I want a new mistake

I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl

11/21/04 08:23 pm - okeydokey.

I feel bored and lonely. Also I've made the discovery that the times I feel so (and would admit so on my LJ) are when I have the most work to do, and when I am most aware (in a good way) of the friends I have (hence, I love you all!! :P)

I have spent a weekend trying to work with nothing to show for it. Or very little anyway. Last night was the highlight ... christmas parade, hot chocolate (hahahah skinnnn) and (finally, the last of the trio!!!) Hannibal watching. Found it way less creepy than Silence of the Lambs, for whatever reason (since most people thought the opposite).

did I lend anyone on this friends page a book called "the basic eight"?? I have been looking for it but seem to have misplaced it. I have such a craving to read it right now.

on a more superfical note, I've gotten very tired of my hair, it looks (to me) like I've dyed it a million times and there are all sorts of roots growing in. but I never have, so it's just gross. should I dye it:
A: darker
B: lighter (ie highlights)
C: neither. don't even think about it, blondie.

Lastly, wheee. (edited to say, you have to put the mouse over the horses :P)

11/19/04 10:01 am

so tragically my computer died last night, program files are corrupted and windows won't run, etc etc ... and since no school on the weekned .. will probly not have internet access for a bit so don't expect emails to get to me (ie: phone me about anything important/nonimportant)

11/15/04 05:18 pm - stolen from tory like 10 minutes later

quiz! )

11/11/04 04:16 pm - doooooooooooop?

So, so .. time has rolled around to the next deliciously long weekend. Mmm. Last weekend was quite fun; the car rally (the scavenger hunt list of which I managed to snag - ha!) was a last minute yet still enjoyable event; and bowling on saturday was great. Except for my lacklustre bowling skills. how embarrassing. Also that I handily lost that (long-awaited, in some people's eyes) match of air hockey against James. definitely not my night that way; burns all around. At least I knocked down all those pins AFTER we stopped playing ...

Got through my english oral this week in a disjointed, barely-coherant way. euuurgh. I hate how I'm sitting there babbling, and I suddenly realise that despite the fact that the tape recorder is rolling and chapman is staring me down (in her own special way), my mind is off on vacation somewhere, thinking about something else entirely. and I realise that I'm frantically untying and re-tying my shoelace or taking off my watch as a sort of hysterical displacement activity serving as a distraction for awful reality. once again, eeuuurgh, but I'm glad it's over.

last night = dance and coffee house. mmm loud music of rock and roll boys. rediscovered my undeniable nerd fetish. jeeeeez.

when did I become one of those relationship problem girls who "push away people who love them" and crap like that?? ... I'm going to die alone and unloved and I also fully accept that it will have been entirely my fault. anyway I'm not going to talk about that because I'm thinking enough about it as it is that I don't feel like writing about it too

today has been lazy; slept in, watched gilmore girls rerun taped of the women's network last night (I hate being addicted to a show that is certified "women's network" type material; embarassment!), ate french fries for lunch, read bridget jones's diary (mind still on vacation) and messed around with records (looking through my parent's big old collection and whatnot. listened to some 50s music off the american graffiti soundtrack (doing some sockhop dancing with leigh at the time) as well as some classical and beatles and whatnot. ellen: remind me to play a certain record next time you're over here, it reminded me of you HA). O.C. tonight! mmm.

oy with the poodles already; over and out,

11/7/04 05:31 pm - fun ToK nerdosity.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

apparently I am:

Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences (%)
78 33 33 1

I'm not ENTIRELY sure about the description but then again perhaps I am too biased to tell ...

Information about my type reveals that I have the same type as (among others):
-Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus), Emperor of Rome
-Jane Austen, author (Pride and Prejudice)
-C. S. Lewis, author (The Chronicles of Narnia)
-General Colin Powell, US Secretary of State
-John F. Kennedy
-Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
-Gandalf the Grey (J. R. R. Tolkein's Middle Earth books)
-Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
-Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes' nemesis
-Ensign Ro (Star Trek--the Next Generation)
-Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet)
-George Smiley, John le Carre's master spy
-Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)

... good gracious!

11/7/04 12:18 pm - CONFUSION! HELP S'IL VOUS PLAIT

arrgh so very confused!!
... are the historical investigations due monday or tuesday? I thought tuesday, however people have been saying monday. HOWEVER they have all been in the other class so what I'm really saying is .. kate? nicola? .. where is the truth of the matter???

also. when is bio independent lab part II due?? monday or tuesday??

11/6/04 12:57 pm


(havn't had access to email, msn, lj, fc, etc since TUESDAY)

(for anyone who has emailed me recently and has been wondering about the nonresponding. not to mention the lack of presence on msn, lj etc)

update on all the fun of the past while LATER (historical investigation oh geeee)

10/31/04 01:24 am - from tory.

Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and
organized. Likes to
point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize.
Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk
well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very
confident. Sensitive.
Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and
knowledgeable. Loves to look for
information. Must control oneself when criticizing.
Able to motivate
oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Secretive. Loves sports, leisure
and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to
bottle up feelings. Very
choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

What does your birth month say about you?
brought to you by Quizilla

.. haha. there are definitely a few things in there I agree with.

so, this has been a good few days. friday dressed up as alice in wonderland quite successfully (I'll have to get that picture from you at some point mats so I can preserve it for posterity (as that is the only picture) ) ... friday night was a LOT of dance. I had elementary class, which is moderately intense, then repetoire which was a lot of standing around, and then the school dance! ... I went for a sorta mermaid look (green shirt and eyeshadow, shells around neck and in hair), however that disintegrated within 5 minutes of being there. still it was a good time, as there was some syncopated dance routines (north south east west, dance in a circle .. and also can can line .. and jumping ... hahah biggest losers at the dance. ever.) among other hilarity.
saturday I saw ellen and went for a fall walk into the park. there was much cross-country-meet-crashing (I'm sure we can fit in!), leaf kicking, and hot chocolate drinking. Went to Symphany/Youth Orchestra thing. That was extremely enjoyable and I congratulate those who read this on their participation :D ... the star wars and 2001 theme were especially cool. The planets part was excellent musically but the graphics were a bit bad at times (the marching cards, the frolicking children, and the clown-balloon were my top three cringe-inducing I'd have to say). after I got back from that I went for a bit of movie watching with lucy and the little gang she had assembled haha. so I watched the last bit of red dragon, wandered in the park, and sat by the train tracks for a bit. A good time was had by all.

So, anyway, time for some sleep to prepare for a (probably work filled) sunday.

ps: who does not LOVE this user icon?! soooo good!

pps: got a certain DS shirt FINALLY ... so wearing it monday.

10/28/04 07:08 am - so in the PIRATES news ...

hahaha! ... exxcelllent.

10/24/04 01:12 am

look! penguin mood icons!

on another note, I feel a touch lonely. I need to get out more these days haha

10/20/04 07:03 am - read this morning .... ewwww ....

"There is no more successful Canadian symbol ... than Celine [Dion]"

... Discuss. :P

10/18/04 08:39 pm - neat!

For anyone like me who is both a Franz Ferdinand fan AND a harry potter movie fan (well, am to a certain extent on the latter .. I have high hopes for the later, darker ones):

read this!

10/17/04 05:51 pm - doodles!

So I was rummaging through old files looking for Hamlet notes for my Eng prac oral this week, and I came across my grade 10 homework notebook. I scanned some for the hell of it, I'm really nostalgic today ….

oh the memories! )

10/17/04 01:24 am

okay so since awhile since the last update, here goes nothing!

Last weekend was fun, so I'll talk some about that. on friday I met up with a group of people, most of which read this anyway I think ... anyway, that was loads of fun, watching mafia (which I think everyone except lucy liked .. sorry lucy ...), running about in the park and telling ghost stories. and spraining my ankle and being the chicken lady the whole night. that put a bit of a damper on things as I would have liked to frolic a tad more. it wasn't bad at all really until saturday morning when I had to crawl downstairs to get ice after it stiffened up overnight. and saturday night aka the long-awaited "girl's night" was quite good. watching REVENGE OF THE NERDS! and zoolander also. and swinging on swings with great success. the "makeover" part was a bit sketchy although fun. I can say with some certainty that is the most pink I've ever worn / will wear in my LIFE. even when I went through the pink stage as a wee infant. which I assure you was not as extreme as that.
also on the weekend : walked around with lucy and nicola, quite by accident; and ate lots of thanksgiving food (not so much turkey since I'm not a huge turkey fan, but mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. mm.)

thanks for the comment colin. I don't know if I had yet been graced with such an honour :P

I'm finally getting around to reading Lysistrata. Woah. that is The single most .. bluntly suggestive and dirty book I've EVER read. man oh man. my mom kept asking me why I was laughing.

I hope all of you are happy with your yearbook things! .. I think mine all came together pretty well in the end. crazy writeup you guys gave me, hahaha.

I got aaron to admit that the weakest pirate ever could kill the strongest ninja ever. he'll deny it though, because he's mad I tricked him into it (being one of those annoying self-respecting pro-ninja types). HAh!

speaking of which, I generated 24 comments off an 8-word post. The best part being this. You crazy people.

also. watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ) tonight (for the second time).

And The Triplets of Belleville )

ast night. woo! .. what a crazy movie though, haha.

definitely all for now, bye.

10/13/04 04:23 pm - well who knew?!

stolen from torsyth )

10/4/04 10:14 pm - did you know the barrier to apoplastic transport is called the casparian strip? what fun!!

Here I am, doing bio. or trying to. I can't help seeing the note from colin in my agenda: "Why are you doing homework? Women are inferior anyway. you have no chance of passing. just do what women do: cook food and be objectified" ... in-deed. although "you have no chance at passing" seems like a valid enough excuse to not to bio when it comes to bio. awful class. also there's no possible way for me to do my independent lab in time (ie have enough measurements by november 1st) .. not as a result of procrastinating but rather a result of timing (ie, high tides being at 1 in the morning or so, or during school hours ..)

anyway, had an excellent weekend. although the one dance people I know say was great I miss?? after years of attending dances and hating them?? (mostly. well not hating. but considering them overall a bit of a waste of money if not time) ... bah. next time (maybe).

what's everyone doing for their yearbook write-ups?? I for one know I don't have any pictures hanging around that really sum up WHO I AM hahah ... or at least, show me as how I want my fellow classmates to remember me for years to come, looking back ..

anyway. symplastic and apoplastic pathways .. starting .. now.

9/30/04 10:59 pm - for all you satanists

oh and if you find this sort of thing interesting ... spooky? or bullshit?

9/30/04 09:33 pm - writing from beyond the grave ...

The day did not bode well. I awoke from my 9 hour sleep completely exhausted. Shortly after, I was killed by a dear friend of mine. For shame. Alas I saw it coming for weeks but could do nothing. I have a feeling a certain Lucy B. orchestrated the whole incident with cunning insight, as she did with my sister's assassination ...

I had french class discussion on Huis Clos, which was amusing to say the least. Personally I don't think questions such as "voulez-vous couchez avec moi, ce soir?", or regarding anything to do with Joe Clark should be allowed. hahaha

ToK was similarly weird. It starts off with Kyle's show-and-tell articles on parallel universes, leads to obstinate, unfortunately worded statements by Molly, and ends with Mr Marchand comparing our class to a bus ride in hell. All the while with Colin refusing to beleive anyone but himself, Dylan rephrasing Colin's statements to make them acceptable, Joel providing some comic relief, and Ben R-D interjecting with some interestingly thought out comments which turn out to completely miss the point.

Speaking of Molly I've got to say ... whining your way out of a history test that we were supposed to take YESTERDAY is hardly something to brag about after class for 10 minutes (as I heard her do). It saddens me because it leaves the teachers with the impression that we're too lazy and whiny to do any work we're given even weeks in advance. I mean, sure it's annoying, but it's school. It's the teacher's job and it's hardly fair to take it out on them (not to mention take advantage of them when they feel completely pressured into letting you get your own way ... give me a break.)

I can't beleive that we need our grad write-ups done so soon. I don't know what to do for mine, that's for sure. So much might happen in the next 7 months or so, too ...

I also can't beleive how short my transcipt is. It suck suck sucks.

However I'm in a pretty good mood regardless, as I ate peaches and ice cream and watched gilmore girls and worked on my sketch book this evening. It's almost the weekend ...


EDITED to add ... I can't beleive I didn't put anything in about the last supper! sheesh. goood stuff. All I have to say is that Jesus would have had the build your own pasta dish ... You have my word on it.

9/26/04 10:07 pm - 17, hoo-rah.

So, the weekend has gone excellently, frankly. Except for today which has been a bit frustratingly devilish, between the allergies/sickness, side effects of medication for said allergies/sickness, extended essay revision, and tok essay writing. (I left it all till today because who does homework on a Friday, or on their birthday??)

Anyway Friday was my first ballet class back, it went fine. except for a bit of feeling of sucking, what with having not done a class for over two months. oh well, I'll get back in the groove eventually. And then I went to Lucy's where there was some good old fashioned movie-watching, brownie-eating, picturing-looking-at-ing madness.

Saturday = birthday fun. The big news is that I am now a card-carrying member of the ipod nerd club! hurrah! beautiful little ipod mini which I so adore (already). I spent a bunch of time messing around with that and have at least got my computer mp3s transferred over. Also I got 2 CDs (franz ferdinand, and the goodbye lenin soundtrack … by the same guy who did the amelie music, yann tierson, if anyone cares. I like it lot.), an MC escher book … earrings from leigh … neat polka dot skirt from ellen that I wish it was warm enough to wear. And half a dozen long stem red roses delivered to my door, which is EXTREMELY nice. Went to the ballet that night with ellen (the magic flute), which was kind of crazy, plotwise, but worth seeing for sure. Also there was a proposal in the curtain call (to the queen of the night), which just about made my night hahaha … and then had some crazy street wandering and card playing in the dead of night … all good fun.

Anyway I suppose I should get back to the ToK essay because I'm nowhere near done and it's ridiculously bad at the moment.

9/19/04 02:39 pm - AVAST!

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