turkey turkey turkey.... and ketchup |
[28 Nov 2002|09:42pm] |
[ |
mood |
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accomplished |
] |
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music |
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hot water music - jack of all trades |
] |
you guys should be mad proud of me... i slept for 18 hours today. then when i got up, ryan and his mom had the refrigerator stuffed with food that i actually like. so i had peas, mac 'n cheese, rolls, corn, and a little bit of turkey and ham with a googlepile of ketchup. hmm... googlepile, yeah, i like that word. hehe.
then, for desert, i had dirt cake. mmm... i know i know, i hate oreos, but i lovelovelove dirt cake. strange, huh? you know, i don't really think it's the taste of oreos that i don't like. i like the taste. i just don't like to eat them.
but yeah, i slept and ate today. aren't you guys proud of me?
and i'm not even full yet. i could still eat more, i think.
[27 Nov 2002|04:39pm] |
[ |
mood |
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busy |
] |
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music |
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ash - girl from mars |
] |
i saw a snow flurry a little while ago! yes, just one. but still....
k, off to work i travel.
have i told you that i love your art? |
[23 Nov 2002|07:49pm] |
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music |
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belly - thief |
] |
while you're at it, could you paint me a world that doesn't exist?
slogans!!!! |
[19 Nov 2002|03:07pm] |
[ |
mood |
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silly |
] |
i stole this site from amanda.
these lynette-slogans seem to work quite nicely.
Happiness is Lynette-Shaped.
Moving at the Speed of Lynette.
Lynette-Lickin' Good.
Nothing Sucks Like a Lynette.
and my personal favorite, because it rhymes, of course...
Lynette - the Best a Man Can Get.
also did some philip-slogans. *^_^*
Because So Much is Riding on Your Philip.
The Best Part of Waking Up is Philip in Your Cup.
Nobody Does it Like Philip.
Unzip a Philip.
Obey Your Philip.
A Philip is Forever.
[17 Nov 2002|01:23pm] |
[ |
mood |
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blank |
] |
[ |
music |
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alkaline trio - i'm dying tomorrow |
] |
going to meet my parents in cookeville to have dinner and make them sign some papers. YaY! dinner! then it's back here to study. oh, what fun, what fun.
[16 Nov 2002|02:08pm] |
class after class. test after test. mile after mile. hour after hour at work. tuesday i slept right through my morning classes because i could not possibly force myself to get out of bed. the best part: i didn't turn my alarm off nor did i hit the snooze button after a while... i just let it blare in my ear for a few hours. that's why i don't like to sleep. when i sleep, i can't wake up. it hurts to wake up.
off to work again.
[11 Nov 2002|01:38am] |
[ |
mood |
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grateful |
] |
[ |
music |
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allister - timing |
] |
yesterday, when philip and i woke up, i was feeling spontaneous (surprise), so i decided to drive us to rockwood.
while we were there, we drove up to the observatory. our teacher was there from the astronomy class that philip and i had together. hehe, i always found it interesting how dave (the teacher) separated our little group, consisting of travis, matt, philip, and me. he got mad because we always sat in the back and mumbled through the carl sagan videos, talked all through class, and just generally goofed off. philip had always sat right behind me, and travis and matt had always sat right beside us. so one day, dave told us that we really can't sit back there in that corner anymore. so, he told travis that he would have to sit on the other side of the classroom, matt was moved to the front, and he told me to move up like two seats.... then he told philip to sit right behind me. *^_^* clever move. wasn't he moving us to separate us? oh well. i certainly wasn't going to complain.
i've noticed... when in his presence, i often have very strange, lucky things happen. hmm... i think i can live with that. =)
[05 Nov 2002|09:31am] |
[ |
mood |
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eh... it's still early... |
] |
oh yeah... ya know how i'm always complaining about taco bell not cooking my quesadillas or just not fucking making them right? well, i know, you all say i should just stop going there. i know, i know. but when they do make them correctly and cook them properly, they're just soooo fucking good.... it's worth the risk, ya know? i mean, it's a small price to pay. but since i am paying a price, i feel i have the right to complain.
like yesterday...
i grabbed a cheese quesadilla before class, right? *sigh* i might as well have grabbed some shredded cheese straight from the fridge and a room temperature soft tortilla shell. gah. horrible. wasn't cooked at all. i swear. the cheese wasn't melted. shit, the cheese wasn't even luke-warm. and the tortilla had not touched any kind of machine or contraption that produces heat, which would have caused it to be warm and perhaps slightly cooked, because it was certainly neither of those.
i thought about asking around to see if anyone had a lighter so i could cook it.
monique said i could probably sit it on the overhead projector and turn it on. that was probably the best idea. it would have gotten it a nice all-over medium brown with a slight crispy texture. as long as i remembered to flip it over in time. and eventually remove it, of course.
oh well, i just gobbled it up like a good little piggy.
[04 Nov 2002|01:32pm] |
[ |
mood |
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cheerful |
] |
[ |
music |
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bad religion - can't stop it |
] |
*gobble* *gobble*
i've been a little piggy the past few days. my oh my.
[04 Nov 2002|01:17am] |
[ |
mood |
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loved |
] |
if only philip didn't live 6 hours away. if only he could be here right now. then things would be perfect.
if only he could be here to hold me as i fall asleep.
[02 Nov 2002|06:24pm] |
[ |
mood |
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blah |
] |
[ |
music |
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threefoot - 1-800-need-a-hit |
] |
i gotta be at work at 6 a.m. in the morning. that shit's for the fucking birds.
[30 Oct 2002|07:02am] |
[ |
mood |
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sleepy |
] |
sleep. where'd you go? come back. i'm not healthy. i need you.
block out girl.
block out world.
just sleep.
sleep. i'm not healthy. won't you help?
[28 Oct 2002|03:52am] |
[ |
mood |
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happy |
] |
[ |
music |
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jimi hendrix - castles made of sand |
] |
i certainly don't want to take this goddamn test tomorrow. nope, sure don't. i can't afford to fail it and i can't afford to hire someone else to take it for me. plus he checks ID's at the door before exams.
sorry i haven't been updating very much lately. i've been so freakin' busy.
[25 Oct 2002|02:53pm] |
[ |
mood |
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crappy |
] |
[ |
music |
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superchick - so bright |
] |
ya know, it would be nice to get everything properly working on this computer. it has a syndrome or something. a disorder, perhaps. but i'm working on it. little by little. i just wish my scanner would freakin' work. i finally unplugged it so the lamp would go off.
and i really don't have time to deal with it this weekend, cause i gotta study for a test i have on monday. a test which i highly dread considering mo and i haven't really been to class much, and when we would attend, we wouldn't learn anything at all because the teacher's a moron.
i have a headache.
guess i better get ready for work.
i miss philip.
who else would this happen to? |
[25 Oct 2002|01:40am] |
[ |
mood |
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blank |
] |
so, ya know that project i've been busting my ass on all week? well, lemme tell ya a funny little story about that.
ok, so i've barely slept all week because i've been working on this thing so hard. yes, i've been a good student.
our teacher told us last week, right before spring break, that all the presentations due this week were going to be moved to next week because he was bringing in a guest speaker on both tuesday and thursday of this week. so that made our presentation due next tuesday.
k, well, tuesday morning, i woke up thinking i still had a week to work on it. got to class and found out different. we were informed that the guest speaker for thursday's class had called and cancelled, so therefore all the presentations due on next tuesday will be held on thursday (meaning today). so that gave us two days in which to finish this damn project.
so, we busted our asses. hardcore. tuesday night and last night. all night, both nights. anyway, strange, random, computer phenomena began happening, as it likes to do when i'm trying to do something important. my printer was out of ink. the printer in the computer lab at school jammed. got that fixed. then it ran out of paper. it was just trying to make us late for class, i swear.
but we finally made it to class.... just in time...
yeah, just in time to see the goddamn note on the door saying that class had been fucking cancelled.
the end.
[23 Oct 2002|02:29pm] |
[ |
mood |
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determined |
] |
[ |
music |
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james - laid |
] |
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... got to get this project done tonight. yack. blargh. grrrrr....
but i worked my ass off last night on this shit, so, there. shouldn't have much more to go.
[22 Oct 2002|08:40am] |
[ |
mood |
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cold |
] |
[ |
music |
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threefoot - down time |
] |
my feet are mothafuckin' cold.
[22 Oct 2002|04:14am] |
oh, monique and i are gonna start rapping, by the way. we're gonna call ourselves... m & m-pathetic.
[21 Oct 2002|10:38pm] |
[ |
mood |
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amused |
] |
[ |
music |
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john digweed - essential mix |
] |
hehe, online practice quiz question from my mass media class:
____ is just one of the subgenera of electronica, or techno music. a. trance b. house c. jungle d. all of the above
hehe, hmmm...