LiveJournal for MinDay! (mindy).
Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 |
I can't wait to get a cell phone again...not having contact with my friends is driving me fucking crazy. I miss Erin Hartnagel so much and there are times when I just need to talk to here, and it's such a pain in the ass to dial out here :-( Erin, you can call me whenever you want. So now I'm sitting around...I had a good night. Surprisingly good, but I still know I'm doing the right thing. It's not about what's about how it happened. I guess I need to get some shit done. Clean my room, do homework, eat or something...who knows. There's always something to do in college (unfortunately) I love you Erin |
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Monday, August 30th, 2004 |
Options... Up to Findlay with Brittany, go to Cedar Point with her family, come back in time for the EBN fireworks on Monday... Maybe Ohio State with the girls? Go home and just hang out there Hang out in O-town Please give suggestions. Tonight I'm hanging out with the shadester ;-) I love Erin |
So I bought a cell phone off E-Bay tonight. Nothing special, just a little color nokia. Oh well, I was going to freak out if I didn't get a phone. I really literally miss my old phone, though...really really :-( Today was the first time I've felt stressed about college. Not sure why, probably because I had homework from thursday that was due tomorrow that I needed to get done on top of my friday classes homework. Had to do laundry and all that, and I didn't feel well. Then I had a bomb dropped on me by someone i really care about, even though I wish I didn't. Just too much at one time, I guess...and lack of sleep. I've been hanging out with cool people, my dad's giving me shit because my only friends are guys. I can't help it that I can't get over from my friends from home (another issue that gets me sad a lot). They're really cool, I can't get enough of the guys. Of course I have an 8 AM tomorrow...shitty, but whatever. Friday was the football game which was fucking aweseome as hell. 49-0...we dominated. Post-game was good as well. I got to hang with Kye Kye and Erin the other day, too. I thought they were ignoring me...but Tom was just too drunk to answer their calls, lol...I gu ess that' won't be the case, though, now that I have a phone-I'll be too drunk to answer ;-) Well I better get some Zzzz's. I hate school nights, lol. I love Erin and all my other girls I miss you, much |
Sunday, August 29th, 2004 |
ilmin30: so how is my pittsburg friend coasta rieka: who's from pittsburg? lilmin30: i thought you were coasta rieka: no i'm from pittsburgh lilmin30: oh lilmin30: smart ass |
Thursday, August 26th, 2004 |
Just got in. I love college. I love meeting new people. I love pizza. I love you, and I miss you and I hate you for it. I'm so fucking tired. It's bed time for real |
Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 |
FYI posts will probably be long. I'm going to try to write in here so I don't forget about what I did in college. College life has been good to me. I have my first classes tomorrow...four in one day! I realized tonight that it will be impossible to make it to one of these classes on time. I'm going to try it out tomorrow, though, and see if it can work out at all. Last night I went up to UD with some very special friends...Erin Courtney and Betsy. Peter was there, and he's special, too. Pete's brother Ty has a house on campus so we all hauled our asses up there. The keg was gone by the time we got there...what kind of party is that? Buuut since we're so cool they broke out thier party fund and went and bought some brewskies. I didn't end up drinking any of them, it was pointless. Courtney Parks is my hero, but apparantly she only cares that she's Erin's hereo :-( She bonged three beers out of a safety cone (the things for construction). Although it took three helpers, it was basically the coolest thing ever. I think they should go up on collegehumor. We went on an 8 mile hike to the ghetto...which wasn't very happening, but they said it's usually better. I'll give UD one more chance after school starts and on a weekend. Betsy, Peter and some dude decided to jump into this nasty blow-up pool on someone's lawn. It was pure entertainment. Too bad Peter was too drunk to take his phone out of his pocket so he ruined his 300 dollar phone. He's in my boat :-/ We ended up ordering pizza at 3 AM, which I ended up basically paying for half of even though like ten people ate it. Fucking sluts. Of course I left all my damn lip gloss there :( but I guess Ty is coming home this weekend and he's gonna bring it with him?? It was great spending time with my love Erin and all that jazz. Anyways. I did my first college laundry today. Yea, that's right...I'm a big girl now. HA! It was basically a pain in the ass since the basement is like five flights of steps down, but whatever. I had a few visitors today, which was lovely. One of those was Lynette Curry. I <3 that girl. Went to Subway with my new girl Brittany. She's awesome. I can't sleep and I'm not sure why. Whatever the reason, it needs to go away because I have an 8 AM class tomorrow :-/ I just feel like I'm all over the place for some reason. This is the first night here that I've felt lik this...I wonder why? I guess I should try some sleep. I start college tomorrow for real :-/ pretty nervous. I still have to get my passwords, too...damn slacking, but at least I'm keeping my side of the dorm clean. Yay for me! I love/miss all my girls from home <3 |
Monday, August 23rd, 2004 |
College is crazy. Last night we ended up going uptown. I ran into Pierce again, which is weird. I keep on running into that kid everywhere. In case I didn't fill anyone in, Pierce is Evan Howell's roomie. His is fucking cool as hell. He's from New York. Then we were walking from party to party and I ran into Danny Cuvar, Cody Miller, Nick Davidson and Pootie. How weird is that? It's a pretty big campus, but we seem to always run into people we know. Brittany (My rommies friends roomie ha ha) is so fucking cool. We agree on like everything. It's nice to have someone here who basically thinks the same things I do. She's from Findlay. Today we have stupid ass convocation. I'm sick off all this shit to do! I'm ready to start college, dude. Tomorrow I don't have class...I'm thinking about heading out to the old stomping grounds. Even if it's just dinner with the ladies, or maybe they can come here. Anyways, I just need something to do because everyone else has class. I have some decisions about thursday and friday. I just don't know what to do!!! :-( I was going to sleep with Brittany and Justine last night because her second floor was supposedly having a party. We get there and the party (more of a gathering) was on their floor...but on our way downstairs, they locked their keys in the room. Justine passed out on the floor for a while in the hall, we went and talked to random people on the guys floor. There are lots of D bags here. I met some guy who played ball against Brian Hangbers. So when we were talking to random guys and figuring out how to blow up their air matress...the guys' RA came out and he unlocked the door. SEVEN BUCKS!! MAN! So I slept on their floor because I'm not walking alone at like 4 AM. Not cool. Well I have to shower and go to convocation. BOO. I'm hungry, I need snack foods for my room, for real. I love all my girls, I miss you guys sooo much! |
Sunday, August 22nd, 2004 |
I suck so bad. I lose my cell phone, I can't remember my MU password, I can't remember my voicemail password. DAMNIT!!! College is kicking my ass already!!!! :-( | ||
Saturday, August 21st, 2004 |
I lost my cell for the time being call my dorm 5298998 or e-mail me college is cool. I miss you so badly every day... :-/ |
Thursday, August 19th, 2004 |
Feeling basically miserable right now. My neck is broken out in this really red rash and my teeth are like excruciatingly painful right now. They haven't hurt at all...until today. Of course I have the rash today...I'm meeting my roomie. She's going to think I'm some nasty freak. I feel really not good right now. :-( |
Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 |
Today was ok...I dropped a cool $456 on books. Not cool...then I gave the difference of the $700 I owed my parents for insurance to them. My bank account dwindles yet a little more. After that I went out with a pretty good friend. My mouth hurt I smiled/laughed so much. It was really good to see him again, the good bye made me cry. I cried the whole way home...I cried even more when my mom told me I couldn't go out with my friends. It's the last chance I had to go out before I leave for school. I'm the first to admit I sound like a pouty bitch, but when it comes to my friends they're the world to me. So instead of dancing at Red Cheetah with anyone and everyone, I've been packing away the past 18 years of my life. I'm trying not to be sad that I'm missing out on just one night of fun...I'm trying to be happy that I'm packing for four years of fun that's right around the corner (i hope). It's'd think I'd be emotional as I pack away my life, but I'm not. I'm just being pissed that I can't go out with my friends, lol. Freaking wisdom teeth!!! I just really wanted to go out after the teary night I had. A pick-me-up would have been good. I'm going to continue's weird, I'm almost done. I have one suitcase, four boxes and then all my other dorm stuff packed (blanket, comforter, sheets, iron, coffee maker, etc.) I'm meeting Val tomorrow. I think our families are going out to eat, my daddy wants to go to Brookville, and I love Ainsley's Cafe. I'm having a bonfire for my girls tomorrow night, feel free to stop by for a little while. It's kind of a going away par-tay. That's enough, I've updated too much this summer!!! |
Not happy that I can't have percocet today. My mouth is really swollen and I am in pain. :-( | ||
You're the oddball....Gene. The man. Everbody likes you, you just take some getting used to. You're married to a famous author. You run therapy session in the dance hall with your friend. You own a bottle of dick cream. You hump fridges. What more can one ask for? What Wet Hot American Summer Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
I've never been so bored. I'm sick of sitting around the house. My highlights are the olympics. I love the olympics. Percocet makes me emotional...which sucks dick, but whatever. Your away message/profile makes me sad. It makes me miss you more than usual. On a different note...I want all of my friends to know how much they mean to me. You girls have seriously made my life worth living. I went through a lot of sadness in the past month and you guys were always here for me. You always made me happy. It was too hard for me to be sad when I was with you girls...when I was alone I felt guilty being sad because you are all so incredible. Erin-You have been my best friend for six years. We have millions of years to go. I can't wait to mature into an adult with you and share the most important times in my life with you. Tiffany-You are the happiest, nicest, most optimistic person ever. If I need a pick-me-up you are the person to call!!! You are what a cheerleader should be!! I LOVE YOUR FACE!! Courtney-You are such a freaking blast. You are always down for a good time--no matter how crazy we get. Lynette- You crack my shit up. I know we don't hang out enough because I don't know how to work the phone...but I love your company. You are a blasssst! I think those are my only friends who read this, if I'm wrong then I suck. I LOVE MY GIRLS!!!!!!!! |
Tuesday, August 17th, 2004 |
Feel free to stop by and say hello. That goes for anyone. I'm feeling really sad/lonely/'s a side effect of the percocet. Kyerra's was OK, I felt like shit for some reason by the time I left. My dad made me some incredible scrambled eggs...the best thing I've had since sunday. I'm going to go cry now. Good bye everyone. LustyLeprechaun2: after u'r face reforms that is LustyLeprechaun2: as much as i do like germans in pain lilmin30: lol |
My teeth kind of expected. I'm going back to bed now...I need to rest up, ha ha! I've basically been in bed since two yesterday. At least I finally have an excuse for being a lazy fat ass...I usually don't! Kyerra's house warming party is today. Feel free to make fun of my fat face when you see me (serously). I love everyone. I keep on having really really weird dreams. Mus be the narcotics...KEEP 'EM COMIN'!!! Thanks for the awesome chat yesterday :-) It made me really really happy. I love hearing from you. You're amazing. I miss you |
Monday, August 16th, 2004 |
Feeling fine. My mouth feels like my name is Mindy Leno. Also feels like somebody punched my ass out. Enjoying the percocet...although all of its lovely effects go straight to the pain :-( All my friends are dancing tonight with the Fenwick guys and I am seriously soooo freaking sad. WHY ME?! I think we're gonna go next wednesnday, though...I only have one class on thursday and it isn't until 7. If my roomie is cool I'll invite her to go, lol. My mom has spoon fed me like so many times today, it's great. I feel like either a baby, a really mentally retarded person or a really old woman. Take your pick! My mouth has decided to start bleeding...whoo-fucking-hoo. I'm going to go watch my Bengals WHO-DEY! My best friend/girlfriend whom I literally love stopped by for a long time and talked to me. It was really nice to have someone stop by :-) Made me feel special. I <3 Erin. Just to let everyone know, i'm probably going to get really emotional before I leave for school. I'm so in love with this summer and my friends :-( I also miss you. Well everyone keep on truckin'...drink one for one for me. I love you all, even you. (edit) Since classes don't start until tuesday...I don't have class that monday or tuesday. HA HA!!! I don't have any classes on tuesdays. I'm partying my ass off this weekend. HECK YES! |
Good bye, Wisdom teeth. You won't be missed, nor will the pain of getting you out/the after-math. reading your away messages makes me so sad every day. I hope I wake up from this!!!! :-D Ha...later taters. P.S. Feel free to bring me soft foods OR DIE (Edit) This means my summer is practically OVER. This literally breaks my heart because I have the best friends in the world. I LOVE ALL MY GIRLS!!!!!!! "So long sweet summer" |
Figured I would write before I forget what happened these past few days. But before I delve into that...what the hell ever happened to that weirdo Eric Wheeler (I'm looking at our freshman yearbook)? So last night I went to a raging keggar at the Lednik's. Three fucking kegs, yea...THREE. It was outrageous. There were beverages consumed and there was a good time had. There was a shack, great tunes, great people, many graduates of years gone by, a drunk Joe and a drunk Rick Lednik (Who I danced/Sang with). Great great times. The night before that was a par-tay at Pete Rouster's. I love the Fenwick crew so much. They're so much fucking fun. Rindy is definitely the coolest girl I have ever met (other than my friends which I already had, DUH). I had a blast with her and Pete and James and Betsy and Peter and you fucking name it. GOOD TIMES!!! Tonight I kinda layed low...I went to Union Center and ate with my Parents at Mitchell's Fish Market (or something)...finally bought erin her b-day present. Then Himmy came over and we talked and cried and laughed and then went to Erin's and then to Steak-n-Shake. was a good time. Apparantly Pete was having another shindig but I obviously couldn't go...getting my wisdom teeth out at 10 30 tomorrow. Feel free to bring me jell-o/pudding/ice cream/milk shakes :-D I'm sooo fucking's bed time. You're right, I am faking it :-/ I miss your face |
LiveJournal for MinDay! (mindy).