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The Odd Man Out

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[Nov. 30th, 2004|10:41 pm]
Oh man... Uller sent me a message earlier this evening, and he's pretty much got me talked into playing World of Warcraft. I wasn't particularly interested in it prolly because it seemed too hyped, but after hearing about it and actually reading up on the site... it sounds damn fun. Plus, it seems like something that doesn't require so much grinding as EQ did.

Alright, so I've got school stuff to wrap up tomorrow (almost done with the quarter, finally), then thursday I'll go pick up a copy between classes, if there are copies available. I should call up to work tomorrow and see how our in stock is.
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[Nov. 30th, 2004|12:51 am]
[The following auditory stimulus has been rated EC-10 |Alkaline Trio - Armageddon]

Oh man, such a sap... and such a slacker. There was a Boy Meets World marathon on a while back, and some of the best episodes of course. Bleh. I need to go do my final... it is due by noon after all, and I still need to sleep, shower, and eat all by 7am. *grumbles*

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[Nov. 27th, 2004|02:58 am]
So I've been thinking lately that law school could be interesting and useful at some point. In my brief research, I've found that some universities actually offer a joint graduate program which infers both a J.D. (law degree) and an M.A. in Political Science over the course of about 3-4 years instead of the normal 3 for the JD and 2 for the MA. This is something I'll have to think about over the course of my undergraduate studies.

The thing about law school is that I doubt I'd be inclined after graduation to take the bar and actually practice law. The idea isn't entirely unappealing, but it just doesn't sound like something that I would want to do on a daily basis. However, it does seem that whatever other of my preferred options I pursue, a law degree could come in handy in ways other than simply practicing law. Who knows... many things can and likely will change in the next few years. I may decide one day that I really would like to be a lawyer, or I may decide that law doesn't really interest me at all. Despite the potential for either of thsoe outcomes, my money is on some middle-ground.

Speaking of all this... did anyone happen to notice when I suddenly got ambitious? It's been catching me off guard.

On a side note... it just hit me that if I follow through with what I am currently pondering, I'll hold at least 5 degrees: an A.A., a B.A., a J.D., an M.A., and a Ph.D.

Two of those are doctorates. Damn. I wonder if my eyes may in fact be bigger than my stomach, so to speak. Only time will tell. There is one thing I know for sure... Whatever I decide to do, I will find a way to make it happen.
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[Nov. 26th, 2004|03:08 am]
Hot damn, so apparently not only does the new n-gage not suck so much, but T-mobile is offering them free with activation now, and this squad based strategy multiplayer looks hot. I wish I wasn't on a 2 year contract with verizon. *grumbles* It's too bad verizon doesn't support the n-gage.
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[Nov. 25th, 2004|04:37 am]
I think I need to watch The Big Lebowski again. It's been years and years since I've seen it. Also, Tom reccommended the series Firefly to me today, so I'm gonna get that from blockbuster. Sounds like good times.

Ugh. I need to get to sleep. I've got a take-home final to do after I get up.
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[Nov. 24th, 2004|01:30 am]
Bleh, I've only got almost 4 pages. I need 6-7. *grumbles* I've already said what I need to say. Stupid length requirements. Someone in my class is actually writing their final essay on why college essays shouldn't have length requirements. *grins*

Eh well, this is just my peer draft... I'll go ahead and get some sleep, review it in the morning, then prolly just send it as-is. I've got until Thursday the 2nd to have it in final draft form.
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Something I should have done long ago. [Nov. 23rd, 2004|10:51 pm]
You met me at a very strange time in my life...

There are things that used to make me smile
One of them was you for just a little while
You left me for dead so far away
I replaced you with fear and shame
You’ll be happy on the day I die
There are things that used to make me laugh
But now they’re deeply buried in the past
I left them there so far away
Replaced my humor with my pain
I’ll be happy on the day it dies
Remember when I said I love you
Well forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
There are things that used to make you cry
One of them was me for just a little while
Why is it that you had to say
Goodbye in your special way

Sometimes there are things that just need to be said, but you don't even know it until you say them. It feels good to get those unknowns off your chest on the rare occasion that it happens.
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[Nov. 23rd, 2004|10:07 pm]
Alright. It's 10pm, I've got 3 books and at least one online source for my essay. I need to be done by about noon tomorrow. 7 pages, double spaced, with works cited. Shouldn't be that hard. Here goes.

Wait, I need to eat some dinner first. Let the procrastination begin!
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[Nov. 23rd, 2004|12:28 pm]
Alright... I lived through English. I wasn't the only one who showed up without a peer draft, and I made arrangements to e-mail my draft to both of my peer editing partners as well as our professor tomorrow so they can edit them over the weekend. Now I just need to type up my 7 pages tonight and tomorrow. I've got a topic now that I think I can actually get 7 pages out of without hitting a block. I'm going to explain why hate speech should be protected by the first amendment. I've got 3 bound sources in hand plus at least one source from CQ Researcher, so I should be set.

I'm supposed to hang out with Tom tomorrow since he's in town for Thanksgiving... I suppose that means I need to finish my paper earlyish.

The quarter is almost over, I can't wait. It just feels like things are taking a damn long time to wrap up. I think next quarter I'm going to not take english 102. I'll just take soc 101, posc 101, and math 090, then I can take engl 102 in the spring or something.
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[Nov. 23rd, 2004|07:06 am]
And the gods grew quite scared
of our strength and defiance
and Thor said, "I'm gonna kill em all with my hammer,
like I killed the giants."
But Zeus said, "No, you better let me
use my lightning like scissors
like I cut the legs off the whales
and dinosaurs into lizzards"
and then he grabbed up some bolts
he let out a laugh
said, "I'll split them right down the middle...
gonna cut 'em right up in half"
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[Nov. 23rd, 2004|06:36 am]
[The following auditory stimulus has been rated EC-10 |Eels - Mr Es Beautiful Blues]

Because, you know... it's not like I should be getting ready to leave for school or anything. heh. )

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[Nov. 22nd, 2004|07:11 pm]
I'm so screwed. Peer draft is due tomorrow, and I keep hitting writers block. I've tried 4 topics in the past few hours, and I've got stuck on every one somewhere between 3 paragraphs and 2 pages into it. I feel like I'm taking a math test, no matter how hard I try... it's just not working. Fucking hell. I wonder what my grade would be if I just don't do a final essay. hah. I've technically got until Dec 2nd to finish it, but the Peer Drafts are due tomorrow, so if I don't have something for peer review, I'll lose at least part of my grade for sure.

I think I'm done trying for tonight. I need to get my photos together for a critique tomorrow and relax some before my head asplode. I guess I just won't do a peer draft. I'll just explain to her the problem I'm having, and hopefully I can make this happen sometime over the next week. Anxiety attacks suck.
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[Nov. 22nd, 2004|02:44 pm]
My procrastination has finally caught up with me. My 7 page final essay for english is due in the morning and I still haven't decided on a topic. *grumbles* Every topic that I've tried either requires much much more than 7 pages to argue, requires much more research than was possible (especially now that I'm down to the wire, heh), and/or would be difficult to argue in a formal manner.

In any case... enough excuses. I need a topic and fast. I have class at 8am, and I need to sleep tonight at some point. *ponders*
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[Nov. 18th, 2004|06:09 am]
Oh, heh. Good news-- I was lying about the 1 page paper. That's one less thing to worry about this morning. Now if only my head would stop hurting.

I really should go to english at least to get my last essay back... I wanna know what she had to say about it. Perhaps I could just get my essay back and then leave early to come home and sleep. If I do that. I might even be able to manage like 6 hours of sleep before my math class. That sounds promising.
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[Nov. 18th, 2004|05:59 am]
I make some of the worst choices. The thing is, I know how bad they are before I make them. I just... make them anyway.

So I haven't slept yet... because I was up all night over at Bill's playing Halo 2. In about an hour I need to leave for my photo class where I have a critique to do, then I have an hour and a half break where I'll need to type a 1pg essay which is due in my next class... then luckily I have a huge break, so maybe I can wander home and get 3 or 4 hours of sleep before I go back to clark for my next to last test in math.

Ugh, I really need to get working on my final essay, too... cause the peer draft will be due on tuesday.

I really should stop procrastinating and whatnot. I almost always know full well when I'm doing it. In fact pretty much every case is one where I make a conscious effort to delay doing whatever assignment I need to do.

Anyway, I went and saw Revenge of Me at a bar uptown, and they were rockin. It's kinda weird, even in such a small venue, when you know two of the guys on stage. I mean, prolly half or more of the people in the bar knew at least 2 of the 4 guys, but still. I dunno. Maybe it's just me. heh. In any case, they were good.
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[Nov. 16th, 2004|09:43 am]
As was expected, Bush has nominated Rice for the Secretary of State position.

An unrelated link for my own reference at a later time.
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[Nov. 16th, 2004|07:02 am]
Oh man, happy day. Tom Ridge has joined the list of resignees. Of course some schmuck who is likely as bad or worse will replace him. Bleh.
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[Nov. 16th, 2004|01:36 am]
Jesus christ. Could my College Success class be any more annoying? Spending 3+ hours taking and rewriting notes in various forms simply for the sake of taking notes and rewriting them (that's the assignment, to demonstrate various ways to take notes) is NOT my idea of fun or even interesting. Mind maps can kiss my ass, and cornell method is unnecessary. My full page notes will do just fine, thanks.

I think I'm just not going to finish this note taking assignment. I've got damn near a perfect grade... maybe 96% just to guess. Let's see... this assignment is worth 200 points out of a total of 1500. Assuming I get an A on the final, which I should... I'd be at about (200/1500=13%, say 95% minus 13% = 82%) So what's that, a B- or a B? I think I can accept that.

Well, I think I'll go get some sleep instead of spending the entire night trying to make this mind map. *shakes head in disgust*

Oh, and I think I need to get a thumb drive and a printer when I get financial aid next quarter. Definitely the thumb drive, I'm thinking about the printer tho.
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[Nov. 15th, 2004|12:11 pm]
Best. Strongbad. Ever.

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[Nov. 15th, 2004|09:20 am]
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Education Secretary Rod Paige and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham resigned too. Damn. Where will it end?
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