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IKEA'D!!!Ow, my debit card!Actually, it wasn't actually expensive, it just we bought stuff we didn't need. Like bamboo. And other bamboo. And the cutest damn lantern thingies ever. MmmmmmIkea. We took regular roads out there, and it was much quicker than taking the expressway. Also, cooler. So many weird little things between Chicago and Schaumberg. We drove under a plane as it was landing. That was cool. Arg, I swear TNT only has ten episodes of The X-Files, and not one is the one with Munch in. I am sad. Yes, there was something else, but I forgot. Oh, hey! *points at mood icon!*
mood: bouncy music: Destroyer [The Kinks]
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Last night we went to Tim Burton night at the Brew & View. Big Fish + Sleepy Hollow + Edward Scissorhands = six hours of crying and Johnny Depp hotness, all for five dollars. It's smokey and people are talking and the sound quality is kinda bad, but that place is still cooler than a regular style movie theater. Comfier, too Look at me, all doing things and going places. Also, I have new clothes! *gasp!* I'm taking steps to liberate my cleavage with supportive bras and lower collars. After all, cleavage is one of the few advantages to my figure. Then I get paranoid that I'm a lot more hideous than I think I am. I don't want to wind up like the fat girls you see at malls wearing backless halter tops, oblivious to what they're subjecting the public to, but... I think I'm kinda cute. I guess the hard part is convincing others. It annoys me that I can go from having a ton of self esteem to having none of it so quickly. And vice versa. This post isn't just an excuse to use my newest icon, I swear.
mood: blah music: Stupid Girl [Garbage]