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Two Men, One Woman
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in women who like male-male sex's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Tuesday, June 21st, 2005
    11:03 am
    my happy thought for today
    there are some days when the sexiest thought in the world
    is watching two men that i want make out with each other.

    Current Mood: horny
    Sunday, June 5th, 2005
    5:23 am
    RPG Bondage
    This is a Roleplay between Darling and me concerning NS/WS and how a little bit of Bonding opens completely new dimensions of erotic.
    * = action
    ~ = thoughts

    How Bondage went wrong... )

    Saturday, June 4th, 2005
    2:11 am
    Say Hello
    Hi everybody,
    I´m new to this community *waves*. I´m female, bi and I like stories about slash (male/male or woman/woman). Due to the description I think this will be the right community for my "dirty" fantasies and maybe I´ll translate some of my own stuff into English (warning mostly Fanfiction and including watersports). English isn´t my first language and I hope you´ll be gentle with me if there are loads of mistakes.
    Bye Inko
    Thursday, May 26th, 2005
    5:04 pm
    Send me an email if you wanna see my cock!!!!

    22 Baltimore Bi Guy - love both men and women

    Especially love women who love men who fuck men!!!!!!!


    Current Mood: horny
    Tuesday, March 29th, 2005
    4:19 pm
    I just joined. I love the thought of helping a woman suck cock, our tongues entwined around a huge cock head... I think I am going to like this community. ;)
    Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
    7:07 pm
    Ticket to ride?
    Heh heh...

    (Note the manufacturer's name.)
    Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
    11:18 pm
    For those of you that like that kind of thing.....
    I have recently acquired several full length bisexual videos of the adult variety. A couple are in the 'avi' format, and a couple others are in the realmedia format. Anyways, If anyone else would like these, let me know. Maybe we can figure out a good way to share them with the group. (Im a big fan of bittorent).

    Here are a couple of the titles:

    Mile Bi Club
    Bi wedding
    Bi the blue line
    Mass appeal.

    Im getting a couple more over the next few days.
    Sunday, January 9th, 2005
    9:03 pm
    Another newbie to the list
    Hey everyone. I just recently join and am VERY interested in mm_f! I think it would be very interesting to have a third join in with my b/f and I. Infact we often talk about it. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Like I said, we are newbie's so we can use a "guiding hand". I have been with another female before but my b/f has never been with another male. I am definatly ready for that next step. Plus I hope to meet some ppl new friends in here so drop me a line sometime!

    Current Mood: chipper
    Friday, January 7th, 2005
    10:22 pm
    And here I was thinking that I was a 'freak'
    First off, i would like to wish everyone a Happy New year.

    Now that that is out of the way....

    I am most definitely new to this group and new to this username, however I have had several names over the past several years. I have also had several girlfriends. When i have subtley expressed my sexual desires they made me feel I was a freak or out-of-place. Now that I am on my own and most definitely free, I am looking into finding women who would like to watch and encourage 'deviant' behaviour lol. I am a guy by the way lol.... I live in new orleans... any local women? (Please feel free to ignore the locale advertising lol) Idont have any experiences with the mm_f genre, but am VERY curious about it. In fact, i usually masturbate to the thgouht and have even bought a toy or two. (Is that TMI? If it i sincerely apologize). Ok, I am going back to read more posts.... love everyone's openness......

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, January 3rd, 2005
    8:29 am
    Well, Um, Uuhhhh........
    Does anyone know what happened to unbelievable?

    He now has one of those "lines" through his nickname..and Im not sure what that means exactly.

    So, do we need a new moderator? Can we even do that?

    Hope everyone has a fun new year! Drop me a line if you get bored.

    Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
    6:27 pm
    sound off
    I was just wondering if everyone still around the community would give a quick 'hello'......Im hoping we can bring back some activity to the group.

    Hope all are well, and hope to hear from you soon!

    Your group member,

    pinkloyd (aka Jason)
    Monday, September 13th, 2004
    11:21 am
    still waiting for....ahem......C***** pop
    surprising that no one (females) likes cherries anymore !!!
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