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everyone else's girl

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[30 Jul 2020|11:26pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Tori Amos-Little Earthquakes ]

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Marriage is love.
62 thoughts| whatchu think?

[18 Nov 2004|06:40pm]
so later tonight we're headed over to rob's house for a little shindig, and then i guess we're all going to stonewall... it should be fun.

i came to the conclusion the other day that i am so glad that i didn't just focus on web design for my major (instead i was more focused on print) because i used to love web design until i became the maintainer of the website at work.. now i absolutely loathe it, and i also loathe the man who encoded the entire thing in jsp. monday morning i came in to the office with about 20 emails in my mailbox all with different things that need to be added or deleted from the website. i think today is the first day that i actually made some sort of dent in it, its just so boring and i have to step away from it every once and a while, do something else, and then come back to it. i also came to the conclusion that any typeography class i may have taken in college has really done nothing for me. i discussed this with checkers last night and i am glad that it wasn't just me. i think i want to go back to school eventually, if i do, i'm probably just going to take courses through the art institute online, but i first need to come up with money and time to do so. ah well..
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