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Right now.. I want to tell everyone to go out and get the new Ministry album.. It's ultra impressive! ..Very nice to see 2 albums in such a short amount of time.. Were leary about this one.. but it's REALLY good. I know there was questioning because of Barker leaving .. But.. Yeah.. Wow :)
Go get this album!

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Ministry - No "W"

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Here.. go watch this.. It's pretty cool!!!
(Stolen from [info]mistdragon


Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Donnas - Who invited you

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[info]sorrowblue sent this to me..

For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free", here's an update for you.

Nowadays, 80% of single women are against marriage. Why? …. Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.

Mwahah! How so totally true.

Current Mood: distressed

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Hot glue from the glue gun + thumb.. + hurt.
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Tee hee

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 andshedieds a-winking.
11 cherishs a-calling.
10 divines a-swimming.
9 dmds a-hooting.
8 litswds a-stomping.
7 mechaniks a-swallowing.
6 mercy20s a-sleeping.
5 light orange mistdragons.
4 massaging mysteryriders.
3 Cuban somberadvents.
2 parrot sorrowblues.
And a wednes in a tangerine tree.
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Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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"It's nice to see Paris.. and without the 40 minute download" - Ryan Seacrest on the Billboard awards.
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Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Let it Snow (In my head hehehe)

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Topic on Maury..
"One of these 8 men has to be my baby's father"
.. Why is it.. when one of the guys comes out
and calls her a slut
HE gets booed..
I'm sorry.. but if you're testing 8 men
you ARE a slut!
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Oops.. I just realized I didn't have the "Update time automatically" box checked.. THAT would be why all my posts are dated Saturday November 15th at 2:36pm.
How dumb.
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Sylvia Browne today!!!!!!!!! *dances*

.. Not looking forward to the drive.. my mum is NOT good at highway driving.. but.. SYLVIA BROWNE!!!

Current Mood: excited

User: [info]fyreangel
Name: FyreAngel
Back February 2005