Spider Plants |
[Nov. 24th, 2004|10:19 am] |
I have three different spider plants - one solid green, one white edge stripe, and one white center stripe - that have a ton of offshoots. If you'd like one to be rooted for you, I'd be happy to give them away. I don't know how well spider plant babies mail (although I got one in the mail myself five years ago) but I can mail 'em after January. |
[Nov. 23rd, 2004|09:17 am] |
Home. Tired. Too much to do. Feel like, by neglecting email for days and days, that I have fallen down on the job. iPod isn't charging.
I think I need to get back into bed and try getting up again. Maybe that will help? |
[Nov. 18th, 2004|08:25 am] |
I think this is the first day I've woken up with a blocked nostril and no blocked or full feelings in my right ear. Go, erithromyacin, go! |
[Nov. 16th, 2004|10:29 am] |
Back in early October, I took requests for a photo journal of my existance. Here are the pictures. Sadly, the picture of the Cornish Game Hens I got for my 29 11/12ths birthday did not come out right (did I forget to change the ftp to bin?) but I will re-upload. |
[Nov. 16th, 2004|08:48 am] |
My ears and throat feel better this morning than they did last night. Go, antibiotics, go! My brain is, however, all misted in and I don't think I can concentrate on anything. |
[Nov. 15th, 2004|12:53 pm] |
I really like the Destiny's Child song with all the drumming; makes me think of high school football on cold Fall Friday nights.
Makes me want to go see a Battle of the Bands; only I like cheerleaders, too, so I'd like cheering at my band battle, thanks. (When I go see high school football, it's for the band and the cheering, the football is an annoying background.) |
[Nov. 15th, 2004|11:07 am] |
I also had a celiac reaction for the last couple of days. It may have been a reaction to Play-Doh. |
Ow, my ear. |
[Nov. 15th, 2004|11:06 am] |
I have strep throat and ear. Not just the ear that hurt on Saturday (the right) but also in the ear that started hurting this morning (the left). It's in the tubes that connect the ear with the throat. The right outer canal is also infected. My doctor gave me the beady eye and asked if I used q-tips in my ears. Bad, bad Jill!
Oh, yeah, I'm a sexxy monster. I took my first erithromycin in the middle of Fred Meyer with a cup of yogurt about a half-hour ago.
I'm cleared for flying on Thursday as long as I can still swallow; she suggested ibuprofen the day of to keep the tubes from swelling and bothering me during the flight. |
[Nov. 12th, 2004|09:46 pm] |
What is up with unpunk? Nameserver isn't even aware that such a place exists. |
Citre Shine Instant Conditioner |
[Nov. 12th, 2004|08:58 pm] |
Due to catnip3's mention of it, I checked Target for the Instant Conditioner (for those playing the home game, this is the only conditioner that really works well for my hair while smelling fabulous and still working in various types (hard, soft, motel) of water. The company (Citre Shine) discontinued this version of conditioner at least two years ago (Nov 2002), so I stocked up then... and ran out about a year later). Didn't find it, but did find an online store (Hairproducts.com) that has the Instant Conditioner on clearance. $1.95 for a 8-oz bottle, which is roughly what I was paying for it retail.
Bought ten bottles, and they arrived today. This will keep me in good conditioner for six months, by my estimate. I enquired as to the amount left in stock. They have 78 bottles. That will keep me in conditioner for five years.
The scary part is that I'm actually considering buying them out of stock. Wanna give me a Christmas present? $2 will keep me in conditioner for a month. :) |
[Nov. 12th, 2004|11:57 am] |
What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with this SQL select query?
SELECT DISTINCT IIf([Form1Complete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form1, IIf([Form1AComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form1A, IIf([HumanSubjectsComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form4, IIf([VertebratesComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form5, IIf([TissueComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form6, IIf([ContinuationComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Form7, IIf(NZ([MSSRCStatuses],0)=0,"No","Yes") AS MSSRC, IIf(NZ([MSEZ],0)=0,"No","Yes") AS EZ, IIf(nz([LateFee],0)=0,"No","Yes") AS LF, IIf([AbstractComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS Abstract, IIf([ResearchPlanComplete]=0,"NP","C") AS RP, IIf(nz([Continuation],0)=0,"No","Yes") AS Cont
[eta] Ah. MSSRCStatuses are text! |
[Nov. 11th, 2004|09:39 pm] |
However, if you'd like to see pictures from my debut as a Redneck 11" Fashion Doll, you might just want to check it out. Now that I've actually ironed out the issues with gallery (I was pointing the urls at the completely wrong place) they're up for you to enjoy. |
[Nov. 11th, 2004|09:38 pm] |
There's a meme going 'round to ask people who read an entry to comment. Say anything you want, it says, but just comment.
I'm so tempted to do this because I've started to feel like I'm a little dissassociated with LJ recently and having a flood of comments on an entry would reinforce the bond I have with the people I read and who might be reading me.
Honestly, forcing you all to comment would be so very... passive aggressive of me. So. Shall I turn off the comments, proving myself to be above whether or not you're reading me at all? No. That would be too plotted and so incredibly pay-attention-to-me. Instead, I'll leave commenting on and just leave this extremely lj-introspective post alone. |
[Nov. 11th, 2004|03:40 pm] |
There is a tent in our garage. My mentee has never put up a tent. Ever. Can you believe that? A long time Girl Scout has never had to pitch a tent. So I drove her from Beaverton to Hillsboro, pulled our five-man tension-pole dome tent out and showed her how to put it up. And then made her do it.
We had to leave it up in the garage, though, because we were going to be late returning her to her parents. I have to go take it down now.
Tent. In garage. The things I do! |
[Nov. 10th, 2004|10:30 am] |
My boss and I have decided to skip work in favor of seeing The Incredibles. |
[Nov. 9th, 2004|06:39 pm] |
[insert fan-girl squeeeee]. jacksonpublick. Yes, of The Venture Brothers. EEE! |
Bookpedia Update: 542 books catalogued |
[Nov. 9th, 2004|05:38 pm] |
We moved the grey couch out of the office in order to accomodate a desk in here for Chas' new computer. In the process, the blue bookcase had to be unloaded, moved, and then reloaded. During re-loading, I catalogued the contents of the bookcase. As the whole bottom shelf is textbooks from my materials engineering career, I was surprised to find that many of them were in amazon's database. I thought I was going to have to manually enter them. Yay for not having to!
I think the next step is to catalogue the books I've purchased since starting the project and shelving them (since most will go into the already-scanned swinging bookcase). |
[Nov. 9th, 2004|08:24 am] |
How much pestering am I going to have to do to get a 24-7 Figgy Cam? |
[Nov. 8th, 2004|05:37 pm] |
The plan for today included:
Clean guest bathroom. Shower. Dress. Find new composition notebook. Spread materials out on dining room table. Write queries until head explodes. Grocery shop. Check Target for confirmation of rumors of Citre Shine Instant Conditioner. Return home. Egg salad sandwich. Document queries. Write forms. Update reports. Take out trash. File bills. Pad Thai for dinner. (cancelled)
I got back from the grocery store at 1:30. I started in on forms and discovered that I didn't have enough of my thoughts on paper to really do them right, so I have reverted to paper. Then Becky called (stuck in airport), I called The Brenda (hi, The Brenda!) and then my mom called. So from about 2pm to now, I've been on the phone. Whee! My husband isn't going to be home for dinner, so it's leftovers for me and pad thai is cancelled. I will probably continue to dabble in working on the cookie credit stuff. |
[Nov. 8th, 2004|08:48 am] |
Dear jackass -
Thank you for taking notice of me as I stood in my door and waved frantically. I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't shout loud enough for you to hear me over your truck's engine noise.
I came downstairs because I could smell your truck through a closed window. For the love of little chickens, please don't park beneath my windows if you're going to sit in your car for fifteen minutes with the engine running, making a terrible racket and producing a cloud of black smoke. You live in Portland, Oregon, where environmental consciousness is a watchword. Maybe you're from out of town? No, your plates say you registered your car in Hillsboro.
I called the management people and have filed a report about you not parking in your own personal parking spot (I know where you live, you big idiot). They will be checking your garage for storage and will be putting you on warning. I was tempted to leave a noise violation, too, but just tacked it onto the parking issue. I have called the Oregon Clean Air Line about your truck's noxious emissions. You will be getting a call from the DMV about this within the next week. I hope you can find a way to pass the emissions test or that you have some extra money budgeted for a muffler workup.
Have a nice morning. Make sure it's good enough to make up for the headache I'm having now.
I have a phone and I know how to use it, Jill |