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all I want for Christmas, failing teeth... [Dec. 23rd, 2004|03:53 am]
Does anyone have a copy of any of Kokopelli's albums (were there even more than one?) I would be absolutely thrilled to get my grubby hands on it, in bit or CD form. Yes, the Bryan King garage band Kokopelli.
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[Dec. 16th, 2004|10:20 pm]
oh, and my baby sister got in early to Stanford this week. Yay :)
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[Sep. 26th, 2003|10:00 am]
Public Service Announcements:

  1. Happy Birthday Sarah/[info]jude!

  2. Dresden Dolls tonight, come play with me!

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[Apr. 26th, 2003|04:32 pm]
A very happy 20th to [info]badoingdoing! Brilliant, comfortable in so many senses of the word, a fine piece of fun, and a dear friend; may he have many more.
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[May. 26th, 2002|11:27 am]
This journal is friends-locked for assorted reasons, but I don't mind voyeurs on the road of life. If you'd like to be friended, just comment. If I know you in real life and you'd like to read, but lack an lj code, I can hook you up.
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