defuse-me's journal

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Friday, January 4th, 2002
10:44 pm - fdhfdh

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Tuesday, May 1st, 2001
10:21 pm - crapping on
well i cant upload the pics i took today cause tripod decided to screw up on me.
first day back at school, the only think that anoys me is the work load. i think im getting good at buliding up walls so the people that piss me off dont annoy me.
michael is a legend cause he gave me his chips when i was really hurgry, and nick gave me a gob stopper. i wont scab food off people tommorow.
i went to jos house in the afternoon. rice came and stayed for a bit to but i stayed for ages and just talked to jo, in the the chairs like old times heh.
jo how do you know i like anyone mabye im just lying. jo ill tell you if i decide i like this person. i swear ill return your cd thursday so sorry :S.
well i cant go to the coldplay concert cause they were all sold out grrr (why did they have to get popular not fair) and i cant go to frenzal rhomb cause we are going on a trip. geez help i have to see a show before i go nuts.
well too late as ben would say.
ok ill stop crapping on now.

current mood: lazy
current music: country leaver - dandy warhols (one of jo's favs)

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Monday, April 30th, 2001
9:39 pm
schools tommorow, i think i speack for everyone when i say AHHHH!
also i have done something to my neack and it REALLY hurts i can turn it to the left without excrusating pain. owch!!!!

current mood: sore
current music: resin dogs - jazz crime

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Sunday, April 29th, 2001
10:50 pm
hehe still updating.
i slept in a lot which was atupid of me.
the day after tommorow is school ahhh help, i mean yes.
why is it i almost look forward to school when im away for a while, i must forget about all the bad things.
its probably like when your remembering back to fun times you forget all the crappyness. heh.
im going to talk to ben now. we arent fighting, its nice to have a change

current mood: okay
current music: powderfinger - like a dog

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Saturday, April 28th, 2001
11:54 am - justins party
i put some more misc pics on my page have a look at them if ya want.
well i had fun, hmm mabye not much to do with the actual party we didnt really partake in the party and the dancing etc, since jo, ben and i hate dancing and really arent into that type of music.
jo, ben and i just hung out and talked. and i scared ben heh, i dont talk to bins on a regular basis ben its just, well you thought it was a person at first too.
and those things really did look like bloody crocodiles.
there was lots of gate crashers aparently, but um we werent at the house most of the time we sat on the beach and the rocks and talked.
oh and not that justin reads this but...happy 16th b'day, you are an old fart like me now...feel any diffrent?
well today i plan on doing nothing much. just resting and such.

current mood: good
current music: Jo's dandy warhols cd

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Thursday, April 26th, 2001
8:10 pm - jo? please?
we finally got my digi cam to work so i took some pics aroung the house have a look
today was good we went to the city and took quite a few things back and got refunded, mum had this cd she swapped for an older one.
i went to the dentist first, phew i don't have any holes, for once. he used the crinder thing and cleaned em though. my dentist is the coolest hes heaps nice and not scary like the one i used to go to.
so then we took the train to geourge st. and did some shopping around there.
there was one place in the city that was heaps cool i got all these calenders and shit so yea.
i bought jo the coolest thing, i was going to go over to her house but she felt anti social, but i dont blame her i feel like that quite often too.
talked to her on the phone, she doesnt want to go to frenzal rhomb concert, its 15 bucks dammit.
JO: pleeeaaaseeee go with me to justins party tommorow k? you can stay over after so...yea

current mood: okay

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Wednesday, April 25th, 2001
10:02 pm - yey
well i finally put those pics up of jo and i on my page cheack em out
so yea erm i slept in today even though i promised myself yesterday i wouldent. but then it was in the name of a good cause, kicking bens ass (see previous entry).
but i did get a bit done, i went and got the seedlings i needed for my science experiment (yay the thrill of it all :P) and bodil and her kids came with us and benjamin played on the eqipment and oscar slept...too cute.
i also talked on the phone today with sam and jo.
and got my party invitation from justin but when i tryed to talk to him on msn he ignored me hmm.
well justin im coming. jo you just have to come!
and sam said she could go to the coldplay concert with me yey!
also my digi can seems to be working now for some reason. it must have been those two sets of batterys that were no good :S.
well im gonna be talking stacks of pics.
also its anzac day (i think :S) so lets take some time to remeber the people that fought for us in the war.
peace man.
oww look what i just found:
Frenzal Rhomb Manly Youth Centre , Manly 12-05-2001 , 8pm - 12am $15 All Ages (crap, cool!) sam? jo? interested?

current mood: happy
current music: the fauves- celebrate the failure

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5:06 am - VICTORY!

ben tryed his very hardest at beating me at my own game.
he said he was sure he'd win and that there would be no way i could.
you thought i was weak? HAH i'll always win dont even bother next time, good try though for the average person.
go me go me!
rubbing it in a bit am i? well you were rubbing it in about how you were going to win ben.
so mwhahahaha. the champ, the goddess of the night.
im done being a bad sport and boosting my ego.
jolly good show old chap :P

current mood: victorious

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Tuesday, April 24th, 2001
11:20 pm

yes dont i look charming? i think so.
tommorow i have to do a whole lot of boring crap clean room get read for school (yelp) do a stupid boring science progect send some cards off a bla bla.
i sure have a talent at being lazy, mum has kindly pointed this out about a million times today. well tommorow no procrastination, im getting on my bum and yea.
i really dont want to write another entry in here saying, oh erm i didnt get any of that stuff done ugh.
i think i need some modivation. a reward? i seems easier just rewarding myself for being lazy.
yea i slep in sooo late today, froze my ass off talked to sam on the phone for AGES and then went to pick up my digi cam (see previous entry).
also i need to stop losing all my friends.
jo im sowy, justin we disagree with each ohter on practically everything but cant we just get aloung? heh. not that they would read this. no one does, hello me hehe.

current music: the living end - prisoner of society

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6:42 pm - grrawfuuuuuuuuckrrrrrrrrrrrr
grrrr!! have you ever been so annoyed you just want to yell and breack a million things? thought so well me to
the story of my extreame annoyance:
i have a digital camrea, i really like this carema. a button on it breacks so i take it for repair, 3 weeks i despreatly wait and wait just so they can fix one stupid button. i miss 3 importaint events that a camera was needed in
FINALLY i get it back.
i am overjoyed till i realise it is more brocken now than it was when i put it up for repair and now i cant even take a photo with it.

current mood: pissed off

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3:42 pm

home alone once again :).
havent been doing much cause i slept in so late, sam called and i talked to her for quite a while, ate some food etc.
bla i have so much to do but i just cant be stuffed

current mood: okay
current music: motor ace - death defy

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Monday, April 23rd, 2001
11:14 pm
"When i'm alone and the world is a fist, I am weightless
a universe, gravitate, orchestrate, I am fearless
and spin, the sky surrounding free from all the picture perfect"-the verve pipe

current mood: content

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5:52 pm
today was good, cause jo was over.
we took some photos and stuff and then we went to the shops we looked everywhere, supprisingly i didnt bhy a stck of junkfood today from frankies like i normally do. we spent ages at the book shop and yea.
then as i was sayinbg buy to jo i saw michael so i didnt have to walk home alone yey, heh he spilled all the slushy drink everywhere.
then on our way home we saw richard who was on his bike...hmm, which was funny he was trying to get rice to give him a movie ticket free...anyway erm enough on that hehe.
so yea that was my day, tripod is screwing up so i cant upload the pics me and jo took with my web cam, heh oh well mabye later

current mood: happy
current music: spiderbait - dinner time

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3:16 pm - jos over


current mood: amused

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2:03 am
why cant i be tierd like humans can?
ive done jack all lately...which explains my insane amount of posting.
lifes fun when ur a loser hehe.
im happy are you?

not tierd...see ben?

current mood: cheerful
current music: able - one i want

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Sunday, April 22nd, 2001
7:32 pm - hehum

the presidents...have a new cd out
jessi's ver 2 of noah and darci is finished
yey x2

current mood: dorky
current music: drums and tuba - green shirt

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4:05 pm
i updated my page? are you proud? now it has a drop down menu yey the fasination.
anyway, today i woke up late so i couldent go to the city DAM.
i had a yummy breackfast involving lots of nuttela. then i watched some daytime movie bout an old lady going to paris and yea, it was corny but entertaining.
then jo called while the end was on so i talked to
her for a while shes coming over tommorow, so i wont be alone yey!

current mood: okay
current music: the fauves - give up your day job

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Saturday, April 21st, 2001
9:06 pm
today was pretty good, we went to the city and i had this photo shot thinggy. they put stacks of makeup on my, eek im not used to that.
i have to take my doc martains back because they screwd the sewing up on them so annoying.
i bought more cloths, geez i have a real obsession with cloths at the moment hmmm.
ugh cant belive half of the holidays are already gone.
mums all worried about me she says i have an "unheathy life style" very annoying dont want to go into that.

current mood: uncomfortable
current music: save ferris- spam

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1:59 pm
its gonna be a shit day. save me.
live journal, i entered my email adress and u said you send me and email...i did this about 5 times. i havent recived an email so i can confirm my usage and continue to use livejournal.
would it kill you to send me the bloody email?

current mood: pissed off

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3:24 am - i won!
i won again ben! hahah just reminding you im the champ.

defuse me! says:
cause u can think of something better
defuse me! says:
ur the second best
|3 e n says:
not at 3:30 in the morning
|3 e n says:

current mood: geeky
current music: spiderbait mix

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