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Update o.O [Nov. 12th, 2004|05:33 am]
I forget about LJ.. a lot. Oops. Anyway, not much new with me. I'm still hooked on FFXI. -.- Sometimes I wish I could quit, but that'd be really really hard. >< Eponine and I are broken up, but we're still friends. He gave his FFXI account, so now I have a 61 Dark Knight and 55 Samurai to play with now too. Yay. I've made several new friends, and I'm slowly getting better mentally. Physically, I've been sick with a nasty cough for awhile, kinda irritating.. but oh well. I lost one piercing.. I took out my lip ring after it continued to annoy me and get in the way. >:P I heard from Darlene yesterday for the first ime in like forever. :P Someone remembers me, yay! Anyway, it's like.. almost 6am and I'm thinking that maybe I should sleep.. after some random screenshots from FFXI. ^^

I finally have my full AF, woo! Pimp hat.

More.. )

And with that.. I sleep.

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Because nobody is online in wee hours of the morning.. [Feb. 7th, 2004|03:23 am]
[mood | blah]
[music |Some random techno I DLed *-*]

quiz thingies )

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Friends only. [Nov. 12th, 2003|08:14 pm]
This journal is FRIENDS ONLY. If I have removed you from my list, please remove me as well. I've only kept the people who I still hold at least a shred of feeling for. I'm sure I've missed a few of you who I want to keep, and if you feel this way, leave a comment, and I'll see about adding you. Thanks.
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