I don't like to philosphize, I just want to tell a story
December 2004
Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 04:11 am
I'm like a cookie... BAKED.

My entry was just deleted. I am SO SAD. I have the best girlfriend ever, but I wish she wasn't such a Mac fanatic. SOOOOB.

Anyhow, I had the shittiest of days, but then I talked to my Arthur. He's back in America, doncha know? I know he's still far away from me, but just knowing that he's closer makes me feel so, so much better about, well, life. And I needed to celebrate him coming back, but, you know, while in Illinois. And so I may have become terribly stoned one way or another. My "never during school" policy worked so well... Today was the last day of classes. And what an adventure! Two Texas girls and my new buddy Steven Salinas from California (the hispanic, straight Californian Andrew Judson... ) walked to Hardees in the COLD (nine degrees with windchill) and Salinas and I without gloves. Yikes. None of us hae ever been cold before, not reallty, and it was such a bonding experience. I <3 Carrie and Celeen. And Salinas. Hispandrew.

Current Mood: high

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Tuesday, December 14th, 2004 06:20 pm
whatever you pick, do it quick, 'cause you're starting to stick

This semester is finally over. All I have left is finals and I'm home free home. I can't wait.
I had a mental fuckup today in Acting. See... ugh. Last time I ran my monologue in class, Denise asked me where the climax was. I told her "Then I went and grabbed his hand". Because that's just what I thought. She told me that no, it was "God! God sent this blah blah blah". It wasn't what I would have chosen, but with some thought, yeah, it made sense. Okay. No problem, right? Today was our final performance. She asked me where my climax was. I told her "God sent this blah blah blah". Because, you know, she told me that. And then Denise looked right at me and told me I was wrong. That the climax was in "And then I went and grabbed his hand..." I didn't know what to do. I was pretty much stunned. I just stammered for a minute and she moved onto the next person. It was... terrifying. I went back to my dorm and found the noted Angie wrote for me at my previous showing, and sure enough "God is the climax!" was scribbled on the paper. I saw the paper and for some reason, I just started crying in my dorm. I fucking hate crying. I don't know why this freaked me out so much, but it did. I need a break. So badly. I can't wait to go home. Half of me fucking LOVES Millikin, and half of me desperately wishes I was still working with Keys (and LaBarro and Mladen and Jill and Blake and Dan and Annie and as far back as the word home will go.) Ugh. Need to go HOME.


Current Mood: stressed

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Tuesday, December 14th, 2004 10:53 am
life is never what you planned

If all your friends were lesbians...(Live Journal) by starsatnoon
Favorite Color
Lesbian Witchthe1andonlysex
Stone Butchvertigoafter
Toothless Lesbianfoxyjew
Lipstick Lesbianmawwige
Drag Kingsalutations
The "Bi" chickvangie
Lesbian Momla_13eme_vierge
Late Converter/ Divorceezenosarrow
Coffee Shop Lesbianjp04
Poet/Artist Lesbianx13xgreen
Quiz created with MemeGen!

That reminds me of when Diana, Amy and I played "three little lesbians living in a house" for about a week.

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Monday, December 13th, 2004 09:42 pm
holding on like there is no tomorrow

Today was not a good day for homesickness.
Classes were fine. After classes, I performed Swing! and it was well recieved. People said I made them laugh... I hope they laughed because I was funny, not ridiculous and terrible. But I'm honestly not sure. Jesus. I felt, and I think the ensemble felt, really out of place in the performance. All the other dances were populated by people who eminated *dancerdancerdancer*, not to mention mostly upperclassmen, and half of the people in Swing! are, well, Ameoba. Not that Dietrich isn't both Amoeba and fucking insane dancer, and Terrell and Salinas are both smooth like hell, but yeah.

Anyhow. Today was not a good day for homesickness. I went to the belter's recital. I'd Rather Be Sailing was performed, which always makes me terribly homesick. Then what? Taylor. Aw, man. Then If Mama Was Married. What was the closing? Learning to Let Go (from Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens).
"Thank you for being my foundation, for giving me a boost when I was low. Your courage is my inspiration. Guess it's time I'm learning to let go"
So, uh, yeah. I'm a pathetic sap who can't move on from high school memories and what have you.

Your Inner Gangsta by crash_and_burn
What is yo name?
Yo gangsta name beHoneyfresh
You ride around in aNeon Pink H2 Hummer
Yo gangTha Vanilla Icers
Yo shoes beBaby-blue Timberlands
Yo dubs be dis big, fool1,569
How much money you got?$3.77206074436839e+25
How gangsta are you, bitch?: 67%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I think Terrell would argue.

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Saturday, December 11th, 2004 06:33 pm
this is mine.

Current Mood: tired

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Friday, December 10th, 2004 09:22 pm
Come on Jackson, you're getting hep!

So, I've been cast in The Vagina Monologues. I'm doing I Was There In The Room, which is... well, okay. Not really what I would have cast me as, but whatevs.
Also, I got into Karen Richardson's Senior Choreography project. Well, "got in" isn't really too appropriate... Karen was just "You do musical theatre? No? Yes. You're Ruth." I love Karen, have I mentioned that? By the way, it's SO "Swing" from Wonderful Town. Hell yes, so many happy memories of that song. I love Karen. And every one of the street dancers.

Current Music: my sister eileen - swing!

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Thursday, December 9th, 2004 09:46 pm
Crass Commercialist Consumer Whore, I am, I am, I am

Birthday: One week.
Christmas: Two weeks, two days.

Wishlist, not that it's directed at any lj-readers*
I haven't done a wishlist since like fourth grade. Cute.

Bright-Eyed Joy: The Songs of Ricky Ian Gordon
Beatles Anthology II

The Breakfast Club
The Triplets of Belleville
Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet. Mine skips like I skip Seminar.
Cidade De Deus/City of God

Beatles stuff
Owl stuff
A full map of Narnia

*except those who owe me mix CDs... I expect that sometime. You know who you are, Ms. B. Lando.

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Thursday, December 9th, 2004 09:08 pm

"I can't eat Millikin! I'd feel like a GIANT!"
-Carrie, who is, by the way, just about the best girlfriend I could ever want.

"Dear God, I've been a good Christian all my life, I go to church and pray.... PLEASE let me tap Hot Erik!"
-An anonymous friend who has a very understandable jones for Hot Erik.

Today I:

Actually went to fencing for the first time in a week and a half. Achey.
Taught some of my fencing class the basics of contra dancing. Homesick.
Auditioned for MU's annual production of The Vagina Monologues. Indifferent.
Got to spend some time with Carrie. Overjoyed.

Current Mood: accomplished

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 10:11 pm
When you know what you want, then you go and you find it and you get it

I've just had an apostrophe an epiphany.
Lightning has struck my brain.
And, yes, it hurts.

Current Mood: determined

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 12:52 pm
In case you've all forgotten, I come from the best damned city in America.

Or at least, the city with the coolest kids.

Current Mood: cheerful

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Monday, December 6th, 2004 07:58 pm
Life's no fun without a good scare

The Nightmare Before Christmas: The show that was a big excitement, then a total letdown, then an oppurtunity, then hell on earth, and ultimately a pretty good show that was a fun time.
We've been asked to (possibly) move the show into the PD II, which is a much, much nicer (read: actual) theater. In that case, we'll add a ghoul or three, have a real set, and, well, be awesome.
Picture time!

Majewski as Jack, Jordan as a last-minute Zero. (There was going to be a puppet, but, well, long story.)
Read more... )

Current Mood: blah

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Saturday, December 4th, 2004 04:13 pm
There's other ways of learnin' 'bout the behind feet of a mule than gettin' kicked by him

How terribly surprising...

The Nightmare Before Christmas was actually very fun last night! We played to a house that was almost double the legal capacity (shhhh) and still had a waiting list. The show went well. Who knew that was possible?

After NBC, the Ameoba had our first official Jank-A night. [info]gangstaangel2 and I presided, and luckily neither of us had to do anything too demeaning, though I did lose my pants at one point. Juck.

There was a great turnout- 16 players, and some observers. Pretty sweet. I'll post pictures eventually.

I'm actually looking forward to Nightmare Before Christmas tonight. It's mostly the constant ad-libs that get me.

"Jack, Oogie's fuck-me-when-I-say trannies are here to see you!"
-Brian Harden as the Mayor

"That's right, I am the Pumpkin King, come on, Zero, it's time to end the charade! Ho-ho no more!!!"
-Tony Majewski as Jack Skellington

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Friday, December 3rd, 2004 12:19 am
The first one I got, I kid you not, was "Nightmare Before Christmas Is Love"

leopold & loeb is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Thursday, December 2nd, 2004 10:32 pm
Everybody scream.

No more Nightmare Before Christmas.
Four more days.
If Stefo wasn't there, I'd officially be dead now..
Four more days.

Current Mood: pissed off

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, December 1st, 2004 03:47 pm
Can I just take this moment to tell the Internet how much I love the senior BFAs? The reasons are thus:

1: Last night was my first real snow. Besides frolicking and spazzing out, I went to two rehearsals, both held off-campus, and basically walked all around in the cold, cold cold. Amanda Bolenbaugh, a senior BFA acting major and the director of Rehearsal, found out how woefully unprepared I am for snow and gave me a winter coat. No, like she actually gave me one. A down-filled winter coat! She just bought a new one and had no need for the old one, but still! Damn, she's sweet.

2: My other rehearsal last night was for The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm running lights, but the reason I was there tonight was because the director asked me to be there and give input or whatever. Anyhow, Tony Majewski (Senior BFA MT, and our Jack Skellington) came up to me and said "You're, like, really into this movie, right? What can I do to be more... Pumpkin King?" I've almost never talked to this guy before, and he has this reputation of being the biggest diva in pants. It was cute.

3: Maurice Murphy, who in my opinion has more talent than you could shake sticks/Styx at (also Senior BFA MT), just came into this here computer lab, gave me a big hug, and proceeded to tell me how much he's missed me over Thanksgiving break. I felt incredibly special and cool. He's one of those people that just makes you feel like the best person in the world. Yay.

4: Karen Richardson (BFA MT again!) had been having graphic, detailed sex dreams about Carrie and me. And herself. This is a very straight girl, people: not the type to be "getting too friendly with some white-girl-love". But she's had a recurring dream! Now I feel kind of awkward, but hella amused.

Current Mood: amused

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, December 1st, 2004 02:09 pm
I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it.

Today is CS Lewis's birthday. Monday was the anniversary of George Harrison's death.
Let's celebrate my two favorite wordsmiths!

C.S. Lewis

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one".

"The more lucidly we think, the more we are cut off: the more deeply we enter into reality, the less we can think."

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

"Sleeping on a dragon's hoard with greedy, dragonish thoughts in his heart, he had become a dragon himself."

George Harrison

"Sunset doesn't last all evening
A mind can blow those clouds away
After all this, my love is up and must be leaving
It's not always going to be this grey"

"It's easier to say you won't than it is to feel you can
It's easier to drag your feet than it is to be a man
It's easier to look at someone eles's wealth
Than to see yourself"

"Sky cleared up, day turned to bright
Closing both eyes now the head filled with light
Hard to remember what a state I was in
Instant amnesia
Yang to the Yin."

"And I've been traveling through the dirt and the grime
From the past to the future through the space and the time
Traveling deep beneath the waves
In watery grottoes and mountainous caves

But oh Lord we've got to fight
With the thoughts in the head with the dark and the light
No use to stop and stare
And if you don't know where you're going
Any road will take you there"

Current Mood: geeky
Current Music: the glasses in this icon look like mine

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Tuesday, November 30th, 2004 11:53 am
His personality flaws give me adequate cause

Yesteday my friend Andrew and I were talking about Disney movies. Shock, I know. In particular, though, we discussed Aladdin and Jafar's Prince Ali Reprise. (Prince Ali, yes, it is he, but not as you know him. Read my lips and come to grips with reality...) So imagine my surprise in stagecraft today when Arnold pipes up that he recently re-watched his DVD of Aladdin, and boy, isn't Jafar's Reprise awesome?

Yeah, I like when life is funny like that. Yessir.

I hope everyone likes this icon as much as I do.
And I hope everyone likes Andrew as much as I do.
'Cause he's responsible!

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Sunday, November 28th, 2004 09:58 pm
An icon...

In honor of my FIRST SNOW!
Even if it was a half-assed snow that I didn't get to feel.
Stoopid airports.

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Friday, November 26th, 2004 07:10 pm
-Alice, for being impossible to live without.
-All my SRQ friends, especially The A’s, the J’s, and the M, for not forsaking me or blaming me for running far, far away.
-All the girls on Walker 3
-A-ma-na-da LaForge
-The Amoeba, for giving me a much-needed “us”at Millikin
-Andrew, for possessing my favorite laugh, even when we're in different states.
-Arthur, cause you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone
-BBLab, for hours of fun and hours of hell. HELL.
-Bertolt Brecht
-Brunchma: a ridiculous community of supportive, grammaical loons
-Captain Morgan Rum… Or should I say Captain Morgan Yum?
-Carrie, for being one of the most remarkable and lovable girls I know, and not hating me for Florida Thievery. I hope.
-Cellular phones
-Christopher Guest
-Common Grounds, for late-night pep
-< b>Deleted!, A H*R musical.
-Diana and Amy (and Bob and Russell and Thammay), for cuddles galore
-Dimensions, for being a weird, talented Brunchma.
-DJ, for being my mom away from home
-Domino’s, FO’ CHEEZEY
-EBay: the world at my fingertips!
-Fencing class, for actually being physical and amazing.
-Ferris Bueller. Danke schoen, Ferris. Danke schoen.
-Four-Beer Queers
-George Harrison
-Good acting
-Hot Eric… I’m practically attracted to him.
-Jason Robert Brown
-Jeff, the director of SFANW, for directly giving me another shot.
-Johnny, for potential awesomosity this summer.
-Jubilant Sykes
-Justin, for laffs
-kd lang’s newest album Songs of the 49th parallel
-Leonard Cohen
-Maurice, for originally giving me another shot at another angle of SFANW, and being riddunkulously talented
-((((((((Max Lando))))))))
-Mein Muter, for trying to let go
-Mozilla Firefox
-Mr. Keys, for opportunities for growth and change
-My Official MU Best Girls- Carrie, Celeen, Pope, Koons, Erin, Steph, Jannelle, Heather, and Hannah.
-Quartell, for being the second best girlfriend I have.
-Qualls’ unerring sense of timing, and his knowledge of good movies
-R! Brad Criswell, for being the hippest teacher since Vick, and the funniest since J-Bob
-Roasted Marshmallows
-Roger S Lee, my father. He’s strong and exciting and, uh, calming.
-Romeo + Juliet
-Scarves knit for me by Amy Reaves and Christina Cox
-Scotty the Squirming One
-Siesta Beach, cause you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone
-Soy. Wait.
-Spicy sauces from Tijuana Flats
-Stefo, my big galoot
-Tennesse Williams… he’s a genius.
-Thai Food
-The Casa, for some amazing memories
-The Gayt, for some memories in the making
-The Jessica, who gave me a tiny box of love, and never making out with me. Ever.
-The music and life of George Harrison
-They Might Be Giants
-Will & Grace, for laffs
-William Shakespeare
-[info]xine_signs, [info]dr_ninjapants, [info]slammerkinbabe, for being my favorite livejournal people. Is that wrong? I don’t care.

Thanksgiving 2003

Thanksgiving 2002

Thanksgiving 2001

Current Mood: thankful

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Just a girl full of fantasies and longing
Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 05:26 am
Uuuuunnnnnh, Kevin G!

I'm going to Florida!
Right now!

Well, I'm going to Chicago.
And then, Florida!

Current Music: rhcp

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