[Nov. 2nd, 2004|02:16 pm] |
yes remind people to vote as if they would forget that today is the day to vote and not tomorrow. you fags.
anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i voted for some things, and i dont think i convinced anyone to vote third party which i guess is ok, also when you know people who work the polling places because they are one of your mom's best friend's sisters you still have to show ID just in case you are wearing a big fat sally mask.
my trip was good, i flew out and back on niggers with airplanes, and had an empty seat next to me three times out of four. I had to sit between to people from minneapolis to columbus, which sucked, because while i do not flab over the dividing line between the two seats, i do stick out more front to back and therefore am uncomfortable climbing over people and also trying not to bump them is hard unless i just sit there with my arms crossed. the girl in the window seat did not mind bumping me though, she probably had ADD as she flopped and flounced for an hour and a half and elbowed me about twenty times. my back started to hurt really bad at this point, it was quite scary as i was afraid to be stuck away from home, unable to move and screaming from pain.
frog picked me up at the airport, and that night we drank at her house and made the afore mentioned phone calls and played asshole. people were talking in two of bokonon's funny voices which catches on fast, also while playing cards we did the scandinavian/american voice and the your mom/more like sort of jokes that are so funny at the time but not really funny later. i called jamie and told him that he should beware, jason was calling everyone and telling them that he had aids but it wasnt a JOKE, its very true and horrible and that is how he was dealing with it. also auntie gave him the aids. the call to mad hatter came from somewhere within, once i got going on it its like a tidal flow and i was disappointed that the girl picked up the phone and interrupted me. i pretty much forgot about my back bothering me while i was drinking, plus i had bought a microwavable thingy that helped with the pain.
the next day we shopped and made jello shots, kitty came over, more jason talk, your mom/more like talk, people got dressed up and we went to jewboy's party. his apartment is great, FANCIFUL, and i met some people i had heard of on the internet but hadnt ever seen like 10sun who claimed i never heard of him BUT I KNOW OF HIM! he is kind of grating. there was a guy whose actual name was CRATE, who was normal and then suddenly was so drunk he talked like he was being sucked into a black hole. he alternately told me he hated me and that i was great and kissed my cheek about five times. also there was a canadian black guy there that kitty and i crushed on, we talked to him a lot and then suddenly everyone wants to leave because they are pussies. note to bokonon and whoever it was that taunted me that night: i do not have jungle fever even though the guy was very intelligent and attractive and fuckable. OH MARKY! as i was leaving i got the urge to LOVE so i was hugging the shit out of everyone and scared speed because he is skittish and hates me. SORRY SPEED. frog and i laughed uncontrollably about something while hugging. not much happened to me after that, i went into chat at some point while eating chips and complaining about the speed hate. each night when i went to bed elise would visit me and either sleep on my legs or sit on the window sill and let me pet her while half asleep. playing with her was worth the airfare, entirely.
had to drop wheelie off at the bus station on sunday and that evening we saw saw which was awful and were going to go to haunted houses but i was ASKAIRT and also they were expensive and jesus christ did my back hurt. we saw a girl at the mall where we also saw saw and her skirt was so small that when she sat down in the food court only about this much: ---------- of her ass was covered by it. the rest of it was BARE ASS ON SEAT because you know a whore wears thongs, not regular underpants. also she was wearing snowboots, a TOQUE (bag of shit on head, teda says) and crusty black eye makeup. basically a trustafarian, ohio style, only five or six years out of date. we really couldnt think of anything else to do, burn wanted to do karaoke which would have worked if we were drinking which we were not as we were goddamn tired. teda went to work and we played this win lose or draw sort of game that i used to play with ron and danny only it only lasts SO LONG and then everyone is bored again. btw, speed and burn were really bad at this game at first so we girls won easily.
monday morning we watched starting over with teda and amy, and i must say i will probably be seeking this show out in the future though it probably wont be as fun without people making fun of it. teda's improvised closing theme lyrics are very special. i bought some of those thermal heat wraps for the ride home and frog dropped me off at the airport. before my flight i was making needed adjustments to the heat thing and found a mysterious hard knot, either on my spine or next to it. hard to tell because my fat is asymmetrical. oh lordy save me. my doctors appointment is tomorrow. the detroit airport is really great, very futuristic with the overhead tram. when i got home a cat had thrown up twice. probably because a cat had chewed open a bag of bread, and ate some of the bread and apparently some of the BAG too.
while writhing in pain i watched my jeremiah dvds (a pretty good show) and tried to study for my art history test. i pretty much gave up on it and went to bed at midnight, and slept like the dead as i was so exhausted. i hadnt slept well even before i left to go get drunk with internet nerds, so my back pain didnt keep me awake.
got up this morning and felt pretty good in the back area and rushed off to my test. i tried to arange to get there about a half hour early so i could try to study the way i did in high school which is to memorize as much shit as i can that will immediately be forgotten but hopefully not before i am finished with the test. there was white crap all over the desks in the lecture hall, turns out someone had vandalized the place with a fire extinguisher so the test was postponed until thursday as it is dangerous to inhale those fumes. too bad i had been sitting there for thirty minutes as even now my chest and throat still feel weird. but hooray, more time to study only ive been sitting here for almost two hours and i plan on playing GTA too.
i miss everyone, and im sorry that you were probably huffing my farts all weekend (when i travel my bowels get all gross) and i only took whore baths because i didnt bring my own towel and my ears were all filled with icky which i didnt realize until i got home so yeah sorry about that. thanks for letting me sleep on your spare bed, amy and teda. thanks for the rides, frog. thanks to everyone else for putting up with me. |