10/31/04 01:24 am - from tory.
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and
organized. Likes to
point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize.
Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk
well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very
confident. Sensitive.
Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and
knowledgeable. Loves to look for
information. Must control oneself when criticizing.
Able to motivate
oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Secretive. Loves sports, leisure
and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to
bottle up feelings. Very
choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.
What does your birth month say about you? brought to you by Quizilla.. haha. there are definitely a few things in there I agree with.
so, this has been a good few days. friday dressed up as alice in wonderland quite successfully (I'll have to get that picture from you at some point mats so I can preserve it for posterity (as that is the only picture) ) ... friday night was a LOT of dance. I had elementary class, which is moderately intense, then repetoire which was a lot of standing around, and then the school dance! ... I went for a sorta mermaid look (green shirt and eyeshadow, shells around neck and in hair), however that disintegrated within 5 minutes of being there. still it was a good time, as there was some syncopated dance routines (north south east west, dance in a circle .. and also can can line .. and jumping ... hahah biggest losers at the dance. ever.) among other hilarity.
saturday I saw ellen and went for a fall walk into the park. there was much cross-country-meet-crashing (I'm sure we can fit in!), leaf kicking, and hot chocolate drinking. Went to Symphany/Youth Orchestra thing. That was extremely enjoyable and I congratulate those who read this on their participation :D ... the star wars and 2001 theme were especially cool. The planets part was excellent musically but the graphics were a bit bad at times (the marching cards, the frolicking children, and the clown-balloon were my top three cringe-inducing I'd have to say). after I got back from that I went for a bit of movie watching with lucy and the little gang she had assembled haha. so I watched the last bit of red dragon, wandered in the park, and sat by the train tracks for a bit. A good time was had by all.
So, anyway, time for some sleep to prepare for a (probably work filled) sunday.
ps: who does not LOVE this user icon?! soooo good!
pps: got a certain DS shirt FINALLY ... so wearing it monday.