bridgey ([info]sh0rty) wrote,
@ 2001-07-18 08:43:00
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Current mood: blank
Current music:elmo's world (joey's watching tv)

everyone and everything is fucked up. cassie feels the same way as i do about a lot of things. i emailed her and was telling her everything. she is like.. the only one who understands, and will listen. yesterday when brandy, candy and i were outside of town perk i started bawling. brandy tried making me laugh, and i did. but it didn't make me feel better. i think i needed to cry.. well now brandy hates everyone and thinks no one understands her anymore. candy.. i don't know. i never know, she's my best friend and i don't know what's wrong. i wish i could make everyone feel better about themselves, and everything.. but i can't even help myself. for me, everything bad started happening when i sprained my ankle. i was fine until that. then everything i thought i could control, spiraled out of and beyond control. it's been bad since friday the 13th. ha. listen to me, superstious much?

'these last few weeks
i've been confused
sometimes i wonder
if i'm better off alone

i took that from erin's profile :x i don't know what it is, but it sounds familiar. maybe i'm losing it, and it's just the way i feel. could be.

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2001-07-18 09:02 (link)
that wasn't meant towards you jenna. i know you help me in any and EVERY way you can, and i'm thankful for that. you're a good friend<3333 it's really not to anyone in particular.. i'm just confused, that's all.

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yup yup yup :)
2001-07-18 08:51 (link)
Bridgette, I dont hate everyone. I just needed to be left alone. Like that quote said. and i think everyone can relate to that. Cuz since school left out. what else have we been able to do? not homework or whatever, sit and dwell in our problems and i think everyone needs time to there self. And as for hating everyone. I jus felt that way. Kevin pissed me off cuz he kept lying and then tia started shit. Then Sean. Then ppl telling me what to do. I know thats no excuse but i needed time. ;) but Im all betta now :) well i had something else to say but i forget :\ lol.. oh well bye bye ly!

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