Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
4:48 pm
| Wednesday, December 10th, 2003
1:49 pm
hey everyone. my film/video/sound/beer festival is tonite. don't disappoint. bring film/video/sound. it will be fun. pilot light. 10 pm. going until 1 am.
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| Friday, December 5th, 2003
12:08 pm
hey all... everyone should come to film. video. (beer). festival it's put on by sara kennedy and i, and it's going to be a sort of filmic, videonic open-mic. so if anyone has film or video they've made and want to show, bring it, show it. and there will be beer. it's this wednesday, the tenth, at ten (10:00) at the pilot light. it should be fun, there should be live music if the art sucks. so you guys come. make it look crowded. or we'll look bad. and i'm kind of proud cause it's something that i'm putting on. aight, see you guys there. justin
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| Monday, October 20th, 2003
10:05 am
oi kids... please please help with my video today. remember, it's at 4:00 in the field. if it falls through, oh well, but maybe we can make this work. call me, ok? gracias.
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| Wednesday, October 15th, 2003
9:59 am
ok, disregard that last post about my video. here is the real deal. i'm trying to do it this coming monday, after fall break. it's going to be at 4:00-ish at cherokee park. i highly doubt that enough people are going to show up, so if nothing else, we can throw some dish. maybe i'll make a documentary about frisbee kids. anyway, please prove my fears unfounded and have you and your friends show up to help. email me please!!!! and tell me you'll help. i'm getting very nervous that this video will flop right on its fucking head. as an afterthought, i'm chillin like a villain in nashvegas right now, shirking responsibility and starting fall break a wee bit early. =) i'll see you kids soon.
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| Wednesday, October 8th, 2003
4:16 pm
hey everybody... awright, here it is. i need all you video extras on sunday the 19th of october, around noon. i have a whole fuck-ton of info-sheets, if you want to know more about it, or if your friends would like one. please, please, please let people know about this. bring a friend and have them bring a friend. i really desperately need all you mothafuckas to make this work. it'll be worth your while because you get to hit me with a rock or two really fucking hard. people who want to do bodily damage to me need not apply. thank you all very much. let me know for sure within the next couple days. hopefully one of my fucking phones will be turned on by then. if not, email me at mokeyluck@hotmail.com. awesome. gracias.
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| Saturday, September 27th, 2003
4:09 pm
oi... everyone should check out NinJai on atomfilms.com. amazing amazing animation. and it's coming to dvd soon. drool. also, i'm looking for extras for a video that i would like to do in the next month or two. i need about 50-60 people, so anyone who's interested, let me know, please please please. talk to your friends, too. it will most likely be shot on a saturday or sunday morning so as to not have work conflicts. let me know you're interested, and we can come up with something more specific. awright, awesome. you kids be good.
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1:12 pm
hola... happy late b-day to chris... i saw you last nite and said it, but again, happy day. or, shitty anti-birfday. damn boyeeeee!
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| Friday, September 26th, 2003
3:14 pm
so.... so i want to get a g5. apple wants to loan me money to do so. i think i'm going to work my ass off, and see if i can actually save some money instead of blowing it as soon as i get it. make myself responsible, then get a new toy. it would be about 4-5000$. that's alot. alas. i really want it. maybe santa will give it to me for christmas, or dead jesus will give it to me for easter or something.
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| Tuesday, August 26th, 2003
1:52 pm
hallo. today i must return shoes, even though they're beautiful, and go to yoga, which rules, and go to video, which may be cool. then i must clean my room and maybe even eat some dinner. i must do other things as well. today will be a good day. i can tell. even if sarah hasn't called me, even though she's back in town. blasterish.
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| Monday, August 25th, 2003
2:19 pm
hello hello. it's time for school. school is not so bad so far, except i will drop printmaking now... and i have to get a firewire hd for video, 80 gb, so i can fit so much porn on that thing that it will make your head spin. speaking of porn, special thanks go out to chris and allie for screaming orgasms 11. special thanks go out to chris owen's mom for being in it. jesus. now it's time for me to look for another class so i don't feel like a slackass with only 13 hours. and i think it's also time for me to be mopy and heartbroken some more. i wish that would end, i'm getting tired of it. it's taking up too damn much of my time. and on the glasses front, i still can't see very well with them on, but i think i look more intelligent with them. so that's all for now. au revoir.
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| Monday, August 18th, 2003
12:55 pm - back in kkkkk
| Friday, August 15th, 2003
3:02 am - ride me
hey everybody. um, i don't guess there's anyone who wants to pick me up from nashvegas like today or tomorrow? i'm having an infinitely hard time getting home. i miss everyone. i want to see everyone. my heart is so sick and m-town is not helping. i need to get ready for school, i need to move into my new house, i need to get a job, i mainly just need to hug everyone i know in k-town. but i'm stuck here. at least there's tasty dip in the fridge and chips in the pantry. (and my hand down my pants?? maybe...) anyway, any takers? i give excellent to astounding road head. if not, i'll see most of you guys soon. peese.
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| Thursday, April 3rd, 2003
11:49 pm
| Wednesday, March 26th, 2003
9:26 am
just got an email from prof magden of the media dept.... i forgot to apply for portfolio review two days ago, even though i had the application on my bedroom door. because of this, i just failed portfolio review. god. damn. another semester in this loveliest of schools... i hate me.
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| Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003
3:42 pm
i never update, as i'm no longer a big lj fan, but it's easier to say hard things here, so here goes... i'm pretty into killing myself lately, so if you see me, maybe give me a hug or something. and i don't really want to talk about it, so don't bring it up, just pretend you didn't read this and that you don't know about my newfound dying fetish. and don't look at my wrists. thanks.
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| Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
6:28 pm
yeah, i know i never update, but i don't have a computer, and if you guys really wanted to know what was going on in my life, you'd ask me (some of you do..).. BUT!!! today is my burfday, and i'm going to be in the art building, so if you guys want to come save me and buy me beers or something, feel free! i'll either be in room 327 or the photo lab (second floor, all the way in the corner by the back entrance..) not that i'm expecting any of you to come, but i thought i'd try.. my new thing now that i'm 21 is tryin to scam free beers out of people =).... ok, bye bye... remember, come save me. and if you don't know if i'm there, call casey's cell phone and ask if he's come to pick me up yet (865) 454 5616 ok. bye.
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| Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
12:58 pm
i'm just writing to say hi to everyone. i know i don't update anymore.. i don't even have time to breathe anymore it feels like.. next semester should be mo betta. anyway, i prolly still won't update much, if at all. i'm only finding time now cause i skipped two very-important-if-you-miss-these-your-grade-drops-one-letter classes today. yeah, i know, bad move, but i didn't wanna go, ok? jeez. now off to shower land and trying to catch the bus/many different busses to union planters bank.
current mood: i've been better, thanks.
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| Saturday, November 3rd, 2001
8:33 pm
| Tuesday, August 7th, 2001
9:20 am
i will be seeing you bad mamajama's within days here. so look forward to seeing my smiling face, dammit! ok, maybe not. but yeah, i'll see you guys soon. oh wow, some little box just popped up and said i have one PRIZE waiting! should i hit ok? i think so... i like prizes. and someone emailed me and said "i love you and don't want you to die." but it's someone i don't know. i should go open that email because it's probably extravagantly important.
current mood: cheerful current music: rusted root yayayayayay
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