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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Lainy's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
    12:19 am
    I attended my very first Gay and Lesbian Public Event yesterday! Whoo! It was a picnic in one of the city's parks to mark the end of the G&L; Festival that apparently's been going all week that I had no idea about. I'm so out of the loop. Anyhoodle, I went and ate lots of yummy food and was thoroughly amused by the number of stereotypes (I've never seen so many big burly men with teeny weeny little dogs in one place before). So many people showed up, it was great ^_^

    Phew. Been a hot couple of days. Like, I mean really hot. So hot that even I've been bitching about it, and I love hot weather. The first few days weren't so bad, but then the humidity started to creep in and urgh. Not good.

    Been surprisingly sociable the last few days as well. Went to not one, not two, but in fact three parties in the last week. No idea how I managed that, but I still had a good time ^_^ Fun, fun, fun.

    Read the second volume of the Card Captor Sakura manga today. So cute! I desperately want to watch the anime, but I can't seem to download it anywhere, and the only dvds available are the severly edited English versions, which take out all of the fun homoerotic subplot with Yukito and Toyo! So. Annoying. Does anyone know where I might get subtitled Japanese versions? *looks around all hopeful*

    My dvd player on my computer is still being a bitch about regions. Mainly because I haven't really done anything to fix it, but still. A roommate of a friend of mine said he'd help me out with it, but I have to admit I'm slightly suspicious of his ulterior motives, as he's chased after me before. Although that was quite a while ago, so I'm sure I'm probably flattering myself and reading too much into it or something. And he works as a computer technician (at that barn place, [info]frosty! Computer barn? Info barn? Whatever it's called, where Jo got her computer case from and you spent ages dissing the place), so he might know what he's doing. Hmm. I'll probably procrastinate on it a bit longer.

    So jealous of American people parading around with their Harry Potter POA dvds. We don't get ours until Wednesday. Phooey. Although that reminds me, I need to find my receipt to prove that I not only pre-ordered, but that I paid a deposit...


    ...Shit, that's worrying me now. Where the hell did I put it?

    Current Mood: hot
    Current Music: Blue, Angie Hart
    Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
    12:33 pm
    They say I'm devoid of feeling. That's not true; irritation is a feeling.
    I'm procrastinating so horribly. Seriously, I can't believe how badly I am not getting things done. *sigh* I suck.

    Anyhoodle, in direct correlation, some memes! *g*

    Meme 1 )

    Meme 2 )

    Ta-da! Man, I'm so unimaginative. But I did see this wishlist meme in someone else's journal, and I can actually grant one of their wishes, so I'm going to do so. If I can ever get off my lazy arse. *sigh* But whee! Xmas spirit and all that ^_^

    EtaGIP! The quote is from Buffy, and I couldn't resist *g* I wanted to have Hermione say "I didn't mean to", but I couldn't find any decent reaction shots. Ah well, I think it works fine the way it is :)

    Current Mood: optimistic
    Current Music: Blue, Angie Hart
    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    3:54 pm
    Ok, I can't believe that fucking happened. Like, seriously. The final episode of Australian Idol was on last night, right? No biggie - it was due to start at 7:30pm, leaving me plenty of time to watch the show, and then flip to CSI on Channel 9 to watch all new episode of CSI (and omg, wtf was CSI doing on a random Sunday anyway?!). Or so I thought. I didn't actually realise that Idol was going to go for 3 hours. I was taping the whole thing, so I wasn't worried when it got to 8:20pm and the two finalists hadn't even arrived yet. I figured, oh, it must go for more than an hour, no biggie. So I leave tape running and head downstairs to watch CSI, completely forgetting that I had been using the same video to tape things all day.

    Now, it was a 3 hour tape, and I was taping in long play. That still only gives me 6 hours, and I'd been taping things since about 11:30am. Which means that the tape would've given out about 10 minutes after I went downstairs! *sobs* I missed about an hour of footage! A third of the show! I taped all the boring crap at the start, but I missed everything in the middle! *wails* Luckily I was able to get back in time and (after much freaking out and screeching), managed to tape from just before Anthony's final performance onwards. But still. *sosbs*

    I don't suppose anyone else taped it? *looks around hopefully*

    Anyhoodle, on a related tangent, lookit my icon! *bg* It's actually an edited version of the original one I made:

    which was too big for lj to manage, alas. Still, I have an AI icon, yay! <3

    P.S. Meagan )

    Current Mood: distressed
    Current Music: End of the Line (Well, Its Alright)
    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    4:22 pm
    I don't lose. I just choose not to win.
    Ok, now that I have pics out of my system (sorta), I can get on with an actual post *g* Which means, of course, memes!

    First meme )

    Second meme )

    Third meme )

    Phew! Now that that's all well and done, I can bitch about my hand. I split my thumbnail during basketball practice yesterday, and it cains! Like, a hell of a lot. I have it all bandaided up, but I keep forgetting about it and trying to use my thumb and going, omgOUCH! And it's my right thumb as well. Phooey phooey phooey. Stupid world.

    In other news, new CSI on tonight! *dies* Yay! Not that I haven't been enjoying watching reruns of old CSI (omgWarrickandCatherine4eva!), but new CSI is well....new *g* As in, I haven't seen it before, so whee! All new cases, all new crimes and all new subtext! Yay!

    Mini cheezels might very well be the most addictive things on the planet, except for maybe Kool mints - both of which are currently in my possession. I think I might have to appeal to NASA in working out the odds of their survival.

    Current Mood: ditzy
    Current Music: Furture Girls
    2:36 pm
    If boys are so tough, why are they so afraid of knives?
    Ok, I was left at home with a digital camera and nothing to do. What do you think happened? *g*

    Warning: they are many, and they are big. Don't open if you have a slow connection.

    Onward to pic!spam!! )

    Yay! I can play with the digital camera until Thursday, so if anyone has any photo requests, let me know *g*

    Current Mood: productive
    Current Music: Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond
    Monday, November 1st, 2004
    8:32 pm
    GiP! Beautiful icon made by the lovely nigeltde
    snippet )

    Hmm. I was thinking of using that in my (never-ending) lotrps piece. The thoughts of a gaffer, or maybe a sound technician. Just musings though. I don't think I'll ever finish that fic, even though it's one of my favourites. *sigh*

    Halloween was sort of fun, and sort of not. We had lots of yummy food and trashy horror flicks to watch, but ended up doing tequila shots in my room. We finished an entire bottle between the five of us - one of whom only had a single shot. That part was lots of fun and no one was sick or anything, which was good, but it wasn't until nearly everyone had gone home and/or passed out that I discovered one of my friends experiences rather serious anxiety attacks when he's drunk. And seeing I was the only one awake/present, it was up to me to talk him down. He also insisted on talking about quite a few things that I felt should be left alone, which I was just drunk enough to comply with. Lord. I'm not exactly an ideal candidate for someone who deals well with emotions (anything other than happiness, complacency and excitement I'm absolutely clueless to deal with) and so I really can't say how things went. He says he feels a lot better about getting it off his chest, but I know I told him things that he didn't want to hear, not to mention completely screwing up my own mind, but there you go.

    Things are just a mess right now.

    [info]jiffy_spiffy, I've finished your letter babe, but I am stampless right now. I should be able to send it soon though ^_^

    Current Mood: pensive
    Current Music: Yesterday, the Beatles
    Tuesday, October 19th, 2004
    6:08 pm
    You say geek like it's a bad thing
    Gacked from [info]elyciel, an Interests meme )

    Huh. Well, there you go.

    Man, I am so tired. I was up unbelieveably late last night helping my dad with this tender he's been doing, and I am just buggered. I just didn't realise how big this bloody thing was. We still haven't finished, but at least we've managed to do a couple of drafts of the most important sections, I think.

    We took a look at fandom in my Media Literacies lecture today. For those who are interested, it went something like this )

    I was also flummaxed today to learn that Chris Kirkpatrick from Nsync is the voice of Chip Skylark in Fairly Odd Parents! Check it out! I can't believe I never picked it up before! I mean, I've watched that cartoon loads of times, but I didn't notice the name in the credits until today. Man, do I suck.

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: Matinee Idol, Rufus Wainright
    Thursday, October 14th, 2004
    2:22 am
    The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them
    Credit to [info]ellen_drell for the subject line ^_~

    Meme gacked from [info]elyciel because it seems like a good idea at the time...

    Comment and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and make you an icon. You have no say in what I make an icon of! Put this in your journal so I can do the same.

    Gonna be busy this weekend. My dad's re-writing this (terribly, absolutely shockingly written monstrosity, believe me) government document for a mate of his, and he need help typing it all up so he can get it in on time. See, my dad's just like me and leaves everything to last minute - says he works best under pressure *g* Which is a good excuse, if you can get away with it. Anyway, he's going to spend the weekend writing, and me and [info]lamingtonqueen are going to spend it typing up everything. I'm still smarting from when he made me scan the entire 79 pages of the bloody original document, but oh well. At least he's offering compensation this time.

    Fruits Basket manga 5 came into Pulp Fiction Comics (my sort of local) yesterday! *squee* I'm going into town tomorrow to pick it up, because I don't have class. *drools in anticipation* How exciting!

    I can't believe how unco-ordinated I am sometimes. I have a packet of Kool mints (yum!) sitting on my desk right next to me, and yet half the time when I pull one out, I end up flinging it right across the room. *sigh* You'd think that playing sport would help, but nuh uh. Just as bad as ever, thankyouverymuch.

    I read the first in the Deltora Quest books today. It wasn't too bad; I think I'll read some of the others. I doubt I get through all three series though. Yikes. Talk about overkill. But Rodda's always been a bit like that, hasn't she? There are, what? 5 Rowan of Rin books? And that was pretty much a stand alone! Ah well. Each to their own, I suppose.

    Mmmm. Dinner smells really good. It's a mixed blessing having my bedroom directly above the kitchen *g* It also helps explain a lot, I think....

    Current Mood: recumbent
    Current Music: Blaze of Glory, Bon Jovi
    Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
    7:57 pm
    We interrupt this program to annoy you and generally make things very irritating
    Ok, I really should be finishing off my Media Literacies reading log, but I just found out that I missed National Coming Out day. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, late though it is, I thought I'd add My story )

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: I'm No Superman
    12:53 am
    Sneezing was so bad today I took some drugs this morning just to make it stop, and now my head is really heavy. Like, way heavy. I think my brain is trying to fall out of my forehead. It makes thinking rather difficult. Not sneezing any more though!

    It was gloriously hot today - hottest October day in 17 years. *happy sigh*

    My mum comes back from Perth tonight! Yay! She's only been gone a couple of days, but already the house looks kinda trashed. I'm going to try and tidy up a bit before she gets back though, to prove that we can manage cleaning in her absence - even if it doesn't happen to be true.

    Uni woes )

    I have a moral dilema. I have reached an ethical impasse. I find myself....well, you get the idea. See, problem is, I have a list. I have a list of things that I've promised myself that I will never, ever write. Ever. Some because they don't really interest me, but most just on principle. Things like Mary Sues, male pregnancies, serious S&M; between cartoon characters, that kind of thing. But I recently had this idea. This really good idea that I think would be screamingly hilarious if I could pull it off - which I think I can - but the thing is, it involves one of the plot points on my list. None of the above mentioned, but one nonetheless.

    Do I betray my principles, break my promise, and write this potentially amusing story? Or do I take the moral high ground, leave it unwritten, and only snicker to myself occasionally?

    Knowing my luck, the idea's already been done anyway.

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: I Turn to You, Mel C
    Friday, October 8th, 2004
    7:49 am
    I may not be smart enough to know everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything.
    Lord, I had completely forgotten how much I love falling asleep in the sun. I hate winter. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. It's my most hated of all seasons - including spring, and I get terrible hayfever. Which I currently have, incidentally, it being spring and all. Oh, but it's warming up and we've been promised a couple of 30 degree days this coming week, so I'm not complaining at all.

    [info]jiffy_spiffy, I got your letter! Will reply asap ;) Which will probably end up being a month or so down the track *g* [info]c4c I got your postcard too! I can't exactly reply, but I can love you for it none the less *g* I'm rooting for your netball team! Yay! *pompoms*

    I have both good and bad news in relation to my new Teen Titans obsession. The bad news is that my computer has recently begun screwing up, and I think it might have been one of the TT episodes that I downloaded which might have done it. So, in a futile effort to fix the problem, I was forced to delete ALL the episodes I had. Sob. And my computer didn't even fix itself. Pah. I'm going to have to reinstall windows. Again. Fucker. Anyway, the good news is that the show is back on Cartoon Network! Whee! I got some blank tapes this arvo and I'm going to tape every episode that comes on and watch them in good quality! *happy sigh* Only problem is that the show is only on rather early on weekend mornings. But I shall not let this discourage me! I shall prevail! I shall get up at this godawful hour and tape my show, damnit! ....although I'm guessing my determination will hold only a week or two. Or until I'm faced with getting up tomorrow morning. Time will tell. *g*

    I have to vote for our new Prime Minister tomorrow. Man, I don't want either one of them to win. They're both as evil as each other, and I'm scared to put either in charge of my country. Still, I guess it could be worse. We could have America's candidates *eg* No offense to the American buddies on my flist ^_~

    I am SO behind on DH it isn't even funny. I know I should haul my arse over there, but every time I think about it I get a little discouraged by how far behind I am. Can someone give my insecure arse a good kicking, please?

    Current Mood: tired
    Monday, October 4th, 2004
    11:51 am
    Tofu? I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat.
    [info]beizy posted a link to an interesting article regarding Sean Astin's book (found here), which deals with several aspects that never even occured to me. Good read.

    I finally saw all of Life or Something Like it last night. And I have to admit Spoilers )

    I've grown really sick of my icons, and feel like making new ones. Anyone want me to make them something?

    Current Mood: busy
    Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
    4:18 pm
    Eagles may soar on the wind, but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines
    Let the sound be seen,
    Let the colour be heard,
    And let the dead rise.

    Today is a really nice day. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still inside, sitting at my computer, but still. It's a really nice day, which is always.....nice? *g*

    I finished Sean Astin's book! It was really good ^_^ He took a while to get to the Lord of the Ringsy stuff, and he waffled a bit in places, but I guess that's to be expected from a self confessed motor mouth. Plus the early stuff gave a bit of perspective when it came to his experiences in New Zealand, so I'm glad he put them in. I like the man even more than I did before - there was a lot of personality in his writing, which I quite enjoyed. I also saw 50 First Dates the other day, which endeared me even more *g*

    I finished reading Trickster's Queen, the latest Tamora Pierce book too. Love! Love love love love love. I adore the way that woman writes ^_^ It had a number of twists that I didn't see coming (ok, well, maybe only one), which is usually not her style, seeing as she writes children's books and not murder mysteries, but still. I was surprised to learn that the book was the end of the series (can I call it a series if there's only two?), but read in the acknowledgements in the back it was because Pierce realised that she could condense the story into two bigger volumes rather than the smaller four volumes (which she has done for every single other series she's written), thanks to J. K. Rowling showing her that American kids don't mind reading bigger books. So there you are ^_^

    Has anyone noticed that you can't reply to lj comments from emails anymore? It's kinda annoying, because I am, was and always will be a rather lazy person, and my easiest method of reply has been stripped from me. Phooey.

    Finally got around to seeing the last Monty Python movie, The Meaning of Life last night. So. Funny. The part where the autumn leaf jumps off the tree? Couldn't stop laughing to save my life. Which, ok, sounds weird when taken out of context, but still true. Holy Grail is still my fav though ^_~

    Btw, that little stanza thing at the start of the post is just something that popped into my head the other day. *shrugs* I don't know, either.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: The Galaxy Song, Monty Python
    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    4:07 pm
    Due to lack of interest, tomorrow has been cancelled
    Ok, so I went to the movies today to go and see Alien vs Predator which, yes, I did just see recently on vcd but the quality wasn't that good, and I wanted to see it again anyways. So we get to the theatre, only to realise that the session we were going to see actually started a good half an hour after we thought it did (plus we got there early 'cos its the first session of the first day showing, as well as being the school holidays). So to kill time we decide to buy our tickets and head down to the bookstore down the road. And this is where omg I bought Sean Astin's book and Legends 2!! *dies*

    Most of you know about the Behind-the-Lord-of-the-Rings book Sean Astin wrote recently, but Legends 2 is this book that I've been wanting absolutely FOREVER - its a collection of short stories by the best fantasy authors in the business, including Anne McCaffrey, Neil Gaiman, Robin Hobb, Raymond E Feist and George R R Martin. I've been lusting after it ever since I first saw it, but I never had enough money, and then when I did, the damn thing went into reprint and all copies in every single bookstore were recalled! And now I finally have it *sniffs* It's just so beautiful.

    Ooooh, and also my sis, [info]lamingtonqueen bought the sequal to Trickster's Choice, Trickster's Queen, which was actually due to come out next month and that I have also been dying to read.

    So, yes. Probably not going to be online much in the next couple of days. ^_~

    Current Mood: excited
    Wednesday, September 29th, 2004
    1:50 pm
    Ignorant? Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word!
    And then the Nutella said unto the Lainy "Eat me! For I am full of hazelnut chocolatey goodness, and will bring bliss into thy life!" And so the Lainy took up the Nutella and ate it, and lo! it was really really good, and so she ate too much and felt sick.

    *sigh* When they were handing out self restraint, I think I accidentally lined up twice for addictive personality.

    In other news, am feeling much better ^_^ Although I got so sick of having a blocked nose that I rubbed some Vicks onto my chest, and now I feel about 5 years old. And smell like Eucalyptus. And am not wearing a shirt because it sticks to my chest. *hides behind a towel*

    GiP! <3 It's Raven from Teen Titans for those of you who don't know ^_^ I think I'm dangerously close to adding another fandom to my list. Downloading the episodes, making icons, watching music videos....*sigh* It's only a matter of time before I accept my fate.

    Um. I swear I had other things to say, but for the life of me I can't remember what they were. Oh well.

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: Secret Agent Man, Weird Al
    Monday, September 27th, 2004
    8:32 pm
    Its up to you & me, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help these people overcome their sanity
    I made two iconses today. The first one is of Ron, because I don't have enough Harry Potter icons, damnit!

    The quote is from an anime called Naruto (which is all about ninjas and is way more awesome than it has a right to be), said by Kakashi, who completely rocks my socks. ^_^ I think the quote lost something in translation, but I took it to mean that there are people with courage, and that the people below them are nothing. I guess it's open to interpretation though.

    This second one took me forever to do; there are 75 different pictures in that icon, thankyouverymuch. I thought the graphic would end up being way huge, but it's not. Go figure. Anyway, the idea and the logo belong to AMV.org (The best site ever to download any anime music videos you want). It's actually a banner at the site that I had the brilliant idea of making into an icon, but it turned out to be much more difficult then I anticipated. I wanted the logo to fade in like it did in the banner, but such special effects seem to be beyond my knowledge of ImageReady. *sigh*

    ETA Otaku are anime fans, by the way.

    Current Mood: blah
    3:11 pm
    If you want to make a pie from scratch, you must start by creating the universe.
    Whoa. New update page. *gets all disoriented*

    Anyways, just got my internet back from it's broken state (me and my mum fixed it all on our computer illiterate lonesome! I'm so proud of us *g*) and have a couple of days of flist to catch up on. I think I might be a bit slack in that regard.

    Couple of things I want to post about. First off, LAN at my place on Sat/Sun was a blast! I think most people had a good time, even if everyone was not exactly using computers throughout the duration. I swear, my bunch of friends are the only people who'd drag their computers over to a LAN and end up playing board games and watching movies on telly. I'm so lucky XD

    This is so cool. I want it. I would wear it forevermore. *g*

    Urgh. Nasty virus/cold thing has come back with a vengence. Nose is completely blocked and I've lost most of my voice. Again. It seems every time I get sick my voice gives out on me. Quitter!

    I watched a couple of episodes of Teen Titans that I downloaded, and I was slightly surprised by how much I enjoyed them. The show was funnier than I was expecting, and I quite liked it. It's like this weird blending of western comics and anime style that shouldn't work, but really does. Of course, I could be all alone in my opinion - the show does have it's obligatory cheesy moments, after all - but there you are. I'm going to download more episodes ^_^

    GIP! Who likes my new icon? I do! I can't believe I don't have any OC icons. How much do I suck? The quote is from an online comic called Penny Arcade.

    Oh, and [info]jiffy_spiffy, look! I made an icon just for us! And ok, it's really shitty, but it's the thought that counts, right? *g*

    Current Mood: sick
    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    7:14 pm
    I don't really enjoy sex. I just say I do to get women to sleep with me
    Ok, if I see that "Page cannot be Displayed" screen one more time, I'm going to scream. My internet connection has been really shitty lately, and it's really starting to get to me. Every time I find myself holding my breath and preparing to throw my computer out the window, I stop, turn it off and grab a book to read. Hence the reason I haven't really been online much except to update. Sorry people.

    In other, less frustrating news, DH is SO much fun! Everyone lookit my new battery! *bg* It's so preeetty ^_^

    New Patricia Cornwell book out. Whee!

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Hard Days Night, the Beatles
    Thursday, September 16th, 2004
    8:57 pm
    I can't remember if I'm the good twin, or the evil one
    Everyone should seriously check this out. It's an lj post where this woman has posted a whole bunch of Lord of the Rings songs that she played on her harp. They're really beautiful, and you should check her out.

    Current Mood: impressed
    4:24 pm
    If I had emotions, I would tell you to shut up because you're annoying the hell out of me
    Ok, it's quite possible that I've over-dosed on Violet Crumbles, so if this post doesn't make much sense it's because I'm drowning internally in chocolate and honeycomb, k?

    Magical Trevor is just about the best thing ever. He is followed rather closely by Kenya. Don't know what I'm talking about? Haul your arse over there and look! They're so funny! <3

    Gacked from just about everyone on my flist, was this meme )

    You can do it if you like, but I don't mind ^_^ No pressure!

    I GOT MY TAX RETURN BACK TODAY! *does a little happy dance of victory* Unfortunately it came in the form of a cheque, so I have to wait three working days for it to clear before I can spend all of my moola. Still, whee! And it's holidays now! I am on holidays as of 3pm this afternoon, so I have free time and lots of moneys. *rubs hands together Mr Burns style* Eeeexcellent.

    Anyone know what Rosh Hashanah is? According to my Harry Potter calender, that's what today is. *Oz like Huh*. Well, there you go.

    We talked about the up coming election in State, Power and Society today (funny about that). Everyone agrees that John Howard is a tosser, but not everyone is sure about Latham yet either, so we ended up just discussing each party's policies and comparing them to policies of the past. Then we discussed the social values and developments that implemented the changes. It was kind of interesting really, and I hate politics.

    There have been some awesome recs over at [info]crack_van recently. Leik, whoa. o.O

    My favs have been... )

    Current Mood: hyper
    Current Music: Magical Trevor
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