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Below is information about the "Yugiou No Uta" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:ygo_chorus (5183357) ygo_chorus
Yugiou no uta
a Yu-Gi-Oh! lyrical icon challenge community
Name:Yugiou No Uta

Welcome to Yugiou no uta, a lyrical icon challenge community dedicated to our love for the anime, manga, and TCG series Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Each week, starting on Mondays and ending on Fridays at Midnight EST, song lyrics will be chosen and a new challenge shall begin. Each week is different.

Rules // Guidlines

. All lyrics are chosen by the moderator, [info]keeperoffire. If you would like to submit lyrics then leave a post at her personal journal.

. All submissions are to be only from Yu-Gi-Oh!, not Generation X (see more information below).

. Icons with manga images are not allowed to be sumbitted due to not everyone being able to read the manga. ^^

. ONLY challenges, challenge entries, voting, winner annoucements, or moderator posts/community upadtes/news are allowed to be posted within this community. Wanting to be affiliation posts are allowed as well.

. You are not allowed to vote for your own icon.

Submission Guidelines

Only Yu-Gi-Oh! icons are allowed. This means that there are no YGO DM Generation X icons allowed, also no manga scans. Below is a list of all the Japanese titled Seasons with their NA versions.

Japanese Title
. Yu-Gi-Oh!
. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Battle City
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Battle Ship (including Noah)
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Alcatraz Duel Tower
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Orichalcos Doom/Doma
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Kaiba Grand Prix
. Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Memory Arc/Ultimate Dark RPG

English Title
(not aired)
. Yu-Gi-Oh!
. Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duels [DVD title]
. Yu-Gi-Oh! Enter the Shadow Realm
. Yu-Gi-Oh! Enter the Shadow Realm
. Yu-Gi-Oh! Waking the Dragons
(still to air)
(still to air)

Voting/Submission Information

. Challenges are given on Mondays. All submissions are allowed until Friday 12AM EASTERN TIME.

. Voting will be done from Saturday till Sunday 12AM Eastern Time.

Voting is done in similar fashion to that of [info]atlantisfaceoff the moderators's other community. This means that you will be given the list of icons that have been submitted, from there you are to list your top three favorite icons.

When you submit your icon it is done in as an entry. You can leave comments, but you must have it set up like this:

Community Information

Community Moderators

Challenge Bannermakers

(if you wish to affiliate with us, please send word to <lj user="keeperoffire" by commenting; if not, then email at

Interests:25: aibou, anzu, atemu, bakura, blue eyes, dark magician, duel monsters, icons, junouichi, kaiba, lyrics, millenium items, music, mutou yugi, pharaoh, pharaoh atemu, sennin puzzle, seto kaiba, yami, yami no yugi, ygo, yu-gi-oh, yugi, yugi mutou, yugioh. [Modify yours]
Members:28: bright_light, dark_charm, darkchan, darklittleaibou, darkshadow_23, darkspiritgirl, darkspiritgrrl, deepsense_remix, donnafreak, eizou, hiccupsweets, hobbit_hunter, keeperoffire, lovehiei13, marieamethyst, misaki_sagara, mysticaldolphin, nakimas, sai_kaiba, sakebi, shotagoddess, spazzo_icons, spiritsshadow, takarifreak, tresmoron, vanessa_chan, vs_malik, yokokaru_chan
Watched by:25: darkchan, darklittleaibou, darkshadow_23, eizou, guardian_yugi, hiccupsweets, hobbit_hunter, keeperoffire, krystalfaerie, lone_lunar_wolf, lovehiei13, marikstwilight, misaki_sagara, mysticaldolphin, nakimas, sai_kaiba, sakebi, shotagoddess, skyyamato, spazzo_icons, spiritsshadow, takarifreak, tresmoron, vanessa_chan, yokokaru_chan
Account type:Free Account

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