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i didnt know..running into the wall would hurt this much.. [18 Jul 2002|12:34am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | alice n chains- god am ]


today, i went swimming. it was pretty cool..i got a tiny, tiny tan. it kinda hurts on my isnt red, it just feels it. it was fun though..we're going again tomorrow. i wanna get a mom was talking shit about how white my upper arms are. lol..they are pretty white.


ATHENA will be here sunday. :D:D:D. woo..woo. yay. hehe. im really glad i cant wait to see her.

my parents are going to the coast on saturday..ill be home alone for like 5 days! haha..alone? right. :D. it should be cool.

woo woo.

i neeeeeed sleep.

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ya love to run home..but yanno ya aint got one. [13 Jul 2002|01:37pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | i love my goo goo dolls cd. ]


its SO hot out..way way to hot.

i went n seen the new halloween movie with 4 of my friends last wasnt all that was alright i guess though. it was kinda scary once.

i got my blind melon dvd! i oredered it at hastings like a month ago and i got it yesterday. i watched it after i got was great. wonderful. touching. beautiful. everything i expected and more! hehe. it was cool.

then i talked to russel on the phone for afew hours..n its 12 30 and im up! wtf is that.

i seen mike yesterday..i dunno what hes thinking..sometimes i think he has no brain..but thats just my opinion..oh well. hes stupid.

im gonna go see that ya ya sisterhood movie should be GOOD.

i seen my friend from school last night, i havent seen her n foooooorever..shes cool. im spos to call her.

mikeys having pms or something..for real. once a month for afew days he gets like an attitude problem. thats okay, im sure i do to..but shit. i probably did something and i dont even know it.


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ya see..i havent seen him smile n a lil while... [11 Jul 2002|11:36pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | blind melon-mouth full o cavities ]


i just got back from the was pretty cool.

i had fun.

we went saturday, i rode up with lisa, james n dylan. it took along time to get 6 hours. long long ride.

we got there at like 10.

my dad n uncle n grandpa were already there..

we put up a tent, me n my dad n james slept in dad slept there like 2 nights, dude, for real. me n james could NOT sleep with him n there..he unbelieveably loud.

but we got there saturday..we went to seaside n oregon one day, we went to the beach, shopping, blah blah. i had was pretty cool.

i went out on the boat i think monday..i got fucking sick. we went like 3 miles out in the ocean..i cought one fish, then i started feeling sick..and then within 2 more hours i had puked 3 times. i was the only person who got that sick..james got sick feelin, but he didnt puke. i suck. i thought it hurt to puke when u were drunk, it doesnt even compare to how bad it hurts when ur sea sick. it really..really..really sucked.

my grama n cousin showed up tuseday. so i got to see them to. it was cool.

i drove all the way took 8 hours to get home. 8 fuckin hours dude. but atleast im home happy to be home.

james went home glad he was there, for real. it would of sucked not having someone around my age there all the time.

ATHENAs gonna be here the 21st. i cant wait. yay. shes bringing her bf..i cant wait till she gets here. woo..yay. a dork.

chris is back, hes gonna live here again i guess..he said thats what he wants to do. im glad hes back, im gonna go hang out with him tomorrow after i get my check.

i need sleep..ill write more about the coast tomorrow..if ur lucky. ;)

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he was so beautiful. [30 Jun 2002|05:11am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | goo goo dolls-slide ]



okay, i get off work. i go to super wal mart..

me n my mom get some shit, im walking down like the chip isle..and i see this guy im like 'wow, that guy has hair like johnny resnick' (the lead singer of goo goo dolls)..and i didnt think anything of it. i kept walking, then i seen this other guy, i thought yo myself, he looks like the drummer. wow.

i get in line like 20 minutes later..THEY GET BEHIND ME.
i look at him. i that little coy cute smile..and he smiles..

hes like hey

i was like hi..

i turned BEAT red..

i was like ur..

and hes like who am i?

im all ur johnny resnick

hes like wow..u know my name..

im all lol..yes, i know who you are.

hes like 'usually people say 'ur that guy from goo goo dolls!' u know my name!' im like OH GOD im shaking.

then i pay and he comes n starts walking out with us

im like can i have ur? hes like sure, do u have paper n a pen? i find a pen, im like dude i have no paper, use this recipt! hes like i have something better

he busts out a canadian 20 outta his pocket, hes like 'will this work?' im all sure

hes like whats ur name lala

i told him he signed it to lindsey! johnny..blah blah..

then we started walking out

hes like why're u out at 3 am!

im like i just got off work about n hour ago..hes like what do u do? im all i sort cherries. hes like iiiii love charries. im all it sucks. hes like i bet..we're headed to portland. i was like cool..hes like we did a show n spokane tonight. then im all sing something, just something tiny. hes like 'a thousand other boys could never reach could of i been the one?' all like OH MY GOD lol i almost started crying.

then hes like can i have a hug? i need a hug

i grabbed him like a motherfucker. we hugged for like a full minute! hes like u smell really good. i was all thanks, u smell good urself. and i kissed his cheek. DUDE, oh my god dude. dude.


lol i fucking had a huge smile...dude. im saving this canadian 20, im gonna fUCKING FRAM THE SHIT.

then hes like well i gotta run, take care of urself! i was like u was very nice meeting you.

hes like i wont forget.

dude. 'i wont forget' oh my god.

ims ure hes already forgot, but dude.

this was like one of the best nights of my life!

he hugged so tight. it melted my heart. such a girl.

he was so beautiful.

i cant believe he was n KENNEWICK WASHINGTON DUDE.



then i went to mikes lol..i had to wake him up n tell him.


and i dont hafta work tomorrow. great, great night.

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im gonna write on the face of tomorrow.. [28 Jun 2002|03:03am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | tricky-sufficated love. ]

im tiiiiiiired. :)

ive been working like 9 or so hours a sucks. but its probably gonna be worth it. this girl i sit by, her mom works days..she said that we werent gonna work more then 2 more weeks, which is GREAT. woo. yay.

i fell at work last was great..

me n my mom were walking back from like the very last was like a 1 30 or so n the morning..i dont know what happen but the next thing i know im on the ground looking at the back of my moms like 'dude, im on the floor, OH MY GOD' lol..then this mexican guy over on the side is all 'she fell dawg'i was so fucking embarassed..i like stood up, my mom was laughing her ass off..i just started walking like nothing happen. im a dork. for real.

after work i got online..and i didnt go to bed till like 6 30 er so. then i wake up to mike turning the light on at noon. oh god. but it was okay, i havent seen him n like a week. he rubbed my back, oh my fucking god, i missed that SO much. seriously. it was hurting so bad..and now im great. it was nice.

then we went to tri cities..i went to his apartment..i hardly got back in mom was gonna leave me. haha.

but now, im SO tired. we worked like 8 1/2 hours tonight. it felt like 18 1/2

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owen BALL! CUM! [26 Jun 2002|03:36am]
[ mood | sore ]

owen. ROBBIE. robert. roberto! owie?

i love you!

you've been there for me when no one else has..

when everyone turned on me, u were right there by my side.

i love every moment.!

i love the way all ur little online girlfriends talk to me, and get all jealous like cuz im NUMBER ONE on ur list, and how ur voice has brought me moments. er..yeah..

i love you because you're dont try to act like ANYone else. ur a big dork and u know it.

i love you owen. ALWAYS.

and foever.


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wow.. [22 Jun 2002|02:08pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | acdc-shook me all night long ]

daniel: :-Xknock knock linny the pooh:-X
daniel: hello?
daniel: knock knock
daniel: no idea what tyler and dustin said to you but, i just got back from being away:-X
me: hi
me: daniel?
daniel: lindsey

DUDE. DUDE. i dont know what to say..

his friends need to get there asses kicked, i know that.

im soo soo glad hes okay..i talked to him on the phone, he sounds good..hes okay. im super happy he is. that makes me feel soo much better. i missed his goofieness.

last night i worked, it was boring..but the time went by fast which is good.

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follow the leader downnnnnnnnn.. [20 Jun 2002|01:32pm]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | unwritten law-seein red ]

angels descended from Heaven, each
putting a piece of themselves
into those
who would follow them....
Which Angel rests inside
Challenge their trial to
find out.

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thats better anyway.. [19 Jun 2002|10:08pm]
[ mood | distressed ]

Which Scooby-Doo Movie character are you?
Made By: stardazed

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i dont wanna be that way.. [19 Jun 2002|06:00pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | blind melon-change ]

1. Do you like filling out internet surveys? i have nothing better to do.

2. What time is it right now? 6:01 PM

3. Do you have any tattoos? nope.

4. What do you think of tattoos? they're pretty cool.

5. Would you tattoo this survey onto yourself, and if so, where? yeah, riiiiiiiight.

6. If you are lucky enough to be sleeping with someone, would a tattoo on
them turn you on? maybe.

7. Where would this special tattoo be? on ur moms ass.

8. Why is this important and how does it make you feel? well..

9. Eeew. You are sick sick sick.

10. What have your parents done to you? what havent they?

11. Do you have any idea why boys are supposed to get tongue rings at the
end of their tongue, and girls are supposed to get them more in the middle? ive never heard that before.

12. Would you ever get one? yep

13. Are you a boy or a girl? gurl

14. What do you think about people who have them? whatever floats there boat.

14. What color eyes do you like best? greenish blue.

15. Do you think people with blue eyes are evil? no..

16. Do you think people with brown eyes are boring? probably not.

17. Do you think people with hazel eyes are perfect? probably not.

18. Do you think people with eyes are cool? oh yeah

19. Do you think girls who dye their hair are sluts? that would make me a no.

20. Have you ever had sex on a boat? nope

21. Would you if given the opportunity? maybe

22. What about a sail boat? i dont know

23. Did the sails get in the way? im sure they wouldn't

24. Are girls who dye their hair more likely to have sex on boats than other
people? no.

25. Would you be uncomfortable having sex in a car in a church parking lot? nope

26. Which animal do you think is coolest? Giant anteater, Great African
Hippopotamus, Dingo, Dromedary Camel, Indian flying fox, or Norweigan
hummmm.....i dunno..indian flying fox. do they actually fly?

27. Of the coolest of these animals, would you ever have sex with one of
them in a church parking lot? no, im good.

28. Eeeew. Don't even answer that question.

28. Have you ever looked at porn on the internet? oh yes.

29. My favorite site is, what's yours?

30. Does it cost money? yes, but she does me for freeeeeeee

31. Do you feel porn is a worthy monthly adult investment? sure

32. Have you seen American Pie? yep

33. Do you think the protagonist, who also happens to be a porn watcher, is
hot? not really

34. Would you have sex with him in a church parking lot? bleh

35. Why or why not?

36. Do you know who Seth Green is? yessss

37. If not, are you a Russian Spy?

38. If not, what's your fucking problem?

39. Are you a stupid Swedish person? im sure ur mom is.

40. Okay then, you're probably a drunk Irish person.

41. Or a chubby chocolate-eating Polish person with an ugly nose? probably

42. Or what about a Chinese communist? :O

43. Yeah, whatever, go back to the Soviet Union you loser.

44. If you're not a stupid foreigner who doesn't know who he is, would you
ever have sex with Seth Green in a church parking lot? i would have sex with seth green anywhere

45. Your biggest sexual fantasy goes here: does it really?

46. Allright, you weren't honest back there. If you're not in touch with
your feelings, how do you ever expect to get what you want out of life?

47. Fine, keep your deranged fantasies. IF you refused to circulate it, why
or why not?

48. Do you know what a milk flake is? no

49. A milk flake is a little piece of dried, uh, milk, on the top of a milk
jug that falls in your cereal and pisses you off. Now do you know what a
milk flake is? yesssssss

50. What do you think of milk flakes? i dont like em

51. Do you like TV glare? no, it pisses me off to.

52. Do you think the president of the United States gets more nookie than
you do? probably.

53. If you answered yes to the last question, does that depress you at all? no, not really.

54. If you were going to commit suicide, how would you do it? fast.

55. If your fingernails had to be one color, permanently, what color would
you choose? black

56. Do you think high schools should start and end an hour later? sure.

57. Do you think it would be better to have sex on a water bed rather than a
regular bed? maybe, probably.

58. Out of these birds, which is the coolest? Sulfur-crested Cockatoo,
Winter wren, Common bee-eater, short-eared owl, European coot, Eurasian
spoonbill, Kookaburra, Blue-footed booby, wandering albatross or

59. Have you ever told someone you loved them? yep

60. Were you lying? not usually.

61. What kind of lips do you like best? (little ones, full ones, big upper
with small lower, big lower with small upper, rosebud?) full..the bottom bigger but not a lot bigger.

62. If you are a male, do you consider yourself to be a *blank*-man (
leg-man, breast-man, eyes-man.)

63. Girls, do you have a favorite defining male feature? there neck, or there eyebrows

64. And Girls again, Does size matter? sometimes.

65. Have you ever dated someone you knew wasn't right for you? yes

66. Have you ever intentionally used someone? yes

67. Do you believe in the "League System"? Do you think that some people are
too good for others, dating-wise? nope

68. Have you ever said that you thought you were better, smarter, more
attractive than someone else? im sure i have, but its not true.

69. Did you feel bad about saying it? no.

70. Do you consider yourself to be a snob? nope.

71. Are you religious? noooooooo

72. What religion is your family?

73. What religion, if any, are you?

74. What's your favorite fragrance? cucumber melon.

75. What's your favorite time of day? night

76. What's your favorite season/time of year? winter

77. What's your favorite dessert/main meal/side dish/drink? dessert, ice cream. main meal? chinese food. side dish? hum..those little things at dennys. drink? sobe.

78. What shape of eyebrows do you like best? whatever fits ur face.

79. DO you think guys with uni-brows should do something about it? hell yeah

80. What do you suggest? bust out with the tweasers.

81. Are you heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual? heterosexual.

82. Have people ever confused your true sexuality with one of the other
above listed choices? probably.

82. Who is the nicest person you know? hum..jon. hes never been mad at me..woo..

83. How do you define nice? being nice

84. Who is the funniest person you know? aarons pretty funny actually, my dads friend danny.

85. Who is the most attractive person you have ever talked to? this guy i use to go to school with.

86. Did you know their name? yep

87. Did you know their phone number? nope

88. Who knows the most about you? um..mikey

89. Do you intentionally shut people out? i dont mean to, but i know i do.

90. If you do, what requirements do you have of people you confide in? i dunno..they hafta be my friend and i hafta know they're not gonna go talk shit about what i tell them.

91. Who's the loudest person you know? bellamys pretty loud sometimes..matts loud when hes watching tv. damn..real loud.

92. Who do you secretly hate? afew people

93. Is it so secret that you didn't answer truthfully to question 91? no

94. Is there anyone you're secretly in love with? i dont know. no.

95. Has anyone ever done anything to you that has affected your entire life
and perspective? hell yeah

96. Can you trace your current way of thinking down to one single event? about certain things, but not my whole way of thinking.

97. Do you believe you deal well with reality? yeah

98. What are your methods of coping with tragedy or bad stuff? not dealing with it.

99. If you answered yes to the first question, question number one, do you
still agree with your answer? sure

100. Do you like mosh pits? they're cool to watch

101. Have you ever tasted someone else's sweat? yep

102. Are you good at playing pool? not at all

103. What about bowling? What's your highest score? ive only been bowling twice.

104. What do you do on Saturday nights? no

105. What would you like to be doing instead of filling out this survey? anything

106. Would you like to be having sex in a car in a church parking lot
right now? sure

107. With whom? mikey

108. Why? because i love him.

110. What song do you associate with that person? lots remind me of him..specially a lot of incubus.

112. Do you consider yourself to be attractive?
not really

114. If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? id weigh 120 and id have smaller feet

115. Do you have straight teeth? pretty straight, soon to be perfect!

116. If yes, did it take thousands of dollars to get them that way? yes

117. Are you racist? somewhat

118. Would you ever have an interracial relationship? probably.

119. Do you consider yourself to be intelligent? sometimes

120. What size shoes do you wear? 9-10

121. What's your favorite color of socks? white

122. Do you like toe socks? toes are to short. acouple of em ne ways.

123. How do you wear your hair right now? its up. its always up.

124. Do you part to the left, middle, right, or not at all? middle

125. Do you think this reflects your personality? no

126. Do you derive meaning from small insignificant things about your
looks like that? nope

127. Why are you still sitting here answering pointless questions? i have no idea

140. Do you consider yourself to have a good memory? yes

141. Does your knee itch? nope

142. Mine does, how does this make you feel? right

143. IF you've already lost your virginity, was it special? yep

144. What do you think about people who wait for the "perfect moment" to
lose theirs? good for them.

145. Does your elbow itch? no

146. Mine doesn't either. We have something in common. How does that
make you feel? great

147. What time is it right now? 6:24 PM

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i like you the way you are..when we're drivin in ur car.. [19 Jun 2002|11:20am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | arvil lavigne-complicated ]


mikey: I just got done watching cky2k
me: what do u think
mikey: damn, some of that was fucking sick
me: yess..
mikey: damn
mikey: he pissed in his fucking mouth
me: yep
mikey: I about puked
me: lol

i found my video thing yesterday. i watched a tape of me n was weird seeing him like that after this long.

mikey sent me the woodstock version of change by blind melon, its bbbbbbeautiful. i cant stop listening to it.

chris is in seattle...he might move there..hes staying at his aunts or something..n if it goes good over the summer hes gonna move there. that would suck, hes sure i would miss him. even though hes a freakin goober most of the time.

i was talking to mikey on the phone the other night, my mom was all wasted, shes all who're u talking to? and im like mikey..shes like ohhhhhhh tell him i miss him and he needs to come over this weekend, hes like my 2nd child. i love him. lol..i was all oh wow, MIKEY not mike mom. shes all oh, well..alright. it was purdy funny.

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so you dont confuse them..with mountains.. [18 Jun 2002|05:18am]
[ mood | morose ]
[ music | smashing pumpkins-drown ]


-Name: Lindsey
-Nickname(s): lins, linny, winny, angel.
-Are you named after anyone?: nope.
-Pets: we have 2 dogs n 6 cats..none of them are mine really.
-Birthday: 2/26/85
-Time of birth: 1:12 PM
-Zodiac sign: pieces
-Age: 17
-Height: 5'6
-Eye color: greenish blueish gray
-Hair color: light brown, brown
-Current residence: benton city wa
-Where were you born?: prosser wa
-Where did you grow up?: in prosser
-Email address:
-AOL screenname: xyouwouldhatemex
-Yahoo screenname: linny420_1999
-Homepages: i have acouple old ones.
-Computer(s): an old compaq
-School: prosser falls alternative
-Grade: i guess i can say SR now.
-What kind of student were you?: im not bad.
-What do you want to be?: im not sure
-Fears: want the whole list?
-Medical issues:
-Where do you work?:
-What do you want to be in the future?: i dunno

*Opinions and Questions*

-Best movie of 2002: hum..a walk to remember!
-Best book you've read in school: the outsiders
-Best TV show of 2002: sex n the city
-Best new music artist of 2002: sure they're not new but ive only heard them n 2002
-Best songs of 2002: lots lots lots
-Best kind of music: good kind.
-Who do you have a crush on: ur mom!
-Do you like someone famous: ur mom. :)
-If yes who:
-Who do you have for best friend on opposite gender: opposite? mikey or jon. josh is up there to.
-Do you like pickes?: whats pickes?
-What are you wearing?: clothes
-What time is it?: 4 24 PM
-What is your idea of a perfect date?: it doesnt matter what you do, as long as its with the perfect person
-What is your idea of a perfect honeymoon?: i dont know, ive never thought about it..
-What is your idea of a perfect wedding?: fast and to the point.
-What song reflects your life the most?: an older dashboard confession song.
-What lyric reflects your life the most?:its just not the same when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face knowing you lied yourself asleep to make it better...
-What hospital were you born in?: prosser
-Which celebrity has the best hair?: kelly osbourne
-What do you wear to bed?: t shirt n panties
-What kind of socks do you wear?: i usually dont
-What kind of toothpaste do you use?: crest
-What kind of shampoo?: strawberry kind.
-What brand is your TV?: magnavox
-Have you ever done any extreme sports?: riight


-Book: shes come undone..willey lamb
-Relative: athenas kind of a relative.
-College: n/a
-Stores: value topic..any thrift store.
-Kind of chainletters: no.
-Poems: the kind that make u cry..
-News channel:
-TV shows: reality shows
-Five girl names: lola, angelina, fallon, donna, lacey
-Five boy names: shane, kurt, seth, travis, brad
-Top 5 Actresses you like: angelina jolie, kristine dunst, britney murry, thora birch and drew berrymore
-Top 5 actors you like: wes bentley, matt lilard, michael goorjian, brad pitt n edward nortain
-Male singer: shannon hoon
-Female singer: donna C
-CD: blind melon-nico
-Band: blind melon, sublime, the donnas.
-Movie: gia, american beauty, slc punk, dazed n confused.
-Song: i dunno
-Music Award Show: mtv
-Music Video: dashboard confession
-Vegetable: carrots
-Meal: hmm..chinese food is pretty good
-Soda: cherry pepsi
-Drink in general: sobe
-Cheese: any cheese is good
-Ethnic food: chinese
-Fast Food Place: jack n the box
-What do you get there: the western jack cheesebuger
-Eat-in: ihop
-What do you get there: i dunno
-Snack to munch on: frosted animal cookies
-Kind of pizza: cheese stuffed crust kind
-Ice cream: that moose kind..i dunno, they only have it n prosser
-Bread: white
-Pastry: muffins
-Cereal: honeycomb
-Meat: chicken
-Holiday: my birthday
-Sport to play: um..uh..
-Sport to watch: hockey er football
-Thing to do in winter: sleep
-Thing to do in summer: sleep
-Thing to do on weekends: sleep
-Vacation spot: sleep
-Dream vacation spot: bed
-Place to shop: value village
-Thing to do on a rainy day: go outside
-Thing to do on a sunny day: sleep
-Color: black
-Magazine: cosmo
-Gum: the HELLA strong shit
-Outfit to wear: i dont care.
-Pair of shoes: my flipflops
-Kind of car: blazer
-Stuffed Animal:
-Article of clothing: my sweater
-Piece of furniture in your room: my hot pink chair
-Place in your house: my bed
-Place to be alone: upstairs
-Kind of house: those old victorin? houses...they have a lot of them n montana.
-Place to live: ur moms
-Place to work: ur moms
-Kind of occupation: :)
-Family member: didnt i already answer this?
-Memory from childhood: alaska..or shooting bows with my dad
-Memory with friends: driving around shooting people with water guns
-Alcoholic beverage: i dont know..i dont drink! :)
-Kind of cigarettes: blah
-Teacher: mrs obrian
-Grade: 8th


-Have you ever done drugs?: yeah
-If so, what is your favorite?: bud
-Have you ever had sex?: yep
-Are you straight, gay, or bi?: straight
-Have you ever passed out or thrown up from drinking too much?: yep
-What’s your favorite bar?:
-Did you go to prom in high school?: not gona atleast.
-How many continents have you been to?: 1
-How many countries have you been to?: 2
-What color are the socks you’re wearing right now?: im not wearing socks
-Underwear?: white
-What was your last vacation?: seattle with thena
-Do you have any future vacations coming up?: mmhmm
-Do you have any tattoos?: not yet
-Do you have anything pierced besides your ears?: nope
-Have you ever had a one-night stand?: yep
-Do you own a car?: kinda
-What is the make and model?: 1987 chevy suburban
-What is your dream car?: 1985 that runs PERFECTLY
-Do you have long fingernails?: not really, no
-Do you paint them?: yep
-What about your toes?: yep
-Do you believe in God?: sometimes
-What is your religious belief?: i dont have any
-Did OJ do it?: yeah, prolly
-Do you use Napster?: nope
-What are some of your pet peeves?: people who dont put there ciggarette out completely, people who cut me off driving, people who bump country/rap in there pos cars.
-What are some of your phobias?: spiders, being alone n the dark.
-What is your major in college (if you’re in college):
-How much money do you make each year?:
-Do you want children in the future?: yep
-Do you want to get married?: yep
-How many fillings/cavities do you have?: 0
-How many people have you had sex with?: ha..ha
-Guys or girls?: bbboys
-Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex?: along time ago..yeah
-Did you like it?: lol..
-Do you underwear and bras match?: sometimes
-Do you carry a purse?: yep
-Are you right or left handed?: right
-What is under your bed?: nothin
-What posters do you have on your walls?: i have lots
-What kind of housing are you in?: a house
-Have you ever been hospitalized?: yep
-Have you ever had surgery?: nope
-Have you ever broken a bone?: yes
-Have you ever had stitches?: yep
-What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?: ur moms bed.

*This or That*

-Peanut butter or jelly: jelly
-Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
-Drive or walk: drive
-Traveler or homebody: home
-Skydiving or bungee-jumping: skydiving
-Real World or Road Rules: real world
-MTV or Comedy Central: mtv
-Ice or roller skating: ice
-Nike or Adidas: adidas
-Purse or wallet: purse
-Dark hair or light: light
-Chocolate milk or regular milk:strawberry!
-Tall or short: tall
-Tan or fair skinned: fair
-Blue eyes or brown eyes: blue
-Ketchup or mustard: ketchup
-Books or movies: books
-Comedy or horror: both
-Bath or shower: bath
-Lights on or off during a movie: off
-Theater or video: theater
-Red or blue: blue
-Gold or silver: silver
-Top or bottom: top
-Morning or night: night
-Black or white: black
-Glass half full or half empty: full
-Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

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thats a long long road.. [16 Jun 2002|01:48pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | mother love bone-chole dancer ]


whats up??

i just got up. its to hot to sleep ne more.

i went to tri cities last n arron n belle went to davids concert..kozie shack..they're really..really good. seriously..the leadsinger/guitar player is great. hes like a wonderful guitar player..his name is daren. they were really was SO hot upstairs at atomic, there was like 40 people packed into this little was probably worth it was there last show as kozie shack..the drummers moving back to germany. they busted out n played one of the best beattles was cool.

then we went n seen mike..he bought us something to drink. wink wink. i miss being around him everyday all day..but im over it.

im glad im with mikey..even after everything thats happen..he makes me feel unbelieveably special. he goes outta his way to be great to me.

im going to kennewick..iiii gotta go take a shower.


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and all i wanna hear is ur voice.. [15 Jun 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | unwritten law-seein red ]

Answer all of these questions with a lyric from a song.

1.) Are you male or female?:
"I’m a chick..with no tits..and Im a mess..always been"
(guttermouth-i'm punk)

2.) Describe your neighborhood:
"i love livin in the city..spend my whole life n the city, where junk is
king, and the air smells shitty..people pukin everywhere, miles of love"
(fear-I love livin in the city)

3.) How do you look?:
"she was a fast machine, she kept her mortar clean, she was the best damn
woman that i..ever seen, she had sightless eyes, she knockin me off with
those american thighs..take a look at that shaft..had a body from then.."
(ac/dc-shook me all night long)

4.) If you could say something to the person you love, what would it be?:
"i missing ur did it break? and when did ur eyes begin to look fake? i hope ur as happy as ur pretending.."
(dashboard confessions-screaming infedelities)

5.) Where do you wish you were right now?
"i dig my toes into the sand..the ocean looks like thousand diamonds strewn
across a blue blanket. i lean against the wind, pretend that i am
weightless..and in this moment i am happy"
(incubus-wish you were here)

6.) What would you say to your best friend?:
"i depend on you..for the wings of life, and the air that u move"
(our lady peace-made to heal)

7.) Any words of wisdom:
"its only n ur head u feel left out..or looked down on, just try ur best,
try everything u can, dont u worry what the bitter hearts will have to say"
(jimmy eat world-the middle)

8.) What do you wish you were doing right now?:
"wrap ur legs around me now baby n ill fill you full of love, ill be rollin
out my power rollie pollie gurl, ill show u what most gurls are afraid of"
(guttermouth-no such thing)

9.) What do you think of drugs and alcohol?:
"if u like smack, then i might to..i just wanna get high like you."
(purple pills-d-12)

10.) If you could say one thing to your enemy, what would it be?:
"i dont pull hair and i dont fight dirty..but piss me off at 9 and ur lunch
meat by 9 30"
(the donnas-hot pants)

11.) What do you usually do on Friday nights?:
"im tired of hittin on you, its about time to be gittin on you, all messed
up but i dont cmon take off ur underwear"
(the donnas-do u wanna hit it?)

12.) Are you for world peace?:
"and the sign said anybody caught trespassing will be shot on
jumped the fence and yelled to the house hey what gives u the right to put
up a fence and keep me out, or to keep mother nature in, if god was here
he'd tell it to ur face, man ur some kinda sinner"

14.) How do you feel right now?:
"im so fucking happy i could cry.."
(green day-nice guys finish last)

15.) Any closing words?:
"i'm not alone cuz the tvs not crazy cuz i take the right pills
(jimmy eat world-bleed america)

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no.. [13 Jun 2002|09:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Happiness: letters to Cleo-I want you to want me
Summer: nas- helicopter song
Childhood: alanis moressitte-perfect
Sex: tricky-suffocated love
Yourself: Ani Difranco-not a pretty girl
Love: goo goo dolls-black balloon
Jealousy: the donnas-get ridda that girl
Feeling lonely: Dashboard Confessions--screaming infidelities
Rain: blind melon-rain
The color pink: Kelly osbourn-papa don’t preach
City lights: David Grey-Babylon
Loss: sister hazel-your winter
Anger: korn-faggot
Change: veruca salt-the break up song
Pain: Corey Taylor-bother

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daddy..daddy..if u could only see.. [13 Jun 2002|03:56am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | incubus-i miss you.. ]

all i have to say is..who wins in the end?

mikey: There is nobody that can fill the void of you.
mikey: I love you


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[13 Jun 2002|12:31am]
[ mood | grateful ]

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Take the "Which Flower are you?"quiz by Hazel

What Pattern Are You?

Which Toe Are You?

Which Toe Are You?

What color should your hair be?!

Created by Vurui!

My Dave Matthews Band Song is...

Halloween! Albums: Recently EP, Before These Crowded Streets

This quiz was created by Krazy K. Take it here!

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my momma said to stay away from guys like you..she said they were nasty... [12 Jun 2002|11:08pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | i know - SAVE FERRIS ]

it was so fucking hot today. god. shit. fuck.

does anyone know what spool23 is? hmmm? i have nooo idea. but if someone knows, it would be grrrrrreat if you could tell me.

what happen to lacey? shes never online and she never updates her journal. hmmmmmmm............

i dont have much to say..

everythings doing alright.

i finished a class today..ive finished more classes in the past 2 weeks then i did in 2 months. woo. im like..3 1/2 credits ahead now.

showa time.

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slleeeep. [11 Jun 2002|01:58pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | goo goo dolls-black balloon ]

im tired..

really tired..

i didnt get home till about 4 this morning. mike got his place. i was there..its dont remember where i put the key, i remember opening the door, walking in with the key in my hand and now he cant find it. im a dork, for real. oh well. it was weird not waking up with him here. i miss him. :(. but its okay. he just called..ill see him later.

the suburban is fixed. :D. im sooo unbelieveably happy its fixed. yay..woo..woo.

i neeeeeeeeeeed to clean now..move this bed outta my room.

its soooooo warm. my hands are like ice, but my face is on fire. blah.

james gets here today..he'll be here a month. i cant understand why he wants to be here a month, other than his mom n dylan. but out there for a month, wow..that would be reeeeeeeeeeally boring. i cant wait till thena gets here. i miss her.

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raw raw raw [09 Jun 2002|10:52pm]
[ mood | content ]

saturday was my cousins graduation. we all went but my dad. it was but i had to cousins from new mexico n idaho were there. it was alright.

me n mike left early n hung out..he had to go to work at 10. then at 3 i went n picked him up..we went into winco..there were a lot of people there for 3 am. crazy crazy people. we had to drive around for a gas station..we couldnt find one that was was fun. i really really love spending time with him. he didnt work today so i gotta be with him alll day.

its almost i think is the last day of school..woo. i finished 3 classes last week.


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