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Dec. 4th, 2004 @ 12:14 pm Yes, people are really like this
Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: no

Sometimes I like to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes people are retarded.

A lil' more fun... )
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Nov. 29th, 2004 @ 09:49 pm sh0rt entri'
Current Mood: scared

Yay I'm sick and I have so much shit to do this week!

Finals are next week and I think they're going to eat me alive.
DIe plea
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Nov. 26th, 2004 @ 05:02 pm (no subject)
mirrors are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

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Nov. 25th, 2004 @ 05:09 pm (no subject)
yay the hangover NEVER goes away! Yay
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Nov. 25th, 2004 @ 01:06 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: Guess

Wow, I can't wait for my family to cook a shit-load of food for me. The least they can do is be a little more quiet so I can sleep off this hang-over...
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Nov. 21st, 2004 @ 05:21 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: nothx
Current Music: P-Diddy - "99 Problems" ?

I had a dream in which I was friends with P-Diddy, and I hung out at his house and watched him film the video for his latest hit single (for some reason, the song was Jay Z's "99 problems"). The video consisted of P-Diddy walking through his house, just rapping (?) away. Oh, and he was dating that one chick who plays the lesbian in Urban Legends 2.

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Nov. 18th, 2004 @ 08:50 pm grounded from Live Journal
Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Gavin Degraw - follow through

Living at home with my family gets harder and harder every day. Even though it's really not all that bad here, my urge to move out on my own continues to grow stronger. I guess it's just that I realize how old I am getting, and feel pathetic living with my mommy and daddy. On the other hand, looking on the bright side, I should be done with Clark after next Fall quarter; which means I will eventually move out--that is, to wherever I transfer. Nonetheless, this this is going to be a very long year.

I don't write anything in here much anymore because I always feel guilty playing online when I have homework to do--Which is ALL THE TIME it seems. I guess that's a good thing seeing as how it's a refreshing reminder that I'm getting closer and closer to graduating. It's always nice to keep in mind that I only started going to school last Spring, yet after this quarter I will have 41 credits, and not to mention, an accumulative GPA of 3.7. Not too shabby, right? Fuck you.

I try so fucking hard to be a smart baby who will succeed with flying colors. I just want to win at the game of life.
That's all I ask for. Is that so much?

I'm not sure what the point of this entry is. Does there even have to be a point to Live Journal? Sometimes I just feel the need to write things. It makes my head feel less like exploding. What would you all do if that happened? Thank you.

P.S: I am going to be taking 16 credits of fun and excitement next quarter. I am already taking two classes with friends; who else wants to jump on the bandwagon???
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Nov. 18th, 2004 @ 05:10 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: lazy

Note to self: Staring at my computer monitor with my hand down my pants does NOT get homework done. Kthx.
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Nov. 18th, 2004 @ 07:01 am I like their attitudes
Current Mood: morning time

Do it. It's fun.
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Nov. 16th, 2004 @ 05:46 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: YAY

Yay, I'm glad AT&T;/Cingular Wireless lost my payment for October! YAYYAAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!! cause im rich and $50 is n0THING to mE YAYAYAYAYAY!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!
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Nov. 16th, 2004 @ 02:55 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: So fucking cynical(ihatetoday)

I love how my computer takes about a million years to load a web-page, yet it loads pop-ups at the speed of light. Thank the sweet, sweet baby Lord.
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Nov. 16th, 2004 @ 11:18 am sch00l is g00d everD@y
Current Mood: hanGOVerz
Current Music: HLP.04

::vomit:: YAY!
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Nov. 13th, 2004 @ 11:15 pm (no subject)
Current Music: (thanks to Jason) Weather Girls - It's Raining Men

Once again, as a reward for getting my homework done, I head out on the town.
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Nov. 12th, 2004 @ 11:08 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: lazy

I love (<3) to do homework.

P.s: Who wants to take a class with me at Clark next quarter? For the LOVE OF GOD, will ANYONE be my school friend, PLEEEZZE??!!
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Nov. 12th, 2004 @ 08:32 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: Fanciful

During my nap I just took, I dreamt that George W. Bush was my step-dad. Yeah, like, my mom married him, I think. It was stupid, I had to tip-toe around the fact that I was a homo, but eventually he warmed up to me and we got along great ::vomit::

That was the worst nightmare I've ever had. Almost as bad as the one were he wins the election...
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Nov. 11th, 2004 @ 04:19 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: awake

So as some of you may already know, the movie Alexander is coming out in a couple of weeks (which I'm very excited about). Not surprisingly, there has been some debate over a questionable gay-sex scene in the movie, and whether or not it should be taken out. As usual, my favorite website, the the American Family Association, has written a story in regards to the movie.

Does "Historically Accurate" Mean Historically Right, Ask Pro-Family Activists

(AgapePress) – A new movie depicting the life of Alexander III, the king of Macedon, is set to hit theaters November 24, with much controversy surrounding the homosexual content of the film.

Baptist Coalition United (BCU) is outraged by the historical accuracy of the movie titled Alexander, which is directed by Oliver Stone. A BCU spokesperson said Tuesday, “this is clearly a ploy by the homosexual activists to force their unhealthy sexual practices onto the rest of society.” The BCU spokesperson added that the film should be completely reedited to exclude any references of Alexander the great’s ambiguous sexual orientation, and instead focus on his loving and traditional marriage with one woman—even if no such situation ever occurred.

BCU explained that this movie will damage American families—the bedrock institution of this fine, zealot infested country.

Jim Mathers, vice-president of the Historical Accuracy Abolishment Movement (HAAM) confirmed what he thought of the movie’s director, Stone, and his choice to “[dive] too deep into what actually happened in the past.” Mathers added, “we can’t just detail all the events that occurred yesterday, otherwise we are endangering our children of today, and creating a unimaginable tomorrow.” That tomorrow could be filled with acceptance, diversity, and historical appreciation, Mathers fears.

Mathers said this wouldn’t be an issue if Warner Bros., the production company for the movie, would just agree to let the American Family Association edit the movie. “I think if anyone truly knows history, it would be a group of pasty, white, bible-thumping ye-haws, who have no hidden agenda except to force Christianity down the throats of all Americans.”

Rev. Jack Bigsby (that’s right, now we’re sourcing a random reverend) said this is an unacceptable way to raise America’s children. “If we let such deviance leak into mainstream America,” said Bigsby, “we are allowing Hollywood and historical truth to raise our children.” If historically accurate films, such as Alexander, are presented to the public in their entirety, Bigsby worries parents might eventually be forced to raise their children on their own, and not depend on their entier society to live in a way which caters to their every parenting need.

Bigsby veered off the topic at hand: “marriage is between a man, a women, and babies. We can’t allow activist homosexual, liberal judges to determine what marriage is or should be. We can only allow activist Christian fundamentalist judges and the gay hating citizens of America to make such important decisions.”

Although Mathers knows that Alexander will likely satisfy the majority of educated, intelligent, and sexually secure Americans, he remains confident that ignorant people, such as himself, will know better, and will fail to see Alexander for what it truly is: An accurate portrayal of homosexuality in ancient Rome and Greece.
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Nov. 9th, 2004 @ 01:13 am (no subject)
Current Mood: Creeped out

Something just occurred to me.

First of all, let me point out that my sister and her boyfriend both share a bedroom with their three-year-old daughter.

Now, here is the thing; a couple of weeks ago my sister thought she was pregnant.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find that incredibly wrong?

Just think about it for a moment.
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Nov. 7th, 2004 @ 05:06 am edit:
Current Mood: Grade A asshole

First of all, as I explain this short story, keep in mind how much I despise Bush and his supporters right now.

So, I just came home to a night of good times and fun. Now, let me paint a little picture for you: I come home to find that a large truck has taken up my usual parking spot in my own driveway. This must be a friend of my sister's/my sister's boyfriend. Ok.

Getting to the point, imagine my shock and horror when I see that this person, who has taken my parking spot, proudly sports a Bush sticker on their back window. We all already know Bush won. Gloating is not neccessary.

Now, I want you all to imagine how severely keyed this truck is at the moment. Let me give you a hint: I didn't use a key to "key" it.
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Nov. 6th, 2004 @ 09:41 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: cynical

Ugh. Why can't I ever find friends to go out and have fun with me? Why doesn't anyone ever want to be my friend? I'm so fucking fun. I'm, like, seriously the most fun person I know. And even if you don't like me, I make a great accessory 'cause I'm mediocre-ly attractive (or at least neat looking). Sometimes I'm a little bit charming, and I even make witty/clever comments on occasion.

I hate all most of you.
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Nov. 6th, 2004 @ 05:41 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: accomplished

As a treat for getting my homework done I'm going to go out tonight. Who wants to go with me, please?
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