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K Lee

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[29 Nov 2004|12:52pm]
Thanksgiving was great and hehe mike's mom starting crying during the prayer. soo sweet. We had a blast over here and we went and saw tamera for a little bit ate more turkey and past the hell out. :o) Plus I had gotten a new job on wed. :o) Jen Jen came in on Friday and we stayed up till like 1:30 watching sixteen candles and reminisin we got up at like 8:30 and got the rest of the stuff for my skirt and matching shoes hehe we were soo giggly. The wedding was great. I saw people I havn't seen since high school and Monica looked Beautiful :o) The reception was fun but we were soo tired. We came home and changed clothes and stuff put in princess diaries and past out. It was soo great having her here. I think Mike and I might go up there for new years. Mike and I went to church yesturday and one of the guys fained and we had to call 911 it was interesting. Mike went over there to help since he's an EMT basic :o) Keeping Hayle tonight and kept her last night too. anyways have a good day

[26 Nov 2004|05:08pm]
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 bdzombies a-laughing.
11 grandpas a-twirling.
10 jupitercoasts a-squeaking.
9 saxyashs a-hopping.
8 aggieanne04s a-staring.
7 brims a-smiling.
6 baconbitss a-writing.
5 pink demolitiondivas.
4 sipping deanforamericas.
3 Sicilian nandinis.
2 iguana anath47s.
And a zakk in a passionfruit tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

[20 Nov 2004|01:38pm]
aww lookie anne I'm tequila too :o)

You Are Tequilla

When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk!
You'll take any shot that's offered up to you...
Even if it tastes like sock sweat!
And you're never afraid of eating the worm.

[17 Nov 2004|01:42pm]


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

[15 Nov 2004|01:35pm]

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 42%
Kissing Skill Level - 81%
Cudding Skill Level - 91%
Sex Skill Level - 49%
Why They Love You You are wet and wild.
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.
This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 994795 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

[11 Nov 2004|06:49pm]
I so didn't know I missed Denise's birthday so Happy Birthday girl :o)

[11 Nov 2004|11:18am]
'Happy birthday to my wonderful lil sister Ashley [info]saxyash and I hope she returns my phone call. hehhe

[06 Nov 2004|11:44pm]
It's been a long day we had an early thanksgiving dinner at mike's grandparents house it was a good day just really long. I got my 2005 Houston Fire Fighter calendar yummy. night night time

[05 Nov 2004|06:26pm]
[ mood | amused ]

It was totally crazy last night at the meeting we did search and rescue. Full gear and the air packs and all SCBA it was fun but I had to come out early. today I went and got my reference letters and then went to san jac to do lab came home ate with mom and tyson and then took a nap then back up to the school wound up running into the blinn basketball team I mean RIGHT into them bought knocked me unconscience. heh anyways have a great weekend

[04 Nov 2004|02:44pm]
It's totally going to be a crazy day tomorrow so I wanted to wish my girly girl Aggieanne a happy 23rd birthday a day early :o) HAPPY RING DUNKING!!!

[29 Oct 2004|07:28pm]
yes, grudge is scary yes..

[15 Oct 2004|09:11pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

got my sticker for the fire department last night :o) as of sunday I will have been working for 14 fucking days straight. I'm seriously considering never having children and I dont think I will. I'm soo burnt out and in desperate need of a drunkin stupid night. anyone game?

[06 Oct 2004|05:31pm]
Your husband's name is Mike and you have 0 children. You're a FBI who drives to work every day in a Red Tahoe.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with Mike in your house in Kansas.

heheh courtesy: http://dollarshort.org/mash/

[06 Oct 2004|05:13pm]
[ mood | blah ]

I've been home sick from work all day. the morning started out so shitty. but its alright mike brought my breakfast and crashed around the house all day with me. I *heart* him. I finally have a pic of us so you guys that wanted to see it I'll try to get it online soon. anyways I got my application and approval for graduation there is one main graduation in the spring so even though a graduate and am done in decemeber I wouldn't be able to grad until spring oh well. *hugs and kisses*

[04 Oct 2004|12:28am]
[ mood | tired ]

ahh nyquil is my friend..night night

[17 Sep 2004|07:49pm]
It's been a little wild. My parents have both been real sick and I havn't been allowed to stay at the house cause it would be really bad if I got it. So I've been staying at Mike's. I got voted in fully FINALLY last night into the fire station. I'm soo excited anyways the new job is working my ass but its great. *hugs and kisses*

[14 Sep 2004|01:50am]
Oh holy crap this is sad......

The Potion Maker
dsc1110ium is a translucent, sandy amber powder derived from the heart of a whale.
Jumbledbeanium is a translucent, silken green powder obtained from the pollen of a monkshood.
Mixing dsc1110ium with Jumbledbeanium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky yellow potion which gives the user protection from thieves.
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

[13 Sep 2004|12:53am]
[ mood | good ]

This weekend was soo great and I needed it. So fantastic.
Found out that they are going to go ahead and let me start my job early since I turned my 2 weeks in on thursday and told them they could use me like now. anyways got to Caldwell and met up with Anne. Ran some flowers out to her cousin and got ready for the game. Saw sooo many people at the game. including Steven hmm yeah anyways it was fun we actually won surprise surprise :o) heheh anyways afterwards we went back to Anne's and waited for Jen to get there. It was sooooo great to see her. It was us 3 muskateers alllll over again. soo nice. We went on to midnight yell and like Denise said it was a pain in the ass to get up there and we missed most of it but it was soo worth it. We had to go by anne's house to feed max and then we went back to caldwell. Jen and I got to the house at like 3:15 and went to sleep at 3:30.
Jen and I got up at 8:30 and walked 2 miles. Julie and the girls were there when we got back and then we headed to the Kolache fest. A lot smaller than it used to be. We met up with Anne but we didn't stay long so we could get back and meet up with Denise who decided to get lost heheh *jk* and we were off to the game. The Aggie game was a blast soo glad I went lots of yelling started totally loosing my voice and we kicked ass. It was hot as hell and we were all nasty. We said goodbyes to Denise and went back to caldwell and I said tootles to Anne and jen came and got me and her parents had made me a goooood dinner :o) yummy I love my parents :o) Jen made me feel so old because we realized we have been best friends for 9 years I mean shit. Anyways we got ready and headed out to party. We ran into Cody Hodges at the store and he came with us. God it was insane on northgate. Passing Freebirds so much did not help my wanting it either. But we had shots from Kazi's to blue balls *sooo strong* got a good buzz then went to a party on the wya home. Took Cody home and headed home we didn't get to bed until 4:30 this morning. totally passed out. I had such a blast with Jen I can twait to try to get up to Dallas in November.
Got up at 8:30 restraightend my hair and headed to my dad's old church. the people were so great and I have missed them so much. They were so excited that I got there. Wanted me to stay but I had to get back. I got back in good time adn got my freebirds YAYAY!! The stupid ass lovebugs were soo bad I almost can't see out of my windshield. The front of my car is black. literally. My allergies are soo bad but it's almost like I'm catching a cold. god I hope not but anytways I neeed sleep Night night

[10 Sep 2004|02:09pm]
[ mood | excited ]

I'm off to go party hardy with the girls. My job is officially over :o) and I start the new one next week WOOO oh yeah and fuck off to Brian and his stupid ass phone calls

[06 Sep 2004|03:53pm]
Popular interests among Jumbledbean's friends
1. music (24) 11. cartoons (10)
2. movies (20) 12. writing (10)
3. reading (16) 13. stars (10)
4. computers (16) 14. cats (9)
5. love (14) 15. hockey (9)
6. photography (14) 16. rain (9)
7. sleeping (12) 17. dvds (9)
8. friends (11) 18. art (8)
9. poetry (11) 19. kissing (8)
10. sex (11) 20. romance (8)
Interests gestalt
My most interesting friend is [info]jumbledbean who has 17 of these interests,
followed by [info]jackedupjill (16), [info]feh (14) and [info]platoictheory (11).
Normality Index
My friends are 90.62% normal.
Analyze me !
Popular interests created by _imran_

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