11:59am 20/09/2004
  This jounal is


Comment to be added.

(If you're already on the list, you do not need to ask again)

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11:45am 20/09/2004
  In honor of my 1 year anniversary on LJ, I have made a friends only picture for my journal. Big thanks to Cyle ([info]ho_killah) and Dannie ([info]zala) for helpin me choose which one to use  


I think this can go outside the realm of friends only   
05:30pm 14/07/2004
mood: tired
Senate Scuttles Gay Marriage Amendment


04:32pm 06/07/2004
mood: resolute
music: Green Day - Time of Your Life
For the time being, my journal will be friends only and anonymous comments will not be allowed.  Call it fire-proofing if you will.  If you are not listed as a friend and want to be added, feel free to comment.

That is all

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stolen from Megh ([info]guatemalanluvli  
08:29pm 05/07/2004
mood: amused
music: FFX OST- Blazing Desert

Who reads your LJ the most?
LJ Username 
Biggest fan percussionista
This quiz by KwizBiz - Taken 33732 Times.
New - Dating Advice written by YOU!

Sorry Meg, Ju, and Alaina.  Looks like Mary beat you all out for my biggest fan ^_^

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05:25pm 01/07/2004
mood: excited
music: Evanescence - Haunted
this is my last post on this comp...possibly forever! WHEEE!

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stolen from D ([info]fifie311) and Missa ([info]brassbaby2004  
04:08pm 30/06/2004
music: Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper
You're a Tuba. Hey, tough guy.

What is your inner musical instrument?
brought to you by Quizilla


teh 3xci73m3n7x0rz!   
09:05pm 28/06/2004
mood: ecstatic
music: Madison Scouts - 1999 Jesus Christ Superstar
As some have already found out, I am building a brand new comp. All the parts have been ordered/bought (I got some at a computer show and others on TigerDirect.com or MagicMicro.com). So here's the rundown of what I'm puttin in here:

Cut cause some people don't give a shit )

This comp is gonna be teh 53x! XD -=seals parts in saliva-proof box=- Drool away! XP

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stolen from Becky ([info]theladycrimson  
07:02pm 23/06/2004
mood: calm
music: Puccini - Turandot - Nessun Dorma
Ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that could be obvious, but you have no idea about.
Then post this in your own LJ and find out what people don't know about you.

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stolen from Chris ([info]vivalavivi  
11:41pm 21/06/2004
mood: sleepy
music: Coldplay - Shiver
LJ Cut cause I'm nice like that )


A change in my friends system   
12:07pm 20/06/2004
mood: contemplative
music: Gustav Mahler - 4th Symphony, 1st Movement
My journal is NOT goin friends only. However, I am making a 5-tiered system for my entries. I believe this will foster more actual updates on my part, so I don't hafta worry about people seeing them who I don't want to see them. So you don't need to worry about commenting to be added. I will still do updates that will be public, but depending upon how much privacy I want, I may make it friends only on one of the 4 levels I have made. Who goes on what level is completely chosen by me based upon how well I know you and how much I want you to know.

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kifed from Megh ([info]guatemalanluvli  
04:49pm 19/06/2004
mood: blah
music: Crew - Mailbox
EDIT: Maybe I should be nice and cut it XD )


more thoughts   
07:21pm 16/06/2004
mood: contemplative
music: W. Francis Macbeth - Masque
so last not I cried in bed for the second night in a row...however, this cry was much more different in nature thjan the other night. The other night I ws a bit heartbroken and very emotionally unstable. Last night, however, I realized how much some people love me. I do have friends that love me very much, and one of my newest in particular. She was the only one really there for me Monday night when I was in the shape I was. Does this mean that my other friends did not care? No. They just happened to be elsewhere or sleeping and she managed to be online and so she listened to my almost incoherent ramble. She was also there to listen to me last night and talk about what was goin on in my head at that point. She just, in the best way you can online, held me in her arms and listened to me. For this I am very grateful. Thank you, m4nd4. And thank you to all of my friends, past and present, who have been there for me throughout all my crises. And thank you especially to two friends that no fight or problem could possibly ruin my friendship with. Thanks Erin and Erik.

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courtesy of Megh ([info]guatemalanluvli) and Kelly ([info]kelelia  
03:12pm 16/06/2004
mood: hungry
music: Rush - Summertime Blues (in my head)
Where were you when?

1. Where were you when you heard that Ronald Reagan died?
I think on my computer and someone told me online...or I saw it online in someone's LJ...or my mom told me...I forget which

2. Where were you on September 11, 2001
At school all day. I was in English when I first heard and didn't believe it sause the source well, let's just say...disreputable. 3rd period in Music Appreciation, however, I learned that it actually happened.

3. Where were you when you heard that Princess Diana died?
I think I was watching TV when it first happened. I know I was watching when she died.

4. Do you remember where you were when you heard Kurt Cobain had died?
Probably learnbd about it when I got home.


The Challenger disaster:
Most likely w/ whoever was my babysitter at the time.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall:
No clue

Oklahoma City bombing:
probably upon gettin home that day

O.J. Simpson verdict:
at school in the G&T; (Gifted and Talented) room

on the way to the Brownstone from school (band tricky tray was that night and I was volunteered to help set up since my mom was President of the band parents association)

JFK Jr. dies:
Probably at home. I don't remember exactly. I do know he took off from Caldwell Airport which is like 10 minutes from my house.

Where were you when you learned that the 2000 presidential election was undecided, despite being called the night before?
watchin TV. I was very interested in the outcome

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I've come to a conclusion   
04:15pm 15/06/2004
mood: contemplative
music: Monster Magnet - Unbroken (Hotel Baby) in my head
I thought by now I would be mentally stable enough to hold a relationship. Last night proved otherwise. I did not get much sleep and it was fitul at that. I've been down all day. And this is just from bein rejected. I thought that once my emotional status improved I would be better. I even handled the breakup w/ Kiera well...that is until Sunday. I guess I'm still not ready. And that's the hardest thing for me...cause I want to be in a relationship. The prospect of a relationship is very intoxicating. Since I've had one, I want it again. Bad sign. Bad sign indeed

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10:43pm 14/06/2004
mood: numb
music: Rush - Summertime Blues (in my head still)
Sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna do
But there ain't no cure
For the summertime blues

So Krystle and I went to the movies (yes she was who I was referrin to yesterday and yes I did ask her out). We saw Saved! Good movie. Hilarious. I made some subtle moves on her. Enough to show my intentions but not enough to be too forward. She was uncomfortable with it. I stopped. Guess it's not gonna happen. I don't understand what I'm feeling right now. Normally I would feel crushed and, in my former self, depressed, but I don't feel anything right now. I'm just numb....

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kifed from Patricia ([info]peppermintpati  
10:32pm 14/06/2004
mood: numb
music: Rush - Summertime Blues (in my head)
long survey-ish thing )


Stolen from Chief No Fun of the Idontwanna Tribe ([info]siltjade  
06:22pm 14/06/2004
music: Rachmaminov - Vespers - Блажеи Муж (Blessed is the man)
This thing is, to quote Brian, 'Sweet!' )


stolen like it's the cool thing to do (well, I guess it is ^_^)   
08:36pm 13/06/2004
mood: melancholy
music: FFVIII FLWV - Balamb Garden/Ami
This is from several people and I'm too lazy to mention them, so you know who you are.

How to make a CMUJoiseyBoy

1 part friendliness

5 parts self-sufficiency

1 part energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

So the concert rocked last night. I think we got enough exposure. The stickers really helped (btw thanks to my groupies Alaina, Ju, and Meg for comin and makin Joe Kay shirts, as well as altering one of our stickers to say "I (heart) Joe Kay. www.joekay.com," which is not a real site btw...yet XP).

In other news, I felt like shit most of the day today. I should be at a Moody Blues concert at the PNC but I stayed home. Went to a graduation party today. Kiera was there. It was weird. We were both kinda avoidin each other. Not good. So I'm really down now. Our failed try at a relationship basically doomed our friendship. It's made me have big second thoughts about askin someone out, cause she's currently a friend. But I think I will anyway. Erik said we'd be good for each other, even if it only lasts the 2 months I have remaining at home.

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06:52pm 07/06/2004
music: Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No3 in d minor - II. Intermezzo, Adagio
CMUJoiseyBoy's LJ stalker is brassbaby2004!
brassbaby2004 is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also not very liked around here!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

Um...sry Missa. That's incest. We need to talk :P

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