Boyslacker's Journal

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Sunday, January 25th, 2004
9:33 am - This is why I'm crazy:
Ok, this is why I'm crazy. My black electrical tape is missing from my desk, and i'm fairly upset about it for no reason whatsoever. and i know my roommate took it. i know he did. that cunt. i know he has it. but i can't ask him about it because i know that if i do i'll flip out about him going through my stuff without permission, which is completely true, but uncalled for because i will try and kill him with the mood i'm in right now, and that's unacceptable roommate behavior. but i know he has it. grrrrrrrr.

other than my black electrical tape, today was good. for photo, we went up to Niagra Falls, which was sweet. Kat, Liz, and I went to the Canadian side and had a good time even though it was freezing. Kat even bought me a Sweet Marie, which are lovely candy bars. the only annoying thing is i left with 30$ of my own after giving Kat money for gas and tolls and such, and then somehow i ended up with nothing and i didn't buy anything except one meal. one 10$ meal. i paid for parking at the Falls, which was an acceptable expense, but then at lunch someone underpaid so i took one for the team and made up the difference and left broke, and i'm very upset by it. i hate money issues. but after we ditched the class, the three of us had a rocking good time. Something about how Tom and Simon were acting just made me want to kill them. I don't know. I just had my nerves exposed today i guess, and it's so easy for people to upset me right now and i don't even know why. i think i'm just having a manic depressive day. whatever.

sometimes, i think to myself maybe i should just stop thinking.

current mood: discontent
current music: Cadallaca - Two Beers Later

(8 fuckers | fuck me)

Thursday, November 13th, 2003
5:30 pm
you know, i've only updated this thingamajig thrice since i've arrived here. that's ridiculous. and vaguely irritating, because i'm so forgetful. i didn't even remember that thing about julie that i wrote in here. julie is my friend and i like her a great deal now. she's just a tad standoff-ish. which is ok. but yes. i'm in photo, printing out a picture, so i decided i should update. mostly because e-liz updated just now. oops. i'm a loser. *thumbs up*

ok. here's the haps, kids. The boys i'm crushing on are named Matt and RJ. Matt is gay and in the gay alliance and likes my boots, but his boyfriend's name is Jeremy, and they're so cute it hurts. The level of cuteness where it literally creates a physical reaction. oy. so cute. and then RJ is a slightly smaller than real life version of John, except instead of liking anime, RJ likes doom metal. *blink* It's odd. but yes. sadly, RJ doesn't dress like John. John dresses with flair and style. RJ dresses like a doom metal fan. *shrug* He's not gay. Or at least, I don't think he's gay. But yeah. I severely doubt any possibility of him being gay. Still. Whenever I see him I think "mmmm so pretty" and "I miss john." i really really miss john because i haven't talked to him online in forever. it makes my heart feel sad.

the people in my photo class: i like them. for the most part. E-liz is this intrinsically cooler than me chick with a lip ring, who I enjoy a great deal. then Liz is tiny and from Long Island and so cute and so nice. and Kat is my good friend who I really like hanging out with, but I never seem to do so much. Toni is great. Again, girl with lip ring who's cooler than me, only Toni's not as cool as Liz, so she's easier for me to talk to and have fun with and such. the Ethans are these cooler-than-me tall kids, who just are there. I don't really have much of an opinion either way on the Ethans. Simon gets on my nerves sometimes, but he's a nice kid. He lives on photo house as well. sara and caity are great girls who are in all of my classes. and i'm getting bored of this, so nevermind, i'll talk about people later.

(4 fuckers | fuck me)

Saturday, September 27th, 2003
5:16 pm
i juist got home from Amotto's. Amotto is the treasurer of photo house, but he lives in one of the campus apartments down the street. we played trivial pursuit for three fucking hours, and i was the loser in that i only got four pieces of knowledge pie. meh. i'm not good at trivia games. unless they're obscurely focused on something i have obsessive amounts of knowledge on. anyway.

so i've made john three CDs that i'll give to him when i go back to south dakota to visit, except i'll probably only give him two of them because the third is just me being subtle as a razorblade. fuck me gently with a chainsaw, cuz i'm so sucky at secreting messages in to mix CDs. (fuck me gently with a chainsaw. that's so the best movie ever. i love Veronica.) i need to go think about something else basically. i don't want to be lame. i don't want to be that guy.

so i'm fostering this crush on one of the E-Board members the gay alliance, but I don't know if he' Cody, Brendyn, or Kevin. oops. i don't remember his name, i just remember his face and that he likes my boots. which instantly makes me go "i like you. you're nice and don't think i look stupid and shouldn't be here because i'm not dressed like i bought everything ever sold at the gap." but nothing will ever come of this, because he simply will never really notice me again. though i will do my oh-so-subtle i'm-in-lust-with-you routine, in which i will stare at him until he looks at me and then i will look hurriedly away. whee.

i don't know what else to talk about. i can't remember what's going on besides that i'm stupid.

(fuck me)

Saturday, September 13th, 2003
1:37 pm
so, i've been here for two weeks. austin's cool and we're vaguely friends, but not really close friends, which i think is best. i know almost everyone on floor, but i would only call a few people my friends. Stacey is a super-senior and she's very cool and nice, and i would consider her to be my closest friend here right now. Neil and Mike who live next door are both really cool, really nice boys. Neil makes jokes that are awful and crude, but are really funny when told by Neil. Mike is a nerdy boy who's intrinsically endearing. Then Carey and Julie live next to them, and Carey is a sweet girl who basically everyone on floor is friends with, but i get the feeling that Julie doesn't like me. she just kind of makes a little face when i come around. so i avoid her. Susie is my friend who lives next to the bathroom. she's tiny and amusing. the other day, out of nowhere, she said "When I was born, I was a penis away from being named Maynard." which i think is a hysterical thing to say. Amy, Heather, and Jess are all nice girls who are strikingly similar. Caity is a local girl who's in all of my classes, and I really enjoy her company, but she isn't really friends with anyone else on floor. Rachel is a tiny cool girl from New York, but her roommate Lindsay is really bitchy to me. She just seems to glare at me half the time. She tries to be nice when I'm hanging out with Rachel, Austin and herself, but she mostly ignores me or says things that could be considered polite but just feel unpleasant. that quiet venomous sort of thing. i hate that. it's basically the worst thing ever for me. far worse than open rudeness and hostility. i can handle hostility and rudeness, but sweet venom, i don't have any defense for, so it cuts straight to the bone. part of me wants to hate her, but what if that's just the way she is, what if she just seems venomous to me, when she is just being polite. i don't know where we stand, and that's terrible for me. i can handle people disliking me, i encourage it actually, but just being falsely nice makes me... ache. gods, i hate how worked up she has me. anyway. there are lots of people, those are the ones that matter most for the moment. i'll try and get back on updating this regularly, but don't expect much.

current music: The Strokes - The Modern Age

(3 fuckers | fuck me)

Sunday, August 31st, 2003
7:39 pm - there is no Laura T.
so here i am, at long last. and being that i'm me, i'm being unsociable. i'm dumb like that. i've at least spoken to austin (austin being my roommate), and he seems nice. i haven't stated anything yet, but that's because i'm a wuss. i don't want to sit around until he's no longer being too polite to ask, it feels rude. but yes, i need to tell him that i'm gay and that i'm a pagan and that it's not a big deal (which is a lie). he's interesting. which is positive. he has sublime playing right now, but he wandered off. so now i have an excuse to be unsociable. i'm a loser. *thumbs up* there's a no fire rule, except cigarettes. but austin and i don't smoke, so there's a no fire rule in our room. it's 8.30 and the only noise is austin's stereo. it's weird. i've decorated, but there are only two vaguely gay images, although they are more than vaguely gay, but still. whatever. i need to stop obsessing over it.

anyway, austin has red hair under a bandana that's covered in random braids and shiny things. and when i say red hair, i don't mean natural red, i mean a violent red that comes in a bottle at hot topic. he wears these loose printed shirts that are vaguely hippy and vaguely asian (fashion culture is fucked up). he's nice. i think i can avoid being attracted to him as long as i talk to other people.

bryan hasn't updated his journal since the 15th. *shakes fist* i'm still upset with him for how we said goodbye.

lou is the RA. he's a tall, genial sort, and i rather like him. photo house is a good floor to live on, i've decided. which is stupid of me to do now, but fuck off. orientation is this week, and then soon after are classes, and i'm a bit nervous. what if i can't pull it off here? what if RIT is too big and too fast for me? all of those questions add up to jackshit. wheee. it'll happen when it happens, and i'll handle it.

(1 fucker | fuck me)

Tuesday, August 19th, 2003
1:37 am
so tonight, i said goodbye to carly, jo and britt. my three best friends in this place. my other best friends being adomi and sequoia. i remember saying goodbye to adomi. it was so awful. she started crying, but being me, i couldn't cry until she left. the moment she drove off, leaving me alone on my front porch. i started sobbing hysterically. i couldn't cry with her, i could only cry after she was gone. and i couldn't stop for a while. tonight, the four of us were at jo's. and first i hugged britt, and she managed to not cry much (since i had all ready held her through a cry earlier in the evening), and we hugged for a while and we said our "i love you"s and our "i'll miss you"s and it felt complete. there was closure, but not in a closed way. britt and i are still going to be friends, but it aches that we won't be with each other. then i said goodbye to carly, and i've never seen her cry before, and i just wanted to be able to make her stop, to fix it, but i couldn't. we hugged and she cried and we whispered things and it was awful, and gods i'll miss her. she's wonderful, and i care about her. we have fun and we talk and it's good. after carly came jo. jo and i walked out to my car leaning on each other, and not quite being able to talk and she started crying and we said all that we could, but no matter what we said it wouldn't have added up to everything we meant. we both know that. we both know what we mean to each other. words can't explain that. and we hugged and she cried, and carly came out and the three of us hugged and they cried. then i got in my car, waved goodbye, started driving, and bawled hysterically the whole way home, and for quite some time after i got home. i hate crying. i hate it.

current mood: melancholy

(3 fuckers | fuck me)

Sunday, August 17th, 2003
8:46 pm
so. today, i went to probably my last food not bombs. which was... odd. i don't know... it just felt weird. i can't really explain, because i'm not feeling at all articulate at the moment.

after food not bombs, carl, peter, rachel and i went out for lunch. which was nice. we had fun and good conversation. then i sat around all day doing nothing. jo, peter, carl, rachel and i played risk 2210, which was fun and interesting and good. i really prefer risk 2210. it's faster and more complex and more interesting than standard risk. but while we were playing, bryan, jayson, and kaitlin stopped by. bryan seemed bored and annoyed, and i'm not going to see him again until i come back for break because he won't be with us tomorrow. i'm going to miss him, and i never took the chances i wanted to take with him. i'm very disappointed in myself. i never tried. i never took the chance. i'm a fucking loser. and i want to talk to bryan. i want to say goodbye, but i don't have the chance now. it's over. he's gone from my life. i hope that we'll be friends next summer. i hope we don't drift. i hope he doesn't secretly hate me. i hope that next summer i actually try with him. because bryan and i are well-suited for each other, at least in my head. i don't know if it would actually work, but i think it would. he's a taurus and i'm a cancer, which is a point in favor of it. we're capable of in-depth conversation as well as surface conversation. i find him incredibly physically attractive. we share similar views, but not the exact same views on everything, so that we still have something to discuss. the theory works so well, but the actual practice would be awkward. also, i'm obsessed with bryan, which makes me a lame-ass loser. i need to learn from this. i need to try and get what i want. i need to find a nice boy at school and ask him to do stuff with me, but in a date way, instead of just a friend way. i need to be explicit about it being a date. i need to be straightforward. i'm scared of doing that, but it's necessary. i'm far too detatched and distant for others to ask me, apparenly.

i wish bryan were online so that i could talk to him. fuck. i'm a loser.

current mood: disappointed
current music: Nirvana - About a Girl

(2 fuckers | fuck me)

Saturday, August 16th, 2003
2:10 am
so today was shitty. i got up and went to the safe sex rally with peter and rachel, but it was just three hours of awful. and then i went home, and i didn't want to move ever again, because i was tired and cranky. but jo called, so we went with melani to the fair. there wasn't really anything good at the fair, so we just ate a little and then left, because unless you're going to buy a wristband, the fair is a big rip-off. so we called bryan, and we went to his house. but brennan was there. we all thought that that might be fun, because we've never hung out with brennan, but no. brennan is a whiny bitch. i wanted to punch him in the face repeatedly until he bled. he just kept whining and i hated him. and bryan was just ignoring his whining, and basically ignoring us most of the time. and we played taboo, and i hate taboo. so there was an emotional outburst between jo and i, because we were both having bad days and were both in emotional states, and brennan was driving both of us quite mad. thus, an emotional outburst was had, and for the first time bryan actually hugged me. you see, i always accost bryan. whenever we say goodbye, i hug him. he never ever hugs me. he doesn't hug me back. he basically doesn't ever touch me. which makes me ache inside. he touched me, and i didn't want to let go, because i'm a loser fuckwit. and so, we sat and talked, except brennan was bored with us and kept wandering off and bryan kept following him. finally, we left, and jo and i apologized to each other, and i went home. waiting for guffman is on my tv. which makes me happy. but bryan hasn't gotten online, which makes me unhappy. and distressed and nervous. because i wanted to talk to him, and it makes me suspicious that he and brennan are having sex, and i don't want for him to be having sex with brennan. i want him to be having sex with me, not brennan. fuck. why can't i have sex with bryan? why does brennan get to? is he even having sex with brennan? he's probably not. for all i know, bryan could be a virgin. for all i know bryan could be a whore. i don't know anything about bryan's sex life. i don't know what he's doing right now. i just know that if he's having sex with brennan, it will make me upset. but i won't say that to bryan. no. i will keep that to myself. i will be happy for him. because i care about him. and i have no compunction to not say this in my journal, because i don't think he'll ever both to read my journal.

bryan gives me mixed signals. john gives me straightforward "i'm a little skittish about this" signals, but bryan gives me fucked up signals. he ignores me, he dotes on me, he only ever asks jo about my romantic life. for example, he interrogated her about john, but then wished he had a boyfriend after doing so. doesn't that seem like a more than friend kind of thing? if he were just interested in being my friend, he would ask me, but he's embarrassed to or something, so he asks her, but i want him to either ask me, or fucking do something about it. why won't he do something? i've admitted that i like him, and that i'm nervous about asking him out, and that i'm scared, and he just says "you shouldn't be scared about asking anyone out. the worst that could happen is they could say no." but fuck you, bryan, that's a terrible thing. being rejected is awful and painful and bleeds in your brain for weeks after. why doesn't he understand that i'm terrified that if i ask him, he won't even want to be my friend anymore? that i could lose him completely. i'd rather have him like this, getting fucked up mixed signals instead of just gone from my existence. i care about bryan being my friend. i care about bryan. i don't want him to disappear, fade out, because i did something stupid like ask him to kiss me. i don't think bryan would really do something like that, but i don't know for sure. i know bryan pretty well, but i don't know him. i don't know what he's capable of. i don't know what i could do that would drive him away. i don't want to risk it. but then i think about what could be...

current mood: envious
current music: the white stripes - jolene

(6 fuckers | fuck me)

Thursday, August 14th, 2003
1:03 am
so, i've been babysitting cullen & patrick. they're tiny little hyper boys, and i am way tired of babysitting them. they're too active and too much. i'm just... exhausted. blargh.

tonight, i went out with John. and i... gah. i wanted so desparately to touch him. he's just so delicate and beautiful. i just want to grab ahold of him and ... yeah. we just hung out and watched Pirates of the Carribean and had fun. and then when he was saying goodbye, we just kept hugging and hugging and i wanted to kiss him and i didn't and we were hugging and hugging and hugging. i just couldn't do it. i just am scared of kissing him again. i don't want to try again, not after the last time. kissing someone, but them not kissing back... it's an awful feeling. i don't want to ever feel that again. that's why i am scared of kissing bryan, because what if he doesn't kiss back? but if i don't try, i'll regret it. and i hate regretting things. i just... need to try.

(2 fuckers | fuck me)

Sunday, August 10th, 2003
2:03 am
Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?

brought to you by Quizilla

teeheehee. i win. hardcore.

(fuck me)

1:34 am
the world i've made for myself is finite and defined. it's a craphole i sculpted, and it's stupid. i want to rewrite the universe i've built around myself. i want to redefine everything. and my chance is fast approaching, but i am scared of taking it. i want a reality that i alone control. i want to define people. i want to write in their lives for them so that they have a set response to a given situation. i want to be god for a day and rewrite the universe. this is a ridiculous desire.

i don't want to talk about today. i don't want to talk about my friends. i don't want to deal with how i feel right now. i want someone to make out with me. i want to do something mindless.

part of me wants to ask bryan out on a date before we leave. but i have a week left. it seems stupid to ask him now, but if i never ever ask him, never ever try, will i regret it? probably not. i don't remember things like that. it will get glossed over in my memory as just us being really good friends and me having a slight physical attraction to him, rather than the feeling i have now. it's hardly love, but it's something more than friendship with a physical attraction. at least on my part. i don't know if he even is attracted to me. i don't want to ask, because the answer scares me. i'm a big wuss. bryan knows that. i wonder if he reads my journal at all. probably not. i'm not that interesting and he's not nosy like me. *sigh* i wish i were more interesting. i wish i wasn't such a wuss. fuck, i'm pathetic.

current mood: pessimistic

(fuck me)

Friday, August 8th, 2003
4:26 pm
tonight we went to the Goo Goo Dolls concert. it was fucking fucking fucking awesome. and so yeah. Korey & the Fireflies opened, and they aren't very good. they're kind of pathetic. oops. they're old (as in late 30's early 40's), but they have songs that sound like they've been written by a 15 year old boy. they would be a better band if they were younger or if they were more mature lyrically and stylistically. but they aren't, so they're a bad band. but the Goo Goo Dolls. fuck. firstly, Johnny Reznik fucking rocks the fucking casbah. and they played with aplomb and skill. and the rhythm guitarist was so fucking gorgeous. and bryan was next to me, and i kept accidently brushing up against him. and i felt awkward. as always. and also, the hyper girls behind us grabbed my ass about 8 times, and i was happy because someone was grabbing my ass. who cares if it's a girl, it's nice to know someone wants to touch me.

i like Boy Meets Boy. not the comic strip, though i enjoy that as well, but the tv show. it's amusing, except that i feel bad for him, because of the random straight guys who are trying to win James's affection to get money. otherwise it's a cute little bachelor show. except i hate Dan. so much. so much do i hate Dan. he's such a fucker. such a fucking fucker. James is pretty much my ideal guy. He's pretty, intelligent, and financially stable. Franklin is also very high on my list, but he's a wine steward which is a point against him in my head. he's pretty and intelligent, like James, but he's not quite so well off. wine steward sounds better than benefits administrator, but still. i like Sean, but i'm unsure of his sexuality. he's an artist, so he could go either way. but Robb is cute and very gay, but he's an event planner, which is a crapjob. so i don't know who i want to win. but i want someone to win. i want James to find a boy to be happy with, because i like James.

(fuck me)

Thursday, August 7th, 2003
10:05 pm - i saw her in a t-shirt shop getting a t-shirt made that said "i am a liar"
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a href_>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

i am at the point in my life where i am scared to breathe. time is short and getting shorter. i leave in 11 days. my whole life changes in 11 fucking days. i'm terrified. i just need to stop and breathe. i just need to stop thinking about it. i need to just jump into it, and stop worrying.<P>random things: natalie makes me want to smash her head in, because she's self-centered and doesn't listen anymore. <a href_>bryan</a> has a journal now. which means i'm out of codes, so if you need one, don't ask me.<P>i keep thinking i should update my journal and i don't. i need to get back in the habit of doing this. i miss talking to sequoia. she's away again, and so now we never get to talk. it's sad.<P>whenever i do anything with natalie, i feel like inviting bryan along for two reasons: 1. i like inviting bryan places, 2. natalie is of the opinion that i should be "hooking up" with bryan, which gives me an excellent excuse to ignore her without offending her. this makes me an evil scum-sucking bastard. *bows*.<P>Muckafurgason is a good band.

current music: Muckafurgason - Liar

(fuck me)

Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
1:53 am
read this. because i think i am funny. even in retrospect. *thumbs up*

current mood: amused
current music: Dolly Parton - 9 to 5

(1 fucker | fuck me)

12:49 am
i'm sitting thinking, and there are all of these things i was going to write, but i haven't. let's see. i still haven't rid myself of brenton's affections. i've developed the urge to do awful things to bryan, even though bryan is my friend. i went to the hulk today with John. John gets to be capitalized because John is special. natalie is on my nerves. my existence is defined by my social interactions. i'm the Alex.

i desperately want to be rid of brenton, but i haven't been able to meet with him since i've come to this conclusion, and i cannot break up with him over the phone or online. it's rude and cruel. i hate him for making me hate him.

the other day, we went to the lake, we being natalie, her family, jo, bryan and i. we swam, we boated, we body-surfed. the whole day was fun, but every once in a while i would find myself thinking at bryan "look at me. look at me. i'm beautiful and serene and one with the water and beautiful and i'm happy so you should look at me and see that and find me desirable, you fuckwit." and i don't know if he did or not. that night, we went to his house, and he freaked out when the girls started groping him, so i had to wrestle him away from them so he would stop shrieking like a woman, and then we were standing, and he was pushing his back against my hips and i just wanted to hold him against me all night. but no. i'm a wuss, so i won't ever do anything like that. maybe i'll make out with him a little though.

The Hulk is the worst movie ever. it's on so much crack and is three different stories at the same time all thrown together, and it doesn't make sense and it's not good. you know how The Forsaken is a bad, but pretty in some sections, well hulk is like that but worse than the Forsaken. yes, that is possible. the hulk truly is the worst movie ever. but John is wonderful. i adore him. he's tiny and cute and hyper and hugs fiercely, but is scared of touching in any manner. he's so vulnerable, and i don't know what to do with myself when i'm with him. instinct tells me to reach out and fondle him, but then he flinches and i back off. i don't want to scare him, and he's so delicate and scared, like a deer.

natalie broke up with dave. and now she's being natalie again, but i'm tired of her. i'm tired of trying to explain things. i'm tired of having answers. i'm tired of hearing questions. i'm tired and i don't want to deal with her anymore, and then i feel awful. because she's so sweet and befuddled, and i'm her friend. i shouldn't feel like that. i should be happy to answer things for her. i should be happy that i can show her the world and truth and all that shit. but i'm just so tired of philosophizing for her...

i'm defined by people. i am a layer of masks built up to fit with others. i have an amorphous crystal for a soul, and i mold (should that have a u in it? i'm never quite sure about u being in words) myself to people to supply what they need. i'm a symbiote, dependent on others. but what happens when i'm alone. what will happen when i can no longer feed on them, can no longer supply their needs for them. i never say what happens to me, i only talk about my people. because nothing happens to me, in truth. i am unchanged under all my skin, but there is always something different about me. no matter what, i am always changing. i am in flux. i am flux.

i am the Alex. from Charlie's Angels. I am Alex. I am the pretty, smart and talented one. the one that appears flawless, but has no goals. I am the one who can do anything. I am the anchor for the other two. Johanna is the Dylan. Troubled and quick-tempered and constantly falling for the worst possible guy. Carly is the Natalie. She is random, and full of sweetness and light. she is a savant, with incredible talents in some very specific areas. this is why we should have super powers, because we're too lazy to work out enoug to be normal powered super heroes.

~your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin, and eyes of emerald green, your smile is like a breath of spring, and your voice is soft like a summer rain, and i cannot compete with you jolene, and he talks about you in his sleep, and there's nothing i can do to keep, from crying when he calls your name, jolene, i'm begging of you please don't take my man, jolene, please don't take him even though you can~

current mood: drained
current music: The White Stripes - Jolene

(1 fucker | fuck me)

Sunday, June 22nd, 2003
11:01 pm
yesterday, Rachel C. got married. She's now Rachel H. and it's weird. it was totally surreal. beautiful, but surreal. the night before, jo and i went to the harry potter release party at border's. she hung out with Bryan and they were all nerdy and excited. i hung out with Anna M. who i haven't seen in such a long time. it was rocking good fun. she's one of those people i will always care about even though we rarely see each other, like Rachel H. (it's still weird. she's only 18. she's going to get a job and go to school and be married).

"I smell a coma wedding."

today, i babysat Natalie's little brother Will. He's a cool little kid. and he's really good at every video game ever. it was an amusing day. and i earned 50$ because i was with him for 8 hours. he's so polite. it's weird. i wonder if i was that passive when i was 10.

~meatwad get the money, see, meatwad get the honeys, G, driving in my car, living like a star, ice on my fingers on my toes and i'm a taurus~

(fuck me)

Tuesday, June 17th, 2003
10:07 pm
my english-german dictionary gives me a strange pleasure. you see, it's stolen. why on earth would i steal a dictionary? because my german teacher this past year was a monster. she was vile, and i loathed her. thus theft. also, our german teacher from the year before is the one who bought these dictionaries and wrote her name on them. it's nice. somehow, it feels like i've triumphed over corruption just by having it. that's ridiculous and sentimental, i know. but still.

Christine still has my fucking journal and i want it back.

i shaved my goatee off this morning. somehow, it was insanely freeing. except, my chin looks kind of white and creepy. i need to expose it to sunlight once more. of course, without it i look exponentially younger. no one would guess i'm about to turn 19 with how i look. stupid round baby face. blech. some days, i hate how i look. today is one of them. hopefully tomorrow i'll be over it.

the amazing new things i hate about my boyfriend list:
1. he calls gays "the family"
2. he uses eBay and talks about it all the time
3. he tells me he loves me whenever he does anything to make me mad
4. he acts like a stupid drunken whore when he's around his stupid friends
5. he's dumb, and i'm an intellectual fascist. you must be at least as smart as the average person to talk to me
6. he really is trailer trash. and i don't say that lightly. his dad has a mullet, and no one notices
7. he does the hyper-emotional needy routine when i least expect it
8. he whines about money needs all the time
9. he works constantly and expects me to alter my plans at the last minute to fit his schedule
10. he doesn't know who brak is.

i'm thinking i'll break up with him soon. i am a jerk. *thumbs up*

~this is the man that i plan to entangle, isn't he fine, my claim to fame was to maim and to mangle, vengeance was mine~

current mood: complacent
current music: I'll Never Tell

(9 fuckers | fuck me)

Monday, June 16th, 2003
10:27 pm
yesterday, john and i hung out. i like john. a lot. more than i like brenton sometimes. actually, more than i like brenton most of the time.

it bothers me when huggies commercials are on cartoon network.

anyway, john. yeah, we went to borders and pac-rat palace and then to mandi's. mandi gave me a big bag of crap for jo. today jo, britt, and i went to run errands, except we didn't actually run any of my errands. *scowl* tomorrow i'll have to go to the library and the animal shelter to do what i was supposed to do today. meh. anyway, so the three of us went to jo's bank and then stopped by all of the places jo was applying to, and then we went to the mall and borders (why we went there first when the animal shelter and library close at 5 and those establishments close at 9 escapes me). i got myself punk pants. which i shouldn't have, but i did anyway. they're comfy and nice. jo was freaking out on the way home, because she forgot to take her meds. i really don't like her as much when she's not on her meds. she's no fun and really mean. i came home and mum was mad at me, and i just want to stop thinking.

current mood: discontent

(fuck me)

Saturday, June 14th, 2003
10:58 pm
taintedsoulmate 102%
tyler_ddn 102%
gareon 98%
henrys_creek 98%
meaweenie 98%
utenasama 98%
devilboy77 95%
vintagelife 93%
coolredelusive 91%
daznjonesy 91%
meteoredescieux 91%
bleach_drinker 90%
aphid86 87%
thundersnow 87%
slackrbitch 85%
tierneyrocks 85%
themaddhatter83 84%
duckamuck 78%
fieryrogue 66%
How compatible with me are YOU?

*blink* well then.

From Hell is Britt's favorite movie, and it is indeed a lovely film. we watched it today, and it was very enjoyable. i *heart* Britt. she's sweet and lovely and scarily beautiful. i also got Magnificent Seven for my dad for father's day. it was a nice day. i don't want to bother talking about it. oops.

(fuck me)

Friday, June 13th, 2003
12:04 am
i've gotten a plethora of new CDs recently. i love it. although no one in tihs town will hire me. stupid jobs. so i'm just going to volunteer at the animal shelter. they're desperate, so they'll hire me.

CD Reviews: (don't bother reading. really. i just want to write something. it's very me-oriented and self-involved musical critique. it's useless to people who aren't me, but i like to type.)

Lucky Boys Confusion - Throwing the Game
LBC is a cute punker band with heavy reggae influences. They start off heavy with weird mixing, and then go into their normal punker riffs with Breaking the Rules. there are some light reggae overtones in this one, but nothing obvious. then they completely switch styles with 40/80, an intelligent take on drug laws and the attitudes of your average cop, all to a nice slow reggae. this flows into Fred Astaire, a nice little skizhophrenic love song. this song is very good, but clearly showcases the main problem with this band. They have musical ADHD. Halfway through the song, it feels like they've just changed what song they're playing, but then they slide back into the original song. it's interesting, but not a good habit to go for in most songs. Bossman is an exception to this, they do an excellent job of using their skizho style in this song. it goes from straight rock to an upbeat reggae and back and forth quite fluidly. there's no oddity in the switch, it's very straightforward and one of the best songs on the album. Do You Miss Me is another exemplary song, in a pure punk rock way. it's fastpaced but unlike most punk, the lyrics are both important and intelligible. there's a slight skizho moment in the song, but it's just for a little while, and it's not so dramatically out of place that it does anything. overall, the band pulls off their skizxhophrenic style on pure talent. if any of them weren't pulling through, the whole thing would fail. the overall album is lovely. i really like lucky boys confusion, cuz they're cute intelligent punkers with good politics and good lyrics. somtimes, it feels like a really fucking good mix tape of two seperate bands, but most of the changes are pretty fluid, so i don't mind.

Yatsura - Slain by Yatsura
Yatsura is a raucous experimental rock band. They have a lot of opinions and a little talent. the album doesn't have any bright and shining moments, but it's nice in the same Yoko Ono is nice, but much less refined than Yoko. i love Yoko Ono, and Yatsura is a more modern version of Yoko. basically, these are the songs Yoko would be writing if she were thirty years younger. While I prefer Graham Kemp's vocals to Fergus Lawrie's, both of them contribute a lot to the album as the vocals. however, the bass and the drums are what hold the entire thing together, and keep it from falling apart. Ian and Elaine Graham really hold it all together, because Kemp and Lawrie just aren't as talented as Yoko Ono, and can't pull this off without a really talented rhythm section. also, i bought my copy of this CD from Ernie November's, so it smells like pot and incense.

White Town - Women in Technology
This album is, in the words of Sequoia, "old school cool". It's delicate and sweet and vaguely trance-y. it's very emotionally open, and very pretty. also, it has a nice sense of humor. there's a reason White Town can never be your woman, it's because White Town is a guy.

Ani DiFranco - Little Plastic Castle
This is the first Ani album i ever listened to, and i only actually got myself a copy this past week. oops. it's when she was leaving her rock phase and going into her wind section band phase. it has all the best elements of rock combined with ska, without drifting all the way into being crap-jazz. in my mind this was one of the best albums ani made, and one of the last good albums ani made. To The Teeth was pretty good, but not as perfectly put together as Living in Clip, Dilate, and Little Plastic Castle. After To The Teeth, she went downhill for me. but Little Plastic Castle is beautiful. she uses a horn section without becoming dependent on it. it's a beautiful first step in her experimentation in using a horn section, but where she ended up with it... i disapprove.

ok, i'm going to stop with four reviews. i have more new CDs, but i'm just going to be done.

~now i'm standing here with fifty of my friends and a keg of killian's, and you're at home with your ani difranco tapes again, the radio'll play our favorite song, it's what keeps me holding on, baby do you miss me, now that i'm gone~

current mood: listless
current music: Lucky Boys Confusion - Do You Miss Me

(fuck me)

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