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[08 Mar 2005|06:46pm]


don't let those stupid men and our society get you down.
failing to describe a feeling

[05 Mar 2005|01:03am]

[ music | Kilian Camera - She's Dead ]

It's literally never been the same since you came crashing through my life.

I should have never opened my mouth that first time you came back to my place, I should have kept my big fucking mouth shut and let you disappear. That way I would have never known what I was missing. Now I do know and there isn't a single God damned fucking thing I can ever do for the rest of my life to get it back or make it the way it was.

Well, feel proud. If nothing else you taught me how to love and then re-taught me how to hate. Quite the accomplishment.

failing to describe a feeling

Breakups are a bitch. [11 Feb 2005|11:36pm]


Join now.
failing to describe a feeling

[05 Jan 2005|10:15pm]

hey id just liek to thank all you bitchez wh0 helpeD me out when I had that gro1n pr0blem a while ag0- its almost gone but n0t completely. i'm starting to thinK the diaPer rash creAm is n0t a reali good idea. Ne other suggesti0nz?

<3<3 keep on biTchin'
failing to describe a feeling

[26 Dec 2004|10:35pm]

UGH! I thInk mY latEst "rubdown" seSsi-n with mai BF iS takiNh itz t0ll. I thinK im g0nna l@y off the th0ngz for a While ;0

how was all mai Bitchez ChristMas?
breathe in 5 years of failing to describe a feeling

[23 Dec 2004|10:41pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | jessica simpson ]

ugh so lyke today at school everybody was in the xmas spirit nd i didnt want to be all lyke "jingle all the way" if u kno wut i mean so i told my friend beth to shut the hell up nd she lyke SPAZZED on me. god. people just dont understand how we bitches do.

breathe in 8 years of failing to describe a feeling

[13 Dec 2004|01:34pm]

[ mood | pissed off ]

I hate school. If I ever have to go again, I will kill someone...

breathe in 1 year of failing to describe a feeling

[06 Dec 2004|11:24pm]


I. Fucking. Hate. Copycats.

breathe in 4 years of failing to describe a feeling

Stop it you f*ckers. [19 Nov 2004|06:10pm]

[ mood | enraged ]
[ music | Polar Rage ]

Ok, firstly, I'm a controlling person and there are two people I need to control who... well, won't let me. But I need to. I't vital that I do. Secondly, there should be a law against angry admirers, as they make others (me in specific) feel bad. I just want to say "You're cute and I like you now grow the fuck up!!

failing to describe a feeling

[31 Oct 2004|06:51pm]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | academy scraps - i would have never let you go ]

^ ashley ^

uh.. hi.. i don't really think i'm a bitch, but i'm pretty fucking negative.. is that the same? ah well.. sooo i'm just gonna bitch?
life has been pretty boring, lately, just got out of a 2-year [sucky, waste of life] relationship in february.. i dealt with that pretty okay, considering the fact he was a prick. i got into another relationship with my friend, barely. sort of. okay, so it was like, a crush, he said he couldn't go out with me because 20 minutes was just TOO far away. 5 months later he comes back around, my life is perfect for like 3 weeks and then he said that 10 minutes (i moved closer) was too far away, tells me i'm perfect... "you're the only one".. then leaves. okay, so wtf. i was depressed/extremely pissed off for like 2 months, but hey. i have aaron, still, apparently. coolest person ever. i found out that chris migrates with girlfriends, so it's like 3 weeks for anyone. the only reason why i'm still upset is because we're not friends anymore. how stupid can someone get? dating your friend. what a huge mistake.
anyway, a couple of weeks ago i found out that my best friend i'd ever had, naomi, hung herself. isn't that fucking spectacular? so i'm dealing with that, and then another friend is bitching at me because "i'm not a good friend to her" but hey, that's been happening even since before we met.

so basically, my life = teenagedramabullshit.

will this ever end?

breathe in 1 year of failing to describe a feeling

[25 Oct 2004|07:45pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I fucking hate it when people make out right in front of you. It's like, "Hey! Buddy! GET A ROOM!!" As if I don't feel bad enough being single for the past two years, now I gotta watch you horse asses swap spit! Jeezus! You're not in love after dating for a month, it's called, "I'm horny, fuck me!" not "love!"

Good day.

breathe in 1 year of failing to describe a feeling

[13 Oct 2004|10:00am]

I can't bitch about relationships because I finally am in one in which I'm more than content. but I can bitch about the fact that it's ridiculous that in order to attain and hold a job in the fashion industry that consists of more than ringing up sales for a tad over minimum wage, one needs to possess a bachelor's. so what do I do in the meantime? be a fucking temp with no benefits, no vacation, no holiday pay, not even a regular ID card.

failing to describe a feeling

Oh here we go. [11 Oct 2004|03:05pm]

[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Static noise ]

I am bitter because I can't make my relationships work. Ever.
I'm bitter because I heve few friends and everyone thinks I'm a freak.
I'm bitter because I can't help my friends.
I'm bitter because when I try it gets thrown back in my face like hot water.
I'm bitter because I'm tired of all the crappy people in this world.
I'm bitter because despite it, I still try to help them.
I'm bitter because all the bad stuffs happening again... I try to help a guy and he ex-communicates me,
And now I'm being held away by another guy and I hate hate hate it because I want to help. Because I want to help this guy, and he disregards me like I'm nothing.
I'm bitter because I know I'm going to be heartbroken again.

failing to describe a feeling

[03 Oct 2004|09:50am]

[ mood | disappointed ]

So I've been sitting back in the community and thinking of things to bitch about. It's now reached a point where I need to bitch, and I don't want to.

I met this guy about a month ago, and we clicked. We started dating eachother, then he slamed on the breaks and said because of the distance, we should only "see" eachother. In the begining I could understand, we live about an hour away from eachother and it is difficult to have a good relationship when it's comutting. But then one of my friends told me she kept getting this sketchy feeling from him. I didn't really think too much about it and continued on my way. About a week ago, I went to see him, and we took the relationship father than I wanted to go, we had sex. Afterwards he said I was "worthy" of him. WTF buddy, how about you tryin to impress me? I blew that off because I wasnt in the mood to start a fight. Then he started getting all shifty with me, not calling me, not talking to me online, etc. Figured I'd back off for a lil while. We finially talked earlier last week, he said he missed me and he wanted to chill. So we set up a time and I got all excited. That time came and he blew me off. Said that he had some things to do and he'd call me later. Well he didnt. When I called him, he ignored his phone. Ok, so I stopped calling. We talked online later that week and he asked me if I wanted to chill on thursday, I said sure, what time. He told me he'd call me cause he had some things to do. I called him around 3 and he told me to come up. So I make me way up to his house and end up meeting his best friend and his brother. I'm thinking "Cool, I'm being introduced to his friends and family." So we're chillin in his driveway and his best friend said "Oh and his girlfriend, my sister-in law..." My jaw dropped; he told me he was single. I give him a look, and he gives me a "yeah we'll talk about this" kinda look. So we take off to the bank because he wanted to explain. He's been "seeing" both me and this other chick at the same time. He then says that he wants to see who he falls for first, but he doesnt want to fall for his buddy's sister-in law because then his buddy is going to know everything that happens with him and her. Ok, so how do I react to that? I asked him if they were having sex and he said no. So we get to the bank and he goes in. I grab my cally and dial my friend; I need to discuss things with SOMEONE other than him, a female! She keeps tellin me how she wouldnt be putting up with this shit and how she cant believe that I am and blah blah blah. He gets back into the car and I hang up. He tells me that I'm not in competition with this other girl and winks at me. Right on. So we get back to his house and we chill with everyone. His father comes home and he doesnt introduce me to his father. So I introduce myself. Later on his mother comes home and again he doesnt intorduce me. We leave and go to the mall so he can get something for work. Get back to his house and we're all hanging out playing cards. Time for me to leave, he walks me outside and says he's going to come see me this week. He gives me a half-assed hug and I get into my car. His buddy comes out and makes me laugh and then goes back into the house. I called him Friday (after I had been drinking the entire night) to see what he's doing for the weekend, he says he's chillin with his buddy all weekend. I asked him the other chicks name, and he tells me it's Kim. k, whatever. He tells me I'm drunk and to call him later. Next morning I call him around 12 to see if he wants to chill, he said yeh, but he's got some errands to run, call him in an hour to an hour and a half. So an hour and a half later I call him, he picks up and says he's still doing the errands, give him another half hour. So I call him an hour later, no pick up. I think I called him three times in 3 hours to see if he wanted to chill. Last time I called I left a message, "I thought we were going to chill, guess not." I've been chasing after him for 2 weeks now and everyone and their mom kepts tellin me to leave him. I've decided that I'm done and he has my number if he wants to chill. I thought I was done with all this dating crap though. He was so sweet and everything that I wanted; and he's gone.

failing to describe a feeling

My bitchin life [27 Sep 2004|03:44pm]

[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | Jack Off Jill - My Cat ]

Heh, it's a pun.

So anyway, this is my first time posting. I'm a big idiot, which means it took me forever to learn how to post in a community... Yet I'm part of four, somehow...

Tralala. So. I'm a lesbian! Which sucks very much when you're a highschool freshman loser with no one willing to date you. Today at lunch I met this cute girl named Abby. She had real short hair and looked kind of... err... alternative, and so my silly little daydreaming mind kind of was thinking about her ina love intrest way. And then, of course, I ask someone about her after lunch, and I get... "Yeah, Abby, she's pretty cool. Used to date some guy named Matt."


Does this count as bitching?

My life sucks!

Yup. :D

failing to describe a feeling

[21 Sep 2004|07:57pm]

So I haven't talked to my ex in months. He's off being happy with his new girlfriend, yay. I hate how he still gets to me though. Without even talking to me he finds a way to bring out the worst in me. That's probably my fault, but I wouldn't be so bitter of he hadn't broken a promise. "No matter what, I'll always love you"...yeah, now I know better.

On another note, school is severely stressful. Only my 2nd day and I already want to drop out. But nooo, you can't get anywhere with only a high school education these days. At the end of January when I start at another school I'll probably want to jump into the city traffic. My life as I know it is gone. When I get it back I'll be 20 and I'll be forced to actually DO something.

College people, how do you keep yourself from driving off a cliff?
failing to describe a feeling

[21 Sep 2004|08:42am]

[ mood | angry ]
[ music | You live.. You learn.. ]

this is not about a boy..
just about people in general..
I have a sense of humor that most people lack. And because of this sense of humor sometimes people mainly girls, think I'm dumb. Apparently they don't realize that what I say is mainly in fun. Than they proceed on calling me dumb or stupid. And they don't mean it in a funny way. At first I just shrug it off and say ok.. she didn't mean that. But when its done over and over again its fucking annoying. I'm sick and tired of people, mainly girls, thinking they are so much smarter than I am. at first I just shrug it off and say ok.. she didn't mean that. But when its done over and over again its fucking annoying. Who made you out to be queen of the smart people that you can label who is dumb and who isn't. Fuck.

breathe in 9 years of failing to describe a feeling

aggrivated [20 Sep 2004|10:03pm]

[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Hello....evanescence ]

im chelsea, i live in virginia and i have alot to bitch about, for one, my boyfriend, Jason, he lives in Michigan and its bad enough we never see eachother but he's constantly just ignoring me, its weird cuz he'll go almost a week without getting online and he doesnt call so its a lil weird, for all i know he could be out with his ex-girlfriend stephanie (who i doubt likes me very much) and he sez he loves me and stuff but he doesnt show it so im confused, and he does get on here n there but for like 10 minutes and we're supposed to visit eachother in thanksgivingbut i dont think thats gonna happend...he's always so pre-occupied with other things, hes constantly "hangin out with the guys" but today i asked his friend josh if he knew where he was and he sed no and he sed who is this and i sed jasons girlfriend, chelsea and he sed oh, he never said he has a girlfriend...we've been going out for almost 3 months and thats his best friend so i was a little taken back from that cuz its a little suspiscious, im 16 and hes almost 17 and i know people have things to do but just a phone call saying i love you is good enough!...and it just pisses me off because it feels like he's not even tyring and then wenever im this close to breaking up with him he tells me some stupid lie like my worlds falling apart and im sorry and crap, but i love him to death so i dont know anymore...what do u think i should do ?

breathe in 2 years of failing to describe a feeling

old flame [05 Sep 2004|06:11pm]

[ mood | drained ]

well i guess maybe this is dumb.. but hell.. im dating this amazing guy..that most girls look for but can never ever find.
But to be quite honest.. it seems me to me that i cannot be satisfied. Now i have this ex.. sort of a badboy independant type.. the guy that ive always wanted.. someone with the same beliefs and interests. Also, the is absolutly gorgeous.. not to mention everyone loves him. Anyway. He has always told me that he doesnt like this girl i know. Lets say her name is Betty and his name is Tommy. Tommy Is friends with Betty and i know she has the hotts for him.. Now unfortunatly i cannot do anything about it. Tomy and Myself ....we dated.. now Betty insists that she has dated tommy.. but he wouldnt date her if someone payed her.. Now i never found her attractive and she has a lot of baggage and tommy has said do himself. But still she always speaks to him and just rubs it in my face that she gets to talk to him and that he says things so lovin and wonderful to her.. when i honestly dont give a flying fuck. But u see.. i do. Because even though i may have the most amazing boyfriend.. i still cant get over Tommy.. he is the epitome of what i look for in a guy and i fell hard for him.. Now this little bitch comes along..and loves me like a sister...but i just cant get over the fact that she has my heart in her hands... i just dont know what to do.

breathe in 4 years of failing to describe a feeling

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