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potty time

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[11 Nov 2003|02:49pm]

i'm new here. i already love this community.

thank you ladies for fueling my newfound love of girls on toilets.

2♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

man [06 Nov 2003|05:11pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran ]

if i had this toilet...i would never get off...ever.

2♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

*tear* [05 Nov 2003|09:59pm]

[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | kjchhjcvbc! ]

my first time was just so special to me.

thank you for letting me have it.


a toilet porn buca di beppo birthday special [05 Nov 2003|08:27pm]

dalia's first time *tear*

the sexy, yet innocent- bev (one of the pioneers)

fuck, if thats not hot i dont know what is!!!!

the sexiest toilet porn model shawn.

seriously, she makes this an art.

the quirky, the dorky, the birthday girl.... ME!
4♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

YOU BETTER! [26 Sep 2003|10:07am]

[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | NERD- run to the sun ]

i hope you guys like the new toilet porn layout

3♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Sexy Velvet Underwear That's Not Sexy At All But Still Is [20 Sep 2003|07:42pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | R. Kelly: "Toinga Toing" ]


My sexy Sarah...

(I'm a toilet pornographer)

5♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

[07 Sep 2003|11:01pm]

[ music | do not talk to strangers- kompressor ]

this is amazing, i swear. let's go over how many of my favorite things this community combinds:

1. really, really, really, really hot girls.
2. shitting.
3. porn.

i'm new and i'm also steve.

2♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

[27 Aug 2003|12:19am]

fuck! we are cool
4♥left the toilet seat up| WHAT DID YOU DO?!

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