Dear Journal |
05:59pm 09/12/2004 |
mood: blah
Well there are several things I want to vent about today.
- Passport to Fun: This is one of the additional offers we're required to torture poeple who order stuff with. It has no bearing on the sale; its just extra. I think it pays for the telecommunication call. See Major Savings (Connections, Essentials, Home Works Plus). Google for it. Anyway, this one purportedly can save you $3600 (yes thats a direct quote) from places like Olive Garden and Toys R Us. What a riot! I'd like to meet the person who can spend 3600 dollars at places like that!
- I got a prank caller for the Beavis and Butthead 2nd Season thingy. Lemme just say that only a complete loser would prank a Beavis and Butthead order call....
- Some guy didn't think it was fair that we were going to charge his card for something today, but he wouldn't get it for 3-6 weeks. And of course I couldn't tell him if we had any in stock or not.... see the next entry.
- This one goes under the heading of what I wish I could say...
What must I do to order the Slim and Lift? Endure a lot of pain, misery, and tourture.... To go ahead and place your order, may I have your credit card number?
*sigh* Slim and Lift is one of the worst calls we have to take. Its a girdle. For pants sizes from 2 to 40. You buy one and get one free, but you have to cover shipping and handling for both, which is $10 apiece. They try to sell you extra ones twice. Then they want you to buy a different model. Then ask you a cheesy trivia question so you can "win" yet another model; but you have to cover shipping and handling on that one too. $10. Then they thro two or three Major Savings offers at ya. Then they want you to purchase "priority handling, which means that your order is one of the first ones to be shipped as the product is available" -- which is basically crap. Does anyone not know how this works anymore? There is no "wharehouse". They make it all and store it at the factory -- when there are enough to make a truckload, they ship it out. Ya know why? So they can avoid the tax liability of inventory and wharehouse space. There is no "in stock". So basically "priority processing" means that your order is placed first in the truck. Or maybe its last so it gets unloaded first. Anyway you look at it, its bunk. And guess what? it costs 7-10 bucks. Ha!
More Work
Well, i got my notice that I'm no longer in OJT (On the Job Training) which means little to nothing really. But I wanted to see if i could get in on the supervisor position, and they aren't hiring right now :-/ -- oh well. Maybe next time.
And Yet More Work
And to top it all off today I had to take an extra haf hour unpaind for lunch, again, because we didn't have enough phones for the poeple who wanted to work. And, to top that I was sent home a half hour early because there wasn't enough calls coming in! fucking bitch. I'm now short an hour and a half on my next check -- the one that goes pretty much to rent! I need to figure something out about this....
Well, thats all the bitching for now. Actually the first section wasn't really a bitch. It amuses me greatly, seeing poeple get all worked up over a phone call when all they have to do is stop ordering crap from off TV.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
06:14pm 08/12/2004 |
Sucked, as always. They made me take an hour lunch, instead of the usualy half hour. Now I have to figure out how to make up that half hour at least. bleh; how can they need the phones that badly for training? All four fucking training classrooms are full of phones -- theres a phone at each fucking seat! I know some of them are broken, they need to fix them! *sigh* Oh well.
A few amusing things did happen at work; well, something amusing usually happens, but I managed to write them down today :)
I sent a check in last week, why haven't I received it yet?
I mean, first off it takes 6-8 weeks for normal delivery; second they probably just got yer frikkin check and it hasn't even cleared the bank yet!
How good is the vitamins that yer selling? How effective are they?
If I am selling something, am I going to tell you that it's crap? NOoooooo! Get real. So I said Well everybody is a little different, but i seems to be effective. Ha! I'd like to thank everybody at the academie .
- And finally someone really wanted to bitch about the shipping and handling of the Natural Cures book. Its ten dollars to ship a frikkin book. Yeah its outrageuos. Especially since the book aint even close to 200 pages. But he wanted to bitch, so I gave him the standard redirection line Well, I'm just a telemarketer, I don't work for the guy that actually sells this book, so you need to call ... He ordered the book anyway, but
I'm gonna call them next and tell them that this is outrageous . Yeah, ok buddy; next time vote with yer wallet. Maybe They'll listen. But I doubt it.
The Move
Well, it has kinda stalled. My glasses are broke so its going to be kinda slow going. Its kinda wierd how fuzzy eyesight leads to fuzzy thinking.... I just cant see what I need to do next clearly enough. Oh well, I'll hafta get started on that here in a few. When the lil one goes to sleep that is. Yes, its her bedtime now; you do the math. *sigh* What am i going to do with her? ... am i going to get much of a chance...
Anyway, thats all I want to share tonight, so until next time children....
-t. |
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Created with the GIMP |
12:37am 08/12/2004 |
mood: creative
I'mma gonna hafta find a community for this stuff. But not tonight. I've been letting my subconsious stew about my predicament and decided to play with the gimp. Saw a few good communities i think; anyway, here it is.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
06:00pm 07/12/2004 |
mood: nervous (as in wreck)
It feels like someone just kicked me in the gut. Appearently someone told a social worker that she couldn't come over to the house, and that they think kat's b/f -slash- f/b is living here, so the state is talking about taking away our daughter; wtf?!?!
Ok; so now i have to find a place to move, yesterday. And cheap since i haven't been able to scrape up much cash. fuck fuck fuck. Of all times. If this had waited two months i could have been outta here tomorrow. But as things stand :-L this really sucks.
I checked prices for a one way bus ticket to KCMO -- $135, well within what i can afford. If worst comes to worst of course.
I feel like my guts are being twisted when I realise that I'm not going to be seeing my daughter everyday.... This is hurting more than i thought it would (( well duh! Thank You MOTO! ))... I am suddenly being faced with what I should have done two years ago.... fuck fuck fuck.
I got work tomorrow, and I need to calm down and consider my options, and find a place....
Je Da Vue
I just looked over my last tarot reading. Death was the outcome. Victory was in my future (which among other things, necessitates moving foreward. Twice I was warned about being too territorial. And even once I was told that the time is never perfect to act. *sigh* Just hit me over the head why don't you.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
04:02pm 06/12/2004 |
mood: cynical music: 94.9
Work sucked as usual. But on a bright note, i got called back to the QA office for the second time since i have been there and got told that I should try out for the Floor Supervisor position. She just glowed about my ability and clarity over the phone, etc etc. I'll definately think about it -- especially since it would mean that I can get more money. Hard to turn that down. If I can do it and keep my school schedual intact I definately will. I'll hafta ask tomorrow.
Why the fuck are poeple trying to order shit over the phone for christmas NOW?!?!?! Kinda late don't ya think?
me: delivery will be in approxomately 6 to 8 weeks s/he: eight weeks?! You mean it won't be here by christmas? How do I get it here before christmas? me: order two months ago.
Of course I don't sayyy that -- that would adversly affect my QA appraisals ;). *sigh* Gotta wonder about some poeple. Do they expect me to shit it out and drive it to thier house? Well, for some things that they order off TV that might be considered an upgrade.....
-t. |
Read 6 - Post |
Dear Journal |
11:15pm 04/12/2004 |
mood: hopeful
I made an amuature study for about a year years ago.... I haven't been watching them lately; mostly due to time. Well, i just checked a few things (which i do from time to time) because I saw the prices shoot up way above 10K on the dow again. I've been waiting for the last shoe of the bottom to drop so the P/E ratio would come down to sane levels.... guess what I found? The earnings this year have shot so far ahead that it has brought the P/E ratio below 21 (on the dow only) and into the merely overbought territory -- and a cursory glance at the charts reviels another (temporary) upswing in progress. This one might tapp out soon and drop a lil bit, but I think prices might actually climb higher still! The only thing that worries me is the explosive economic growth may not be sustainable, in which case things are gonna suck real soon. However, i lack the time right now to investigate further.... I'll definately be watching over the next few months. If I only had the money *sigh*.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
05:42pm 04/12/2004 |
Today work dragged on; it took forever.
There's not much to say today, so i'll just leave it at that.
-t. |
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playing catch up is a bitch |
10:59pm 01/12/2004 |
Damnit, its already 11 oclock. I started catching up with my yahoo group at four this afternoon! lol. I was only gone for five days; and there were like700 messages! 6 freekin Megs! Ah well. At least I am caught up. And I saw someone there who intrigued me...
Another thing to note about the inverted King of Pentacles yesterday.... a refinement really. Focusing excessively on the material things includes sex.
God I am craving bad lately. My skin is on fire, and only the heat of a woman's flesh can cool it.... I was almost hoping that since i stopped taking yohimbe for my depression that my sex cravings would go away. Damnit, they have returned with a vengance. And the chix at work are so fucking hot!
There I go again, obsessing on sex.... *sigh* i need to get laid.
Well, I had thought I would write a lot tonight. There were some things that were good about today. I had a good time with some of the customers that called in today. Its kinda wierd. I dunno. I am actually *enjoying* this crap. Too bad it doesn't pay more.
But vyctor said that a friend of his might be able to get me into a spot at comp usa; its tempting, but i have to consider my school schedule.
The GI bill will pay me a gran a month to go to school full time. This job will pay me about $380 every two weeks; so that breaks down to $440 a week :D I'm so excited about this. I just hope this dream doesn't turn to dust, but I need to think positive about it. Think positive. Think positive. lol.
-t. |
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09:13pm 30/11/2004 |
Tarot Reading
I am using a modified Celtic Cross spread. I have always used a modified version, but the latest mod is brand new in this reading. I think I am going to stick with it.
- The Querant (center)
This represents you in the reading. Also known as the center of the situation.
- The Cross
This is the primary obstacle. It represents the barrier that must be overcome, the situation that demands resolving, or the problem that needs solving.
- The Past (left)
This represents energies that are fading from the situation. Also known as the recent past.
- Anchor (below)
This is what holds you down. This can represent problems that you have in your character that make happiness and fulfillment a problem.
- Crown (above)
This is what you aspire to, or what inspires you to do better. This can represent goals or ideals that make you perform or live up to a higher standard, and striving for this can assist you in your quest for happiness and fulfillment.
- Future (right)
This represents energies or situations that are growing in thier influence on you. Also known as the near future.
Note that (3) and (6) represent situations or energies that are beyond your control. May be viewed as the effects of Fate. (4) and (5) however, are completely within your ability to change. They could be viewed as the id and superego of yourself.
- Questor (bottom of the staff)
This is what brought you to consult the cards. This can be a representation of the problem as you see it. This is in contrast to (2) which is more likely to be the root of the problem.
- Internal Situation
This highlights what is going on inside you.
- External situation
This tells about how you interact with the world around you.
- Final Outcome (top of the staff)
This is the result if things do not drastically change.
I have always used this spread (the order and meaning of the positions is significant) because the traditional ones I read didn't jive or produce clear readings. This order just "feels" right. This is (sometimes much) less so for the staff, but I expect to refine this as I read and interpret more. Most notable differences are the order of the draw for (3)-(6), and (8) and (9) only make sense to me when reversed. But today, in reading an entry by heiregulus in the tarot_klub community, I saw he has his "anchor" as his tools to use in overcoming obstacles.
From this I had a flash for my anchor. It is now divided into three parts (left to right):
- That which Binds
This represents desires and impulses (or, by extension, situations that you allow to happen to you, or even seek out) that are self-detrimental. This is you holding yourself back.
- Resources
These are your innate abilities that you can draw on. This is what happens when you are "in the zone".
- Pitfalls
This represents tendancies that are outright dangerous and will lead to error. Watch out for these developments and vanquesh them when they pop up.
So, without much further ado... here it is...
- 1. The Querant (You): 8 Swords
- Bound, Blind, Bewildered. A feeling that your situation has grown beyond your ability to control, and has taken you captive.
Betrayed (by curcumstances or fate)? This is indeed how I have been seeing myself of late. I know most of it is my doing, prices that must be paid for actions i have taken. But often the price seems too damn high....
- 2. the Cross: Knight of Swords
- Rushing into action. He is giving too little thought to the consequences of what lay ahead of him. Tunnel vision. He is thinking no further than his next enemy/obstacle. His mount does not share his emotions, but is being driven by fear of his rider, uncertain of its rider's leadership and wisdom -- seeing madness and ruin as probable results of this action. Seek your friends' advice, especially those that support or help you. They may carry you to your doom (or at least severe pain and suffering) all the while thinking What is this idiot doing?
- 3. The Past (energies of decreasing import): 10 wands
- Carrying the weight of the world. Weather or not the burden is necessary is not important, it is necessary to him. Willing but begrudging.
- 4a. That which holds you down: 7 Wands (inverted)
- Being territorial, overprotective of your domain. The best defence may be a good offence, but this is not necessarily the best in the long run, as it may prove to be too distructive when the current conflict is over. Burning bridges before you cross them.
- 4b. That which you can build on: Knight of Cups (inverted)
- A calm introspective and observing stillness. The active contemplation and the passive understanding of the wisdom of your actions before you act. Chosing your steps. Holding your emotions, detaching your perceptions from your feelings. Maintaining objectivity. All of which is not present in your daily life, but needs to be.
I have been letting my emotions get the best of me. Especially where it concerns my wife. I have lost that calm and collected center I used to have so long ago.... I am like a fractured vase under great strain... the cracks are getting wider. I need to regain this center, but it is soo difficult and I don't even know how.
- 4c. That which must be avoided: King of Pentacles (inverted)
- Lording over possessions (and territory -- see 4a). Being autocratic. (To a lesser extent) Exceeding focus on the material vice spiritual.
I know that a lot of this results from leaving the navy without a clear plan. I always seem to lack money; I am forever running short, and just barely manage to cover bills. I must not allow this to take over my thoughts however....
- 5. That for which you strive: The Moon (inverted)
- Illusions and dreams which cannot be substantiated or supported by reality. One step short or less of lying to yourself.
I have been indeed been seeking to lie to myself concerning certain things. My faith included, and may be what this card is trying to tell me. Its time to wake up and face some hard facts. The Sun after all is brighter and more potent than the moon in dealing with reality. I need to deal with what is and not what I wish were true, or my fears of what might be true....
- 6. The future (energies of increasing import): The Chariot
- Vicotry and the trappings (display of, pride in accomplishment) thereof. Being successful may be gaining in importance in your mind. Successes are sure to come, tho they may seem small and incosequential at the time, they will grow in both size and import.
- 7. The Questor (That which brings you to here): Page of Cups (inverted)
- A lack of the joys of life. Growing up and becoming embittered.
- 8. Internal Situation: King of Wands
- It is time to release energies. The planets as living entities are behind you, supporting you, giving you a power base from which to draw on and direct. Determine what it is that you want to do, and direct the energies (who are consenting to your guidance) to accomplishing that goal. It is important to note that the King does not command these energies, nor are these energies owned by him -- ie, it is not his innate power that is being tapped.
- Listen to that small guide at your feet (inside you).
- 9. Exterior Situation: Page of Wands (inverted)
- The time is never right to act. This is a limitation you must accept; you must not remain inactive because "the time/circumstance just isn't right".
To me, the Page of Wands is the earthly representative of The Fool, with the focus of actively reaching out, being sociable, and experiencing new things; always ready to try new things. This also connotes to me the essence of Aries.
- 10. Outcome: Death
- Change. Not exactly an unexpected change, but may be at an unexpected time. Change is coming whether you have the courage to take part in the process or not. You can either work with this change for your betterment, or stick your head in the sand and live with the results. But do not bitch about it, for Death is silent. All you can do is try your best, and accept the new cards that Fate will place in your hand.
Most of the details have fled -- i spent a lot of time getting the format to look right. lol. Maybe its another indication of sticking my head in the sand.
Twice I have been told to listen to counsel -- once to seek it from friends, and another to strain to hear my own heart. I guess I have been neglecting both.
- ??? 5 Pentacles
- Poverty, financial humiliation, begging.
This card fell on the floor when i walked past the table to silence the dog.... Am I being warned about what is to come? Does this have anything to do with card 4c? I am at a loss; this is usually not a happy card....
Although there is something of a mixed blessing of sorts. The absence of physical niceties does tend to sharpen the awareness on the more important spiritual things.
In reference to the chariot, I think I have started on the right path by enrolling in school this spring. But the next step I feel is unrelated, and I don't know what or when.... I also feel that I will know when the time is right if I do indeed listen to my heart.
There are a lot of wands in this reading; the emphasis is on action. Interesting to note that the only two swords are in the center -- the Querent and the Cross. Did I ever mention that my suit is Swords? I am primarily a creature of thought.
Twice (now) I have been warned that material things are not as important as spiritual things....
Here endeth the reading.
-t. |
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Happy Fucking Thanksgiving |
10:48pm 25/11/2004 |
yip yip fucking yahoo
Well, kat and shawn went to my in-laws to have thanksgiving dinner today; I of course had to work, so i couldn't go. And I didn't even get any leftovers. I hope all yer thanksgivings went better than mine did.
I've never really hated the holidays before, I just dreaded them cause I don't get paid for tha time off, so i would rather work. Which is an even worse feeling. But now I am starting to hate them. Oh well, thirty-seven days till the holidays are over.
In all likelyhood, sahwn will be going to the christmas gathering with the inlaws... I am definately feeling replaced. I think I'll just schedule some work.
I need to get my school schedule done.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
11:11pm 24/11/2004 |
mood: blah music: Avril Lavigne - So Much For My Happy Ending
Well, i finished the Stephen R Donaldson book *sigh* I have forgotten sooo much of the original series' that I will have to go back and re-read them. Of course, since this is about 10-15 years since he wrote the last ones, he literally litters the tesxt with back-explanations. Nevertheless, it is done in series-form, so there is scant explanation of the facts that have transpired before. There are so many references to the last series that I found it hard to continue to comprehend. And I need to slow down my reading pace, or devise a means of improving my retention. Sadly, my concentration has been shot lately; but owell. Time to deal with that later i guess.
Since the library will be closed for turkey-day, and the following friday (but i still have work, which is a mixed blessing since i don't get paid for holidays) I checked out two books from the new sci-fi section: The sequal to the Risen Empire (which I am attacking with much less enthusiasm, i think the subject matter has bored me...) and a new Sword of Shannara book by Terry Brooks. I should have read the inside cover of the Brooks book because I have just found that it si the *second* in her new series. *sigh* I will have to find the first and read it first of course, so i have only one book to read for the next two days. It should be enough if I space it out.
Maybe i should work on that retention thig -- ya know, read a few chapters and write a brief synopsis. I dunno.... That would definately slow my ravenous pace down to a crawl.... But it would also make getting thru the book and arduous pain. Take all the joy of reading out of reading.... But then again I would gain more from reading the book, so my joy would be increased.... Well I guess in the end nothing worthwhile comes easy.
I can work on that later i guess.
My back is killing me.....
I downloaded (fucking finally) the gaming engine that Victor want sme to help him with in tweeking -- I honestly don't know how much i can do. I got Eclipse 3.0 working (had to go thru the auto-update and update just bout everything) That took about three days just to pull across the wires. My ISP keeps dropping me lately. *sigh*. Anyway after that it took two days to pull the irrlicht engine across the wires.
Well one of the problems I have is that I have no graphic card -- so I'm lucky to get anything above 5 frames per second. Usually its around 2. So anythiung I make I can't really test out. The other problemn is that eclipse 3.0 *itself* is sooo damn slow on my computer. The C++ dev plugin makes C++ development very nice indeed, but I have only a 750 MHz machine.... and of course no money to upgrade.
I think, just once, I would like a bleeding edge computer.... *sigh*
Well shawn got kat a pet today. Damnit. Its a dog of course. Other than the fact that its another mouth to feed and we have *no* money.... Oh well.... I guess a good portion of the burden of care will fall on me whether I like it or not; fucking kat....
-t. |
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moooo and blarg |
06:50pm 22/11/2004 |
Well I survived another day of work. I went to the library on my lunch break and browsed the new sci-fi shelf. They have the sequal to the risen empire (yippee) but that isn't what i got. There are a lot of items on that shelf :-D the one I got was Stephen R. Donaldson's continuation of the Thomas Covanent the Unbeliever series. I loved that series, it has been sooo long since i read them About ten years as a matter of fact, which is how much time has pased in the stories. Definately worth picking up: it starts with "Lord Foul's Bane".
Also worth reading is his other series which starts with "the Gap into Conflict".... that was a wierd series indeed....
Well my daughter went on a class field trip today -- to the hardware store Lowe's of all places! lol; at least she had fun, andshe was an angel today (which is unusual) but that may have been because her mom went with her. Lol;
Well, i just got up from a nap, and am unsure about what i want to do... I am still sooo tired....
Maybe i should work on my perls script for site navigation....
Oh yeah, I forgot I got a QA thingy done for work today -- flying colors of course! one more to go and the correction of my handbook and I can get out of OJT! which btw is nothing important really. Except that I can give away some hours (which i wont since I am flat fucking broke! lol).
-t. |
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book reviews |
11:39pm 21/11/2004 |
Natural Cures
"THEY" Don't Want You to Know About
What a piece of crap. Ok, a little history. I just started working for the old telemarketer WEST again; you know all those crappy late night TV ads? yeah, we handle most of those calls. Anyway, the hottest item lately has been the book by Kevin Trudeau. Google a bit about him; I'll wait.
Back already? good.
So this guy shows up saturday and has a book signing, giving away free books, and even signing them. woo fucking hoo.
So a brief synopsis is that he was charged for making false claims about Bob Barefoot's Coral Calcium (yes, i took these calls two years ago too). Cures cancer! MS! whatever. Anyway the FTC made him stop making health claims; he did anyway, and now he can't appear in infomercials at all. At least that's my understanding of it. Maybe its flawed, because here he is again talking about alternative medicine and the Big Conspiracy that the AMA FTC and FDA want to keep people sick etc etc, and that he has information that can cure any illness even the common cold! I wonder if he is again in violation of the FTC injunction.... but anyway back to the book.
He states in the introduction that he has been convicted of 2 felonies (unspecified) but since then has been on the straight and narrow. Well, one of those felonies was credit card fraud. But I digress. He sais he had a heart attack due to a heart condition which is incurable (mitriol somethin.. cant find the book) when he was 21 (I'm guessing it was about 20 years ago) and he went to see this "doctor" in CA who used an "energy" machine ("dermi"-somethin) and pinpointed his problem. Told him to go to another country because the cure was outlawed in the US. So he does, and two months later gets another test done by the legitimate doctor and he no longer has this problem; so the doc sais he was misdiagnosed. And he has therefore spent his whole life ferriting out alternative cures for everything. What a dedicated guy!</sarcasm>
what i dug up is that he founded and runs Shop America (USA) LLC, which is based in Elk Grove Village, IL. Shop America is one of the defendants injuncted in the FTC/Bob Barfoot ruling.
word to the wise, when you order anything off of a TV ad, get the customer service address. If it is Shop America in Elk Grove Village, just hang up the phone. No sense being rude to the telemarketer, they don't work for the slimeball, they are more or less like me, slaving away at about $6/hr trying to support a family.
One more interesting thing: on about page 230, there is a list of things that you should do for general health, number 66 is "Do dianetics". Enough said, and if not, see for more information.
Final analyis: Although there are a great many things that are common sense and even generally helpful in the book, a lot of it is given over to useless conspiracy theory, useless repetition of emotional hype and triggers, and promotion of his website . And the (if vague) helpful advice he gives is severely outweighed by the dangerous advice he gives: don't see any doctors, especially shrinks, among other things.
All in all, it's a great book for that kitchen table that keeps wobbling: just stick it under the short leg ;)
"Eon" by Greg Bear
Very good book. This is a sci-fi thriller of sorts, written in 1985, takes place about now actually. It's about this asteroid that suddenly appears in Earth's orbit, and the science team that has to go up and investigate it. It's hollow, and there are seven chambers. Two of the chambers have cities inside them -- all deserted. In one of the cities there's this library with records of a war that takes place in the not too distant future. The other city is much more futuristic. The other chambers are fairly mundain (except for some futuristic "machinery" in the sixth chamber). And the then there is the seventh chamber....
I definitely recommend this one to read ;)
Well, I have too much to do and not nearly enough time to do it in, and I have work tomorrow *sigh*. So, ttfn
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
04:46pm 17/11/2004 |
Well here we are again. Another pretty much uneventful day. Not sure what do to fo fill up the hours.... any takers? lol
I re-checked out Risen Empire from the library on my lunch break... i accidentally returned it when i returned War of Honor -- i had meant to return Bias, but hey. Ad least there isn't a charge for the Good Ol' Library :-D (nevermind that Bias was overdue and i had to pay ten cents :-P ). One of the other perks i have for working at this crappy telemarketer. O god, i am so pathetic -- somebody fucking shoot me!
Despite all that I have been in remarkably good mood in the last few weeks. I haven't had any Yohimbe since i started my job at West, and haven't been battling depression like i thought i would be. So I'm just going to stop taking it for a while. Hopefully a long while.
Well, there are some things i need to catch up on; maybe even register for classes for this spring -- since i have tuesday off and i might just drop working thursdays... this is the part time job i wanted so i can go to school full time... I hope i can finagle the schedule in time.
well, ttfn
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
04:46pm 15/11/2004 |
Long time no see. I took a small hiatus to read the honor herrington series. Very good read. AND ITS NOT COMEPLETE DAMNIT!! I can't wait for the next book to come out. *sigh* well i guess its a while away. Oh well, now i am out of stuff to read.
I joined this yahoo group: VirginiaIsForLovers -- there are a lot of poeple from my are in it. Pretty cool and all.
I guess I'm going to spend some time catching up with my internet life. ttfn.
-t. |
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Books |
05:53pm 28/10/2004 |
mood: contemplative
Integral Trees
Wow... an interesting book to be sure.... If you are a Larry Niven fan this is a must read. I got it at the library for fifty-cents. Yes, it was on the "expire" shelf. Not a bad price. I got four books for $2.00; hardbacks even. Such an interesting world, these integral trees.... East takes you out, out leads you west, west brings you in, in takes you East. Such an interesting place indeed... Imagine a world of nothing but air, shaped like a donut. A gas envelope in the form of a torus surrounding the burnt out companion to a star. And inside grow thee massive trees, a hundred kilometers long, with foliage only at the outer two ends; shaped like big integral signs because of the prevailing winds.... interesting indeed.
But I digress. As I said, if you are a Larry Niven fan, you should read it. I guess it was one of the buildups for his 'ringworld' series; the sheer size of this world... I can't remember exactly; about 9 million times the volume of earth.... And sparsely settled due to various reasons -- not the leas of which is the sparsity of technology.... Anyway, you should pick the book up.
Honor Herrington
I am as giddy as a schoolgirl -- yes! I actually let out a squeal! -- when i finally popped in the CD that came with my other library book -- this one i checked out in the typical fashion. Book 12 or something like that in the Honor Herrington series. I'm not sure exactly which book because I've only read 1,2, and 4. I read book four after finding it in the trash dump at work -- perfect condition hardback, not even a stain! -- and I've been hooked ever since. Someday I plan to own the whole series. No, I am not going to pilfer the book from the library. Don't have too. The kind souls at believe in information sharing! weeeee! So in the back is the complete series on CD!!! And on the CD it states: This disk and its contents may be copied and shared, but not sold. Those guys ROCK! You can download the first two books entire from the website. -- David Webber, Honor Herrington series, first book is "On Basilisk Station". I can't wait; I'm going to start reading the third book now.... I am tempted to put the HTML books on my website, but its an angelfire site; they might not understand that some people believe in the file-sharing strategy.....
"Bias", by Bernard Goldberg
But first, a small review. Well, We all know that there is a left-tilt in the "mainstream" news. Its no secret. But of course the journalists never see it. And this is what that book is about. It is written from the point of view of a self-confessed liberal who is fed up with the leftist bias that is masquerading as straight, honest news.
No disrespect Mr. Goldberg (indeed quite the opposite, you deserve much kudos for "blowing the whistle" like this), but the book leaves much to be desired if you are looking for hard facts. The focus is almost entirely on an outrageous editorial that masked itself as a hard news story and Mr. Goldberg's rebuttal to the biases contained therein as published by his editorial letter to "The Wall Street Journal", and the following aftermath to his career. The entire editorial (as well as some of the encouraging replies he got about it) is in the back. Very well put. But as i said, if you are looking for hard facts, well... skimming and speed reading will prove to be essential. Mr. Goldberg takes far too much time ranting. It is hard to pick out his leftist leaning (which is indeed a credit to his profession) -- I think he stated it somewhere, and a few choice phrases kinda give it away -- but he keeps going over the main point over and over and over in a way that is not... argumentatively concise. Here it is in a nutshell:
The "mainstream" media has a leftist bias. It is not a conspiracy as a lot of right-wingers would posit. It is simply because the journalists all have a leftist bias, and they hang out with leftist friends, and it never crosses their mind that any viewpoint even slightly right of center may be reasonable. Ergo, any conservative viewpoint is pictured and depicted as "right wing extremist" and just plain nuts. It is because they do not have any conservative viewpoints inside the newsrooms that they never see anything odd about their own biases, even when it leaks into the news. I could (and will, someday) provide all the points that the book digs up (the blatant ones at any rate), but suffice it to say that Dan Rather's acceptance at face value certain documents that later proved to be fake concerning President Bush's "desertion" makes the point well enough I think. I saw an article headline that underlined the point: Dan's liberal biases made him accept the documents as fact when he should have checked into their veracity. We all do it, and so I can't really fault Dan for this: how many times have you heard something in passing that was in line with your way of thinking and you just repeated it as gospel? Even though he should be held to a higher standard because he is "giving us the straight scoop, he should ascertain that it is indeed the straight scoop beforehand", I just can't fault him for it. We're all human, and we make these kinds of mistakes. Its a fundamental part of the human condition. If those documents had made the case that Mr. Bush did indeed serve his time when he was supposed to, you would have bent over backwards to try to discredit them, and even if that proved futile, you would have cited the documents as "alleged" or used some other phraseology to indicate that they should not be taken at face value until further inspection had been made.... So what I do fault Dan for is the fact that he still doesn't think that he (or anyone else in the news business) lets his or her liberal bias (which doesn't exist in the first place, right?) affect the way they present the news. Cummon, Dan, who are you trying to kid?
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
01:50pm 28/10/2004 |
Well, I went down to that telemarketer... applied for Elite Sales... appearently I'm not sleazy enough. They have some sort of "sales aptitude test" that i didn't score high enough on.... I will have to do research on it and lie my ass off for it. Enough said.
I really should get some sleep....
Still working on that project. I am almost ready to start adding users and making queries. Almost. Just a few more details to hide behind the implementation. Two more days.
Happy Halloween.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
10:30pm 27/10/2004 |
mood: depressed music: silence
Yeah, i know its been a while. I know I'm stuck in a rut.... I need to get myself out of it. I can't seem to summon the willpower to do anything....
Well, tonight I email that one guy and see if he can fish any decent work for me... tommorrow I go back to that telemarketer i worked at two years ago. So tomight I must get in bed at a reasonable hour.
I keep sleeping all day. I would say I don't know whats wrong with me, but that would be a lie. I know exactly whats wrong. I have stopped being manic depressive a long time ago and am now just plan depressed.
Oh well, I have no time left for anything. What ever I may be feeling, whateer I wanted out of life, whatever dreams I may have held; it all takes a back seat to "I have a daughter to feed".
And about that project I thought about bidding on... forget it. I got to the point in the perl code where i had to massivly refactor and split it down to smaller objects. I can no longer wrap my head around the code. I'll keep working on it, simply because its my escape, but I have to put it aside and concentrate on survival.
Life swucks, get a fucking helmet.
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
05:27pm 20/10/2004 |
mood: distressed
Freedom. Yippee.
Today I have been liberated from the mind numbing work conditions i used to slave away under. I no longer have to bitch about cleaning parts, or that I can't think straight while doing mindless routines, or that my mind has shut down once it is time to go home....
The only real problem of course is I am once again unemployed.
Ok; so I have a few options in front of me, and zero time to explore them. I can make another attempt at the conventional job market; resumes, interviews, et al (which of course includes hitting up all the temp services I'm applied at to see if they have anything at all); well, ok, i have only that option. The others within the realm of possibility are just picking up my two possessions and leaving back to kansas and live with my dad for a little while....
Fucking shit.... this completely blows going to school out of the water too. Why is it that i always fuck myself over when it comes to something important? why can't i just get my fucking ass out of bed in the morning?
bleh; today sucks. I really want to spend some money and get out of the house.... I want to get trashed,,,, or stoned.... but being as how i have no job, that wouldn't be prudent.
west (cough gag and wheeeze)
That one temp service that Jenny told me about last friday or saturday night....
I Need to Update My Resume
I also need to go to CTR and hand in my badge.... and then the next day go back to get my check... second to the last one; the last one is going to be absolutely dismal.
Maybe i should finish out this week by working at Labor Ready... it sonly 5.50 an hour, but it might buy me some more leeway....
ok, 300 in the bank; 300 check friday... 70 last check; that covers rent and insurance (my half of the bills) giving me 70 to find another job.... fuck; that will almost be eaten up by gas and cigarettes.... hhhmmm...
fuck, i cant think straight right now... I'm going to lay down for a bit and try to redo my resume tonight; maybe i can have it done by tommorrow and print it out at the library....
-t. |
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Dear Journal |
08:51pm 18/10/2004 |
mood: accomplished
Star Dragon
Well, i finished the book i got yesterday at the library. Star Dragon. Interesting concept, poor authorship. It was very weird to read. I guess had I read what it was about before grabbing it out of exasperation and dragging my over-rambunctious four year old to head out of the library, i would have put it back down. I should read more books without any preknoledge -- it was actually kinda fun. But anyway, now that book is done. I shall get another one tomorrow I guess and put off reading it till i finish the other one i got: Arrogance. Its the "sequal" to Bias, which i have not read, but heard a lot about. I'll probably ramble about that one in due time.
well, tahts all for now; until later.
-t. |
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