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Sunday, November 7th, 2004
12:05 am
Update someday. Probably after the symphony tomorrow.

current music: Snow Patrol - Final Straw - 07 - Run

11 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
5:41 pm - Dream with you inside my head
I've actually decided that I'll give a brief run down on the last week. Tuesday was easy, I moved into the dorms. My roommate, Sam, wasn't anywhere to be seen that day, in fact, I didn't see her until the very end of the day, as it were. That's alright, and all, because, you know, people have other things to do than to be moving in. She's awesome. I like her alot. Anyhow. Since I didn't have anything to do the first night, I went to the movie night thing in one of the RA's rooms and there I met Tashina and Amber. We clicked and started hanging out, went on an hour long walk around downtown and stuff, for no particular reason. Over the next couple of days, our roommates all moved in, we met Ryan, who's in my program, and later his roommate, and we just started going on walks and the like. (The group is now consisting of four rooms and eight people, though, Kirsten -never- leaves her room now that the internet's up.) I saw Nezu Friday after I dropped off Amber at the train station. It was awesome to see her again, after like, a year or so of near silence on my part. Things kinda just fell back into the same sort of easy conversation that was always there. Despite the fact that she's the Party Star, the little bitch. *Glare.*

I'm glad classes have started. It gives me something to do instead of looking at the ceiling all the time. Or rereading books I've brought with me, which is minimal and I'm running out. It'll add the incentive to run off to the library to get something new, I suppose. So far, I've just had the Fundamentals class, which is... as far as I can tell, precisely that, basic stuff, like how to handle our knives and the like. We made French onion soup today and it was rather tasty. I saved some in my Nalgene bottle which Ryan has and I think we're going to chow down on it for dinner or something of that sort.

I rearranged my schedule. So I have the weekends off, though, with McDonald's gonna fucking around with me... ugh. It's a mess. For a job I'm supposed to be having, they thought I was supposed to be there last month. Which, no doubt, was my old manager's fault, because she's a little loopy at times. Of course, so now, it's just trying to get a hold of the fucking manager here, but that can't be done when they're not answering the phone. After class tomorrow, my only early class, I'll head over there and start laying the smack down because this is just ridiculous.

For those that care, my schedule is:
Monday: 12-5, Fundamentals
Tuesday: 12-5, Fundamentals
Wednesday: 10-11:30, First Quarter Seminar
12-5, Fundamentals
Thursday: 7:30-11:30, Introduction to Food Service Industry
Friday: 12-4, Safety & Sanitation

current mood: listless
current music: Triple Point - Stolen

4 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
5:26 pm
I live, still. In Seattle, at the Art Institute, downtown across the street from the crack deals central... Oh jes. It's all good, really. Internet comes up on Thursday, not sure if I'll be online that night, but I should be at least the following day. My phone line gets installed that night, too, so I'll be on the phone for certain. A locked post to follow with the new address and phone number for all of those concerned and interested.

I'm in one of the computer labs at school right now, scribbling away at my journal, on a dozen Javaclients of sorts to pretend that I'm actually on all of my old, normal computery programs. I'm somewhat tired, true, and I probably should be heading home soon, it's not the most... wonderful of areas that I'm in, that's for certain. I'm sure I'll go blow by blow update when I get back online, but I had to make some sort of note that I'm still alive.

Also. The computer lab doors hateses me.

current mood: lethargic
current music: Triple Pointe

9 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Friday, September 17th, 2004
9:44 pm - Getting your freedom's easy
I've been toying around with this for a while and finally, you know, it's about time to write.

Starting off, of course, was the Nightwish concert. Getting up to Seattle was a breeze, despite the bus being late when we left. That's alright, it was free, I think I paid about a dollar to get all the way up to my city. Found Amy and Rachel at Uwajimaya and I ate and then we putz'd around for a while, went to Northgate and then finally to the hotel on Aurora Ave. We killed time there before heading back down town for the concert, in which we ended up hiking up like... ten blocks or more to Eastlake Ave to the venue. We got in line, got inside, touched up make up and the like, checked out the merchandising, which I got a tour T-shirt, because I'm a sucker for that shit. So, we mill about, met this big guy who was going to defend us from the scary people who moshed and waited until Lullacry comes out, and which, at this point, I need to make mention of how hot the lead singer is. So what if they're an alright musically band, they had awesome stage presence and the guitarist was phenomonal. They did play "Be My God" and that was awesome to see live. So, between sets, it was something like half an hour, or more, I forget, while we're waiting for Nightwish to come out. The crowd gets kinda pushier, and a good deal cramper, but all's well, right? Ohnononono, Nightwish comes out and it's like SQUISH. Rachel and Amy abandoned the center early and I take off a couple of songs later, because it was getting really bad and I thought I was going to fall over. We watch the rest of othe show from the side where we can probably see the stage better than people not in the front row.

Things I learn about metal concerts. Bring earplugs. Wear shoes that are flat, because no one will be paying attention to your shoes or how tall you are with them on. Be prepared for squishness and stake out the stage upon entering the venue.

Getting back to Olympia was an adventure. I got stuck in Lakewood because apparently Pierce and King Counties were not on the same page with the Intercity Transit and didn't know that IT wouldn't be running on Labour Day. I made an emergency call to Allen and bribed him to come get me, and subsequently the two other people that were stuck there whoo had thought the bus was running as well.

The rest of the month's sort of a blur. I don't remember everything notable that's happened. Decky's pissed because I made two comments about using other people's passwords on #OOC. Oh, and then defended my position. Justing's finally come back, and hasn't been lying dead in a ditch the last month or so. Krisael's alright, as far as I can tell from his journal entry. And I found some pics from high school when I've been going through all of my crap in efforts to pack for school.

I've lost the whim to write. Teh Dayna and her conspiracy theories do that. That's right, teh Dayna, I am talking about j00.

current mood: confused
current music: De/Vision - Slaves To Passion

8 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Sunday, August 29th, 2004
11:53 pm - Tell the world there is nobody left to betray
It's about time that I sat down and updated this thing, I believe. I don't know what's gotten me so down about writing in my journal, when I used to do it all the time in high school. Maybe things'll pick up when I get back to Seattle and am back in school. It's only a month away, something that just doesn't seem all that real to me just yet. Maybe when I've started shoving things into boxes again, it'll finally sink in. That, or it'll just annoy and irritated me that I've had to pack up things, yet again... this being the fifth time I've moved in just over two years. I hate moving, I need to stop doing it, but there will be at least one more move on the horizon for next year, beginning of spring. Brilliant.

Plans for the Nightwish concert are almost complete. Hotel room is booked, tickets are bought, now it's just a matter of arranging for transportation and everything will be beautiful. That part won't be too bad, unless the whole Labour Day thing kinda makes a mess of it. Though, there is always Amtrak, and shelling out an obscene amount of money to cab to the Lacey/Olympia train station. It beats the hell out of paying for cab fare to Seattle, that's for certain. Anyhow, the concert's definitely something that I'm looking forward to and hopefully, Nightwish won't suck. I've heard some of their live performances, so I've high expectations, it's just that I haven't particularly been struck with the last two albums.

Speaking of music, I've really been on an electronic kick lately. I think this is something in part of having discovered Real Synthetic Audio and their weekly web cast. Last week's was awesome, at least for the temp DJ making fun of the original DJ's latest project. Just imagine an electronica song using the word "pooper" in it. Yeah, you heard me. Not that Collide's completely electronic, but Regenerator and Iris both are, and eventually, I'll have to track down Mono Chrome, if I can find anyone to download it from. Collide's my new hero, at least for a while, though, listening to the majority of one of Iris's albums... Yeah, it's good stuff, though, the first half wasn't nearly as synthy as the latter half. Oh well. Still rather good. The new A23 album, "Storm" is due out soon, the single from it "Let the Wind Erase Me" is owning me,

Tazlure may not be taking up more of my time in the weeks to come. Given the current state of politics, and the latest goings on, I'm toying with the idea of resigning as a moderator. Then again, I probably won't, will stick out this latest tide with admirable and unrecognized loyality only to slip into hiatus due to moving and school. Maybe. A lot of that would depend on if Jads, Decky and Rees all hang around, I think, but that's probably just another case of the bloody trio of trouble making King's Court mods showing their childish solidatiry. Hurrah. Just more drama I don't need. I can make more than enough for myself, quite easily, actually, without anyone's help.

My tongue's healed up, just find. I can change the barbell out on my own, without any complications. I was paranoid the first time, admittedly, but it was simpler than I had thought it was going to be and it went well. I've worked out the lisp, though, I still think I hear something. No one else seems to comment on it, all that much, so I guess it might just be my sensitivity to hearing myself talk.

I'm in another phone phase, it looks. I've been doing a lot of phone calling within the last month or so. I talked to [info]luemnus for the first time yesterday, after misdialing his number because I wrote it down wrong the first time. I think he tried to fire me four or five times during that entire conversation, which was amusing, to say the least. Amongst others would be Decky, Jads and Rees all of Tazlure fame, of course. And the near nightly attempts on [info]dek0n's phone to try to get through. No luck so far, and I'm just a paranoid girl, wondering where the hell he's been. Once again, I'm reminded of the stupidity of getting emotionally attached in any sort of manner to people through the keyboard. When things like these happen, you never know what the fuck's happened to them. Point in case, [info]lord_of_flies getting run over by [info]theguppyofdoom. Disappear for a month, and getting hit by an SUV, it might as well be that you're in my famous situation of "lying dead in a ditch somewhere". Lesigh.

So, can we see me in Wisconsin in January? For a week or ten days, or something like that. Ironically, in the same area my step brother's wedding was at, but not for that reason. Here's to finances.

In closing. I need the Dark Ages: Fae book and the Vampire corebook. I haven't even seen either of them. Not that I've moved on, just that it's hard to indulge ones more expensive habits when they're shelling out more than half a paycheck to one's sister in rent.

current mood: grumpy
current music: Iris - Sorrow Expert

4 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Friday, August 6th, 2004
11:35 pm - Without the light of wisdom, what else can be done?
A brief update.

It seems as though Tazlure is increasingly taking up more and more of my time. Which isn't to say that I don't enjoy it, in fact, I've created a second character to be played, even. I'm just somewhat concerned that my capacity as moderator might be limited considerably by the time I go back to school, if only because I don't know if I will be able to balance the thread load (as of current, plus my developement project) and the school work. Naturally, the latter will be a priority, though, the former will still be around. Ah well, posting does go by a lot faster when I'm not allowing myself to be distracted by the delectable staff in the staff chatroom. ;D

Anyhow, I spent last weekend in Portland for Melanie's birthday. Pizza and booze on Friday, at which point, after a mild consumption of Triple Sec and some vodka, I made the announcement to the folks on the porch that "life ain't nothing but bitches and hoes" only to repeat it. The next morning, I woke up with a headache, so I guess it wasn't as mild a consumption as I had thought it was. That Saturday, after lounging around with Melz and her roommate, Kristi with a couple of Malibu rum and cokes, I got my tongue pierced, which true to the words of wisdom spoken by so many, it doesn't hurt as much as you might think it does. It really is like biting it and the more annoying thing is the swelling that comes with it. As it were, getting my cartiledge piercing done hurt a lot more than getting my tongue pierced. Now, it's just a matter of learning how to talk with it in, though, I'm assured the lisping will go away once I figure it all out.

So that's pretty much the events in my life so far.

PS. I bought the Nightwish tickets and now can only await the concert date. Later on that week, I need to be back in Seattle to get my student ID and sized for my uniform. Two weeks after that, I'll be up in Seattle and moved into my dorm to start school. Fancy that, it's only six weeks or so away.

current mood: lethargic
current music: Assemblage23 - Darker

6 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Wednesday, July 14th, 2004
6:29 pm - Grawr >:o
Here's a big old "FUCK YOU" to Ticketmaster's bullshit "processing" fees. $5.75 per ticket (for a grand total of $23) for the Nightwish tickets. Fuck you, Ticketmaster.

...Sad thing is, that when my pay check goes through, I'll buy them. (Note, [info]kumori_no_ko and [info]carravankid, I'mma gonna have to smack you up for another $11.50 whenever it's most convenient.) I had contemplated snagging Ozzfest tickets -just- to see Lacuna Coil on second stage, and then I saw the price was $45 and I'm not that great a fan to do it. Nor do I really like anyone else who is playing. Maybe when I can shit money for fun, I'll do it. Until then, it's Nightwish, here I come.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Echo Image - Compuphonic - 05 - Skulk

14 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Monday, July 12th, 2004
1:33 am - Believe in wings
Stuff happened.

I sent in my housing department for school earlier this week. I got my copy of the Kovenant's "SETI" album which turned out to be a promo copy, not that I'm complaining, just amused. Melz came over Friday night and we proceeded to continue in the grand tradition of going to Shari's for no particular reason other than we couldn't think of anything else to do.

The next day we were up early to head to Seattle for my appointment with my financial officer and the tour with my admissions counselor of the grounds. All was well, we had decided to skip breakfast so we'd be hungry for Chinese food. While just making it out of Lakewood, and while we were on the phone with [info]dek0n, Melz informs me that there's a cop behind us. We pull over and get off the phone with the huzbandz0r (who's laughing at this point) and find out we'd been speeding. Like, over twenty miles -over- the speed limit, even though we hadn't been passing anyone in -our- lane. The cop's kinda an asshole about the entire situation, slams Melz with an awful ticket and we head up to Seattle grunting about how much of a dick the guy was and how we weren't exactly -zooming- ahead of the flow of traffic.

We'd called Justing for the express purpose of getting movie times in Seattle. And ended up changing our minds a bunch of times before we saw Spiderman 2. We called him three or four times to get the movie times, too, if I recall.

The school's rather easy to locate, for having never been there before. Right there on the waterfront, awesome view from the school's restaurant in the north campus. Mebbe my dorm will have a good view, but it's probably rather unlikely. Oh well, I'll be back in my city and I will love it. Yay.

Christy, my admissions counselor, in person is completely awesome. She's demanding food after classes start.

Further adventures in Seattle Saturday included heading up to the International District to go get food, and realizing, lo, it's the street fair. After lunch, we were heading back to the car to drop off the leftovers when we perused through the street fair. Melz got this rather swanky scarf and I got a bag, which is my new, graduated purse, and we considered it all well spent. To the car, dropped off the food, went to walk up to Sixth and Pine to the theatre, when it was all rather windy and we were slightly lost. I forget where we were precisely, but we hesitated a lot after nearing this bridge with a lot of people who all looked homeless. It was windy, we decided to go back to Lakewood to see Spiderman 2 instead. We had to call [info]lyceum to get the movie times, because Justing hadn't answered his phone, despite the bitchy rant on his machine to answer the phone.

Anyhow. Spiderman 2 was awesomeness. I needn't say more on it.

After the movie, we went back to Olympia, where I had a bounty of mail in the mailbox. My copy of "The Wayfarer Redemption" that I had loaned Amy and had forgotten I had done so, my Butterfly Messiah CD and the package Jamie had sent. The Butterfly Messiah CD (which I had ordered off their site, directly) was awesome, because there was a handwritten note in it from one of the bandmembers, to me specifically, and some street promo stuff. And a green tea bag, sealed. I don't know what was up with the tea bag thing, it was kinda spooky and I don't think I'll drink it. I mean, really, c'mon, why the hell would you send someone a tea bag? "hay, lol, u got 1 of our cds, here, have a tea bag!!11" I don't get it.

After looting the mail box, we went back to Shari's and got [info]allenchan to come with us. Melz and I went to Target first, for the express purpose of looking through the retro toy isle, that has all the My Little Ponies, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears and -now- the Muppet Babies stuff in it. We had been meaning to look for a long time and we always forget to go to Target and actually do it. So it's done, scratched from the list of things Melz and I consider important. At Shari's, though, we sat around, had dinner, made our creamer tower and I spilled lemon water all over the table because I was trying to stab the lemon in the glass.

We went to rent movies after that, picking up "Bless the Child" and the 2 disc set of White Wolf's ill fated TV adventure, "Kindred: the Embraced". Originally, we were going to watch "Bless the Child" first but Allen was getting just a tad primadonna-ish on us about how he was just going to take an hour and a half nap while we watched it, so we watched the first two episodes of K:tE first. It was okay. Confusing as hell, even to people who knew the game, and rather dramay and soap operish. This was explained away by finding out that the awesome executive producers were the super duo that brought us 90210. But the confusion, however, was not, nor was the reasoning behind dropping the Tremere and the Malkavians from the clans, nor was the reasoning behind the Brujah acting like a bunch of juvenile Sabbat punks, and the Gangrel acting like the Brujah. Rawr. Confusion, really. After the second episode, which I think we all fell asleep through, Allen went home and Melz and I conceeded defeat to go to sleep. The next morning, we watched the other movie.

Melz left this evening, Cory made fresh pesto which was tasty, if not rather garlic-y. I made a list of things I ought to have before I hike off to the dorms and called Mandy to ask if she wanted to get a storage unit in Oly together. Cory doesn't recommend at all that Mandy leaves anything at our mother's house, but Mandy's all like "I don't have anything that I'm worried about!" and whatnot. I don't think she gets what Cory's trying to convey, or that she has more stuff than she'll be able to stick in the dorm.

But anyway. Cory's due date's gonna be in March. An astrological Chinese Cock and hopefully an Aries in the Western zodiac.

current mood: thoughtful
current music: Sarah McLachlan - Possession

24 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Friday, July 2nd, 2004
12:08 am
I'm going to be an aunt come March! :D

current mood: excited
current music: Xandria - Ravenheart - 04 - Eversleeping

6 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Sunday, June 27th, 2004
10:52 pm

current mood: amused
current music: Nightwish - Nemo

5 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Friday, June 25th, 2004
10:53 pm - I will find you finding me
I kept looking at my journal, thinking that I should post and just never got around to it. Tazlure's been taking up a lot of my time and now with my self appointed project of redoing all of the clothing inventory... Yeah, it's probably only gonna take up more time. Ah well, it'll give me something to do that keeps me out of trouble and I don't mind it. I've already written a cosmetics list that's more amusing if only because it's taken from a period of about three hundred years or so.

Moving onwards, however, to more materialistic concerns... I was woken up from my afternoon nap yesterday to the sound of the phone ringing. Looking blearily at caller ID, it was from AIS, whom I've been talking to off and on for the last month and a half or so. It wasn't Christy, the woman I've been talking to since I requested information. It was one of the admissions people, letting me know that I've been accepted and that the rest of that information, on student housing and payment plans and the like, were all gonna be sent that day and that I should have them by Monday. Hurrah! As soon as I get the 'cashpay' plan information, I'm gonna fax it to my uncle and get the money withdrawn from my trust fund to pay for the first two quarters, including dorm expenses.

So, here I come downtown Seattle... and of course, culinary school, late September. Be prepared, bishes. Mandy and I'll both be going to school in the city, she's of course, attending UW so that'll be interesting. Somehow I get the impression that we might never see each other, or even bother to make the time, but I don't know. If she comes downtown, she should come and see me, and I know for a fact I'll be making pilgrimages up to the U district, because [info]kumori_no_ko will be there and some of my favourite book stores are in that area. Not to mention, I would love to go back to work for Lane Bryant and the nearest one is in Northgate... Screw going down to South Center, that's just more a hassle than it's worth, in my opinion.

The plan stands as thus, dorming for the first two quarters and then moving out with Roomate_X in late March/early April. While some of the people who read my livejournal already know who's moving up here then, there are some others that I'm not comfortable with learning of that fact just yet. Not to mention, I've said nothing of it to my family and I have no idea if any of them are still reading this thing anymore. I'd prefer to keep knowledge of said plan and person under wraps for the time being as that it -is- so far out and plans have a habit of changing without warning before it's time.

To say I'm excited about all of this is quite the understatement. I've already decided that I'm going to transfer my job with McDonald's until I can land another, and maybe even work both for a time being. This really depends on school and the stress of being back in school for the first time in two years. Luckily, I can go straight into college math and English, though, I'm slightly worried about the former. Hooray for the SATs and scoring over the cut off mark of 480 on both math and verbal.

I'm going to see the campus in two weeks, when Melanie's up here for the weekend. She wanted to, or either volunteered to come with me so I had made the appointment then. Tickets for the Nightwish concent in early September also go on sale that same weekend, and I'll be having to snag some of those as well. With the exception of perhaps Amy and Rachel, I can't remember if anyone else I know in the area likes Nightwish, but I'm all set on going. It's at Graceland, which I've never been to, but according to someone at work, is a nice place. I'm going to locate it when I'm there for the AIS show and tell, methinks. My only concern about this concert is that it's gonna be most of the new stuff and personally, I don't think very highly of what I've heard of "Once".

Amongst other things to order right now, but I'm falling in love with Butterfly Messiah, especially their second album. Thanks to [info]dek0n, naturally, and then later for his snagging of both of their albums from someone on IRC... Hurrah for mp3 channels. I'm still waiting for my Flesh Field CD, but on the bright side, it hasn't withdrawn from my account, so they haven't jacked my money, either.

I had a weird dream this morning. It was mostly rubbish up until the part where the office I was working in was rearranging. And instead of like, putting the salt water fish into buckets or whatever, the man just let them all drain out into the floor. So there were all of these flopping, dead fish and I woke up to that. It bothered me a bit.

Anyhow. Sleep soon, must work tomorrow.

current mood: excited
current music: Butterfly Messiah - Eternal - 04 - Eternal

11 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
12:55 am - Sweet dreams are made of these
So. Attended Mandy's graduation this weekend. All I can say is that it would've been so much better if the speaker in front of us wasn't broken through half of it. And I'm rather bitter and sad that my graduation didn't have fireworks. Then again, my graduation wasn't outside, so I suppose that could be why. Still! Fireworks would've been that much cooler. Though, I dunno, graduating in the civic center was pretty cool.

Was amused to learn today that Salicious of my heart is a Suicide Girl. Somehow, I just think that's awesome and that it's all the more major kudos to her. Hey now, if it makes you happy, go for it.

Anyhow. Moving on. Finally got my grubby paws on a A23 album ("Defiance" for the curious), at the Hot Topic in Wenatchee, no less. That was surprising to say the least, that it was there of all places. Also started a layway item thingy on this super swanky dress at the same store that my younger sister's going to finish paying off for me. Mel and I went shoe shopping for it online, which eventually I'll have to get around to buying the shoes. By the time I do, they'll be sold out and I'll cry. Oh well. :o

Also snagged BT's "10 Years in the Life" dual CD album. Was totally blown away by the full scope of his work, most impressive was the manic sampling and editing on Tori Amos's vocals for "Blue Sky". Course, I'd've never known it was majorly edited if I hadn't read the liner notes, but even so... One thousand edits? Jesus christ. Impressive, nontheless, to someone not in the field, industry and knows shit about sampling and electronic music beyond listening to it.

Super duper excited about my order of Flesh Field's "Viral Extinction" album through They had it, could import it from Germany and everything. Super awesome, seeing as that I was having a lot of problems locating some place that carried it. German import, around $24 after shipping, but it'll be mine! :D

Talked to my moderator/mentor in Tazlure tonight. He said was handling a lot of threads given how long I've been a mod for. I said it was okay and that it's not really all that stressing. I'm enjoying myself and it's not like I've anything else to do in my life.

I emailed my uncle to find out about my trust fund. To see if there's enough in it with the shitty economy to attend AIS in October. I'm going to stay in the dorms for the first six months and then move out, I believe. The details on that are going to be kept to an elite squadron of sexbots, or rather, to the privledged Sonsitopians. Which reminds me, Melanie still needs a Livejournal.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Flesh Field - Enjoy the Silence

1 whispered secret : : Whisper a secret?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
5:12 pm - Hell
Someone pointed this out to me today, and I went to dig out the old one. I'm still in the seventh layer of hell, but the rest of it's changed.

Banished to hell again )

Compare to the old one:

current mood: amused
current music: Muse - Time is Running Out

4 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

1:09 am - And all this time I had thought myself pure
Bruises that are so deep they don't colour shortly after you've done it to yourself, and that are sore just to move the limb they were inflicted on... in a word, suck. I keep hitting the bloody shelf in the drive thru hallway at work. My upper arm was the latest victim, which isn't to say, the first. The spot between my shoulder blades has been viciously assaulted as well.

I had meant to update sooner than this, just hadn't gotten around to it. Oh well, I update when I have something I feel like saying. Hoorah.

My mother and Mandy played this really mean joke on Cory, Tim and me a couple of weeks ago. Point being, as that, Mandy had some test she had to do at UW. Afterwards, she called Cory and asked if she was busy, to which Cory replied no, thinking that Mandy just wanted to talk about stuff. Well. Apparently Mandy had other ideas. And they came over. So instead of telling -me- about this, they came and picked me up from work, surprising the fuck out of me when I walked around the corner to find Cory and Tim. The best part of this story would have to be the fact that Mandy and mom both planned to stay over night, packed for it, but never said anything to anyone else. Needless to say, Cory was a little miffed about it.

That same weekend, I discovered, much to my glee, that my application to become an assistant game master for Tazlure was accepted and I was given the position. The next day, I found out as well, that I had been recommended to op in the chat room and accepted that position, too. So far, I've been doing fairly well (according to the people I'm modding for and working with) with the threads I have. I'm enjoying it, but I'm on the lookout to make sure that I'm not going to burn myself out overwriting. It's fun to be this deeply involved, and getting to talk with all of these other great writers is really enlightening. *Yawns.*

Today I ended up pulling nearly eleven hours at work, covering the last part of Val's shift. I had volunteered rather early on to go home early if they needed it, and my wish was granted, forty five minutes before I was off. Ah, well, that's okay. I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can sleep in.

This weekend's Mandy's graduation. Cory's headed over to Spokane for her Diversion state conference, which means, we'll rendesvous with her in Wenatchee on the night of the ceremony. Tim and I'll be driving over, with Murphy, Friday morning. That'll be a trip, I'm sure. Probably spent mostly in silence.

Two weeks from that, I'll be headed down to Portland to hang out with Melz0rz again. We're planning on continuing our tradition of going to the theatre and we're gonna see "The Chronicals of Riddick" which should be out by the time I'm there. Not sure what else we're going to do. I had planned to get my tongue pierced that weekend, but I'm not too keen on the idea of getting it pierced by someone whose not local. Just on the offchance that something happens and I need to have my piercer look at it, or something. But, on the other hand, when will I get the chance to have three or four days off in a row to heal up?

I've had my phone interview with AIS. I just need to talk to my Uncle Bill now to find out how much money is in my trust fund so I can pay for my schooling. The idea of financial aid isn't a bad one, per se, simply that I don't really like the concept of my mother taking out a loan in my aid. Not that I think she could get one, really, her credit's shit, but I don't want her being able to hang anything over my head like that. I ought to speak with Mandy about the financial aid thing to see if she got any or what.

So, if everything works out, I'll be attending AIS in October and living in the dorms for at least the first quarter. Pending on how other plans come to fruition, I might be in an apartment again in January. Details on that are and will remain sketchy until further notice.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Orion Too - Call Me

1 whispered secret : : Whisper a secret?

Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
8:43 pm - Your voice is all I need to keep the hurt from seeping in
I r teh luff 4 dayna. Just thought I should point that out.

Any song that wants to use sound clips from "Legend" is gonna be alright by me. As such, I'm still in love with this song after hearing L'Ame Immortelle's remix of it last night. Flesh Field ownz me now, and I'll have to locate their EP somehow. Started listening to some more Smile Empty Soul, too, and some of the music off Nightwish's new album. I have to say, their continued decision to tone down Tarja's vocals is not making me a happy camper and I'm getting quite annoyed with it. "Oceanborn", I maintain, is still their best album to date and "Century Child" and now "Once" are horrible detours. Not that I hate either of those albums, mind you, it's just that I don't like having the male vocals involved and I don't like the way that Tarja's vocals are no longer able to be described as 'operatic'. I'll still go see them in Seattle in September.

I finally ordered and got in the last book I was missing of Tanith Lee's "The Secret Books of Paradys" quartet. Number three, "The Book of the Dead", the entire cover and back all in greytone. I ended up paying 94 cents for it and nearly three times that for shipping, much to my amusement. Hooray for's program for users to sell stuff. Huzzah indeed. I've started reading it, trying to remember if I'm supposed to have known who Andre St. Jean was or not. I read the first book in Seattle, so that's nearly, or at the very least, a year ago and my memory's hazy. The second book I read for the first time fairly recently.

I got the information packet from AIS and it was -so- helpful. Not... really, actually, but I should be calling them tomorrow or Friday to see if there's more information to be had on the phone. Like. Cost and... availability and prerequisites and all of that shit that wasn't answered in their ever so helpful information that they sent.

Saw Margaret Cho last week. It was rather political in content, which wasn't really a bad thing, but not what I had expected. And it was rather warm where we were, so I guess that was another impression. The politics that were discussed weren't nessecarily bad, just... well, I don't know, some of it was a little too serious, that I felt, to be in a comedy show, but I guess it's just another one of those things.

Beyond that, there's not a whole lot going on here that's even worth commenting on. No letter from Erik, but that's not completely unexpected. I'm not even sure if I sent the letter I wrote to the right address. Military addresses fuck with my head, I think, even worse than European addresses. Ah well.

current mood: moody
current music: Flesh Field - My Saviour

Whisper a secret?

Monday, May 10th, 2004
4:12 pm - I never wrote you a love song
Let's see. Lots of things have occured and I'm not sure where to start with all of this. Let's jsut take it one thing at a time.

Making plans to hopefully get into AIS's culinary program come fall quarter, assuming I'm not too late and there's nothing that I need to make up in my two years off from school. I'll be looking over the course requirements and the like as soon as I get the information here and then I'll be calling and talking to them directly sometime there after. If everything goes well, I'll be likely making a move back up to Seattle and attending school there. (Yay. I miss Seattle.)

My library got Sara Douglass's newest book, "Gods' Concubine" in on the fifth, and I've already read it in that time. (Hooray for being one of the first three people to either request it be ordered, or just put it on hold for when it did come in.) Soooo much better than the first one, I have to say. Cornelia-Caela kicked so much ass and didn't take anyone's shit right after she awakened. It was an awesome read and now I'm just in lust for the next book, which will likely be out in a year, I guess. Oh well, there will hopefully be plenty of other stuff to read in the time it takes for that one to come out. There's always the last book of her's that I haven't read yet that takes place in the same world as the Wayfarer Redemption trilogy. (Note to self: Need to get last three books of that series from the University Bookstore in Seattle, imported.)

Melanie came over this weekend, as planned. Showed up around three on Saturday and it was a fun time to be had by all. After some searching, we found that this random little theatre in Puyallup was showing that new movie by the chick who did "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "Connie and Carla" and had to go and see it. Not because it was by that chick, but it looked wicked funny in the previews we'd seen for it when we saw "Kill Bill Vol 2" in Portland (or when we saw "Jersey Girl"). So, we drove to Puyallup and located the threate to find out that all shows were $3.50 (score!) and then hung out with Wendy to kill time. Saw the movie, it was awesome, so cute. And then we went to Evergreen to hang out with [info]allenchan after we got back to Olympia and stayed there chatting with him and two of his friends until about 4:30 am or so.

So, on Sunday, we decided to see "Van Helsing" because [info]allenchan wanted to go to a matinee. Now. For whatever reason, we had to go to Lakewood (originally, we were going to go to Yelm so Mel could see the Ramtha clut compound), and we had Fandango'd the tickets for Lakewood's last matinee. Now that I think about it, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T WE JUST GO TO THE LACEY THEATRE?? Because I was cooking (dinner, for when we came back), we ended up getting there late and missed the trailers, and couldn't sit together. But, had there been any bitching, I would've gotten rather iritated. I didn't go and spend all that money to make dinner just to have people bitch because I was cooking it. So anyhow. Yeah. Saw the movie. Not sure how I feel about it right now. Sure, it had some really cheesey moments, and some "what the hell just happened???" moments... it was good, as far as almost mindless flicks went. It's not particularly something that was mindblowingly awesome, though. And, it is that sort of movie or so that you either love or hate.

Last night, though, [info]allenchan and his roommate, Devon, came over (well, they were with us when we saw the movie, naturally) and ate spaghetti with us. After which, they had to vacate because my sister was more than a bit miffed the house was "overrun with people" or something to that effect. While I can understand that, and all, it didn't mean that she had to hibernate in her room the entire time. Mel and I decided to stay in after that, though, if only because I was broke and I didn't want to stay out so late like the night before. We kept swapping off on the PC and she was going to turn it off when [info]luemnus popped on. Unreasonably affectionate and fond of that one, of course, and I had to hang about and talk to him to ascertain that everything was alright. I don't get to talk to him too much, so you know, when I do, I tend to make sure I can and the like. Just to make sure everything's okay.

Anyhow, we retired and watched "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and then passed out promptly. Hell, I was dozing in the middle of the movie, because I was all comfy and warm and snuggled underneath my blankets. Upon waking up, it was harassing people online, chowing down on leftovers and then I read the rest of my book while Melz was in the shower. Afterwards, we debated about whether or not we were going to do anything else, but after she found out what time it was, we decided it was time to fill her gas tank and send her off on her way. And now Melz is gone.

Tentative plans to see each other again: Middle of June, possibly four weeks from now, Portland. (Pay attention, [info]kuritan, rawr.)

I bought some CDs on Friday, after I got paid and my direct deposit finally went through. The collection was so bizarre. Dream Theatre, Train, NIN and Aqua. Yeah. That's right. I was rather entertained with the notion and thought myself clever for it... though, they were all CDs I needed at some point in time and they were all used, so I didn't pay full price for them. I love CD Connection. :o

So. This weekend was good. Saw a couple of movies, bought some CDs, hung out with people. Yeah. It was good. Now, if only [info]demonmonkey was home to answer his phone and if [info]lohakilo moves to Tacoma as he said he would. And then we could increase the Mel/Margo exchange parties. W00t.

Happy birthday to [info]azul_demon and [info]eldavo tomorrow.

current mood: satisfied
current music: The Crüxshadows - Monument

15 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Thursday, May 6th, 2004
12:43 am - I'll blow your fucking head off
Melanie's coming up here this Saturday. The current plan is to go see Van Helsing (possibly just the pair of us, maybe [info]allenchan might be there), but beyond that, I don't know if we have anything else to do. Except mutually avoid TV DVD boxed sets like Sailormoon and Friends. I think that by this point, we've pretty much threatened each other enough that it would prove to be detrimental should either even be brought into the vacinity of the other. After all, the Friends DVDs could end up with the same fate as Melz's Hanson CD when she was here in Oly last time. Broken into a couple of pieces and chucked onto I-5 on the way to Evergreen.

So. The weekend of June 4th's going to be an utter mess. Mandy's graduating that weekend, but Cory has the annual Diversion conversation to attend in Spokane that week. Not to mention the third Harry Potter movie's out that week. AND! There's this special, one night only improv thing starring like... half a dozen cast members of Whose Line Is It Anyway that's performing in Olympia that -same- weekend. :( Naturally, the last of those events is out of the question, the former two are not an option, really. Though, Harry Potter might have to wait until we get back to the area because Wenatchee doesn't have any good theatres to go and see it. (Read: "No stadium theatres.") As for the improv thing, we're going to see if they're doing it up in Seattle the next weekend or something.

Anyhow. So, [info]allenchan messaged me today and asked me if I knew who Margaret Cho was. Naturally, I had to say that I did and then he asked if I wanted to go to see her perform at Evergreen next week. I agreed. We have tickets now. Huzzah. It'll be my first time going to a comedy show, so, we'll see how it goes and the like. It should be fun, and I like Margaret Cho.

I'm making tentative plans to visit New Hampshire this summer, probably during August or whenever [info]wagashi is gonna be there. Which means, while I'm out there, there's a very long list of people I must see. As it stands right now, I haven't informed my father of these plans, and so, I don't actually have a place to stay just yet, but I'll figure something out, when I buy my plane tickets. Hooray for going during one of the ickiest times of NH's year.

After the trip to NH is the Nightwish concert, which I will have to attend, of course. (They are touring the US, check the back entries on [info]oceanborn for the dates and locations of the cities they're playing because it's not announced on the official website yet. Don't despair, the venue in Seattle is annonced on Graceland's site, where Nightwish will be playing.)

Finally found out that [info]skandragon is not dead. Huzzah. Just addicted to that EQ-wannabe, FFXI.

I replied to Erik's letter and hopefully, he'll get it in a few weeks.

Happy birthday to [info]dek0n, too. Topic'd it with friendly colour 4. [info]azul_demon's birthday is expected to attempt to outdo last year's hideous topic.

current mood: enthralled
current music: Smile Empty Soul - This Is War

17 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Monday, May 3rd, 2004
12:22 am - Smashing Pumpkins - Daphne Descends
With the sugar sickness
You spy the kidnap kid
Who kids you to oblivion
It's the perfect hassle
For the perfumed kiss
He makes you miss him more than home

You love him
You love him more than this
You love him and you cannot, you can't resist

You love him
You love him for yourself
You love him and no one else, no one else

Past sidewalk ashes
A last lover's arc
You come apart to intertwine
It was all so simple
As you watched him move
Across the darkness in your room

You love him
You love him for yourself
You love him and no one else, no one else

And the winding vines
The pretty boys dive
And through the pinhole stars
Into the shadow wind
You will lose him then
On some gentle dawn
This boy is here and gone

You love him
You love him for yourself
You love him and no one, no one else

You love him
You love him more than this
You love him and you cannot, you can't resist

You love him
You love him

current mood: sleepy
current music: Smashing Pumpkins - Daphne Descends

5 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
6:38 pm - Captian Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
Two things:

1. DarkMateria - The Picard Song or if that's too big for you: Picard Song - the little website with the first part of the sample.

2. Making (tentative) plans with [info]kawaiimiaka to head up to the Lakewood/Tacoma area (the area in question is still in debate) to see Van Helsing the Saturday night it comes out. Open invite for anyone that wants to hit it up with us. (It's not gonna be us two alone, at the very least, Melz is gonna be with me and likely [info]allenchan, [info]popstarshuro and mebbe Miaka's boyfriend.)

current mood: amused
current music: DarkMateria - The Picard Song

6 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
11:44 pm - How could I have sunk so low
Well then, paid account expired a few days ago, I renewed it tonight, after I remembered that I hadn't changed my "credit" card information in Paypal. With that changed, I renwed the account for two months (I'll add a year back on within that time) and seem to be all set. Hooray for supporting the site, I suppose.

Can't say that there's been all that much to report in the time since I last posted. I seem to recall having something I wanted to say.

Oh yes! [info]dmoira, god help me, when I was doing the tag, I almost wrote 'lj lover=" "'... yeah, I need sleep, I'm sure. Anyhow! Steph bought me the DVD boxed set of the first season of Sailormoon uncut for my birthday. (Thank god, not for retail price, I'd've been -uber- worried and somewhat guilty about that). But awesome, man, it's so great to be able to watch the series in Japanese again. And yes, the ending still makes me bawl like a baby (I had to watch that first, actually). Funny thing is, I forgot how silly the music was, and how... mmm... old the animation was. I figure, the least they could've done with the DVD release was remaster the sound and every time I sit down and watch (which is twice now, I'm on disc 2 of 8), I have to get used to the quality. Other than that, there's really no complaint save that I'll have to get season 2 soon, and the FY boxed sets. But anyhow, major shout out, mucho gracias to Steph for that. *Squeebles.*

I bought Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust on DVD, too and reminisced about having gone to the theatre with [info]po_kun and [info]thelastsong to see it in Cambridge. And of course, watching that brings back memories of watching the X movie over at Sarah-musume's place and all of the horrible subtitling done.

For some reason, I've had this urge to make Rice Crispy treats. Like, fresh ones, because the ones you get in the store just don't have that scrumptous taste. They're alright, mind you, but not the tastiness that homemade inspires. Like they're stale or something. So I bought marshmallows to mate to the box of Rice Crispies I already have. And tomorrow, I shall do this breeding, until I get some sort of yummy tasting mixture to which to rejoice to. And life will be good.

And now, I'll leave you with this thought provoking comment:
--Cicero: If, in the future, we make sentient clothes that adjust themselves to fit your needs, a "wardrobe malfunction" will be when a pair of pants kills 8 people.

current mood: mellow
current music: Lacuna Coil - Comalies - 01 - Swamped

8 whispered secrets : : Whisper a secret?

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