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the very last entry [31 Dec 2002|03:20pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | a respectful silence ]

and so ends my lovely run as farfie. *taps plays mournfully in the background*

the other day, i looked back upon my banal, ponderous, dull journal and decided i needed a fresh beginning. and so i made a new journal. the new name is: [info]cookingmurasaki.

please add me back if you still love me. :D

it's not really a big thing, i'm just going to pick up where i left off.

farewell, farfie.

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the very last entry [31 Dec 2002|03:17pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | a respectful silence ]

and so ends my lovely run as farfie. *taps plays mournfully in the background*

i don't know why, but the other day, i looked back on my ponderous, banal, dull journal and i decided that i needed a new beginning. and so i made a new journal.

my new name is: [info]cookingmurasaki. please add me back if you still love me. *smile*

it's not a big thing, i'll just pick up where i left off.

farewell, farfie.

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about yesterday [31 Dec 2002|12:14pm]
[ mood | crampy ]
[ music | OK Go - You're So Damn Hot ]

okay, why is my winamp being evol to me? *sobsob*

this will be one of my last entries, i think, in here. yep. starting new journal. ahhhh, fresh start. good stuff.

went over to kaci's yesterday. hung around, she had a driving lesson, so i just sat in her room an watched the third volume of utena while she was gone. fun! i want the 4th volume to come out NOW. so she can get it, and then i can borrow it, and watch it on my dvd player i'm going to buy myself soon!

we traded gifts, i got her an h.r. giger calendar, and two cute little fantasy-type figureines, a wizard and a dragon. she got me a guster shirt and a guster patch! WOO! i luff them. i'm wearing my shirt right now, even though i really really need to go bathe. *grin* i don't know HOW my hair got as greasy as it is... *sigh*

she went to her lesson, then she came back, and we started to watch battle royale, a japanese movie in which some 9th year students are dropped off on an island and expected to kill each other off. it was funneh. actually, a very very nice movie over-all. i probably shouldn't have found it as funny as i did. ^^ and then robert called, saying he was coming over soon, so he came. we didn't see the end of BR, but we re-started watching from the beginning for robert's sake. i didn't mind at all, so many nummy japanese boys and girls. mm. the main guy especially... *spontaneous orgasm*

so we watched that. we got kinda interrupted, because robert and i kept talking and annoying kaci and feeling each other up (kaci included). :D t'was funneh. i was incredibly stupid last night for some reason. *shakes head* ah well. i guess i'll live. i kept missing plot points and such and so on. good thing i can laugh at myself. a lot. *gigglesnort*

we finally finished watching BR, it was rather good. oh, and i gave robert his present, the jay and silent bob strike back dvd. he enjoyed it, yaay! we were going to put it in and watch some of it on kaci's computer... but it kinda... ate it. we tried to get the disc to eject, but it didn't for the longest time. we had almost given up, just when robert said 'inu yasha!' because he saw that kaci had some inu yasha music.

the drive opened immediately.

i suppose it's like the password, kaci will have to remember that from now on. i wonder what my super-secret-cool cdrom drive password is? *pout*

we gave up on watching jay and silent bob, so we just hung out. i spilled some dirt from a catus onto kaci's bed, and caught robert trying to pop a pimple in the mirror. very amusing, he looked so guilty. he also witnessed me bopping my head around happily to taco's 'puttin' on the ritz', and burst into peals of hysterical laughter at me. he also burst into peals of hysterical laughter when witnessing me doing the cabbage patch happily. i can't imagine why. *ponder*

anyway, it was fun, we had fun, and many nice group hugs. i'm seriously plotting to steal some article of robert's clothing just to smell it. or... just his cologne, whatever works.

he left around 12, and then kaci and i watched gravitation for a while, and then i decided it was timet o go to bed around, oh say... 2am. and so we slept. i awoke pretty early and called mom to come pick me up, and she did. then we went to kroger, of all godforsaken places, and they wouldn't take our out-of-state check, damn them.

and now i'm here! kaci and i need to figure out when the new years eve party is soon, i suppose, *snicker* and i'm off to bathe!! WOO!

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hm [30 Dec 2002|11:11am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Jack Off Jill - Strawberry Gashes ]

i think i want to start a new journal. i need a new beginning.

dammit, i wish i had an lj code. *looks around imploringly*

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i guess i should say... [30 Dec 2002|09:27am]
uhm, hi! i'm back! quick message...

but now i have to go clean my room. ><

will write more later. :D
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farewell, farewell [21 Dec 2002|08:40pm]
so tomorrow morning, early, i'm off to georgia. i'll be back around the 27th or 28th, mom says, but we're not completely sure. it could fluctuate.

*waves goodbye*
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omafuckin'GOD (and i don't say that very often!) [20 Dec 2002|09:56pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | David Bowie - Suffragette City ]

i had SUCH a good time at brittany's party it's not even funny.

i'll have to collect my thoughts and regroup and such and write later.

i got the best of bowie cd from robert! (which i am listening to at this very moment!) and yummay smelly-goody-aromatherapy-stuff from brittany and carrie!! i feel so loved.

i got to sit around and just talk to people and bond! my favourite thing in the world to do!

i got the most adorable picture of brittany! and i didn't fall asleep! mmmcaffeinekeepsmesane. mmmmmmgoodstuff. such a good night. SUCH a good night.

also: earlier today i got a letter from jessica and a present from lauren c, a friend from ga. it's a lovely nice journal that's all pretty. actually, it's too pretty to write in. i dunno what i'll do with it. it's one of those ones where you don't feel right writing in it unless you're using a fountain pen and recalling hopelessly romantic scenes in venice, or the like.

my god, i love the christmas spirit.

EDIT: oooh, 400th post. *dance*
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AHAHAHAH! i'm famous! [20 Dec 2002|04:36pm]
[ mood | energetic ]

FBI: Six Dead Not Really 'Mass' Murder
WASHINGTON, DC—Addressing reporters about the ritual slaying of six cheerleaders at a Frankfort, KY, high school, FBI director Robert Mueller clarified that the body count does not seem high enough to qualify as "mass" murder. "I don't know if there's an official minimum, but I always imagined 'mass' was more like 15 or 20," Mueller said. "Charles Whitman, now there was a mass murderer." Mueller added that in spite of their modest scale, the killings "were still pretty bad."

*falls over* i just... i... *gasps for breath* AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

frankfort is on theonion.com!! i... i guess this is funnier to me since i go to a frankfort, ky high school. and the fact that i know some cheerleaders. *gigglesnort* i feel all famous, or something, now.

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i'm a sick, sick girl. [20 Dec 2002|12:37pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry ]

now before you all roll yours eyes and say to me 'duh! we know that you're a sick sick girl!', i must clarify. i am physically sick.

of course, that's pretty much common. only usually not this bad. i've had a sore throat for about a week, and it won't go away. (i've also been screening numerous comments about oral sex for the past week... any correlation? i think so.) my sinuses are all stopped up and nasty and they keep draining. i woke up a few times last night because i couldn't breathe properly the way i was positioned. and now i've developed a cough. i feel like shit, dear friends.

also, i'm not sure, but i think i made a phone call in my sleep last night. *looks around* before i went to sleep, the phone was on my floor, where i usually toss it after hanging up. i get up this morning and it's hung up on my phone cradle in the computer room. i asked mom about it, and she said she wasn't up at all last night. dammit.

on a happier note, today is brittany's party! i got a forwarded e-mail from kaci, and i don't recognize three of the e-mail addresses on there. i wonder if they're scary people? ah, probably not, if they're friends with brittany. anywho, i'm looking forward to that. should be lots o' fun.

i've been working on a website sporadically for the past month or so, and it's nearing its publication stage. i'm proud. i think it's rather nice. still need to add more stuff, though. kaci and i have also been toying with the idea of buying a domain together, to do with as we wished, and i hope that works out, because that would be very awesome.

i still want to go to poor richard's to get presents for people. i mean, come on, mom, it's only two days til we leave for georgia! my god, i wish i could drive.

oh yeah. georgia trip in two days! i'm excited. we'll probably start packing tomorrow. at least, we should, anyway. she's still not sure what time of day we're taking off... i wish she'd make up her mind. *frown* but yeah. i can't wait to see everyone... i'm going to bring 18 rolls of film and use them all! okay, maybe not 18, but you get the picture. i just hope mom isn't a raging bitch when we get down there, like i have the feeling she will be.

i need to find something to do until around 4:30. why is my life so dull? *whine complain bitch*

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i'm trapped in my house and i can't get out [19 Dec 2002|09:38am]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | Guster - Rocketship ]

i want to get out and do something today. i want mom to take me to the library. we have books that are overdue, and i want to get some more books. (but why? i never read anything i GET from the library...)

i wish i could drive. damn being young.

also, damn being an angsty teenager. yeah yeah, it's natural, but dammit, i wish i could just like... calm down for a while and not be so stressed and imbalanced and these fucking hormones suck.

i made some more xmas presents. i burned my cousin a guster cd... fun. i dunno if she'll like it or not, but everyone needs a little guster goodness in their lives. now i just need kaci's gift, and molly and lauren c. oooh, must burn fif cd for lauren c.... *jots that down*

yeah. i need to get out today. heh. my cd drive has been open for an hour, and i just now noticed it. *closes it* ooh! i'll make mom take me to the library and then to poor richard's book store (awesome little bookshop near me with tons of books) to get my present for another cousin. oooh! i am so good. *dance*

if mom was at work right now, i think i'd take a stroll down there to visit her. but of course, she's not. *knits brows* i wish she'd get another job, i want her out of the house! *evol*

ohoh. the finals that i got my grades back for were good. world history: 98; algebra II: 95; and latin: 100.4; i am so smooth.

mom and i need to start packing for our trip. heh. driving down... we're taking my little yorkie, too, suzette. poor thing. well, she enjoys car rides.

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why am i up this early? [19 Dec 2002|06:20am]
i hate school. school is evol. school makes me wake up at 6am, even when i don't need to GO to school.

ah well. i had very very disturbing dreams. *cry*

my mouth tastes nasty, because i guess i slept with my mouth open. and i have eye-crud around my eyes.

i wanna go back to sleep! but i can't!

it feels so good to not have anything to worry about schoolworkwise. mmm a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders.

i want to go see the two towers. maybe i'll get to before i leave for georgia... i hope so. that'd be niiice. i'm going to a friend's 'xmas/out of school, yay!' party tomorrow, i can't wait. it sounds like fun. many people and food. mm.
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life has been good to me lately [18 Dec 2002|04:05pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | Little Mermaid - Kiss The Girl ]

how odd. people are so... sweet to me lately. possibly the xmas spirit, or something.

jessica was really nice to me today, we had a nice conversation in chemistry about idon'tknowwhat, but it was fun. and then she gave me a coke at lunch! she wanted my address so she could send me an xmas card and make me a pillow. awww. the psych final was crappay!! he explicitly said nothing from chapter two, and then half the freakin' final is from chapter two! goddamn him! but oh well. i'm pretty good at guessing. latin was fun. didn't do anything, just talked to andrew. told dirty jokes. woo woo. didn't do anything for the final in law and justice! really! awesome stuff. and then, after everyone has finished the finals, they make us sit in our classrooms and do nothing for a freaking hour! how bass ackwards is that!? [heh heh heh... ]

but now i am free! free free free! until january 2nd! mmmm. no more stress over school work! such a relief! i turned in all my late work today, i did one of my writing pieces due at the end of the day this morning. it was good, too! and i finished my sketchbook. i was supposed to do a still life. but i didn't. so i labelled a blank sheet of paper 'glass of milk on a white table', like a smartass. and sara made slight tiny outlines of the table and milk for me. i wonder if i'll get any credit for that? she probably won't notice. ><

also, yesterday, sara made me be her voice mail message. i have a really funny (funneh!) way of talking with a lilt, all sarcastic-like, and my -y sounds turn into -eh's. among other little things like that. it amuses people. so she had me say 'helloo! leave a message for sara!'. it was fun.

chocolate is yummeh. *eats chocolate*

okay. so today was a good day. yaaay!

i shall go now... ...do stuff. :D

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quick notice [18 Dec 2002|12:56pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out Of My Head ]

anyone who speaks to me on aim, or would like to [heh heh], i have a new sn.

it is as follows: eolian euphoria

just wanted to like... let everyone know. woo ha.

oh, and... WOOO! XMAS BREAK! freeeeedom....

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test o' congruency [17 Dec 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Three Doors Down - If I Could Be Like That ]

Test of Congruency
Find out what you really think of yourself by taking this test.

This was a test on Dr. Phil.com and well it's cool, but it doesn't give you what the end result is. So I just did the picking the words that are me and whatnot. I still think it's very eye opening ... if not sad.

Step 1: Bold all the words that you think describe the ideal person you want to be, the person you believe is the full potential of who you are and will ever be.

pretty attractive beautiful cute nice-looking appealing cool sweet spiritual wise nice friendly faithful leader strong supportive moral ethical principled good honest decent warm loving tender warmhearted demonstrative caring kind affectionate cordial hospitable welcoming amiable cheerful passionate fiery enthusiastic zealous arrogant egocentric altruistic sympathetic humane selfless philanthropic smart dependent free gentle thoughtful domineering submissive autonomous creative compassionate self-sufficient private liberated conventional objective elegant clever stylish intelligent quick charming tidy neat thoughtful attentive careful watchful alert reliable inspired inventive resourceful ingenious productive exciting energetic lively vigorous bouncy active joyful blissful pleased ecstatic cheery sane rational sensible reasonable normal complete capable genuine inspiring proud approachable peaceful honest giving nurturing accomplished whole perfect undivided achiever great confident compassionate content humble unassuming happy satisfied comfortable at ease relaxed able knowledgeable skilled proficient expert adept rich wealthy affluent prosperous full gorgeous valuable abundant fruitful powerful deep prolific understanding dynamic useful helpful constructive beneficial positive functional worthwhile


Step 2: Now bold the words below that describe how you actually are at present.

pretty attractive beautiful cute nice-looking appealing cool sweet spiritual wise nice friendly faithful leader strong supportive moral ethical principled good honest decent warm loving tender warmhearted demonstrative caring kind affectionate cordial hospitable welcoming amiable cheerful passionate fiery enthusiastic zealous arrogant egocentric altruistic sympathetic humane selfless philanthropic smart dependent free gentle thoughtful domineering submissive autonomous creative compassionate self-sufficient private liberated conventional objective elegant clever stylish intelligent quick charming tidy neat thoughtful attentive careful watchful alert reliable inspired inventive resourceful ingenious productive exciting energetic lively vigorous bouncy active joyful blissful pleased ecstatic cheery sane rational sensible reasonable normal complete capable genuine inspiring proud approachable peaceful honest giving nurturing accomplished whole perfect undivided achiever great confident compassionate content humble unassuming happy satisfied comfortable at ease relaxed able knowledgeable skilled proficient expert adept rich wealthy affluent prosperous full gorgeous valuable abundant fruitful powerful deep prolific understanding dynamic useful helpful constructive beneficial positive functional worthwhile


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today was kinda odd [17 Dec 2002|04:08pm]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | Moulin Rogue - One Day I'll Fly Away ]

i'm not sure if i had a good day or a bad day. i guess i'll settle for 'mediocre'.

art final. incredibly simple. english final, 30 questions that were incredibly simple, and then an evol evol essay question that i'm sure i did crappy on. also, evol guy saying he wanted me in bed.

yeah, you heard me. this guy, who i think had a crush on me, is really annoying, right? i'd been pretty mean to him in the past, but i figured out that he thrives on pain. so i started being nice. and he stopped being so incredibly annoying. then he comes and sits in front of me in english, across the room from where he's supposed to sit. whatever, i'll just ignore him. he gives me lots of high-fives, and i don't know why. so i just went along with it.

then after the test, he turns around and starts talking to me. nothing too out of the ordinary. then he starts making stupid 'come hither' faces at kaci, which was really very amusing. so i'm like, okay, maybe he stopped being stupid for a bit. then he starts singing some christmas sounding song, so i go back to writing my letter that i was writing and proceed to ignore him. then he puts his hand over mine and sings 'i want you in bed'. so i'm like, okay.... part of the song. i will put up with it. so i shrug it off. i then go back to writing. then he grabs my freaking hand again and says it again. that's when i became disturbed. so i was like 'i'm very sorry' and shooed his hand away. i mean. it made me uncomfortable! and the prospects of being with him in bed are very disguting, too. so i was very pissed. but oh well. maybe if i ignore it, he'll stop. mmhm.

then 3rd and 4th period were swtiched. did stupid stuff in 4th period. cut out stars. blah. supposed to teach us teamwork or some such crap. and jessica, one of my friends, was very sad. she like... burst into tears quietly at one point. i was across the table, or i would have given her a hug. and no one else at the table noticed!! so after class i was like 'i really hope you feel better!'. it probably didn't help anything, but. *frown* i don't like not being able to help people.

then latin exam. very easy. we even got to have partners. there was another girl in the class with like a 102%, like me, so we were paired up. anything tricky that i didn't get she helped me with, and vice versa. so it was all good. then talked to andrew for a while. told him the dead baby jokes. yay! good stuff.

and law and justice, in which we did nothing. we never do anything in there anymore! for the past three days we've done nothing, then before that, we watched 2 movies, which spanned 6 classes. i'm not complaining, but hey, it gets kinda dull with nothing to do.

after school kaci and i went to return a few books to mrs. smith (which were late, hah), and met up with alyssa and derrick. derrick is a new guy, so i don't know him too very well, but i think i'll talk to him tomorrow in homeroom. seems nice enough. and i freakin' see jack everywhere! jesus. it's a sign. i want to see him, he's nowhere. i don't care to see him, he's everywhere! gads.

i guess all in all it was a good day. yeah. now i just need to go study and crap. :D

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mmm lotsa posting action today! [15 Dec 2002|08:06pm]
[ mood | listless ]
[ music | Dandy Warhols - Godless ]

today was a good day. i woke up at 12. which is 5 hours later than normal, for me. even when i'm out of school, i'm programmed to wake up early, it's like a curse. i guess it's only broken when i stay up til 3am.

after the dance, we went home, and kaci and robert and i had a little phone threeway. til like, 3am. kaci fell asleep (we think) and then robert kept drifting off on me too, so i was forced to yell "WAKE UP ROBERT! ..... I AM SORRY, BUT I NEED SLEEP! I AM HANGING UP NOW! ... " lol. poor us. we need to start having phone conversations while we're all awake, i suppose. go figure.

so i get up and try to do some work on my psychology homework. i fail. i fiddle around with it for a bit and figure bah! he'll take it late! bwahahha.

[crap, i really should study for my chemistry final... oh well. the whole not studying thing worked for world history... why not chem?]

[also, i wish i had a picture of me from last night. or other people, for that matter. that'd be cool. damn.]

mom enlists me to burn a toby keith cd for her. so, like the good little daughter i am, attempt to do so. i download all of the songs nicely, and then, i try to burn them. for some reason, four of them just wouldn't work! so i have to fix that sometime. *rolls eyes*

i also tried to finish my sketchbook for art. i have no drive in that class. our teacher is an idiot. i still have two pieces to do, i'll finish them tomorrow, and turn it in after school. shame on me.

i hope the finals go over well tomorrow. blahhh. i just want them to be over! and then school will be over! and i will have xmas break!

i need to work on my website more. yep.

today was a lazy sunday, but a good one.

OH! and today, while shaving, i accidentally inflicted upon my left leg a huge, painful razor cut. GADS. i was freaking out. it's like 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. and it hurts like a bitch. i got some gauze and wallpaper tape to patch it up, for lack of better tools. now it's just numb. but it still freaks me out. eugh.

also, my hair is pretty. that is all.

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about the xmas dance [15 Dec 2002|04:41pm]
[ mood | recumbent ]
[ music | Fiona Apple - A Mistake ]

[this is really rambly]

mmm. i'm glad kaci and i decided to go, after all.

the last dance experience at school wasn't too very spectacular. i was tired and grumpy and kaci got all pissed at me and we left early. but that's alright.

because this one was fun! i asked mom yesterday around 12 if i could go. she's like 'you're not ready for a dance!' and i'm like 'i have the dress i wore before! and shoes! and i just bathed! i am ready!'. she insisted on trying to go find a new dress for cheap somewhere, and i can't pass up a trip to lexington for anything. so we seek out dillards. it took us a while to find it, because mom can't drive and we really haven't been to lexington too much.

so we look around in dillards, and we really couldn't find a dress that fit correctly/or looked nice. so we settled for the dress i wore to the homecoming dance, and got an awesome rose necklace and a pretty shawl thing. and some stockings, but that's not exciting. so that was fun. i like shopping. generally, anyway.

so i prance around happily in my stuff for mom, and she pins my dress so it'll fit. see, i ordered it offline, and i overextimated my dress size, so it was all baggy in the bosom/torso area and wasn't very flattering. so she brought it in so it looks better and fit nicer. and i felt pretty! woo!

and then i went to kaci's house to get ready. we got all dressed and sat around and talked and put on makeup. was fun. and watched some trading spaces. the dance started around 9, so we left around 9:05-ish. when we got there, there were actually people there, which was surprising.

santa has a DILDO! )

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whaaaaaat? [15 Dec 2002|04:26pm]

I am the invisible Bobert!

Find your whimsy character
at kelly.moranweb.com.

Niche: You belong in the septic system. You rather enjoyed your vacation there when Tracy had to flush you down the toilet. Your incessant chatter can be endeering, but only your friend, Gertrude, thinks so. You're both invisible which has formed a great (though invisible) connection between you two.

Upbringing: You were born in the summer of seventh grade. Gawsh, those were the years!...

Aspirations: You want to be a real boy! No, not really. Nobody quite cares what happens to your whimsy character.

Quirks: You hate people, mostly, and have this odd thing against toilets. Nobody gets it.

whaaaaaat? i just took a quiz... and it told me i was... bobert? EH!?

that is so funny. even though i don't understand it.
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*chomps on orange* [15 Dec 2002|12:07pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | David Bowie - Golden Years ]

i have LOTS of catching up to do! i meant to do this yesterday...

something happened on thursday, but i don't remember what. :D

got closure from jack, finally. he said no. but that's alright. i didn't think about this, but kaci mentioned that he seems to have changed lately, he seems all... sad. o.O first he's all perky and says 'great note!' and then he's all depressed. i wonder what's up with him?

from like, tuesday to early friday, mom and i are having problems, and fighting and crap. not pleasant.

also on friday, people are being like, super-nice. i dunno why. first i'm talking to andrew, and he asks why i didn't have a keyboard and mouse, because i mentioned that i lacked them. i went into my whole long life story, and then explained the actual keyboard and mouse thing. and he listened! it was amazing. then he ased quesitons and stuff. i told him i cussed mom out, and he was like 'you're going to hell!' jokingly. and i was like 'yeah, most likely, for other things, too.' and he was like 'pffft, what? you're not going to hell. you're like, the nicest person ever.'

more about people being nice to me! wai! )

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*giggle* xmas letter [11 Dec 2002|08:40pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Green Day - F.O.D. ]

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl.

It really wasn't my fault what happened at Kaci's Christmas party. It was Erik who spiked the punch with too much screwdriver. I can't help it if I drank 18 glasses. It was so good---smelled and tasted just like poo.

I thought it was funny when I put Robert's thong on my head and danced the funky chicken on the loveseat while singing `Caress Me Down'. I didn't mean to break Kaci's vibrator and don't know why Kaci would sue me for beastiality.

I don't remember calling Dav's wife a blue goat---even though she looked like one with purple eye shadow and orange lipstick!

And when I threw up on Lauren's husband's vagina, it was only because I ate too much of that cake.

After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired. So I fell asleep on my way home and drove my speedboat through my neighbor's den. I don't think that was any reason for my neighbor to call me a throbbing squid and have me arrested for sodomy!

So, Santa...here I sit in my jail cell on Christmas Eve, all slick and refulgent. And I'm really not to blame for any of this funky stuff. Please bring me what I want the most---bail money!

Sincerely and wrongly yours,
Thai (Really a nice girl!)

P.S. It's only 14,000 bucks!

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