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Below is information about the "Political Cartoons" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:politicartoons (1289823)  
Name:Political Cartoons
About:After searching for communities for political cartoons and not finding any, I decided to create one of my own.

This community is to post political cartoons, discuss them, etc. Any type of political humor is acceptable, including other (non-cartoon) images and (text only) jokes.

The only rules are:
1. If an image is large or the post is excessively long (one and a half screens), I ask that you use the lj-cut tag. To use the tag, follow the instructions here.
2. If you are copying something from an e-mail forward, please edit out the tags (?) so that it reads like normal paragraphs.
3. Being offensive in this community is fine. Many times, that's what political cartoons are all about. Flaming is fine, I don't care. But being a complete asshole (at my discretion) will not be tolerated and you will be banned.

The intrest list is pretty short and incomplete but if you feel that there are other interests that should be added to the list, let me know, either in a post, a comment, or an e-mail and I will add it.

While I am a liberal democrat, this community is open to people of all political parties and affiliations. I promise, I'll try hard to be a good moderator and not take sides.

If you need to contact me, my personal livejournal is [info]lyndz and my e-mail is

A big thank you goes to [info]shrac for the code used to create this community (when codes were still required).
Interests:27: bill clinton, bush, cartoons, comics, conservative, current events, democrats, dubya, funny, george w. bush, green party, humor, iraq, john kerry, jokes, kerry, lampoon, liberal, libertarians, mike thompson, political art, political cartoons, political humor, politics, republicans, satire, the boondocks. [Modify yours]
Members:296: 0utside_the_box, 7dayspast, ____discotraxx, _deplorable_, _efflorescence_, _fitz_, _mignon_, _unravel, ac404, afrodave, airyca, al2gent, aleef, alleewaits, allilm, alteredesthetic, americanmutt, andrewducker, angielynn13, annetangent, antimason, aperant, ascendant, audio_slave, azuresunglasses, badcamper, badlydrawngoy, bak8potato, baset, beingjdc, beretta, betrayedxheart, bin_, bluezephyr, boysnoggage, brotherbill, cabinessence, caji31, cakesniffing, carl_sagan, ccnuggie, celebr8ignornce, cellardoor82, cg41386, cheetofish, child_of_dreams, chipperspragish, chipuni, chrisfrap, cole_a_cola, commygirl, cpickle, crichton, cyanideskittles, cynica, dangerzooey, dariadarlene, darkblood777, davidfcooper, dejavoodoo4, desidiosus, designatedd, devoidofdesire, dickies, dimethirwen, dlmorgoth, dont_help_me, doomed, dramaqueenducky, dreadpiratetom, duckyx, dudeimannie, duncanynd, easy_peasy_24, edithgeraldine, ee_chick, eepster, eigenstates, election_watch, ethora, evaporatedstain, evildemonkitty, eyverska, fh, fire_daemon, fireman, fizzybottlecap, fleaplus, fleetingsanity, flipmoe, float_upstream, fragilemadness, freepablo, friendlybee, ganzagwenie, gauloise, georgia_tke, ghettibou, ginger_dave, gloriajn, goodolbuttfart, grimmy23, groovygravy, gynocide, hadria, halo12, hardblue, he_offyreandnyt, hercolorblue, hey_stranger, hidee13, hobbit_ninja, hoboclown, howcanueatthat, ice_lord, ignatiusbenway, ihateidoits, indy_pendent, infirno_snake, insanity89, isthislifereal, italiana323, itsjustali, jadeweasal, java_drinker, jennybunny, jess_k, jessi5000, jessifanfic, jimb, johnraptor, joyfulkel, jujang, juliesmagicmoon, juvenalian, jwagner8, kabandra, kadaria, kansasman, karrottop, katskorner, kellysound, khep, kidamazing, kinbote, kingofpain, kmilligan, knittykittycook, krazykarot, lacieldellery, lady_z, leavesoflorien, ledgehanger, leeann_marie, lichtenstein, life___question, lima_pcp, lineofidledays, longlivethecow, lyndz, lynnjessica, madamealexis, madscientist79, maggiesox, margaret_jeanne, marianne2679, markeyisapunk, marta128, masonstone, megiloth, mehitobel_ny, melkitsune, merz_mag, miababe, mid_limbo, midnightfrost, midnightgrrl, mmmmjournal, mogador, molly2dope, mom4kerry, monanina, motherginsberg, multifoiled, musicmandom, musikinov, myguerrilla, myowntruth, mysticlygone, nailsc33, nallyo, natsume, neonleonb, nicepunkass420, nievegirl, no_ride_bike, noholygrailhere, nucleargoldfish, numairhawk, nuwrldordr, omega_twilight, onyxsapir, oolauroo, operationpetty, ovariancyst, oytamarind, pacino1901, pacotelic, patrician125, penny4wisdom, perfection1144, piasharn, pifflegrrrl, pinkie_kat, polichick, pradagirl, primofex, prohibitoid, prudentlike, purfectx, quaintpassion, rangerfan1994, realityw_omusic, reblwithacause, retrofire, richardf8, ridingonacloud, rip_ophelia, rory12, salimyter, sara_says_grrr, sarahsaturn, saranwarp, sburn, sekari, selfinflict, senatorflip, shadowsiren, shoism, silver_rivet, silvermoonbeems, silverocket, sir5yko, sirenextreme, slaintebannen, somefantastic10, soultainted, spifftronica, spudnic06, spunk_rock, staredecisis, stephano, stoneage, superdork37, supersaiyanjing, suttree, svanny, sweet_victorie, syndrome_x, taintedepitome, tbonestg, terramoonbeam, texasmetsfan, thedeadparrot, thefweak, thegodmatt, therealnicolio, thestephieee, thies, thomdyke, tiffalicious, tinosa, tj642, towith, tpaceo, treylis, tridus, trillian1138, twistedera, uclajoligirl, unluckystunt, verbicide, veritas_et_lux, verix, village_idiot, vincentmaloy, vo_lal, wayofthefree, wc_helmets, wiltedwater, wyzwun, xemux, yasminatami, yossefk, yunaleska, zapatista_funk
Watched by:294: 0utside_the_box, 7dayspast, _deplorable_, _efflorescence_, _unravel, abrient, ac404, aeonsbeyond, airyca, al2gent, aleef, allilm, alteredesthetic, americanmutt, andrewducker, annetangent, antart101, antimason, aperant, audio_slave, azuresunglasses, badcamper, badlydrawngoy, bak8potato, baset, beingjdc, belladonnastrap, bin_, binky78, bluezephyr, brightbrowneyes, brotherbill, cabinessence, caji31, cakesniffing, cappucinogrrl, ccnuggie, celebr8ignornce, cg41386, cheetofish, child_of_dreams, chipperspragish, chipuni, chirubu, chriscrosby, chrisfrap, city_of_dis, clue, cole_a_cola, commygirl, cooltude, cpickle, cyanideskittles, cynica, dangerzooey, dariadarlene, darkblood777, davidfcooper, dejavoodoo4, desidiosus, devoidofdesire, dickies, diggity_diggles, dlmorgoth, doomed, dr_dizzle, dramaqueenducky, dreadpiratetom, dudeimannie, edithgeraldine, eepster, eigenstates, election_watch, electrickhunnyb, ericeingold, evildemonkitty, eyverska, fire_daemon, fireman, fizzybottlecap, fleaplus, flipmoe, float_upstream, fragilemadness, freepablo, frickinmuck, fws, ganzagwenie, georgia_tke, ghettibou, giada, ginger_dave, gloriajn, gracefulreverie, greyarea24, groovygravy, gwyndragon, gynocide, hardblue, he_offyreandnyt, hercolorblue, hey_stranger, hidee13, hobbit_ninja, hoboclown, hotdog1999, howcanueatthat, ice_lord, ignatiusbenway, ihateidoits, indy_pendent, infirno_snake, insanity89, italiana323, itsjustali, jadeweasal, java_drinker, jennybunny, jess_k, jessi5000, jessifanfic, jimb, johnraptor, joyfulkel, jpvegan, juvenalian, kabandra, kadaria, kaenhoushaki, kafkasprague, kansasman, kareyanne, karrottop, katskorner, kellysound, kerry_volunteer, khorgath, kidamazing, kingofpain, kmilligan, knittykittycook, krazykarot, kylenivi, lacieldellery, lady_z, leavesoflorien, ledgehanger, leeann_marie, lelisa, level_head, ...
Account type:Free Account

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