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[27 Jun 2002|11:28pm]
i am super sleepy. definitely time for bed.

i work at eight tomorrow. poo.
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yummy sleepyhead... [19 Jun 2002|12:10pm]
[ mood | yummy :o) ]
[ music | the get up kids- mass love ]

that's what I am right now...i'm lazy and sleepy but feeling yummy...mmmmm...

i enrolled in my courses yesterday morning. everything actually went well, so i'm happy. i just need to beg, on the first day of classes, to get into one more course. it's all good though. :o)

yesterday, around 11, sandra called and was like "i'm in town and i'm coming to get you in twenty minutes!" so i had the world's fastest shower and threw on clothes and we ended up going shopping with her friends lindsay and paige. i spent money and i really shouldn't have. got two cute lingerie-esque tops and this *AMAZING* dress which is short and poofy and blue and has a crinoline and is just to die for!! now i need somewhere to wear it.

so then i came home and vegged a bit. when bren came home we made a deliiiiiicious vegan dinner (roasted veggies and tofu, yum yum yum) and then walked down to the movie store. we got some candy and got ginger snaps, which was EXCELLENT! we watched it with josh and i was all curled up (hiding?) under a big blanket. it got pretty intense (read scary) at the end, but it was just so intelligent and real and good that i loved it.

and today is a great lazy day. i'm gonna go make myself a smoothie and watched a makeover story. :o)

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[17 Jun 2002|01:23pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | peaches- set it off ]

The dinner party on Saturday was loads of fun. The food turned out well too. Also, the house is actually CLEAN as a result (because of all the pre-party cleanup Bren and I did) and I love it.

I saw Pat briefly before Bren drove him to the airport. I'm excited about him moving back in. :o)

I'm a tad anxious about enrolling in my courses tomorrow. I hope it all goes smoothly. *fingers crossed*

I'm still sleepy. On Sat night I got very little sleep because of the party and then getting up to work at 9. Then I came home and hung out with Bren-bren until bedtime. Watched the MuchMusic video awards. Ate. Napped. And I even slept in today and I'm still super sleepy. I just wanna lay in my pj's all day. But I must go to work. Oh well, at least I have a few days off after that.

I want my tat. Now. :o(

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[13 Jun 2002|01:34pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | yeah yeah yeahs- bang ]

Last night I surprised Bren at work and took him out to dinner. Then we went downtown and met up with Shawna (who is in town for a few days) and her friends. Her friend Jimmy lived in this bizarre neighbourhood near Church St and we saw lots of transvestite hookers, gang members and old people walking their dogs. The whole night had a weird vibe. Then we went to this Greek restaurant where the server was a bitch and added his own tip to the bill. People.

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"Time for an update," she says while blowing the dust off her keyboard... [12 Jun 2002|04:11pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | le tigre- get off the internet ]

My summer is off to a bustling, busy, but highly enjoyable start. Here's the (abbreviated) story:

*** I went to the Dashboard Confessional and Belle and Sebastian concerts in May and died of happiness. *insert a picture of my epitaph reading "She saw her two favourite bands in one week, now she'd dead"

*** Chapters is going well. Customers get annoying, hours are long, but co-workers are fun. Oh, and there's a downside to getting a discount at a bookstore. You use it.

*** I went home to London last week. It was great to see my parents (no, really). I went into my mom's school one day, and found out that a boy in her class wanted to marry me. I also had my dress fitting for Rob and Julie's wedding-- and I didn't need a single alteration!! I told them I should get a prize, and the people who worked there laughed. (I laughed too, but really I was like "ok, seriously, where's my prize?")

*** I saw all the ol' London gang and it was uber great. I'm staying in touch with Martha and Monica more. Couldn't be more delighted.

*** Some sick perv masturbated on the subway, just for me. yecchhhh.

*** I got into the Creative Writing program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert me doing jumping jacks (ha, cause I can't do cartwheels) around the room*

*** Brennan is the bestest boy in the world and I'm more in love with him than ever. (But we already knew this).

*** I'm reading the Feminist Mystique which is great and really inspiring/motivating.

*** I finally got a copy of "Ghost World" (the comic) and have already read it about a million times.

*** I've gone vegan (!). It just sort of happened. It's wonderful. I want to become even more involved in animal rights/environment activism.

*** I've picked out a design for my next tat. It's boooootiful. Can't wait til I have some spare change.

My mid-summer resolutions ('cause resolutions are not just for January 1st) include: continuing to learn guitar, becoming a minimalist, finishing the first issue of my zine, making this the best SASSL year ever, getting into the classes I want, etc. etc.

That's about it. Time to do something productive.

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[08 May 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | belle and sebastian - is it wicked not to care? ]

the belle and sebastian concert is tonight.

i'm the happiest girl in the world!!!!!!

:o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

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[22 Apr 2002|12:54pm]
enid died.

i got the job at chapters.
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[20 Apr 2002|12:14pm]
[ mood | something else ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional- a rare cd giftie from Bren's mom ]

Yesterday was melancholy.

We (Bren, Sandra, Car, me) went to Mel and Alan's for lunch. It was funny and yummy. Then I went back to res and hung out with my girls...but it was kinda sad because they are all leaving for home today-- and I'm staying here! I was especially sad to see Carla go because she's going to New Zealand next year. Hopefully I'll see her for a few days in September when she comes to visit...but still! what am I supposed to do without my Car-bear?

I went to Future Cafe last night with the SASSL girls. Some of them (Sarah, Dee, Becky, etc.) are staying in TO this summer, thank god. We'll definitely be hanging out. The food was yummy and we got three pitchers of Sangria. Good times. It was fun and lovely.

I miss my girls already. Carla, Sandra, Shawna, Seanna.

Maurey's BBQ party is tonight...it should be fun and will kick off the summer in all its vintage dress-wearing, no-school-attending, hanging-out-fun-having glory!

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[18 Apr 2002|07:43pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Barenaked Ladies- Be My Yoko Ono ]

There's nothing like beautiful weather and absolute freedom to really clear one's head. The past few days have been spent (quite enjoyably) around the house- being deliously lazy and lying around- or going for walks in the bathwater warm air. Last night Bren and I joined some friends downtown. We ate yummy food at Oasis (and sat on the patio, food tastes so much better outside) and went to Comfort Zone where there was a funk band and some open mic African drumming. It was cool, except a hippie fight almost broke out, and that was a little freaky. Most of the people with us were Shawna's friends and they seemed really nice.

School is completely finished which is very liberating. SASSL is winding down too. We have our last fun night tomorrow (we're going to Future Cafe) and I have some stuff to finish up, but my paid hours will be over in a few weeks. I'm currently hunting for a summer job, but I don't really consider myself a very good hunter. One place is looking good. I have a few other ideas. Let's just say this: I need money. Big time. Or I'll be in big trouble. So I hope I find a job soon ('cause desperation is just around the corner, and desperation leads to very hasty decisions).

Enid is doing better. For awhile there, I thought I might lose him. He wasn't moving too much, and wouldn't eat, which was probably the scariest thing. I thought he was trying to commit fishy suicide. But when I cleaned his tank, he suddenly became his beautiful, perky self again. He's been eating and darting around his tank lots. He's sooooo beautiful.

It's been weird to be able to actually bare parts of my body which were hibernating for the winter, such as arms, legs, feet. I'm loving this weather, so I'm praying the weather stations are wrong and it will stay just like this. This is nice.


Boredom causes me to become pretentious. Enjoy!

List of things I wanna do during my lifetime:

1. Change the world.
2. Write critically acclaimed books.
3. Make critically acclaimed films.
4. Get PhD. Be a professor.
5. Become an activist for things I believe in.
6. Kick off fourth-wave feminism.
7. Travel the world.
8. Help people through volunteer work and non-profit organizations.
9. Be a hairdresser.
10. Publish a zine.
11. Be a Yoga instructor.
12. Have lots of babies who will be lovely and smart and change the world.

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BEST NEWS IN THE WORLD!! [10 Apr 2002|03:14pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

brennan just called me and told me that I AM GOING TO SEE DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL on may 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am now THE happiest person in the universe.

i will be going to see my two favourite bands- dashboard and belle and sebastian- in the same week.

and the dashboard tickets are not even ON SALE yet. but i have them. so there. :oP

*at this point i would be doing cartwheels around the room, if i could cartwheel to save my life*

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mr fishy pants and enid [10 Apr 2002|12:41pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | tool- aenima (enid likes this one too) ]

i have a baby!!

ok, so really, i bought brennan and me fish yesterday. siamese fighting fish. we bought cute little (but not too little) aquariums for them, and food, and everything.

mine looks like a sunset- with pink and red and blue. his name is enid.

bren's looks like a dragon- deep deep red with big fins. his name is beta.

our fish are soooo happy. so much happier than all the ones which looked dead in the pet store. enid is swimming around happily, and eating, and flapping his fins when i play him music. he'd never heard "enid" by the barenaked ladies before, so i played it for him. and guess what- he loved it!

brennan was going to name his mr. fishy pants, which i think is a perfectly respectable name for anyone. really. i'm thinking about changing my name to mr. fishy pants. any objections?

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brennan is a cutie bum [08 Apr 2002|02:12pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | dashboard confessional- ender will save us all ]

well, i'm back.

i think i missed the last two week chunk of my life. it was busy and mostly pointless and i didn't have time to breathe. and now i do.

and i'm happy. summer begins. (and the definition of summer has apparently changed to when school ends, not when happy shiny weather begins. it's still snowing. the only reason i'm mad is because i can't wear my baby doll dresses and combat boots without freezing my knickers off. pooh.)

so anyways, i'm back, in living colour. things are wonderlovely. i finished my take home exam for music and society (which i have to go hand in very shortly) and the modern art exam last week went well. my creative writing portfolio was in on time and pretty dang good, if i do say so myself. chapters called and asked me for a job interview- woooo!! brennan's birthday was on saturday and his parents came down. it was lots of fun. they got him a tv, so now we can actually watch movies without squinting our poor lil eyes. 'tis a good thing.

summer begins, and i'm excited. i have my gender studies exam this weekend, but that's it. on friday, i have a sassl potluck at sarah's. yummy and fun. on the 20th, maurey is having a bbq for our creative writing class, and priscila's prolly gonna be there. it'll be really fun. plans for the summer include: working on my zine, sleeping, playing in bed for days at a time with bren, and peeing my pants when i get to see belle and sebastian in may. i also plan to do crafties-- make curtains, start knitting funky things, make a lamp, make my own recycled paper. i also have lots of reading to do. plus i need to write a book.

now, if only the weather would start to cooperate. i wanna put away my winter clothes!
(i also wanna be a singer in a rockband, but first i have to 1. get a voice and 2. learn gee-tar)

i'm bouncy. gotta go to school, hand in my exam, and give my honeybear a kiss as he slaves away in the computer lab.

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kensington fun [23 Mar 2002|01:20pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | air- virgin suicides soundtrack ]

yesterday me, bren and louise went to kensington market. it was cold. but fun. :o)

i got the virgin suicides soundtrack- woo-hoo! i've been looking for the air soundtrack forever...

i also got some cute earrings, fishing line and a custom made tshirt!! lol, well exhile got this new t-shirt printing machine thingy, and me and louise picked out girly baseball t's (mine's yellow and green) and this cool feminist design (the woman's symbol with a fist). it turned out really well.

then we came home and me and bren made mac and cheese and hung out. tonight is formal. i'm super excited since i get to 'debut' my sexy sparkly halter dress. i'm bummed a little because bren can't go. :o( tonight is girl's night i suppose- carla, sandra, liese, shawna, andrea, ingrid, etc. etc. but it'll be really fun. especially with good food and an open bar...

it's so yucky outside. pooh. i'm gonna go shower.

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me so happy, me want to cry [16 Mar 2002|07:17pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Sugarbabes- Overload (it's a good song, ok?) ]

ok, so not really, but i am proud of myself...

I did the DISHES and cleaned the kitchen...which, if you know me, is my one weakness...dishes are the enemy...

I also did shitloads of laundry...like *slight exaggeration alert* all the clothes I've ever had in my entire life!!! anyways, I also did some "spring cleaning" where I gathered up clothes I haven't worn for awhile to take to Goodwill.

I've been semi-cleaning my room and organizing crap.

I have also been working on my ZINE. I'm excited. It's all coming together.

Right now I'm eating a giant bowl of mac and cheese. Soon I'll hop in the shower and get ready. I'm going to Dee's to chill out for a bit tonight.

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blah [15 Mar 2002|05:16pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | silence, sweet sweet silence ]

My head is pounding...owwww...

Pretty good day. I got a bursary, which is soooo great. Now tuition is paid off with some room to spare...but I need every cent.

Class today was fine...and then yoga afterwards was strenuous (we had a substitute) and now I'm exhausted. I was exhausted to begin with, but he worked us to the bone. Now I'm just a pile of mush with tons of laundry to do.

I've been somewhat productive however. I've been compiling my creative writing portfolio. It's looking pretty good. When I start thinking about submitting my portfolio and the anxiety about attempting to be one of the few who do make it into the program, my stomach tenses up and my eyes glaze over.

It's warmer out today, but the sky is gray...and seems to fit my weird mood.

Thank god it's the weekend.

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The Baby Doll Dress Adventure [11 Mar 2002|07:20pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Belle and Sebastian- The Boy with the Arab Strap ]

I had great success today while shopping. I rarely go out alone, so I thought it was time I went on my own little adventure. On my way home from class I got off the bus at Dufferin and strolled on into Value Village. Rummaged through the racks until I found quite a few cute dresses and went to try them on. Three turned out to be amazing vintage dresses and I fell in love. They came to $20 all together. Then I went across the street to Winners and tried on some jeans, but they were just blah...but then I happened to stumble across this cute Roxy top for $7! So I got that. Then I went to Shopper's and got some girlie makeup kit (I think it's meant for little girls, but I'm into it. 5 shades of glittery lip gloss!! I'm all about glitter.)

I spent a little bit of money, but I'm just too pleased to feel guilty. I have officially discovered the joys of bargain shopping. :o)

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[10 Mar 2002|05:43pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Hayden ]

Last night was bizarre. Bren, Rob and I went to the Hayden concert (woooooo-hoo!) and that was cool, but the events before and after were a little crazy. First of all, it POURED on us as we tried to find U of T Convocation Hall...and it was chilly and I was completely SOAKING and not the happiest puppy dog in the world. Then we got inside and we were damp for the whole show (lol, and yes, I realize that sounds bad, but you know what I mean). The concert was amazing...the opening act was THE most shy person I've ever seen set foot on a stage, and she was also pregnant which I think ROCKS (and that has nothing to do with my obsession to have a baby lately...god, but that's a whole other story...) Anyways, her music was super pretty...and then Hayden came out and he was just awesome, and really funny and humble and sweet. Half way through the concert, however, I began to feel REALLY ill and I was cranky and disoriented and wanting to go home. I felt soooo yucky, the kind of yucky where you just want to be at home in your bed, holding your tummy in agony (well, you don't WANT to be holding your tummy in agony, but you are...:o) Anyways, after the concert we went outside and it was suddenly SO cold, and our still-wet-clothes were like freezing to our skin. We looked for somewhere to eat, and I was being a grumpy little two-year old...but finally we settled on Pita Pit and I ate something to fill up my upset tummy. Then we TTCed it home...and ran into some real interesting people...including a drunk old British guy with no teeth who was singing in a drunken stupor, AND yodelled for the whole car after stating that he was the world's best yodeller (to a rousing round of applause I might add). Then there was this other crazy guy who started combatting the singing with his political agenda, and the old man was like "Did you say SAUSAGES?? I LOVE sausages!!" and I thought I was gonna die from laughing so hard. Good times.

THEN when we got to Finch station it was a BLIZZARD out...even though it had been 11 degrees during the day. The bus trip home was crazy, and when we got off the bus I almost blew away in the flurry of snow. We ran home and I was all red-cheeked and out of breath, but surprisingly, it was kind of fun.

The night got worse after that though. Rob left and afterwards I was bummed because the weather was bad and I didn't want anyone driving in it, no matter how cautious they were...especially since they could GET hit by a drunk driver or something...poor visibility and slick roads is not cool...especially since I know someone who was killed when hit by a drunk driver not too long ago...

And then yet another "discussion" occured between Bren, Dan and me...did not enjoy myself one bit...was being inarticulate in the worst way...got frustrated with myself...and the "tag team" they seemed to form against me...was feeling so sick I wanted to die...was tired and grumpy and resorting to my two-year old state...and admist flashbacks to my entire teenage years, stormed out of the room and into the bathroom. Locked myself in the bathroom for a good half hour...sat in the ice cold bathtub (with no water in it) and hugged my knees to my chest. Waited for Brennan. He didn't come. Heard him come in to the bedroom and go to bed. Sat there longer. Didn't cry. Just sat and stared at the ugly brown tiles.

Then I curled up in bed. Bren and I finally talked and it sucked. We sort of made up (at 3:30 in the morning) and went to bed. Didn't have the best night sleep. My mom called and woke me up this morning, talked to her for a good long time, then crawled back into bed. It took awhile to fall back to sleep, but when I did, it was warm and mushy and wonderlovely. The next time I woke up I felt good. We made a yummy breakfast of chocolate pancakes, hash browns and scrambled eggs. Sat around and watched bad tv.

I don't want to go into what we talked about last night, but I will say this:

I am an emotional person, and I want people to realize that I actually LIKE being this way. Not everyone wants to be like you. I like acting on what my body/emotions/mind/whatever tells me. Yes, sometimes I feel in hindsight that I may have acted childish and there may have been better ways to handle the experience. But I like fucking up sometimes. I need to. I'm overall an extremely happy person- but I am fully entitled to be mad or sad or think I'm ugly or get jealous or frustrated at the state of humanity. I'm allowed to be dumb.

And you know what? I like myself. A lot. I like how I stick up for what I believe in, even when I cannot find the words to articulate what I feel. I like how sometimes I need to slam doors or cry or sit in the bathtub. It enables me to also feel love and be the happiest person in the world and be open and full and see the amazing beauty in life.

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[05 Mar 2002|09:22pm]
these two emails sum up my life right now...enjoy!

jess (my high school friend in london) to me:

Hi dude.
I forget yer other email adress. hopefully this one will still work!
i'm bored and writing u an email from school.. i bet u feel lucky as
fuck....anyways..whats new with u? u just like disappear for months at a time.. and then you'll be back on the net.. and then i won't see u on the net again for months! ha. Your a busy engaged girl now i suppose! so yeah everythings cool with u and bren bren? ha thats my pet name for him for when were doing it! ha.. hows school? and yer social life? and all that shizat?

I'm good.. nothing too new and exciting with me anyways... things
are pretty good with trevor.. [Ok, I'm going to censor this part because it's personal for Jess] SO yeah.. but Everythings good.. nothing bad at all.
Dryheave SUCKS i got kicked out did i tell u that? i HATE NICK like
absolutely HATE HIM i can't wait to see him in person cause i'll
just fuckig shoot him the meanest look. if he talks to me it will be
so funny!.. YEAH he kicked me out.. "i've been writing more music
but i can't make the trumpet fit.. bla bla bla" he's a fucking
goof.. and he told me OVER THE NET.. and did i telll u all this yet?
anyawys he sucks. i'm looking to start a new band anyways... with
this dude named RIM he's cool and was in the band hoodini who opened
for goldfinger. .but they broke up too! THE london SCENE SUCKS right
now! ha. no bands. NO SHOWS.. no nothing. BUT were getting a killer
show march 31st... catch 22/grade/reach the sky! it'll be good. .
it'll be sooooooo good! i'm so excited to see them LIVE.. caue
warped tour just doesn't count ya know? this will be AWESOME...
me/cheri/trevor ... my brothers friend shaun is driving us down and
my brother too! it'll be fucking awesome .. what else what else do i
have to say..
schools alright.. tough as fuck.. and i'm just hoping to god i stay
in honours! cause some courses are a bit low marks.. like i got a [again, Julie Censorship takes over here] .. Its just i can't get any low ones this semester.. EKKKK... cause ineed above 70 average. I HATE ENGLISH i don't know HOW U DO IT! ha.. its so dumb! ha no offence.. it'd be sweet if i was good at it i guess.
THATS IT. thats my lfe. same oldsmoking weedddddddddd JESS ha.
me and cheri went up to m y cottage thursday/friday cuase it was my
slack week. and we just got FUCKED>.. we called it our DRUG BINGE!
ha. it was fun we got alll drunk too!.. but just weed. we couldnt' find shrooms.
thats it.
i'm going now.
LATER BITCH email me back

me writing Jess:

jessy pooooooo!!!! i miss you!!!

that sucks CUNT about dry heave...you did tell me about it before, but not in detail...nick's a fuckin' asshole...i'll beat him up for you next time i'm in london...

i was just talking to DEREK on icq...isn't that crazy? he mentioned LIMA and i was like OH MY GOD high school seems like forever ago...craziness...

and then i was talking to MONICA and i was remembering all those damn good high school days and it really brought a tear to my eye, you know?? so i started an msn community for us (you'll get an email)...i know, i'm the biggest geek alive, but i'm all sappy and nostalgic right now...

hmmmm....yeah, so i'm all good...school is busy as fuck, but ok...my marks are good and stuff...SASSL is amazing...my friends are cool...brennan is WICKED...townhouse life is great but i need to do dishes and laundry and blah blah blah...oh, guess where i might be working this summer!!! our favourite restaurant!!! KELSEY'S!! cool or what?? mmmmm...apple strudel dessert thingy! (remember how GOOD that tasted when you and cheri visited me and we were high?? mmmmmmm!!)


oh, i'm coming home for easter so i'd better get to see you AND wank you up the goat's ass!!! (hahaha, remember that??)

i'm listening to East Indian rock'n'roll music from the 60's right now...it's sooooo fuckin' good...amazing...oh, but you'd be proud of me because right now i'm a big fat EMO kid...dashboard confessional all the way!! also listening to saves the day, sleater-kinney, bikini kill, the weakerthans, further seems forever, good charlotte, moneen, the juliana theory, jimmy eat world, all that great shit. i also listen to indie because i'm cool- belle and sebastian (i'm going to their concert in may and i'm SOOOOO excited!), hayden, the strokes, elliot smith, blah blah blah. i have goddamn great taste in music.

the nofx concert sounds like great times...visit me while you're down here biatch!! maybe, just maybe, i'll rape you up the ass with a big black dildo for your birthday...maybe...

i want a hamster...my friend has a pet hamster called DUDE and it peed on me yesterday...but it's SOOOO cute and i was feeding it a piece of apple and it was the cutest thing i've seen in my entire life...honestly, the CUTEST!

my hair is getting longer...soon (i have to wait until after rob and julie's wedding in the summer) i'm gonna dye the tips pink...or maybe just put pink streaks in it (because they'll eventually just fade to blonde)...so yeah, i'm one sexy motherfucker...with my labret, traguses, etc. etc. i'm cool.

yeah so i got BOOTS! this excites me so much because my fashion statement this spring/summer is black doc martens and short skirts with weird t-shirts...i'm going all thrift store, it's nuts...all i want is baby doll dresses, so if you have any (ha!!) throw them my way or i'll never eat you out again...

have you seen the movie ghost world?? it's amazing, my fave movie right now!! you would LOVE it! it's about these girls just out of high school...it's based on a really cool comic book...rent it PLEASe?? it's funny and sad and so so good...

ok, the end...i think...join that msn community...yeah...

good luck with everything babe! you are SOOO smart, never forget that. english teachers/TAs suck ASS!! I know...so just relax, try your best, but don't worry about it too much...

about trev- you can tell me anything...even if you wanna call some night just to talk about it, i'm here for you!! i love you...stay cool. :o)

- julesica xo
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[02 Mar 2002|11:33am]
I am Tyrone C. Love

See which Requiem for a Dream Character you are.

Congratulations, you're the Tyrone C. Love, the most admirable character from Requiem (in most people's eyes).
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[22 Feb 2002|12:25am]
ps> can anyone tell me how you underline titles on lj?? it would be greatly appreciated... :o)
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