Current Music: nada

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Thursday, August 8th, 2002 10:22 am

I am actually watching the show on a regular basis this time around.

I am not sure why.... probably because of the obvious sex-related bias the show has taken on this year.

Although, I am not about to subscribe online to be able to view everything 24/7....

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Same as before - I ned to crank some tunes

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Thursday, August 8th, 2002 09:55 am
Checking In

Well, how's things?

I've been catching up on my friends list for a couple of weeks now. The spirit has not moved me to type anything until now.

I am sadden to hear the passing of LJers and their loved ones over the last few weeks. I have yet to meet any LJers face-to-face(that I know of) but this entire experiment of LJ brings one close to people in a manner that I have never experienced elsewhere. I have known people for almost ten years and not have an idea of who these beings are at the core of their thoughts.

My prayers to the families and friends of those who will be missd greatly.


Well, things have calmed down around here.

I have finally started looking for a job.

A big part of being able to so is that I now have my son in a daycare for most of the day. He needs better instruction and I am a firm beleiver of the social benefits that daycare provides. I still hate it since it just isn't family but the people are loving.

My daughter, for the most part, can keep herself entertained. I try to make sure we do something together everyday, like today we will go see Spy Kids 2.

Jackson required a lot of my time and limited me to what I could do, whether it was looking for a job, mowing the lawn, or other chorse around the house. I had about 2 hours a day while he took his nap in the afternoon.

Abigail also is able to run around in the neighborhood. There are plenty of kids her age, except when they are all at a camp of some sort.

We instruct her almost daily what to do if a stranger happens by. We are lucky to live on the cul-de-sac and a out of the way one at that. Living in a small town now is also a plus - not that it can't happen - just less likely.

My wife is still working long hours but is atleast coming home early enough to spend some time with the little ones and me. She leaves so early...

I am uncertain how things are going to work out if and when I find employment.

It is pretty clear that my commute will be longer than my wife's and that's alright but she will then have to start cutting back on the hours she is at the refinery in order for the kids to be taken care of properly.

We still have no idea of after school care for Abigail - school starts the day after Labor Day. Of course, if I have a job by then I will be a little surprised.

I know we can probably have her go to one of the neighbors, but we have not explored anything yet.

Good news is that our house back in Houston sold and closing is scheduled on the 15th.

We did not get as much as we hoped but enough... An apartment complex built near our neighborhood probably knocked the price of our house about $10,000. Thems the breaks...

Maybe I need to do some serious thinking at consulting/developing from home....

I can come up with a big list of expenses but no sources of revenue... does not sound to promising... dwelll, dwelll, dwell...


I realize I need to update my default picture to one with a Washington license plate - I think those were found on www.acme.com ...

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: Sounds from 'Between the Lions' show in the next room

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Friday, June 28th, 2002 12:56 pm
First Post From WA

Well, we are moved in. Mostly.

I've spent the last month packing and then unpacking. Oh, and watching the kiddos.

The wife is working too much - I know she wants to succeed at this new job as do I but I am feeling left out on an island. I have had almost no 'me' time for over a month unless it is real early in the morning or real late at night and then I am punished for lack of sleep.

I have had almost no time to look for a job - I have only updated the resume and look through the help wanted ads in the last 2 Sunday papers (not that I would ever expect to find a job from the help wanted ads but it does give me a sense on who is hiring).

I love my kids but with watching them and putting the house together I am just spent.

Thanks God we are heading to Minneapolis/St. Paul this Sunday.

We are going up to a lake resort just north of Brainerd with some of our college friends and their friends. Lost Lake Lodge (LLL) has only 17 cabins (our 4 families will all fit into cabin 17) and a small private lake. It also has access to the Gull Lakes. They provide gourmet breakfast and dinner along with maid service.

Hanging with our best friends is always refreshing.

We don't head to the resort until Tuesday. So we plan on catching a Magic and Illusion exhibit at the Science Museum and when we return from the lodge make sure we hit the Mall of America where I know Abigail (my 7 year old) will want to see the PowerPuff Girl Movie with our friends' kids.

There is so much to tell about our moving to Mount Vernon, Washington from Houston. The coolest thing we've done is to go on an excursion to see a pod of killer whales. We had one whale swim mere feet off the bow of the boat. It was pretty awesome and the views of Mount Baker are incredible. If you ever get the chance to travel to Seattle - head north on I-5 and visit Anacortes and the Skagit Valley area. Simply beautiful.

More later, so much more...

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Music from the GameCube in the next room

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Thursday, May 9th, 2002 10:04 am

It has been a long time...

Well, the big news is that I am moving to the state of Washington.

My wife, Gretchen, has worked for Shell Oil the past 9 years in their Human Resources department. And while I am biased to a fault, she is a very talented and intelligent woman. This fact has been recognized by Shell and they have offered her an HR Manager position in Anacortes, Washington (located about 70 miles north of Seattle).

This is a great move for her professionally. It presents challenges and great opportunity.

We went on a house hunting trip about a week ago and found a place in Mount Vernon, Washington (about halfway between Seattle and Vancouver). The whole valley is located between the Olympic and Cascade Mountain Ranges. Awe-inspiring beauty abounds!

We will really miss our friends in the Houston area but the good news is that we will return - the only question is when. Shell rotates this position about every 3 years - 1) so that other people can get the training and experience and 2) the position is highly sought for the location.

After this assignment we could return to Houston or head to an international assignment or head to another Shell facility in the states. The odds are that we will be back in Houston but the international possibility looms large, too.

What about me? Well, working in the information management world will help in finding employment and combining it with my recent employment with healthcare concerns helps as well.

I am beginning on a job search but will probably use the summer to be with my 2 little ones.

My daughter is finishing up 1st grade and I can see where she will need some extra time with dad to get acclimated to her new surroundings, although the neighborhood we are moving to has some kids about her age and a little older. And my 18 month old boy enjoys spending time with dad as much as dad enjoys spending time with him.

I also hope to get back to writing on the journal.

I need to head to a transition meeting but promise I will write more and soon.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Classical

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2001 10:27 am

All my meetings today just went away - bonus!

Of course that means I will be expected to get some work done and I am actually in the mood once I finish procrastinating.

My daughter's Christmas musical is tomorrow night - "Operation Christmas Child". It is about 'Special' Forces Troop 1225 at Fort Faithful and their mission to find the Christmas Child and deliver shoebox packages. The dialogue is cute with characters ranging from Colonel Sanders(with every egg pun you ever heard), Major Minor, Sargent Smarter, Private Gomer Smile(wearing her Jesus is Lord Overalls), Private Eye, and Private Elvis Presby(sings about all the pretty little boxes and refers to all the top Elvis songs). The songs are precious and my daughter is so excited about the performance. They have practiced a lot of hours and we have washed her camouflage t-shirt a hundred times.

I know my son will enjoy the performance since he has been listening to the songs for the last 2 months. They gave out a CD with the songs and dialogue and we have been playing it everytime we travel and about every other night at the house.

Okay, back to work. Ciao!

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Classical

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