And I'm a million different people from one day to the next.... [entries|friends|calendar]
Andrew Evan

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[22 Nov 2009|10:48pm]


Chances are, though, that if i wanted you to follow me, I would've added you.
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[17 Nov 2004|04:32pm]
WeRateYerOven-The first community to speak exclusively to the mindset of the contemporary American oven.
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[05 Nov 2004|10:26am]
first line to the story of my life:

I put hair gel on my face again.
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[04 Nov 2004|04:04pm]
On January 14th, 2005, we Americans who are furious with the current President will each send one grab-bag-sized bag of pretzels to the White House (just to show we care) at the following address:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Spread this message to every Bush-fearing person you know; post it on message boards, communities, etc. that you belong to.
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[01 Nov 2004|01:11am]
happy halloween, trojans!

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Sacred Words? [28 Oct 2004|03:58pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

It has recently come to my attention that some members (well, one in particular, but i figured i'd generalize it just to be more universal) of my livejournal friends list have found what i have said to be imposing and rude in what is supposed to be "their journal." Bottom line: if i can read it, i can talk about it. If you share your thoughts with me, chances are I'll share some back and NO i'm not a very nice person. duh.

If it's really difficult to deal with what i have to say, then i request that all of your "sensitive" entries be locked away from my eyes or, better yet, just take me off of your friends list.

I assure that compliance with the simple request above will stop your whiny, hypersensitive asses hours upon hours of crying on the bathroom floor.

The Management.

PS: if i have taken you off of my friends list or never added you, chances are i don't really care about you that much and don't want you reading my journal. go away.

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yeah. that's it. [13 Oct 2004|04:26pm]
is it bad that my iTunes is trying to be me laid?

-I Will Survive-Cake
-Girls and Boys- Blur
-Bone Machine- The Pixies
-Pussy Thrusts- GravyTrain!!!
-Satisfaction (Club Mix)-Benny Benassi
-Sweeter Love (Jay's Full Vocal)-Blue Six
-Worked Up So Sexual-The Faint
-Lilac Wine-Jeff Buckley
-Honesty-Billy Joel
-Nothing Better-Postal Service (i FFed this song)
-Doo Wop-Lauryn Hill

really. come on.

my tits, i mean. cum on my tits.

any takers? taryn/bri, i'm looking at you two.

IN OTHER NEWS i've quit joes and am working at mongolian bbq. yeah, that's right.

::cue barry white::
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[24 Sep 2004|01:19am]
Ladies and gentlemen of the press;
Today, my best friend sent me her new headshot.

Stone fox? Yeah, that's right.
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[23 Sep 2004|07:01pm]
Attention fourteen-year-old girls of suburban America:

Mean Girls sucked...really bad.

Almost as much as Camp.

::watches you combust when finally faced with the truth::
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To Marc Dones and every bad writer in IAA 02-03. Not that Marc is bad; he's very good. You get it. [11 Sep 2004|12:33pm]
what it is, is this;
I'm walking home through the diag listening to Taryn sing Ashlee, and all i can think about is the sea of underwear and bodies better than mine attached to faces worse than mine and marc---marc was just sitting against the walll, with a cup of box wine in his hand, and i knew what he was

thinking. He was lost in thoughts of his mother, the gin-soaked whore, next to Kerouac and Ginsberg, flat-lining her way to cleveland, with a parliment light in one hand and her daddy's war medal in the other.

And she's gone in this flash of autumn, setting over the red tip of her cigarette.

And I'm back and I have a slice of pepperoni pizza, and i know that i'm jewish and pepperoni is wrong, and i know that people make mistakes, but i think back to him, and the day i almost gnawed my arm off to get away, and how he almost gnawed my arm off to get away, and how, when it really comes down to it, all we wanted was attention from our second grade teachers.

and we silently ignore eachother,
and commiserate with eachother,
while peaches blasts through our veins,
the dead lover we both share.
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[15 Aug 2004|04:26pm]
My stepfather must pay.

Today, he "lightly reminded" me that I hadn't taken back the trays our florist had left at our house in over two months: "take them back to English Gardens now, or you're grounded for five days! As it stands, you have to clean your car and your sister's!" Ah, being home again; living amongst lawyers makes one immune to even the most abraisive behavior.

So i load up my car with these cartons, which I aptly stored inside of clear plastic recycling bags, and head down the freeway, blasting "Dragostea Din Tei" by OZone and talking to Rachel Lord about the stigma around the word Condiminum---why do people hate condos? Or at least think they're trashy? Anybody?

Unpacking my car of these bags, I note that a hush has fallen over the crowd of employees. Once I bounded inside the front door, I'm immediately greeted with a friendly "what are you doing," from a nice eastern european employeewench. I explain my situation and ask her where I put the cartons for recycling. Her response, you ask? "Somewhere that's not here." Apparently, English Gardens does not, nor have they ever, recycled plant trays and I made an ass out of myself as the cartonmonster.

After writing this all down, I realize that this is probably one of those "you had to have been there" funny stories, but I promise you would've gotten a kick out of it.

So what it all comes down to is this: how do you punish your stepfather?
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[13 Aug 2004|11:13pm]
bjork will wear anything.
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[12 Aug 2004|12:16pm]
Who is in your celebrity family? by cerulean_dreams
User Name
MomAnnette Benning
DadKevin Spacey
SisterThora Birch
BoyfriendWes Bentley
Best friendMena Suvari
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Is anyone else wierded out that this Meme wrote me in as the missing little brother from American Beauty? Randomly, I got the entire cast. And Cujo. Somebody knows me a little too well.
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[10 Aug 2004|10:52am]
SammyLelanaMaggie, I need to add to your list of annoying things, realquicksorry

558)The IC AKA, get this, Detroit Party Kids!!!
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[04 Aug 2004|10:07pm]
So the Hil concert was an absolute success as a failure; exactly as planned. Unfortunately, Reisa and I ended up being the only patrons dressed apropos in our pink shirts, adorned with catchy sayings that have LITTLE TO DO WITH KIT EXCEPT HE MAY HAVE THOUGHT SOME OF THIS UP. Les Autres. Anyway.

Friday, I ended up going down to Necto. It was kind of a weird vibe because a girl that I absolutely adore was in kind of a bad mood & I ended up making out with Kevin. Again.

Deja Vu. We're open 'till two.

Saturday, I woke up reallyreallyreally late and ended up going to L'aryn's house. We watched her parents get drunx0r and eat strawberry shortcake; big girls? Closet. Big girls. OHBUT Taryn has a stretching machine, which I think I'm going to utilize---for sex. You know. That whole thing.

So we went to Birmingham and met up with Brad Portnoy; walked around and looked at those atrocious dogs adorning the street corners. BleeARGH. AND WE SAW TALL MAN ON BIKE. I HAVE PROOFTHATSASQUATCH EXISTS!!! Or maybe not but I'm still the coolest jew at 34312 Glouster Court. Besides my mom.

Then I lost my cell phone.
But I have a new one.

So Brad left me alone to deal with Taryn and Lauren, which I was actually okay with. We partook in the midnight showing of Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, which was reallyreally surprisingly well made. Biggest surprise of the century. Or perhaps the millennium.

Got home an hour late; so what? go fuck yourself, k?

Last night, I had one of those experiences every young girl in rural New England should engage in; the gay rodeo. We saw cowboys, we got invited into portapotties to have anonymous sex! It was so much fun! And John Guyer is cute! But annoying! Reallyreally annoying!

Then nat'l, where we were getting stared at, then amazing conversation with Taryn. Really necessary.

Then i went to bed feeling horribly insecure; the feeling still hasn't passed.

Today, I'm at my She Loves Me callback. Wish me luck; this could be my ticket out of the crab shack!!!

Audition went well.
I'm looking for a new job; the Shack's gotten out of hand.

So let's have twopointfive kids
and a boat on the lakes
and a september wedding
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[01 Aug 2004|02:10pm]

If you need to get a hold of me, call my home #---788-9712
Otherwise, leave your # in a comment so i can add you when i get my new phone tomorrow.
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[29 Jul 2004|11:58pm]
So we've arrived in LaGuardia a little early (about three hours), and I mark this as a prime example of my mother's neurotic perfectionism. She feared our being late, so we left our residence on 52@8th around 9:45, for a 12:42 flight. It's just as well, really, because I haven't updated my LJ in quite a while; I've been busy/Lazy---sue me.

We reached satellite parking at 10:00, on Monday, and dropped our bags off around 1:00. At approximately 1:10, we were back on the streets; we had a power lunch at a fantastic Italian restaurant on 8@54, we visited Lincoln Center to get tickets for The Frogs (more on that to come), and we picked up some pastries, which would later melt in our warm fridge.

Then---we crashed. We slept for a good two hours. This time, we decided to take a cab to Lincoln Center, and waited for just a bit too long in front of the pond, listening to the recorded voices of frogs croaking. There was a large concrete phallus, using its one eye to stare back at us from the center of the pool; Evan(Ekbsn), maybe you can shed some light on this?

The Frogs, starring Nathan Lane, was---okay. It wasn't bad! It's worth seeing, even! But it just didn't---do much. It was entertaining, and it was relevant, but it wasn't moving, as I had hoped. Chris Kattan had been replaced at the last minute with Rodger Bart, whom I hate, so that could've been a large portion of my disappointment. Needless to say, we were tired. We skipped the gala and just got quick appetizers at another Italian restaurant.

And we started to notice a trend. For every other type of restaurant in NYC, there are seven Italian restaurants; Giorgio's, Rosa's, Pesciano's. I'm beginning to think that Italian cuisine, really, is the true American Cuisine; on a regular basis, the American family eats more italian food than any other. Think about it. Or don't; I'm okay with that, too.


Mom and I did our routine morning; wake up early, bring Starbucks back up to the apartment, and spend two hours in the bathroom doing...whatever it is we do; neither of us know. We discussed the possibility of an alien couple having a similar morning routine; waking up, abducting us for two hours doing...whatever it is they do, and returning us dressed and slightly edgy.

We got into a cab andHEFLATLINEDITALLTHEWAYTOWASHINGTONSQUARE! Oy vey! We have a pretty decent tolerance for poor drivers, but damn this man knew what he was doing. We walked around for about two hours and concluded that all of the stores we were looking for were in hiding, so we got into another cab and got taken to Rockefeller Center; Kitsch Capitol, USA. We paid our homage to NBC studios, went shopping for about ten minutes, ate lunch in a (surprise!) Italian restaurant, annnnnd walked back to our homeyhome, where we took a nap.

We woke up just in time to make cute, stepped outside andFRIZZGOESMOM'SHAIR. It was raining, and not just raining; it. was. pouring. We pulled out our little black umbrellas...

(SIDENOTE: THREE NUNS JUST SAT IN FRONT OF ME. ONE FARTED. SORRY TO SOUND LIKE AN AWFUL MISCREANT BUT; HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) every other New Yorker and Tourist and Living Being on The Planet. People were bumpbumpbumping into each other like we were popcorn in a fucking popper. One woman poked herself in the eye with my umbrella; I laughed and kept walking. We were soaking wet so we walked into the nearest restaurant. (Yup, you know what kind.) The service was awful, but we ate and left and saw our next show:

The Boy From Oz. Let me just preface this by saying that mother has the largest crush on Hugh Jackman; he's one of the people on her list. You know, the list everyone has wherein they can legally cheat on their spouse with this person. The first act was fantastic; the woman playing Liza Manelli was out of this world. The woman playing Judy Garland was out of this world. Hugh Jackman...well, he was okay.

The second act started out with a little improv. NOTE: never pick me for an audience improv.

HIM: hello there, guy. I'm Peter Allen.
ME: No you're not. You're Hugh Jackman. Not even you believe you're Peter Allen. And you're not as pretty in person as you are in film.
HIM: Well, neither are you!
(insert audience laughter.)
ME: That's a flimsy comeback based on an implausablity; you've never seen me on film.

To be honest, he really didn't deserve it. He was doing a pretty decent job, and he finished off the show phenominally, in spite of the dry and awful costars introduced in this act. He really did deserve the Tony, and the show was entertaining, in the same way Mamma Mia was supposed to be interesting, but failed at being so.

Then we went to Roxy and got ourselves some cheesecake. Yeah. Sometimes it's good to be in New York.


Not deterred by the previous day's shopping, we decided to again venture into what is essentially the bedrock of New York tourism; Fifth Avenue. Mommy got some purses and...stuff. I got some shoes. It was, to say the least, successful. I was still searching for Taryn's gift. I was failing.

We almost missed our matinee of I Am My Own Wife but, my god I'm glad we hopped out of our limo and ran; it was the most riveting show I have ever seen. Jefferson Mays is so incredibly---brilliant. The play is so unashamed and raw. Everyone should, at least, read it. It was incredible.

We went back to our place, and my mom decided to hop downstairs to Phantom of Broadway Gift Shop...yes, we live a few stories above a Phantom of Broadway. We also live across the street from Flash Dancers, NYC's finest Gentlemen's Bar. Anyway, we went downstairs and just...kept walking. We asked the clerk at the store where we could find some good knockoffs. He recommended Harlem; we recommended he go there first. He recommended we go to hell. Who says you can't travel New York by word of mouth? Tosh.

After mucho shopping, we ended up eating at a decent, but ultimately forgettable seafood tavern, the Redeye Grill. Meh; what can you say? It was...there. Finally, we went to go see Avenue Q. IT. WAS...NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! It was still funny and it was still really brilliant, but it was a totally different approach than what I had imagined and, at times, it managed to scare the crap out of me; all this unsuccessful future talk.

Well, then we went to Carnegie Deli and I ran into Michael Goldsmith and two other Interlochen girls that were ultimately forgettable; one of them was Hannah Murray, I think. Who cares?
The cheesecake was good, so I'm okay.

Then, down and out, the best thing that could've possibly happened---it did. I found what I was looking for; Taryn, you will be soooooo pleased.

ThensleepandAIRPORT! WOW! This wasted time well, we're about to board!


I could never Live in NYC
My mom and I are, ultimately, the same person
Home is where the Hilary Duff is


Just to save my street cred after that statement, Gravy Train!!! Pictures to follow.

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[14 Jul 2004|11:14pm]
table style='font-family : Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' align='center'>
HF ZING!Perhaps, with a bit of coaxing, I could get you to fall down a long flight of stairs into a pack of wolves. You are *that* super lame.
HF PREDICTS!You have sex with a negro.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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[14 Jul 2004|11:05am]
longest and worst LJ entry ever coming your way when i get off work.
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[11 Jul 2004|04:33pm]
Everyone needs to stop quoting Napoleon Dynamite right now
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