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1. Do you like filling out internet surveys? i have nothing better to do.
2. What time is it right now? 6:01 PM
3. Do you have any tattoos? nope.
4. What do you think of tattoos? they're pretty cool.
5. Would you tattoo this survey onto yourself, and if so, where? yeah, riiiiiiiight.
6. If you are lucky enough to be sleeping with someone, would a tattoo on them turn you on? maybe.
7. Where would this special tattoo be? on ur moms ass.
8. Why is this important and how does it make you feel? well..
9. Eeew. You are sick sick sick.
10. What have your parents done to you? what havent they?
11. Do you have any idea why boys are supposed to get tongue rings at the end of their tongue, and girls are supposed to get them more in the middle? ive never heard that before.
12. Would you ever get one? yep
13. Are you a boy or a girl? gurl
14. What do you think about people who have them? whatever floats there boat.
14. What color eyes do you like best? greenish blue.
15. Do you think people with blue eyes are evil? no..
16. Do you think people with brown eyes are boring? probably not.
17. Do you think people with hazel eyes are perfect? probably not.
18. Do you think people with eyes are cool? oh yeah
19. Do you think girls who dye their hair are sluts? that would make me a slut..so no.
20. Have you ever had sex on a boat? nope
21. Would you if given the opportunity? maybe
22. What about a sail boat? i dont know
23. Did the sails get in the way? im sure they wouldn't
24. Are girls who dye their hair more likely to have sex on boats than other people? no.
25. Would you be uncomfortable having sex in a car in a church parking lot? nope
26. Which animal do you think is coolest? Giant anteater, Great African Hippopotamus, Dingo, Dromedary Camel, Indian flying fox, or Norweigan Lemming? hummmm.....i dunno..indian flying fox. do they actually fly?
27. Of the coolest of these animals, would you ever have sex with one of them in a church parking lot? no, im good.
28. Eeeew. Don't even answer that question.
28. Have you ever looked at porn on the internet? oh yes.
29. My favorite site is http://www.wet-sex.com, what's yours? urmom.com
30. Does it cost money? yes, but she does me for freeeeeeee
31. Do you feel porn is a worthy monthly adult investment? sure
32. Have you seen American Pie? yep
33. Do you think the protagonist, who also happens to be a porn watcher, is hot? not really
34. Would you have sex with him in a church parking lot? bleh
35. Why or why not?
36. Do you know who Seth Green is? yessss
37. If not, are you a Russian Spy?
38. If not, what's your fucking problem?
39. Are you a stupid Swedish person? im sure ur mom is.
40. Okay then, you're probably a drunk Irish person.
41. Or a chubby chocolate-eating Polish person with an ugly nose? probably
42. Or what about a Chinese communist? :O
43. Yeah, whatever, go back to the Soviet Union you loser.
44. If you're not a stupid foreigner who doesn't know who he is, would you ever have sex with Seth Green in a church parking lot? i would have sex with seth green anywhere
45. Your biggest sexual fantasy goes here: does it really?
46. Allright, you weren't honest back there. If you're not in touch with your feelings, how do you ever expect to get what you want out of life?
47. Fine, keep your deranged fantasies. IF you refused to circulate it, why or why not?
48. Do you know what a milk flake is? no
49. A milk flake is a little piece of dried, uh, milk, on the top of a milk jug that falls in your cereal and pisses you off. Now do you know what a milk flake is? yesssssss
50. What do you think of milk flakes? i dont like em
51. Do you like TV glare? no, it pisses me off to.
52. Do you think the president of the United States gets more nookie than you do? probably.
53. If you answered yes to the last question, does that depress you at all? no, not really.
54. If you were going to commit suicide, how would you do it? fast.
55. If your fingernails had to be one color, permanently, what color would you choose? black
56. Do you think high schools should start and end an hour later? sure.
57. Do you think it would be better to have sex on a water bed rather than a regular bed? maybe, probably.
58. Out of these birds, which is the coolest? Sulfur-crested Cockatoo, Winter wren, Common bee-eater, short-eared owl, European coot, Eurasian spoonbill, Kookaburra, Blue-footed booby, wandering albatross or mistlethrush? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBY.
59. Have you ever told someone you loved them? yep
60. Were you lying? not usually.
61. What kind of lips do you like best? (little ones, full ones, big upper with small lower, big lower with small upper, rosebud?) full..the bottom bigger but not a lot bigger.
62. If you are a male, do you consider yourself to be a *blank*-man ( leg-man, breast-man, eyes-man.)
63. Girls, do you have a favorite defining male feature? there neck, or there eyebrows
64. And Girls again, Does size matter? sometimes.
65. Have you ever dated someone you knew wasn't right for you? yes
66. Have you ever intentionally used someone? yes
67. Do you believe in the "League System"? Do you think that some people are too good for others, dating-wise? nope
68. Have you ever said that you thought you were better, smarter, more attractive than someone else? im sure i have, but its not true.
69. Did you feel bad about saying it? no.
70. Do you consider yourself to be a snob? nope.
71. Are you religious? noooooooo
72. What religion is your family?
73. What religion, if any, are you?
74. What's your favorite fragrance? cucumber melon.
75. What's your favorite time of day? night
76. What's your favorite season/time of year? winter
77. What's your favorite dessert/main meal/side dish/drink? dessert, ice cream. main meal? chinese food. side dish? hum..those little things at dennys. drink? sobe.
78. What shape of eyebrows do you like best? whatever fits ur face.
79. DO you think guys with uni-brows should do something about it? hell yeah
80. What do you suggest? bust out with the tweasers.
81. Are you heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual? heterosexual.
82. Have people ever confused your true sexuality with one of the other above listed choices? probably.
82. Who is the nicest person you know? hum..jon. hes never been mad at me..woo..
83. How do you define nice? being nice
84. Who is the funniest person you know? aarons pretty funny actually, my dads friend danny.
85. Who is the most attractive person you have ever talked to? this guy i use to go to school with.
86. Did you know their name? yep
87. Did you know their phone number? nope
88. Who knows the most about you? um..mikey
89. Do you intentionally shut people out? i dont mean to, but i know i do.
90. If you do, what requirements do you have of people you confide in? i dunno..they hafta be my friend and i hafta know they're not gonna go talk shit about what i tell them.
91. Who's the loudest person you know? bellamys pretty loud sometimes..matts loud when hes watching tv. damn..real loud.
92. Who do you secretly hate? afew people
93. Is it so secret that you didn't answer truthfully to question 91? no
94. Is there anyone you're secretly in love with? i dont know. no.
95. Has anyone ever done anything to you that has affected your entire life and perspective? hell yeah
96. Can you trace your current way of thinking down to one single event? about certain things, but not my whole way of thinking.
97. Do you believe you deal well with reality? yeah
98. What are your methods of coping with tragedy or bad stuff? not dealing with it.
99. If you answered yes to the first question, question number one, do you still agree with your answer? sure
100. Do you like mosh pits? they're cool to watch
101. Have you ever tasted someone else's sweat? yep
102. Are you good at playing pool? not at all
103. What about bowling? What's your highest score? ive only been bowling twice.
104. What do you do on Saturday nights? no
105. What would you like to be doing instead of filling out this survey? anything
106. Would you like to be having sex in a car in a church parking lot right now? sure
107. With whom? mikey
108. Why? because i love him.
110. What song do you associate with that person? lots remind me of him..specially a lot of incubus.
112. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? not really
114. If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? id weigh 120 and id have smaller feet
115. Do you have straight teeth? pretty straight, soon to be perfect!
116. If yes, did it take thousands of dollars to get them that way? yes
117. Are you racist? somewhat
118. Would you ever have an interracial relationship? probably.
119. Do you consider yourself to be intelligent? sometimes
120. What size shoes do you wear? 9-10
121. What's your favorite color of socks? white
122. Do you like toe socks? no..my toes are to short. acouple of em ne ways.
123. How do you wear your hair right now? its up. its always up.
124. Do you part to the left, middle, right, or not at all? middle
125. Do you think this reflects your personality? no
126. Do you derive meaning from small insignificant things about your looks like that? nope
127. Why are you still sitting here answering pointless questions? i have no idea
140. Do you consider yourself to have a good memory? yes
141. Does your knee itch? nope
142. Mine does, how does this make you feel? right
143. IF you've already lost your virginity, was it special? yep
144. What do you think about people who wait for the "perfect moment" to lose theirs? good for them.
145. Does your elbow itch? no
146. Mine doesn't either. We have something in common. How does that make you feel? great
147. What time is it right now? 6:24 PM