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Saturday, May 1st, 2004
12:24 pm - Buta tjeplok!
You'll find me not here. But there. I'm not where I should be but where I am now. I should be here though, but for different reasons. The box of bricks and glass is my castle for one day. I am master and ruler of it till the hour strikes later and no sooner. Tis not a time wrong for casting ones thoughts into the open. All I have to do is hold watch over the stronghold of the Janskerkhof. None shall pass that are not to pass.
The months have not brought much progress. Still I ponder and stall on writing and reading. I read, yes. Though I do not read all that should be read. The screen is my paper. Yet books must be consumed. I do miss the spice of it all I guess. Kurang enak. Saya mau bumbu tjepat! Saya Orang melas goblok! Perhaps my Indonesian side gets the best of me sometimes, in a good and less good sense. As the weather warms, yes?
I said thoughts didn' t I? I started Nei Jia again, every day. The classics say the air must feel like water and the mind empty. The air is getting heavier but the mind will not cease. not the air but the mind is getting more and more fluid. Ripling and leaking and with torrents. Yet what I spill evaporates it seems. Alas. Try harder.
I am feeling my ear. There's something in it. Can I change it? Not yet. Wait wait wait. Play with it some more. Now where's that silver bullet? Melt it and fashion into a thing worth wearing.

Slither and sly
Maple syrup and apple pie.
Whence did you came?
To your mind we lay claim.

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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
7:17 pm
There's a leak in my roof. Yes there is. There's two even. I have said this before. The leaks have grown though. I'm trying to catch the drops of water in bowls and towels. "They" say they can't fix the roof untill most of the water and ice and snow and etcetera is gone. The damages to the ceiling (what I have to look at) are for my own expenses. Either I leave it like that or I try to get it paid for by my insurance. I don't know yet, let's see how far my ceiling will be stripped of plaster before complaining further. Drip drip drip

Essay not progressed much. Am working harder on it though. Still not enough.

The digital camera is gone, but....

Clean those windows! Clean up the living room!

Did find some work though. Only for so once in a while. I get to work in a bread factory during the evening or night. It does make me some money but the work can be quite boring sometimes. I don't mind the strenous part, it's paid exercise!

Talk to me on msn: Or just talk to me some other way.
Ah oui. C'est vrais ou non? )

current mood: frustrated
current music: Dismantled

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Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
8:49 pm - What to wear What to play
Much to do, not doing enough.
I have to get more work done on my essay. It was supposed to be finished last year. But no. I have only strated just now. Working for my OWN good has never been one of my stronger points. That's why working in groups is much easier. I made an ok start today I guess. Let's hope tommorrow is better though. Read and write.

I've got a leak in my roof.Even two. Anybody want them? They're nice dripping spots. Come on, I'm sure you'll like them. I'll even throw in some chips of plaster

No luck getting a job yet. Well... just have to try a bit harder maybe. Or just work harder for school and such.

Today, my sink got fixed. Good thing. Not plugged anymore. Now just to do the dishes.

Get this done will you?

Look into my eyes and you shall see nothing.
Look at my eyes and see that they are closed.

Does anybody have a cheap copy of "Hamlet on the holodeck"?

current mood: sleepy
current music: log on, log off

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Sunday, February 1st, 2004
11:09 pm - Windows through the window.
My pc seems to have fallen on it's back with it's legs up in the air. Ehm... I will be using a few other pc's when convenient. Don't expect any remarks form me for a little while...
Maybe I'll get it fixed sooner than expected, maybe not.

Until more technical prosperous times.

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Sunday, January 25th, 2004
8:12 pm
The Waag went pretty well. We had a few problems in the beginning with a aoftware update that actually made the whole thing not work the way it should work. But in the end it worked out fine and good. Only too bad I had to lose my bicycle lock in the train.

I found a game which I used to play a lot (it's really very small): Conflict Actually a few days ago it was the first time I had completed the game. I wonder how this scenario works in reality.

Now I just have to be a lot more productive. Help me

There and there on a map. )

current mood: hopeful
current music: Raison

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Sunday, January 11th, 2004
11:04 pm - And such. Well, you know...
The December run of Flock went quite well. I dunno if I can post any pictures but who knows when I get some scans form the others. Here's some site of the project but the DVTG-bossman made a few mistakes in the url and such, so no bigger pics.

FLOCK, the page.

Coffee makes me sleep better I think. Strange yes...

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Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
1:15 am
I have not lifted my hands in labour today. No, I did not want to. Should, want, can. Didn't.

The 27th comes ever nearer. What to do after? What to do after June? Will I even be able to have laboured through then? Questions I should not ask but just have the answers to. Trivial.

The 27th

I have bought tobacco with flours in them. I feel more colourfull and fragrant already.

I did
Have I been doing the wrong things?

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Sunday, December 14th, 2003
10:12 pm - Toil
I wonder: is working 12 hours a day on a project good? No, not really. Still I have been doing this for about two weeks. No to mention that I still have to edit the Chico scripts (yes, still have to).

Am I missing out on a lot of fun? I think I am and are going to. Alas, poor Rohan, we saw him not.

Now where did I actually stop whining?

current mood: restless
current music: Cure, The

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Saturday, October 25th, 2003
7:20 pm
Project smoject. Frusto etc. People should learn to function as adults in projects. In a way I've had it. Must not give in though. Must further the efforts.

Sometimes it's a bit too much.

Most of the time it is far too less.

Lobo would say "frag it!" But I am not a comic book character.

Met al die zinnen hierboven kun je dus niks eh.... bah.

Something that needs work. This is the totall thing. It starts small though.

current mood: rushed
current music: Organ

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Thursday, October 16th, 2003
10:18 pm - Mea culpa
Cat on my lap. I am borrowing them for a week from my dad. He';l be in the U.S, so he won't be needing them. MRROWWWWWWW: I heard when I was sleeping last night. Cat in the bedroom, cat out of the bedroom. They don't feel so lost anymore today luckily. Saartje and Sammy haven't eaten too well today, but they've got plenty of reserves.
Black clothing full of cathair.

Not having done anything new to or in my journal...end of sentence. I am going to be a bit more, it relieves the mind a bit. Nothing new to you, sorry.

Too busy is the excuse. Not a good one. No, never is, is it?
We are working on a new project in school with the seven of us. For some external people. I wish it would move along a bit more, we have about a two week delay. People who want something should know what they want and when they know they should let us know. They should also know what we think they want. The last thing took about a month or longer. Luckily we will get the job done I think.

The (obsolete) idea given to us. (not even a concept)
The result will be very different.
Better to our opinion. Yes?

Chico needs to be adjusted. Silly clown. Production will start Januari 2004 (planned). My first real television production, yay!

Also doing a video-projection for a party. Hope I'll mange to make something good, time is running short (on my hands).

Worry worry. Worry not.

Wat zegt Rohan nog meer? Niet veel meer... Sufjes

current mood: stressed

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Thursday, August 28th, 2003
8:43 pm - Look and see not

You didn't see the ones which didn't need colour (just never were in colour.) The world shall see no more colour.

Last week in Hong Kong. I could tell you plenty of things, but don't know what knowledge you crave.
I was thinking of saying of things. Yet when psuh comes to shove I cannot make not the words. Help me then, please.

To see or not to see  )

current music: Biosphere

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Saturday, August 16th, 2003
1:28 pm

Wear focus )

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Thursday, July 24th, 2003
2:17 pm
Not feeling too well from yesterday: too much kimchi (and the like) and drinking the wrong stuff. No, not stuffed. Empty. More coffee? More tea? More food? More music? Muse muse muse. Should write but don't feel like it. Being not not today. Chico is in Mongolia. Though he will have to wait for me to put my hands on it.
Saying muse as it was in music: I miss a bit of a muse. I amuse but in a way miss a thing. Hong Kong is not a very inspireing place to me most of the time. Can't do/dress/etc. what I feel like. Freedom? Yes, me want. More more more.
We had a nice typhoon passing by but the signal T8 was quite short. Windy, rainy and not sunny but the wind still feels like a blowdryer. Going to Peng Chau tmrow probly.
Brabbelbrabbel, ik wil mijn eigen PC!

current mood: nauseated
current music: kwil meer!

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Thursday, July 17th, 2003
1:30 pm - Kill swine Kill
Been in hong kong for about a few weeks now. Still not used to the climate. Though need to go outside. I must! I will!

My mother put me on the scales today. Gained too much weight in these few weeks. I am ashamed. I don't get enough excercise here. Must eat less Asian food, eat less food, eat myself more or just don't eat. Birthdays come with dinners, dinners come with food. Also have a barbeque this saturday... The horror.
Might anyone be interested in some bacon? Just cut it off me. Piggy piggy

When I'm back in The Netherlands, a lot is going off again.

Wondering if I can find any goff cloth here in HK. Any idea's [info]gothic_lolita ?

Writing my scripts is going pretty well, luckily. I'll have my quota done for this month easily. Plus I hope a bit in advance.

E.A.T. me. Dice Me. Digest me. Just don't forget me.

More more more! Later later later!

current mood: airco
current music: airco+extra

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Saturday, June 21st, 2003
1:49 am - Wegvlieg-Woosh! Bite the tail!
Booked he ticket, will collect one of these days soon. I'll be flying to Hong Kong again this friday. It has been two years, I wonder if I can still find everything.
Will sure be happy to see my mother and stepfather ofcourse.

Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD
Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM Let's go inside: too COLD Let's go outside: too WARM
Let's get a flu!

Flying will be zigzag. Will have to try to sit still for more than 14 hours. (including to London and in bus.)
Let me out though! I want to go!

What I leave

Where I am going )

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Thursday, June 12th, 2003
8:50 pm - PKzippers and Rohan on
Ridlle me.
What have I actually done today? Been somewhat usefull?
Entered my course at At last: International Recognition!
Little sister calls: I'm bored. Father will call: I'm sick. Little brother will call: I'm bored as well. Rohan will say: What Can Do About That?
Is there fire in my eyes? Don't quench it please.
Words words words

What googlism thought of me... )

current music: Satyagraha

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Friday, May 30th, 2003
9:46 pm - More photoshoots, more scans, more posting of them.

Set is large, choice is yours )

current mood: Goreng by the sun
current music: Crispy Rohan

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Sunday, May 25th, 2003
10:53 pm
Something happend. Maybe something snapped.
Yesterday I was able to see again during certain moments. 2D to 3D. The icing on the cake. The drop of colour I missed.

Things rush past the door/window. I cannot keep up. And it is good. It is so good. I could not contain it all but kept asking for more. Let's try again today.

I want to know what made the change, what caused the effect. I must know and am sure I will. Even it takes me 10 years or longer.
I'm afraid to tell more because talking about it usually makes it go away.

Oh: Don't forget about me.

current mood: energetic

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Friday, May 9th, 2003
12:56 am
Walking along the canal I found some love letters torn up. What shall I do with them? Will buy some tape tomorrow.
Puzzle puzzle puzzle

current mood: curious

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Monday, May 5th, 2003
12:17 am
Seal me in a metal box. I have work to do but I will not. Distractions. Decisions. Downfall.

Actually I am just posting here because I wrote something.

current mood: pensive

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