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meh, meh, and for variety a little more meh. [14 Jan 2005|11:05am]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Industrious neighbours mowing their lawns ]

There's so many things I have to do!! I don't know why I'm wasting my time posting in my livejournal....
I feel like I'm back in year 12 with several assignments hanging over my head and laughing viciously. eek! But oh well, I think I'd just better buckle down and get on with it all. It should work itself out eventually if I just keep plowing forwards. Or at least fairy-stepping forwards.meh.

You Are 16 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Well, that was fun,
back to work!
Oh, speaking of which, I've lined up a job! How exciting (not), still I'm excited damn you. It's my first time being a dishy!! or is that dishie!? meh. anyways, so I'm looking forward to it. it was my brother's job, but he's left (read: fled) the country for a while, so it got passed down to me. Apparently it pays 13 bucks an hour, and you can get maybe 15 hours a week, so I could be looking at (excuse me while I reach for my calculator) about 200 bucks a week!! yay!! That would be some VERY welcome money! Considering that I had to pay an electricity bill yesterday out of my own pocket *grumbles indistinctly and glares off towards thailand*. But yeah...
can't wait for all my uni info to come.. i really hope it does come! Everyone else has like enrolled and everything already, and I'm still sitting around like a chump waiting for my student ID to come... *twiddles fingers* so yeah.. hm... off to mow the lawn and wash the doggies. Catch you later... *twiddles fingers a bit more* okay, fine, i'm going now..
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[08 Jan 2005|07:16pm]
yay! i got sasuke!

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

You know, it really suprises me though. Because in the comic books, the characters look so cool and elegant and well-proportioned and everything, whereas in the cartoons on tv they always look a little weird. And naruto and sasuke and that look SOO young! I never realised they were that young while I was reading the books, only when I watched it on the telly. speaking of which, ahhh! I miss japanese telly sooooo much! "what the hell?" I hear you say, "I thought he was still in japan!?" .. well, yeah, i am,.. BUT! I'm staying with my host family out in the mountains in kobe's backyard, and they can't get normal tv!!!! NO NORMAL TV!! All they have is cable tv, by which i mean one channel of movies running all day, and NHK, (WHOOT!). So I've been missing out on Naruto BIGTIME! AHHHH! the pain and agony of it all!
On the other hand, take's going really well at his shogi tournament. He won the first 3 matches, but I think he lost the next two after that... oh well, anyways, I hope he goes even better tomorrow. let's all cross our fingers for him. it's quite amazing though, cos I only just realised that this is a NATIONAL tournament that he's in, and he and his dad had the confidence that he would definitely get into the top ten... that's pretty incredible don't you think? Apparently his dad used to give him shogi puzzles (like mate in 3 etc just like in chess), and he would memorise them in the morning and then spend the whole day at school trying to crack them in his head!! Isn7t that nuts!
Oh, and he asked me for some help with his maths the other day, cos he was having a bit of trouble with a proof. I thought "meh, this shouldn't be hard, I topped maths b and c at all saints, which has a pretty good maths reputation, so i should be able to help out with a grade 10 kid's homework" ... or noT!! Oh my lord! The question was (from memory), prove that tan(2x) = 2tanx / (1 - tansquared(x))!!
what the fuck!! Of course, I worked it out eventually.. and I mean I would've been able to do it quickly back when i was in grade 12 (god it's scary the amount I've forgotten), but I mean, that's grade TEN maths here!!! WHAT THE!! Anyways, I was rather surprised to say the least. Also, if you think about the fact that take's highschool goes up to year 14 (oh the poor sod), that means he has another 4 years of maths! By the time he finishes high-school, I think he'll probably have finished all the maths covered in a university degree probably!
Anyways, well.. it's my last day in Japan. And it was a good, although rather lazy day. i finished reading "love actually", and I leaked a tear or two in a few of the scenes (just because I was remembering the movie). Oh, and I was really happy with the conversation that I was having with my host mum in the car today. miki fell asleep, so she turned to me for conversation... and for once I think i managed it alright. Normally I can't carry a conversation in a bucket, but I think I'm slowly slowly slowly getting better. (Now that I'm heading home, -erk!)
but really, when you think about it... the year before last (at high school), I couldn't carry on a proper conversation in english! Everyone knew that I hated talking, and phones and people with a passion... but now it's almost the opposite! I had people in the office at school paying me out for how much I used to talk! Isn't that bizarre!? So anyways, i suppose it's no surprise that I'm not that good at conversing in japanese, because I've only just really started having proper conversations in english recently. Doesn't that sound bizarre?... anyways, me and my journal know what i mean, and that's what matters.....
Oh, and plus i really want to see Tsumabuki's new film "Lorelei"! I saw the previews for it when I saw "Howl's moving castle" with sheila. It was so funny! We were both sitting there watching the preview with not that much interest, and then tsumabuki pops up on the screen and we both go "oh!" and just melted. it actually surprised me how much sheila reacted tho! she's never really been like that with perving on guys (although not as bad as kim), but she like fully reached over and grabbed my arm! lol, the funniest thing was though, that we were the only two in the entire cinema that even reacted at all :) all the japanese people justa sat there like nothing was happening lol.... ah, gotta go! dinner
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[07 Jan 2005|08:26pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | 明日がある ]

I did some livejournal roaming and found this.
I think it's really amazing. It's just so random and spontaneous. I love it!

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おみくじ [05 Jan 2005|02:59pm]
[ mood | cold (& unloved) ]
[ music | X-men VS Street fighter (in the background) ]

On a little side note, I'd just like to say that on new year's i pulled my 3rd 大吉 (best fortune) in a row!
Which would seem like a good thing, except so far I'd say that I've been getting the shittest luck really... so i've decided that japanese omikujis are just a piece of crap and never come true. ...
It doesn't help that I pulled the first two 大吉's at the Kiyomizudera in kyoto, and they are specifically lovelife oriented omikujis. the fact that nothing has even remotely happened in my lovelife lately, (if you count lately as the last entire fucking year) makes me even more of a downer on japanese fortune telling. Meh.
It doesn't help that while I was moaning about this to Takeshi (as you do) he was like ”告白されたいやろね”... to which all I could reply was ”告白されたいけど。。。これ以上は待てない!" and then went off and yelled at some furniture. I don't think he understood me. meh. not many people understand my wanked up japanese. actually, he did nod and say that he also couldn't wait, and then the conversation took some weird-ass spin and he was saying that if someone says they have a crush on me then I should dump then and then say I have a crush on them. So I sort of laughed and backed out of the room and continued on yelling at the furniture.
anyways, tomorrow looks like it'll be stax of fun. I'm heading off ice skating for the day with take and miki. It's sounds pretty darn expensive, but I haven't been ice skating for ages (ever since I blew up at Hayden for wanting to go ice skating every three seconds) so hopefully it'll be fun.
Oh, and on another side note, I've been playing Exodus guilty lately (a ps game), and it is SOOOO amazing! It's fully not a game though. It's just a story kind of set up as a game... but it's REALLY good! I would recommend it to anyone that can get their hands on it. Although you'll probably find it hard to get your hands on. I'm also trying to find the book, but it's not being printed anymore, so I might have to get it second hand or something... meh, I don't think I'll bother about it for the moment. I was going to write "I'll buy it for myself some day when I'm feeling sad and unloved and I need something to cheer me up", but that would be right about ~now~, so um.. I won't write that.

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[10 Dec 2004|01:43pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

Well! I just finished making okonomiyaki and yakisoba with the exchange students, which was an absolute stack of fun. We split up into two groups and made each of the meals, then came back to eat them all together. It tasted sooooo nice. Although I think that whoever put the okonomiyaki sauce on went just a tiny little bit overboard. Meh, it was still gorgeous. But it fully made me wish even more that I was a student, and that I wasn't working here. If I was a student I fully would've been able to just stuff around and do anything. As it is I have to be a **responsible** little twerp, and I absolutely HATE doing it. If i was a student then I could hang around with the other students, and I could do all of the cool stuff that Taylor gets to do and everything. My god, after half of the stories that Taylor has told me about the boys' dorms I could absolutely cry.
I saw some dudes breakdancing in the corridor on the way back to the office which was really cool. I didn't stay and watch, but I wanted to. Taylor always goes to visit the A1 boys every time he gets a chance. The A1 boys absolutely sound like the best thing on the face of this planet. They all do breakdancing, (and of course clothes are quite an obstacle when you're breakdancing - so taylor tells me) and they have futon parties (dragging everyone's futons together in the main room and then overturning a stack of lollies and stuff on them) and they dance all the time (in incredibly cute ways - as I've seen from Taylor's video recordings), and they all sleep together on the big mass of futons after they have a futon party. AM I FULLY MISSING OUT OR WHAT!!!
and taylor has SO many friends, and he's always mucking around with them and everything after school. What do I do? Well, I work, and then I go home, and do something completely boring and lonely by myself. ARG! IT SUCKS ASS! I FULLY wish I was a student. Because then I could bitch about other people as much as I want (because students always bitch, but employees aren't supposed to), and I could join a club and get some FRIENDS (oh my gosh, such a foreign experience for me of late), and I could just slack around and do jack all, and I wouldn't have to cook my own meals or anything like that. And I'd be living in the boys' dorms, so I could go to the big ofuro every night... and everything that that entails.
Oh,,,,,,,, it SUCKS and I HATE working here. Sure it's fun and everything. But everytime I get to see all of the stuff that the students are bloody doing i get SO jealous. Is that a bad thing? I really wish I'd come here as a student. Sure I would've missed out on doing a lot of things, but I think that in the long run it would've been a lot more fun. I would've had a real homestay, made friends, gone to real japanese classes, and I would have learnt SO much more japanese. The level of japanese that I have at the moment has only been gained through self-study pretty much. I don't really talk to people that much, so I never get chances to practice conversation or anything. And then when I do, it's with the teachers and everything, so it all has to be very polite and... AHHHHH!
I'm equally jealous of Sheila (who's a student over in some school in Mie), cos she's just absolutely shot up with her japanese, and she has an absolute stack of japanese friends and everything.
fully i don't have a single fucking friends over here. The teachers that I work with don't count, because it's not as if I ever do anything with them outside of work. And I don't have any friends among the students or anything like that. And I don't have any friends outside the school either. I'm quite obviously hated by almost every single person I meet. I've been going with chris to her ladies' classes for the entire year, and I've only been out with the ladies (with chris as well, to dinner only) twice. TWICE! My mum arrives in town, is here for just a few weeks and is taken out THREE TIMES by the ladies. THREE TIMES! They fucking obviously couldn't give a flying shit about me. And all the other teachers hate me here as well. If they didn't hate me, then you'd think that they'd talk to me once in a while, or at least SMILE at me!!!!!! ARG! ANGST!
Fuck I hate myself sometimes.

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[13 Nov 2004|08:39am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | New naruto theme song... something like 山のように見える ]

Ah.... satisfied sigh.
I'm not quite sure why I'm satisfied at the moment... I have my mum driving me nuts (but providing good company), a cold that's been fluctuating between painful and bloody irritating, a stack of study that I have to do, and a lesson which I've been landed with on a Saturday when I don't normally work on saturdays.
But despite all that, i'm feeling actually quite chirpy. There must be something going on which my subconscious has clicked on to but hasn't felt like telling me about...
Oh, and I took mum to an onsen yesterday which was VERYYYY nice, as they always are. Spent a decent half hour just soaking myself in various hot pools. I even sauna-ed for a while, and tried the Medicine water bath which was the color of red wine. mmm, it was soooo relaxing. Pity there was no-one there but old old men, but I suppose we can't have everything, can we.
Oh, and I read the newest Onepiece, and it cracked me up but ended in a very very irritating spot. I so hope I don't have to wait 2 months for the next one to come out. I get the feeling that Naruto and Inuyasha should be releasing new ones soon,,, but I haven't seen anything. Which reminds me that I have to go through all of my manga and decide which ones I want to sell, and which ones I want to take home with me. I'll probably sell Yuu-gi-oh, or maybe sell them to Sheila or something (i dunno), but I think I definitely want to keep Hikaru no go, and Naruto, and Conan... Inuyasha is a bit of a grey area though... I suppose I can't really see myself re-reading them... Plus I want to buy all the old Onepiece ones now. they were soooo funny, and I reckon I'd definitely reread them sometime. Ah....... what to do!?
Speaking of which, what the hell should I do with college?!!! I haven't contacted them or anything, and i don't know if they think I've dropped off the face of the earth, or if they're expecting me back next year, or if they've put a price out on my head or what... Arg, it's all my fault really, I've just been so slack lately with all shit relating to my future. Everything except the japanese test and chocolate has basically been squeezed straight out of my head. meh, is there anything more important than chocolate ever? I don't think so.
Ah well, I think that's enough random crapping on for today. There's nothing of real substance in any of my posts nowadays, but I reckon that these ones might be good to look back on. Or maybe I'll still think that they're boring even when I look back on them, so I should just delete them now. Meh, future me is probably going to be the biggest dickhead anyway (yes, bigger than present me), so he'll probably find them interesting.

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[31 Oct 2004|03:33pm]
I know it's probably not the most ideal time to make a journal entry right now、、、but man I've been bursting just to blab about hat was going on last night, plus the spunky who's in the room next to me right now.
Last night was pretty wicked, I got invited out to a GEOS (like NOVA) halloween party, that was pretty fun in itself. And then after it burnt itself out, the survivors moved up one floor to the Irish Pub. Now THAT was STAX of fun!! They were playing absolutely sick music. Stuff that I hadn't heard for ages but that everyone absolutely loved, like "1000 miles" "the ketchup song" "love shack" etc etc. It was stax of fun, although absolutely cost a bomb, we're talking 700 yen just for a frigging rum and coke (Arg! what is the world coming to!) But the peoples that we were with were a stack of fun, and didn't point and laugh at my dancing (although I'm sure they had to restrain themselves), but man it's been ages since I've been out clubbing or anything and it was just such great fun. Although I felt a little weird being with my 15 year old host brother, and watching him get steadily redder and redder and nuttier with his dancing. Plus there was spunky litle gaku, who was an absolute riot and an interesting little dancer too. Hopefully I'll see all of those people again if I come back for the christmas party. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
but then there was shane. Shane was this guy from Hawaii, who was really nice and drunk and everything. But then after his cheeks went red and his eyes got bloodshot and he was dancing around and everything I realised that he looked exACTly like Will! So I turned around and told this to the nearest person, who was kind of like "... oh?"
then we got back home, and I slept beside satoru (which I think is the best name in the world!), and he was an absolute spunk as well. He was soo cute and everything... although I think I might've done something wrong and upset him or something (which I'm incredibly often inclined to do)... but anyways, he was wearing all fuzzy jumpers and looking all fuzzy and warm and gorgeous, and I nearly died when I woke up in the morning with his foot in my back (firstly cos it was painful, secondly cos it was a very sexy foot.), unfortunately they're going now... although they just walked back into the house.... hm, can't say I'm complaining!
Plus, I figure that Me and takeshi seem to have the same sort of taste in clothes sort of thing, cos we spent the whole afternoon shopping together, and we managed to pick the same clothes that we both liked in almost every store. Whether he was just matching his tastes to mine to be politic or not I'm not quite sure... but oh well.
anyways, so so far we've had takeshi (funny when drunk), satoru (cuddly little fluffball), and gaku (red-faced dancing queen). Honestly, I don't think anyone realises how long I've been celibate for. It scares me to admit it to myself. but it's not even that really. It's how long it's been since I've been enfolded in someone's elses arms and rested my head against someone else chest and just felt safe and protected and loved. All the messy... other stuff would obviously be appreciated. But.. basically if someone would just wrap me up in their arms and squeeze me into their blue furry striped jumper and rock me gently and feed me nicely warmed milk from a nipple tube.. what the fuck! no! I just wanna be hugged dammit!
But yeah, .. doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. Anyways, I managed to get Val's phone number (teacher at that Geos place), so I'm gunna give her a ring tomorrow or something and maybe we'll catch up and go for a drink or something...
Anyways, I think I'm definitely going to have a fun week, .. as long as I can find out what the hell my mum is doing...
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Carpet and cliff [22 Oct 2004|08:43am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

Well, I kicked myself out of my house today... Moved all my shit upstairs and got settled in to what would be a middle school boy's bedroom... then I raced to school because I slept in and spent twenty minutes staring at the tiles in the shower and another twenty minutes watching my pork miso soup swirl around in the depths of the bowl. I've been drifting into nasty coffee stares lately (minus the coffee), and it's not even as if I'm particularly thinking anything while I'm staring, I just sort of zonk out. I think it's definitely a sign. Just like all my hair falling out is a bit of a sign as well. It was SOOO bad this morning. I washed my hair, looked at my hands and nearly shrieked without thinking. Honestly, I looked like I'd sprung a forest of hair on my palms. So I washed it off, then re-massaged my scalp,,, and it reappeared!!! You would not beLIEVE how much hair fell out this morning. I was seriously wondering whether I would have any left by the time my shower finished. but I did, although I now have to do a combover. ew! I think it's my diet at the moment that's causing it. I've basically been surviving off rice and cup a soups and healthy healthy shit like that. But it's all right, because today I'm going to take myself out for tea and buy a stack of healthy food brimming with vitamins and protein and shit. Meat would be nice... I could do with a nice steak... mmmmm... I would only have to sell all of my earthly possessions to afford it though. *sigh* bloody japanese prices. Oh well, the aussie steak at Gusto is less than a thousand yen, so I might grab one of those at lunch time. yumyumyumyum....
Oh, ! and I wanted to write about cliff too. Or did I... I can't remember if he has my livejournal code or not... chances are that he doesn't. I think that he and I were probably through by the time that I got my livejournal. Anyways... I was talking to caits the other day, and we somehow sidled onto the topic of cliff. And I was telling her that I really scared myself the other day (about 4 odd months ago), because I could remember absolutely every single piece of clothing that cliff owned. It was actually quite a shocking thought at the time. I then tried it for jaymes and will and caitlin,,, and I couldn't remember even nearly as much. Plus I bought this absolutely gorgeous fragrance with no idea who to give it to. My first thought (just out of the blue), was cliff, for absolutely no reason, then will, to say thanx for the great time he gave me, then maybe hayden, just for birthday present etc. Anyways, so I was talking to caits about all of this, and she suddenly said "Look blake, this has been coming for a long time... but really that's the closest thing to love that you've ever had" *dramatic pause* "you have to get back together with him". !! Which is a very big thing for her to say, considering that she doesn't exactly get along very well with cliff (for confusing, irritating, and not entirely untrue reasons). But yeah, .. I dunno, I guess I thought that ages ago.. but I don't think that now. Besides, I got a very civil email from him the other day. It kind of went like this:
I haven't been in correspondence with you for a long time. Hope you are having fun/had fun in Japan.
From Cliff

There was one other sentence in the email, but I can't remember what it was, and funnily enough I deleted the email rather rapidly. Anyways, so I wrote him back an email apologising for sending him that birthday junk mail thing, and telling him how I was going, and asked how he was going.
the next email he sent me was very concise and rushed off. But he asked me how I like the food, and he said (word for word)
=== have u been eating lots of bamboo shoots? i remember that was ur favourite when u came to my place. ===
And I am so surprised that he remembers that. We had this soup one time with bamboo shoots in it, and I absolutely LOVED it. I had helping after helping after helping. That and the lotus roots were just absolutely gorgeous.
I haven't written back yet. But he sounds like he wants to go over to denmark or somewhere to study next year. good luck to him.
I just remembered something... When I was going out with cliff, I saved all of the emails that he sent to me, because some of them were so sweet, some of them were so funny, some of them were when we were fighting, and some of them were from when we tearily made up. But that was all in hotmail. And my hotmail has committed suicide, so I've lost every single one of those. I also lost some important ones that i'd got from Caitlin and other people... that's a shame. still I suppose I shouldn't keep dallying around in the past. i should just get a move on.

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[21 Oct 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

Gosh, talked to Caitlin yesterday, which I haven't done for absolutely AGEs... it was great to hear her voice again. And it was great to be back in touch with someone that can understand me. I felt really good after chatting to her,, although the last part of our conversation did get a bit serious. And it turns out that she's stressing about work and her future as much as I was a little while ago. I know exactly how she must be feeling... I felt so adrift the other week, and like everything I did made absolutely no difference whatsoever, and that I'd never get anywhere... But now I'm feeling a little bit more happy go lucky, and I'm concentrating like nobody's business on my japanese stuff.. Arg! I'm so freaked out about that japanese test that is coming up. I still have about another 200 odd kanji to learn (give or take a hundred), a stack of grammar, and a heap of vocabulary. ahhhh... So I've written myself up a list of how much work I need to do, and I'm being all methodical and trying to get it all done on schedule and everything like that.... unfortunately, they're ripping up my carpet over the weekend, which means that I have today only to transport everything that I'll need on the weekend from my room up into one of the upstairs floors. Plus, I've got no food. Little problems, little problems. fuck.
But oh well, so the typhoon last night was interesting, and scary, and big. Apparently it was so big that it could cover all of Japan at once (!), and it passed RIGHT over the top of us.... just as I was about to walk home.. But I rang up David, and he came and picked me up out of the kindness of his heart, so I didn't lose an umbrella or a leg or anything. phew.
Then my dad rang, and we chatted about stuff. I was wondering about what to do with College, and caitlin seems to be keen to try flatting together, which I'd like to try now that I've spent a year living by myself. .. But at St. John's they're offering me that great chance to learn organ for free... plus it's so close to uni and would be really handy, plus I wouldn't have to spend time cooking and shit like that, plus it has great piano facilities and stuff which would be great. And it's also apparently great fun. Anyways, everyone reccommends that you try college for the first year, and then avoid it like the plague after that. I reckon I'd like to try it for a yaer, and then think about what to do after that. I might change to commuting, or to another college, or try and flat with someone. If Caits spend 2005 commuting, then she might be keen to try flatting with me for a while. but if she's been snapped up by someone else.... well, chances are that I'll probably meet stacks of people at uni and I might be keen to try shacking up with one of them for a while (which is what my dad suggested),,, so I think I'll try to get into St. John's this year, and see what happens. If I can't get in, well then no harm done and i'll try and flat with caits, if I can get in, then I think I'll try the college for at least a year.
Anyways, that's all for now...
I think I might got and eat some more carrot cake... all I had for breakfast this morning was yoghurt and bran with honey. .. .. .. It's a hard life.

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[18 Oct 2004|12:17pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | 鈴木先生と大脇先生の話 ]

Met a fair few people the other day, ... Sheila, Peter, Nadia, Calvin, Maira, Jean-Baptiste, Lisa, Liza... I might talk about them some time when I have more energy.
For now I just thought that I'd write about the weird experience that I had the other day (yesterday) when I was sitting out the front of the train station waiting for a bus which never came. .. Anyways, I was just sitting there minding my own business, when a car pulled up about ten metres away from me and these two guys got out of the car and walked past me and into the kiosk. Of course I looked up as they passed me, (because I don't bother looking until they're near enough that I can see them without my glasses), and one of them was like "hello!", and thought he was just the bee's knees. So I said "hi", and went back to my book. Anyways, so I'm sitting there and they come back, and both sort of crouch down about 3 or 4 metres away from me. I hear them chatting away amicably and some sort of stickytape noise happening. So i'm like "hmmm... this is weird", anyways, then they went back to the kiosk and then back to their car and left. I forgot about them for a while, but then I had a break from my book and happened to glance a little to my left. I was like "huh?" and took a little closer look. The two guys had got a bunch of flowers and stuck it with stickytape to the seat. It was just a little bunch of blue and white cheapo flowers, with plastic and foil wrapped around them... that they'd stuck on to the seat. Plus, right beside that, they had put a carton of iced coffee. You know how you can like stick back the flaps on ice coffee without actually opening it? Well they'd done that on both sides of the ice coffee, and then stuck a straw in at one side. And then left it there beside the flowers....
I couldn't figure it out at all. I thought that it could be a memorial or soemthing, but they didn't sound like they were in a very memorialising mood, and would you really leave ice coffee at someone's memorial thing?? Anyways, I thought it was very odd.
David (american coworker), suggested the idea that maybe they were a homosexual couple that was leaving a bunch of flowers and an ice coffee at that spot because it was where they first met, and maybe ice coffee was important to them. That thought hadn't occurred to me at all, but I quickly hastened to shoot it down in flames. I'm pretty sure that they were both straight as the proverbial... plus I think that's just a really silly idea.
Anyways, if anyone has any thoughts.... feel free to share

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people [07 Oct 2004|08:36pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | People talking and sniffing in the background ]

Hm.... I've been running into interesting people online and in peson lately.
After running into odd and quirky people on the internet and in real life, I find that they change the way I think for a little bit. Not for incredibly long though.
It's like when you watch "pay it forward", and are then filled with benevolence and love for the rest of the world, for a few hours. They seem to impart a little bit of vitality and spontaneity to me (which I've been seriously lacking lately)... Unfortuantely it only takes a few hours of moping around my house for that enthusiasm and energy to vaporise itself. but they always show me how tunnel-visioned I am too. I hate thinking of myself as narrow minded, but lately I've really been forced to admit it. That's probably not a good thing.
Sometimes I just really have the urge to ask people "what do you really think of me!?". But I dunno, it never really seems apropriate. I'd like to know what people think is terrible about me, good about me, ... but meh, i spose i wouldn't like people to be brutally honest with that sort of thing though. I don't know if I'd pull through. I'd like to know though.

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aha! caught!! [06 Oct 2004|11:06pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | naruto - 悲しみをやさしさに ]

We seem to have come to a bit of an agreement.
I obviously didn't give him enough credit, because he's figured out my end of it anyways. Although it's rather easy to spot in me I suppose. ... Not that that's a bad thing... maybe.
Anyways, because I said something about stamp shops, and I was like "I nearly went out with someone who owned a stamp shop. But their shop was like in the middle of the clubbing district. I don't know what they were thinking" Of course as usual being careful and everything to use they and their and everything..
But he sniffed it out straight away and was said, "my gosh, how did he survive??"
there was no emphasis on the he... but he knew it was there and I knew it was there...
So I said "I really don't know".... and left it at that.
But now at least there's a tacit understanding of my inclination if nothing else.

And for anyone who's recalling the ben saga and how much of an absolute twat I was during that time... I still nearly scream everytime I think about it. And I know that I came about as close to going out with him as I've ever come to performing the Tchaikovsky concerto three times through at carnegie hall... but meh.. a little boasty lie like that never hurt anyone... did it??

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[05 Oct 2004|10:24pm]
[ mood | exanimate ]

The canadian was all hinting at me today... Just because I was concerned for half a second, because he was all quiet and tired and dead-looking today. He was like ''yeah yeah, I'm fine..... .. .. . '' big pause, ''I'm just, oh how do you say it *bordering on a completely unnecessary giggle*, bored I suppose. I'd like to, -pause- go to someone's -pause- like house or something'' big pause, while I think, huh?
then he said ''like, ... a TEACHER'S house or something...'' and I was like, huh!? are you inviting yourself round to my dormitory boy??
So I inserted myself into the pause and said ''oh, really, funny you should say that cos david was thinking of taking you and den out on the weekend'', slight pause from him, and then smiling acceptance.
I'm not sure if that was what he was really aiming for though. I just can't shake the feeling that he's angling for something...
There's one thing about his character that really annoys me. If you do something wrong, he'll point it out to you in a timid little voice, or slight hint in a meek little undertone about it or something. Same thing if you point out his mistakes, or say something that he thinks is wrong or he doesn't agree with. he just has a superlong pause, and his voice shrinks by half and jumps an octave. arg! It's SOOO annoying! It's almost Karen-like (no, not the secretary whore, I mean the annoying Karen Li)!! So it would definitely have Caitlin it a blistering rage within moments. But I figure if I'm to have any chance of .. him (for lack of a better sentence), then I can't really lose it with him every five seconds can I?
I think I may give him a bit of a slap around next time he goes all irritatingly silent though. Man it shits me to tears!

just out of curiosity, what does exanimate mean?? the little dude looks like he's sleepwalking or something.

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hey hey [01 Oct 2004|06:11pm]
[ mood | bleh ]
[ music | students leaving the school ]

Another day drifts by at the speed of pond scum. Fun!
I was all dramatic to Sheila in this email I wrote her today, pleh it's the most depressingly boring piece of crap I've written to anyone in a while (short of most of my livejournal entries of late).. but anyways, I was drifting through some other peoples ljs, and I found this cool game. Anyone who wants to should give it a go...

1. Think of a word you would use to describe me.
2. Go to Google Image Search and search for that word.
3. Select the picture you see as most fitting, and post it as a reply.
4. Copy this meme to your journal. (optional of course)


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rolyat [30 Sep 2004|07:38pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | 悲しみをやさしさに ]

Hey, ... I just wanted to write about the exchange student for a little bit.
He's acting all weird..
Like, he spent the whole day hanging out with me at the themepark (despite what shocking company I was being)
He went clothes shopping with me, and said that come clothes looked really good on me, and then grabbed me another shirt to put on (that incidentally looked HOT, even if I say so myself *blush* (it happens so infrequently I have to grasp the moments))
He made me listen to a message from 'pia', the mystery korean boy who lives at his house. Incidentally (or perhaps not), he has hinted previously that he has had a relationship with Pia outside the normal bounds of male bonding, plus pia's voice matches perfectly with taylor's (i.e. really really really gay, and only JUST avoiding a lisp. Have a listen to Julian day on classic Fm and you'll see what I mean), plus he actually took Pia to his formal.
So hm, ... I'm not really sure what is going on.
It's irritating me, but I suppose I might just ask him a bit more straight on next time he drops any hints.
Although he might just be one of those people who is as gay as they come, only straight. That would really be irritating. It's not that I particularly want to make a move on him or anything, but if someone is dropping hints then they probably want you to do something about it, right??
apart from that, not much has really been going on.
I finally got invited out to the year 4 peoples' drinky party, and I made my little sashay in to get close to Watanabe sensei. He got nuttily drunk and red faced, but was still just as anal-retentive boring and stupid-joke-making as usual. So I approached him when he was washing the dishes and started to make some meaningful questions... But all the other teachers flocked around before I got a chance to start unraveling any secrets, and I ended up giving up.
Other than that, I've been called 25 at least 5 times in the past few days. And you should see the shocked look that students give me when they find out that I'm only 19. And then the scared whisper from their friends "only a YEAR older than us!! that could be US in a year!!!"
I'd rather people pointing at me and going "erk, there goes that fag from the english department"... ugh, I hate feeling so old, and so boring... Everyone always calls me 'mature', which is not an insult in English, but in Japanese the meaning is closer to 'adult-like' than anything else. I.E. BORING!
It's not that I've really been doing much to avoid that image... but still I feel so terrible!
I've been put in a box and shoved under the bed to collect dust. Not many teenagers seem keen to venture under the bed and drag me back out. And most of the adults think I'm as fun as a brisk walk through lava as well. sigh
But despite all that, fun things have still been happening.


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Sorry for the massive post, feel free to scroll straight past it [14 Sep 2004|02:53pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

Well my sister has popped up in Japan! Completely unexpected! Well, not completely, but fairly unexpected. Adn So I took off on the weekend with her, to check out Kyoto and everything..That turned out to be absolutely a stack of fun. We walked around all these temples and shrines and everything, andI took her out to Karaoke and to an onsen... andeverything else uniquely Japanese that I could think of. She tried soba and udon and ramen. And she decided in the end that Rame was her favourite one....
Anyways, so I had to come back to Mizunami for work obviously.. but she is still in Kyoto, trekking around by herself. She reckoned that sh'd probablycome back and see me around about thursday or something... but I don't know when she7ll rock up... she's a bit of a free spirit like that... Plus she7s having agonies at the moment about what to do with Dan and eveything.. They've been together for about a year now (!) and it seems like Bonnie is really starting to get very serious about it. She mentioned it a lot of times when we were in Kyoto and everything. So I hope that it all turns out well... the problem is whether Dan will be able to cope with her moving to Canada for the next four months. She said that he isn't really very good with letting her off overseas on her own. Which is a big mistake with bonnie (denying her freedom or even appearing to be jealous or anything), so ... but anyways, if he's fine with it then after she comes back from Canada she'll move down to Adelaide and live with him (shock horrr!) I can't believe it. I thought she would never ever ever ever return to Adelaide,... I thought that she would rather die. But anyways, she seems quite happy to go back there if he'll have her. and then it's her plan to study for two years \and then head off to the UK and work there for a while. She seems really keen on that idea.
But anyways... Back to me...
I had an experience in Kyoto which was a little teasing, depressing, and absolutely wonderful at the time. It's aterrible story and although it's not at the flinch aor recoilin horror sort of stage I don't think. Certainly I7ve done worse things. Besides if you've read my livejournal then you pretty much should expect stupid crap like this from me.Anyways, I'm not sure how to put an ljcut up on this page, so I'll just type it out... if you don't feel like reading ( then just don't...
Anyways, so I was staying in a youth hostel with my sister right. And it was dromitory style, so I was sayina room with these other guys and bonnie was staying upstairs with the girls. Anyways, we all got into our little futons and things (cause it was all japanese style). and I'm not kidding but this Japanese guy put on the biggest one man show you've ever seen in your life. Well... perhaps not the biggest. but certainly the most obvious. And he knew that I was awake and everything, which made it seem very very pointed (i thought)... Because he saw and heard that I was awake, and kept going, and then he'd stop when someone else came into the room, and then keep going after they left. But anyways, this stretched out for quite some period of time. And of course eventually he looked like he was settling down into a kind of frustrated and comehither kind of sleep. But anyways, I made a little move. Not a big move, so that if he turned around and was all shocked then I could deny it. but anyways, he didn't (obviously), and so I kept going, and kept going. I didn't want to race it and scare him or anything... but at the same time I was just a little bit impatient. But anyways, I went on for a while until I thought it was tactful. I thought, right I've now explored every reachable inch of your torso and slightly below your torso, so it's time for you to be a bit more of an active participator.
So I left a little lingering impression and then returned back to my futon. At this time he di a bit of vigorous eyerubbing... which seemed to mean something. Because he'd been doing it earlier before. But then he finished that and gave a little sighy sort of thing.At which point he rolled over (as i expected), but he rolled over in the opposite direction! Further away from me!
And I immediately thought,,, shit! what went wrong there!
I've replayed it a million times in my head, and in half of them I was wrong from the start, in qa quarter or so of them I'm wrong near the end, and then in most of the others it's all his fault..
But regardless! I had to sleep there again the next night, which was absolute TORTURE... but anyways
now all I have are the slight memories that I managed to garner from his pliable body that night (isn't that terible to say thtat liek that!), but anyways, he didn't stop me, and didn't say anything or even roll away unitl I gave him an obvious choice,,, so I couldn't have been reading him completely wrong could i??
Anyways, but now my desperateness knows absolutely no bounds. i mean NO BOUNDS! It's quite terrible. I haven't been kissed, held, cuddled, or anything for an entire year...An entire fucking year! ThThere's no wonder that I'm starting to go nuts. It was a little level of desperation until last weekend. But now it's running at peak desperateness level. I just am finding it very hard to think of anything else. As soon as I'm by myself I either become insanely depressed, or I lapse into crapass memoies and invented fragments until that then just turns into depressiveness. I can't see any relief coming soon, and it's absolutely driving me up the wall!
I) feel terrible for saying it, but I am just SO desperate it7s not even funny.
I'm trying to be as clinical and without fancy description here as I can be. But arg, it really is about ten times asthis journal entry makes it sound.
Anyways, so I'm alone in Japan, without friends, without even a decent talking companion, without any romantic prospects, and certainly with NO chance of finding any relief anywhere in sight. Can you blame me for being depressed. I've never felt so alone before. As soon as I finish talking to someone, leave the room, become alone, I just fall into such an amazing depression. Ugh, I hate it.
Japan shouldn't be like this. People should at least like me a little bit! I should at least be able to do something right sometimes! I should be banished and excluded and ignored.... it's not my fault... I didn't even get a chance to piss anyone off or anything,,, I was just precluded right from the start.
Living by myself, cooking, eating, reading, watching tv... that's basically all there is to my life at the moment. And as much as that was fun andd engaging for a while. It really does start to pale after a while..
I haven't had a friend (apart from family and people in other countries obviously) for about 8 months. It's really starting to get to me, and I don't know what to do...

But anyways, I think I'll just continue on looking merry and everything until this torture finishes... I just don't think that it should be such a torture to live here in Japan. I thought it would all be great fun and a great time, I woulod a t least meet a few people and make a few friends..
but so far it's all fucked. I have some great moments, and do some fun things. but nothing lasts beyond a few hours, let alone a day. I'm just so fucking lonely.

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confusing [01 Sep 2004|06:02pm]
Okay... we just got our new exchange student. Named taylor. And I have to say that at first sight i thought, GAY.. I also thought, TALL. cause he's 186cm, and he has very wide feet. I don't know what wide feet mean though..
anyways, I just thought I'd take dictation from a recent conversation when we were talking about his lack/nonlack of girlfriend. Apparently he has a girlfriend but is willing to have another while he's here. or whatever.
So I said ---
B - So it's more, have a girlfriend but available. hooked up but open for business... half bachelor
T - giggle (SEE!, definitely gay!)
B (after a pause) - man, you should be shot
T - yeah yeah,... but the most upset one was Pia (i think it was pia.. )
B - pia?
T - yeah the korean guy (highlight GUY!)
B - korean guy? (yes i know, a bit like a brainless echo...)
T - he was pissed off when I left.
B (as you can guess) - left?
T - Yeah,.. you know we , yeah, had our fun.. and then
B - (hmmmm....)
T - yeah, he took a while to get over it.
B - yeah, anyway see ya (huh? what was I thinking?)

So I'm not really sure if my ears temporarily were on the blink or what... but yeah... he might've guessed about me already (cos I've been throwing hints around like it's going out of fashion)... plus I'd been having a converstion with these girls in japanese which he might have understood...
it sort of went

B - so why was daniel hated?
Girls - he liked girls heaps. he was just amazing (bad connotation though)
B - oh okay
Girls - but he REally liked girls
B - atarimae deshou (which is sort of like.... well that should be obvious/acceptable/natural...)
Girls - yeah, but what about you, do you like girls that much?
B - No, no way, not like that

so, maybe he understood that, and decided it would be alright to broach the subject of the mysterious Pia.... or...
or for god's sake there's clearly something wrong with me.
anyways, i'll just let it go by the wayside for now... and wait till he decides to drop any more hints.
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hey [20 Jul 2004|10:03am]
I have once again been rendered useless.... I'm supposed to be helping out with this english speech competition, but one of my guys is at a golf tournament, and the other one is praticing tennis because he has a tournament on the 23rd. So basically I just have to sit around until it hits 1 o'clock, then go and talk to him for an hour, and then that's it. I think I might go and do a bit of practice on the piano. I know it won't be focused though. It's never focused lately. The other day I just played czerny for a few hours, without working on any of my pieces at all... But I'm wondering if that's a bad thing. If I pratice studies to the exclusion of any new repertoire for a while, then even though I won't be learning any new songs, I'll be improving my technique, which will allow me to aim for brighter and better songs when i start opening myself up to a new repertoire again.
On the other hand, I should just keep on doing the 2~3 hours of studies, but at the same time I should be devoting an extra 2 hours or so to new repertoire. Because I'm doing such a small amount of practice, the balance is all skewed towards studies. Plus my wrists are still absolutely caning. It's really quite scary.
I'm putting it down to a temporary thing though. In any case, there's nothing I can really do about it at the moment. I stretch before and after I play, I try and play with the seat at a good height, I try and keep my wrists and hands relaxed at all times, and I try and shake my hands and wrists out every now and then and take a little break. But there's got to be something that I'm doing wrong...
man it's annoying, and painful.
Anyways, it's hit 10 o'clock, which means that I can do a good solid 3 hours before I'm actually needed at work. Well I suppose it's a good thing, I can say that I'm finally getting paid to play piano...
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Blah blah blah [14 Jul 2004|09:06am]
Right, I think it's time to buckle down and make another entry in my livejournal. It'll be a boring self-centred one, (as per usual), but it'll be something that I can look back on to remember what I was doing around this time when I was in Japan.
Welllll... there's no work at the moment really for me. I basically just go into work and then sit around twiddling my fingers. I had a big dnm about that with my dad the other day and he suggested all these things I could do,,, so I went and talked to my boss (Mr. Yanase), and gave him a list of all the tasks or jobs that I could do. And we talked about things I could do, and how I wasn't doing anything.... and that was a week ago and I'm still doing absolutely jack all. Not tthat that's incredibly a bad thing, because it means that I can email people and do lj and practice piano to my heart's content. but they're paying me for this, so I really feel like I should be doing something.... oh well.
Speaking of piano, I feel like I'm making progress on that.. but I also feel like someone is sawing through my wrists with a blunt hacksaw, which is generally NOT a good thing. It was just in my right hand, but today it's progressed into my lefthand. It doesn't seeem to hurt when I'm playing, and in fact my wrists and hands seem to tense up a lot less nowadays than they used to when I played, yet when I'm just sitting around, they absolutely cane! Anyways, so I've been learning a few exciting pieces, like Aufschwung (schumann) Toccata (paradies) and one of the Chopin Polonaises. They're all really great fun, and shouldn't really take too long to learn I don't think. Plus I'm starting to get a bit more dedicated with my studies. I get up at 6:00 in the morning, come to school at 7:00 and do an hour of Czerny studies. I bought a book of them while I was here, and so I'm trying to learn a new one each week. So far they've been pretty easy, but the tempos are just insane! I'm not trying to push up the speeds too fast though, because my playing becomes really uneven when I try to do that. At the moment I'm just happy with playing each one at half the maximum speed. Anyways, it's fun and it's good for my practice ethic, and it gets the day off to a good start.
Wow! holidays coming up, i'm soooo excited! Today my flight information to thailand arrived in the mail! I can't wait to go!!
Oh, I probably haven't written this in my journal yet, but my mum is actually in Thailand at the moment. I think she got supremely jealous that everyone except her was leaving the country, so she quit blue nurses and got a job as a teacher in thailand! Then she quit that job in about 3 days, and got another one at another school! Can you believe it?? So anyways, she's been in Thailand for a few months now I'm pretty sure, and she seems to really really be enjoying it. but yeah, she told me to come over for the summer holidays, so I managed to get a flight ticket from the 29th (last day of work) to the 17th (first day of work), which means I'm actually skipping out on two days that I should be working, but oh well who cares... I can't wait to go over there and get a tan and lots of clothes and incense and ... yay! I can't wait. I actually think that my morning playing sessions might be helping me to get a little bit of a tan. Sitting right in the morning sun for an entire hour every mornign would have to have some kind of effect I suppose... just as long I don't get a tan on only one side of my face and body, that would be rather scary.
Anyways, so then on the 17th, I'm arriving at Nagoya airport at 8:00, but my DAD is arriving at Nagoya airport at 6:00! Which means that he's going to have to arrive in Japan, and then wait around for me to arrive in japan. haha, there's got to be something ironic in that... it cracks me up.
Anyways, so I've made a nice little plan for what we're going to do when dad comes, and that should be stacks of fun. I'm trying to cram absolutely as much as I possibly can into the 7~10 odd days that he's here. First I figure we'll go to Takayama which is apparently a really nicely preserved old Japanese town that is really good to visit and relax in and stuff, then up to Sado (an island just off niigata) becausee there's an 'earth celebration' festival that features taiko drums which I absolutely love! then after that I figure we'd go down to tokyo and spend a day or two exploring tokyo. After that we're going to tackle Mt. Fuji, and then make our way slowly down to Kyoto to appreciate all its wonderful temples and parks and ... culture. Then we have to race back up to Nagoya to stick dad on a plane and send him home. Sounds great hey? I can't wait... This summer holiday is definitely going to make up for the 6 months so far that I've spent sitting around on my ass.. I told sheila that we should try and go somewhere together for a weekend sometime, but I don't know if she's keen on the idea. because really I'm not suppose to work on saturdays (that's what it says in my contract), so I could always take the saturday off and we could go somewhere and sleep the night and then keep touristing on sunday and then go home. I could go by myself I suppose, but I'm not the most confident traveller, and plus it sucks to go sightseeing by yourself. You need someone there to echo your ooh-s and aah-s. Well that's what I think.
Anyways, I should be saving money anyways, plus I have heaps of study to do.. plus I'm a boring shit who's wasting this perfect opportunity of being in Japan. arg.
But yeah, anyways, study's going pretty well.. I'm zooming through my kanji at a rate of knots. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing though..... I'm not really sure if I'll be able to remember them or not. But anyways, most of them I've seen before and I can read them or at least guess what they mean, it's just the writing and the additional meanings and additional readings that I have to learn most of the time which is why I'm making fairly good progress. Plus the textbook is just so interesting, I find myself wanting to progress and read the next chapter even though I know I should wait a while and digest the kanji that I've just learnt... but anyways, it's great fun. I'm really starting to enjoy the patterns and logic of kanji. It makes learning reading writing and remembering them sooo much easier. A few times I've read bits of japanese out to people and really impressed them with my kanji reading, even though I hadn't learnt half the kanji that were there. Because you can just guess! It's quite incredible how if you analyze these pictures and think of the sounds that match with the components then even if you haven't actually learnt the character itself, you can guess what it's going to say alot of the time. Although some of the time I just guess and fluke it.
Grammar is fun too, although not quite as fun as kanji at the moment. There's so many cool ways of expressing things, its great to learn about them. Although I still can't use most of them off my own bat, and I probably wouldn't know how to explain it if you just told me the grammar form, I can understand them in a sentence and I can understand which ones fit in which sentences, which is what I need to know for the 2kyuu test. I figure if I learn them enough to do the test and then I just go over and over them and practice them and put them in my sentences and listen to them and even try and say them then eventually they'll progress from just a vague knowledge to an actual concrete, usuable and practical grammar form. that's always the hard thing with japanese at the moment. I'm learning things (and forgetting them) at a really fast rate. But not many of the things I'm doing are put into a practical scene. I write them, I read them, I check with the textbook, I write my own sentences,... but there's no checking those sentences with someone else, or talking to someone else using that grammar pattern or hearing someone else use that grammar pattern. I basically just have to keep my ears peeled to try and hear all of the new things that I've been studying,, and the ones that I don't hear tend to just drift off into the misty backquarters of my brain. So even if I understand them, I can't use them... and what's the use in understanding them if you can't use them?
But anyways, it's still fun and I really am enjoying it.
Although I can't wait to get out of this school and get on holidays. arg, that reminds me, I have to do my shopping today. I ran out of milk, and I'm absolutely dying,,, you don't realise how essential milk is until you run out of it. Although I have enough eggs and enough meat to sink a ship, I've run out of vegetables and noodles and tofu and nattou and I'm nearly out of rice... bugger, I have a feeling that I'm going to be spending a lot of money today... Oh well..
I bought some Aussie beef, because it was really cheap (roughly 1 yen per 1 gram), but it was shoulder meat, and it's really stringy and everything. I never realised there was such a difference in meat before until I started looking at the prices and buying it for myself.
anyways, I'm going now,,, I really should be doing some work.
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I thought these were just too cute for words [16 Jun 2004|01:17pm]
How to make a caits

5 parts anger

1 part brilliance

3 parts instinct
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!


Personality cocktail


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

caits is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.


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